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The 5'' end group of tobacco mosaic virus RNA is m7G5'' ppp5'' Gp.   总被引:16,自引:9,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
RNA extracted from CsC1-purified virions of tobacco mosaic virus is shown to give rise to an unusual nucleotide on digestion which RNAase T2, in addition to the four major nucleotides. This minor component has the electrophoretic characteristics of a phosphorylated end group, but is partially resistant to bacterial alkaline phosphatase. It is, however, a substrate for venom phosphodiesterase or nucleotide pyrophosphatase, yielding products which imply the structure m7G5'ppp5'Gp. TMV RNA, like many animal cellular and viral mRNAs recently examined, therefore has a 5' terminus blocked by a methylated nucleotide inverted with respect to the rest of the chain.  相似文献   

Sequence of 1000 nucleotides at the 3'' end of tobacco mosaic virus RNA.   总被引:32,自引:16,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
The sequence of 1000 nucleotides at the 3' end of tobacco mosaic virus RNA has been determined. The sequence contains the entire coat protein cistron as well as regions to its left and right. Sequence characterization was by conventional methods for use with uniformly 32P labeled RNA complemented by newer methods for in vitro 5' and 3' 32P end-labeling of RNA and its subsequent rapid analysis. The noncoding region separating the coat protein cistron from the 3' terminus is 204 residues long and may be folded into a clover-leaf-type secondary structure. The distribution of termination codons to the left of the coat protein cistron suggests that the end of the adjacent cistron is separated from the beginning of the coat protein cistron by only two nucleotides. The subgenomic viral coat protein mRNA was isolated from infected tissue and shown to be capped. The nontranslated sequence separating the cap from the AUG initiation codon is 9 residues long and thus overlaps a portion of the adjacent cistron on the genome RNA.  相似文献   

The RNA of satellite tobacco necrosis virus (STNV) is a monocistronic messenger that lacks both a 5' cap structure and a 3' poly(A) tail. We show that in a cell-free translation system derived from wheat germ, STNV RNA lacking the 600-nucleotide trailer is translated an order of magnitude less efficiently than full-size RNA. Deletion analyses positioned the translational enhancer domain (TED) within a conserved hairpin structure immediately downstream from the coat protein cistron. TED enhances translation when fused to a heterologous mRNA, but the level of enhancement depends on the nature of the 5' untranslated sequence and is maximal in combination with the STNV leader. The STNV leader and TED have two regions of complementarity. One of the complementary regions in TED resembles picornavirus box A, which is involved in cap-independent translation but which is located upstream of the coding region.  相似文献   

RNA 3 of alfalfa mosaic virus (AIMV) encodes the movement protein P3 and the viral coat protein which is translated from the subgenomic RNA 4. The 5'-leader sequences of RNA 3 of AIMV strains S, A, and Y differ in length from 314 to 392 nucleotides and contain a variable number of internal control regions of type 2 (ICR2 motifs) each located in a 27 nt repeat. Infectious cDNA clones were used to exchange the leader sequences of the three strains. This revealed that the leader sequence controls the specific ratio in which RNAs 3 and 4 are synthesized for each strain. In addition, it specifies strain specific differences in the kinetics of P3 accumulation in plants. Subsequent deletion analysis revealed that a 5'-sequence of 112 nt containing one ICR2 motif was sufficient for a 10 to 20% level of RNA 3 accumulation in protoplasts and a delayed accumulation in plants. An additional leader sequence of maximally 114 nt, containing two ICR2 motifs, was required to permit wildtype levels of RNA 3 accumulation. The effect of deletions in the leader sequence on P3 synthesis in vitro and in vivo was investigated.  相似文献   

We have constructed 24 deletion mutants which contain deletions of from 1 to 15 nucleotides in the 5' nontranslated region of Sindbis virus RNA and tested the effect of these mutations on virus replication. The results showed that the first 44 nucleotides, which are capable of forming a hairpin structure, are important for virus replication, as all deletions tested in this region were either lethal or resulted in virus that grew poorly in comparison to the parental virus. Many of these deletions had different effects in mosquito cells than in chicken cells, suggesting that cellular factors, presumably proteins, bind to this region. This domain may function in at least two processes in viral replication. It seems likely that in the minus strand, this sequence element is bound by the viral replicase and promotes RNA replication. In the plus strand, this element may modulate initiation of translation of the nonstructural proteins. The results suggest that the hairpin structure itself is important. All deletions within it had deleterious effects on virus replication, and in particular, deletion of one of the G residues at nucleotide 7 or 8 or of one of the C residues at nucleotide 36 or 37 which are theoretically base-paired with these G's resulted in temperature-sensitive viruses that behaved very similarly. In contrast, large deletions between the 44-nucleotide hairpin and the translation start site at nucleotides 60 to 62 resulted in virus that grew as well as or better than the parental virus in both chicken and mosquito cells. The A residue at position 5 of the HRSP strain used was examined in more detail. Deletion of this A was lethal, whereas substitution by G resulted in a virus that grew poorly, despite the fact that G is present at position 5 in the AR339 parent of HRSP. U at position 5 resulted in a virus that grew less well than the A5 strain but better than the G5 mutant.  相似文献   

A study of the secondary structures of the 5'-leader RNA sequences of avian leukosis/sarcoma viruses was conducted using phylogenetic sequence alignment, theoretical structures calculated from base-pairing interactions involving the calculated minimal delta G values, and RNaseT1 sensitivity. The results suggest that all of the avian retroviral RNA leaders may be able to adopt similar conformations. Open reading frames in the leader RNAs may be positioned to facilitate viral activities such as translation and packaging of the genomic RNA into virus particles.  相似文献   

Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA with a long 5'-terminal leader sequence, as well as its isolated leader fragment (called omega), can form disome initiation complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. The second ribosome of the disome complex is bound to the leader sequence, upstream of an 80S particle occupying the AUG-containing initiation site [ Filipowicz and Haenni (1979) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 76, 3111-3115; Konarska et al. (1981) Eur. J. Biochem. 114, 221-227]. In order to identify the parts of omega important for interaction with ribosomes, the 5'-terminally-labelled omega was treated with alkali and the resultant fragments of different lengths were used in binding experiments. A 16-nucleotide-long fragment bearing the AUU sequence at the 3' end is the shortest oligonucleotide capable of forming 80S complexes with wheat germ ribosomes. Full-length (73 nucleotides) omega with AUG at the 3' terminus is the only RNA fragment supporting disome complex formation. Synthetic oligoribonucleotides were prepared for a study of 80S complex assembly at codons other than AUG. Hexadecanucleotide (A) 13A -U-U and, to lesser extent, also (A) 13A -U-C, (A) 13A -U-A and (A) 13A -C-G bind 80S ribosomes. Formation of the (A) 13A -U-U X 80S complex is dependent on the presence of initiator Met- tRNAMerf . Assembly of the 80S particle at the AUU sequence is not an artifact resulting from the terminal position of this triplet. (A) 13A -U-U elongated with over 100 A residues still efficiently binds an 80S ribosome positioned, as established by ribosome protection experiments, at the AUU triplet. The present results support the notion that 80S initiation-like complexes can be formed at sequences containing AUU codons. The possible function of these complexes as intermediates in initiation of translation of some viral RNAs is discussed.  相似文献   

The 5'-untranslated region (5'-UTR) of RNA of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), called omega sequence, is known as an mRNA leader promoting efficient initiation of translation. The central part of the sequence consists of many CAA repeats, which were reported to be mainly responsible for the enhancing activity of the omega leader. In this work we synthesized the polyribonucleotides containing either the natural omega sequence or the regular (CAA)(n) sequence, and studied them using UV spectrophotometry and analytical ultracentrifugation methods. It was demonstrated that the polyribonucleotides manifest significant hypochromicity, cooperative melting of their structures upon heating, high melting temperature, and the sedimentation coefficients typical of compactly folded RNAs of this size. Thus, the omega leader and its core (CAA)(n) repeat sequence devoid of secondary structure of the Watson-Crick type seem to be well structured elements of mRNA.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence for the first 50 nucleotides at the 5' terminus of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) genome RNA. This sequence is identical to that of the in vitro RNA polymerase product synthesized by defective interfering (DI) particles of VSV. These results confirm previous conclusions rengarding DI and standard viral terminal sequences based on hybridization studies and earlier sequencing of the DI polymerase product RNA.  相似文献   

The replication of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) RNA involves synthesis of a negative-strand RNA using the genomic positive-strand RNA as a template, followed by the synthesis of positive-strand RNA on the negative-strand RNA templates. Intermediates of replication isolated from infected cells include completely double-stranded RNA (replicative form) and partly double-stranded and partly single-stranded RNA (replicative intermediate), but it is not known whether these structures are double-stranded or largely single-stranded in vivo. The synthesis of negative strands ceases before that of positive strands, and positive and negative strands may be synthesized by two different polymerases. The genomic-length negative strand also serves as a template for the synthesis of subgenomic mRNAs for the virus movement and coat proteins. Both the virus-encoded 126-kDa protein, which has amino-acid sequence motifs typical of methyltransferases and helicases, and the 183-kDa protein, which has additional motifs characteristic of RNA-dependent RNA polymerases, are required for efficient TMV RNA replication. Purified TMV RNA polymerase also contains a host protein serologically related to the RNA-binding subunit of the yeast translational initiation factor, eIF3. Study of Arabidopsis mutants defective in RNA replication indicates that at least two host proteins are needed for TMV RNA replication. The tomato resistance gene Tm-1 may also encode a mutant form of a host protein component of the TMV replicase. TMV replicase complexes are located on the endoplasmic reticulum in close association with the cytoskeleton in cytoplasmic bodies called viroplasms, which mature to produce 'X bodies'. Viroplasms are sites of both RNA replication and protein synthesis, and may provide compartments in which the various stages of the virus mutiplication cycle (protein synthesis, RNA replication, virus movement, encapsidation) are localized and coordinated. Membranes may also be important for the configuration of the replicase with respect to initiation of RNA synthesis, and synthesis and release of progeny single-stranded RNA.  相似文献   

Conditions were established for the introduction of both tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) RNAs into tobacco mesophyll protoplasts by electroporation. The proportion of infected protoplasts was quantified by staining with viral coat protein-specific antibodies conjugated to fluorescein isothiocyanate. Approximately 30–40% of the protoplasts survived electroporation. Under optimal conditions, up to 75% of these were infected with TMV-RNA. Successful infection was demonstrated in 19 out of 20 experiments. Optimal infection was achieved with several direct current pulses of 90 sec at a field strength of 5 to 10 kV/cm. Changing the position of the protoplasts within the chamber between electric pulses was essential for achievement of high rates of infection. Optimal viral RNA concentration was about 10 g/ml in a solution of 0.5 M mannitol without buffer salts.  相似文献   

The 5′-untranslated sequence of tobacco mosaic virus RNA — the so-called omega leader — exhibits features of a translational enhancer of homologous and heterologous mRNAs. The absence of guanylic residues, the presence of multiple trinucleotide CAA repeats in its central region, and the low predictable probability of the formation of an extensive secondary structure of the Watson-Crick type were reported as the peculiarities of the primary structure of the omega leader. In this work we performed chemical and enzymatic probing of the secondary structure of the omega leader. The isolated RNA comprising omega leader sequence was subjected to partial modifications with dimethyl sulfate and diethyl pyrocarbonate and partial hydrolyses with RNase A and RNase V1. The sites and the intensities of the modifications or the cleavages were detected and measured by the primer extension inhibition technique. The data obtained have demonstrated that RNase A, which attacks internucleotide bonds at the 3′ side of pyrimidine nucleotides, and diethyl pyrocarbonate, which modifies N7 of adenines not involved in stacking interactions, weakly affected the core region of omega leader sequence enriched with CAA-repeats, this directly indicating the existence of a stable spatial structure. The significant stability of the core region structure to RNase A and diethyl pyrocarbonate was accompanied by its complete resistance against RNase V1, which cleaves a polyribonucleotide chain involved in Watson-Crick double helices and generally all A-form RNA helices, thus being an evidence in favor of a non-Watson-Crick structure. The latter was confirmed by the full susceptibility of all adenines and cytosines of the omega polynucleotide chain to dimethyl sulfate, which exclusively modifies N1 of adenines and N3 of cytosines not involved in Watson-Crick interactions. Thus, our data have confirmed that (1) the regular (CAA)n sequence characteristic of the core region of the omega leader does form stable secondary structure, and (2) the structure formed is not the canonical double helix of the Watson-Crick type.  相似文献   

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