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The composition of the organic compounds of the seminal fluid, pH values and osmolalities were investigated in three cyprinid species, the bleak ( Alburnus alburnus ), the chub ( Leuciscus cephalus ) and the zaehrte ( Vimba vimba ). The seminal fluid contains monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, galactose, xylose), lipids (cholesterol, fatty acids, phosphatidylcholine, glycolipids) and proteins, and exhibits activities of acid phosphatase, β-glucuronidase, proteases and to some extent of alkaline phosphatase. The composition of free amino acids reveals species specific differences.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscopy, enzyme-histochemistry thin-layer chromatrography and photometry the functions of the spermatic ducts in salmonid fishes (rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss , Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus ; grayling, Thymallus thymallus ; whitefish, Coregonus sp.) were investigated. During spawning the spermatic duct of the Salmonidae has a high secretory activity: it synthesizes steroids, lipids (triglycerides, fatty acids, cholesterol esters, phosphatidylcholine), monosaccharides (glucose, fructose), proteins and enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatase, glucuronidase and proteases). It is important for storage and resorption of spermatozoa. Interspecific differences exist in the storage capacity for semen.  相似文献   

The spermatic ducts and the testicular efferent ducts were investigated in different marine teleost fish species (Diplodus sargus, Mullus barbatus, Thalassoma pavo, Trachinus draco, Uranuscopus scaber, Sparisoma cretense, Synodon saurus). From the morphological, histological, fine structural and biochemical investigations it appeared that the testicular main ducts and spermatic ducts of the investigated marine fish have the following functions: storage of spermatozoa, monosacharide synthesis for nutrition of spermatozoa, synthesis of steroid glucuronides, synthesis of seminal plasma proteins, formation of a ionic gradient in the seminal fluid and phagocytotic activity. Species-specific differences were only found in the morphology of the gonads and in the histology of the spermatic duct epithelium.  相似文献   

J. Kuo  J. S. Pate 《Planta》1985,166(1):15-27
The cowpea bears two distinctive types of extrafloral nectaries. One, on the stipels of trifoliolate leaves, consists of a loosely demarcated abaxial area (1–2 mm diameter) of widely-spaced trichomes (papillae) borne on a stomata-free epidermis, and lacking a specific vascular supply. Each trichome has up to eight apical (head) cells, two to four intermediate cells, and a single large stalk cell. The secretory faces of the apical cells bear wall ingrowths and an easily detached cuticle. The wall separating the stalk cell and the underlying epidermal cell(s) has a mean plamodesmatal frequency of 25/m2. The second type of nectary consists of a large elliptical mound of tissue (short and long axes about 2 mm and 4 mm) formed between a pair of flowers on an inflorescence stalk. It comprises four to eight cone-shaped subnits of secretory tissue, each with a circular secretory orifice and an individual supply of phloem, but not of xylem. Cells of the secretory tissue of the nectary subunits separate as they mature, and nectar flows to the orifice through the resulting intercellular spaces. Intact secretory cells and cellular debris are extruded into the nectar. Some of the sieve elements terminating in the inner secretory tissue exhibit open sieve pores. Each mature secretory cell contains many small (2 m diameter) spherical protein bodies and one to three large (up to 2–3 m diameter 15 m long), paracrystalline bodies. These inclusions are absent or not fully developed in inner, less mature regions of the secretory tissue. Mechanisms of secretion are proposed for the two classes of nectary, including estimates of flux of sugar into the trichomes of the stipel nectary.  相似文献   

Population subdivision into behaviorally cohesive kin groups influences rates of inbreeding and genetic drift and has important implications for the evolution of social behavior. Here we report the results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that harem social structure promotes inbreeding and genetic subdivision in a population with overlapping generations. Genetic consequences of harem social structure were investigated in a natural population of a highly polygynous fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in western India. The partitioning of genetic variance within and among breeding groups was assessed using 10-locus microsatellite genotypes for 431 individually marked bats. Genetic analysis of the C. sphinx study population was integrated with field data on demography and social structure to determine the specific ways in which mating, dispersal, and new social group formation influenced population genetic structure. Microsatellite data revealed striking contrasts in genetic structure between consecutive offspring cohorts and between generations. Relative to the 1998 (dry-season) offspring cohort, the 1997 (wet-season) cohort was characterized by a more extensive degree of within-group heterozygote excess (F(IS) = -0.164 vs. -0.050), a greater degree of among-group subdivision (F(ST) = 0.123 vs. 0.008), and higher average within-group relatedness (r = 0.251 vs. 0.017). Differences in genetic structure between the two offspring cohorts were attributable to seasonal differences in the number and proportional representation of male parents. Relative to adult age-classes, offspring cohorts were characterized by more extensive departures from allelic and genotypic equilibria and a greater degree of genetic subdivision. Generational differences in F-statistics indicated that genetic structuring of offspring cohorts was randomized by natal dispersal prior to recruitment into the breeding population. Low relatedness among harem females (r = 0.002-0.005) was primarily attributable to high rates of natal dispersal and low rates of juvenile survivorship. Kin selection is therefore an unlikely explanation for the formation and maintenance of behaviorally cohesive breeding groups in this highly social mammal.  相似文献   

Cichlids of the genus Oreochromis are fish of economic importance in African countries. They tolerate brackish water, however, with great variations between species. In this work, two species, both from the Ivory Coast but of different origins, O. niloticus (field and laboratory strains) and O. aureus (field strain) were compared during osmotic challenges (10, 20 and 30%o salinity) in order to provide physiological support for their specific behaviour when confronted with natural hypertonic environments. Tolerance to salinity was assessed by correlated observations on gill structure, plasma sodium levels and gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity. In fresh water (FW), all fish presented a gill epithelium structure characteristic of FW stenohaline fish: no chloride cells (CC) on the lamellae and few CC on the filaments. An increase in external salinity induced the proliferation of CC on filaments, a feature typical of seawater teleosts. This change in gill structure was accompanied by an increase of gill Na+/K+ ATPase activity. In the most tolerant strains, plasma Na+ did not change, indicating successful ion regulation in the hypertonic media. With regard to potential interest of field strains in fish culture, O. aureus acclimated more easily to brackish water than O. niloticus . Interestingly, O. niloticus , kept for several generations in the laboratory, performed best in our challenge studies. Plasma Na+ levels and gill CC proliferation upon transfer to an isotonic medium may be the parameters of choice when testing these fish for their response to a salinity change.  相似文献   

Y. B. Ho 《Hydrobiologia》1979,63(2):161-166
The chlorophyll, ash, carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus levels in seven species of freshwater macrophytes (Juncus effusus L., Iris pseudacorus L., Carex rostrata Stokes, Glyceria maxima (Hartm.) Holmberg, Nuphar lutea (L) Sm., Polygonum amphibium L. and Schoenoplectus lacustris (L) Pallas) in three Scottish lochs of different trophic levels were studied during 1975. Mean chlorophyll levels varied from a minimum of 1.73 mg g–1 dry weight in Balgavies Loch Juncus to 10.22 mg g–1 dry weight for Forfar Loch Iris. Carbon contents ranged from 450 to 520 mg g–1 ash-free dry weight. For ash, nitrogen and phosphorus, significant differences in mean concentrations were detected among plant species as well as within one plant species growing in different lochs. Positive correlations were apparent between the degree of eutrophication in the study areas and the amount of ash, phosphorus and nitrogen present in the plants growing in them.  相似文献   

在多次调查的基础上,对四川大相岭自然保护区珙桐(Davidia involucrata)群落的植物区系组成、群落结构、更新现状以及群落演替进行了探究。结果表明:(1)大相岭自然保护区的植被为亚热带向温带过渡的区系类型,大量古老孑遗属的存在反映出珙桐群落植物区系的孑遗性和古老性。(2)群落整体径级结构呈偏正态分布型,高度级结构呈倒J型,群落结构发展趋势较为稳定。(3)大相岭自然保护区珙桐种群整体年龄结构近似呈金字塔型,为增长型种群。总体来说,珙桐纯林(C类型群落)搭配优势度最优,处于后期稳定型演替阶段,是大相岭自然保护区珙桐群落中的顶极群落。研究认为,设立专门的珙桐保护区开展就地保护是针对此类珙桐原生群落有效的保护方法。  相似文献   

Glossiphonia heteroclita has paired ovaries whose shape and dimensions change as oogenesis proceeds: during early previtellogenesis they are small and club-shaped, whereas during vitellogenesis they broaden and elongate considerably. During early oogenesis (previtellogenesis), each ovary is composed of an outer envelope (ovisac) that surrounds the ovary cavity and is filled with hemocoelomic fluid, in which a single and very convoluted ovary cord is bathed. The ovary cord consists of germline cells, including nurse cells and young oocytes surrounded by a layer of elongated follicle cells. Additionally, follicle cells with long cytoplasmic projections occur inside the ovary cord, where they separate germ cells from each other. The ovary cord contains thousands of nurse cells. Each nurse cell has one intercellular bridge, connecting it to a central anucleate cytoplasmic mass, the cytophore (rachis); it in turn is connected by one intercellular bridge with each growing oocyte. Numerous mitochondria, RER cisternae, ribosomes, and Golgi complexes are transported from the nurse cells, via the intercellular bridge and cytophore, to the growing oocytes. Oogenesis in G. heteroclita is synchronous with all oocytes in the ovary in the same stage of oogenesis. The youngest observed oocytes are slightly larger than nurse cells, and usually occupy the periphery of the ovary cord. As previtellogenesis proceeds, the oocytes gather a vast amount of cell organelles and become more voluminous. As a result, in late previtellogenesis the oocytes gradually protrude into the ovary cavity. Simultaneously with oocyte growth, the follicle cells differentiate into two subpopulations. The morphology of the follicle cells surrounding the nurse cells and penetrating the ovary cord does not change, whereas those enveloping the growing oocytes become more voluminous. Their plasma membrane invaginates deeply, forming numerous broad vesicles that eventually seem to form channels or conducts through which the hemocoelomic fluid can easily access the growing oocytes.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the nervous systems of a number of organisms in different phyla are examined at the recombinant DNA, protein, neuroanatomic, neurophysiological, and cognitive levels. Among the invertebrates, special attention is paid to the advantages as well as the shortcomings of the fly Drosophila melanogaster, the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, the honey bee Apis mellifera, the sea hare Aplysia californica, the octopus Octopus vulgaris, and the squid Loligo pealei. Among vertebrates, the focus is on Homo sapiens, the mouse Mus musculus, the rat Rattus norvegicus, the cat Felis catus, the macaque monkey Macaca fascicularis, the barn owl Tyto alba, and the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio. Vertebrate nervous systems have also been compared in fossil vs. extant organism. I conclude that complex nervous systems arose in the Early Cambrian via a big bang that was underpinned by a modular method of construction involving massive pleiotropy of gene circuits. This rapidity of construction had enormous implications for the degrees of freedom that were subsequently available to evolving nervous systems. I also conclude that at the level of neuronal populations and interactions of neuropiles there is no model system between phyla except at the basic macromolecular level. Further, I argue that to achieve a significant understanding of the functions of extant nervous systems we need to concentrate on fewer organisms in greater depth and manipulate genomes via transgenic technologies to understand the behavioral outputs that are possible from an organism. Finally, I analyze the concepts of “perceptual categorization” and “information processing” and the difficulties involved in the extrapolation of computer analogies to sophisticated nervous systems. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Variance in reproductive success is a primary determinant of genetically effective population size (Ne), and thus has important implications for the role of genetic drift in the evolutionary dynamics of animal taxa characterized by polygynous mating systems. Here we report the results of a study designed to test the hypothesis that polygynous mating results in significantly reduced Ne in an age-structured population. This hypothesis was tested in a natural population of a harem-forming fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae), in western India. The influence of the mating system on the ratio of variance Ne to adult census number (N) was assessed using a mathematical model designed for age-structured populations that incorporated demographic and genetic data. Male mating success was assessed by means of direct and indirect paternity analysis using 10-locus microsatellite genotypes of adults and progeny from two consecutive breeding periods (n = 431 individually marked bats). Combined results from both analyses were used to infer the effective number of male parents in each breeding period. The relative proportion of successfully reproducing males and the size distribution of paternal sibships comprising each offspring cohort revealed an extremely high within-season variance in male mating success (up to 9.2 times higher than Poisson expectation). The resultant estimate of Ne/N for the C. sphinx study population was 0.42. As a result of polygynous mating, the predicted rate of drift (1/2Ne per generation) was 17.6% higher than expected from a Poisson distribution of male mating success. However, the estimated Ne/N was well within the 0.25-0.75 range expected for age-structured populations under normal demographic conditions. The life-history schedule of C. sphinx is characterized by a disproportionately short sexual maturation period scaled to adult life span. Consequently, the influence of polygynous mating on Ne/N is mitigated by the extensive overlap of generations. In C. sphinx, turnover of breeding males between seasons ensures a broader sampling of the adult male gamete pool than expected from the variance in mating success within a single breeding period.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic population structure of the sexually transmitted plant pathogen, the fungus Microbotryum violaceum, on the two closely related host species Silene latifolia and S. dioica using microsatellite markers. We found strong deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations, with significant heterozygote deficiency in almost all populations. Fungal strains from the two host species were differentiated, and these host races differed in amount of variation within populations and differentiation among populations. Anther smut from S. latifolia harboured significantly less microsatellite diversity and were more genetically differentiated from each other than those from S. dioica. Small effective population sizes, rapid population turnover, and less gene flow among populations could lead to this higher population differentiation and lower within population genetic diversity for anther smut populations on S. latifolia than on S. dioica. These results are in concordance with host ecology because S. latifolia grows in more disturbed habitats than S. dioica and may provide a shorter-lived host environment.  相似文献   

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