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Pre-existing neuronal pathways in the developing optic lobes of Drosophila   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have identified a set of larval neurones in the developing adult optic lobes of Drosophila by selectively labelling cells that have undergone only a few mitoses. A cluster of three cells is located in each of the optic lobes near the insertion site of the optic stalk. Their axons fasciculate with fibres of the larval optic nerve, the Bolwig's nerve, and then form part of the posterior optic tract. These cells are likely to be first order interneurones of the larval visual system. Unlike the Bolwig's nerve, they persist into the adult stage. The possibility of a pioneering function of the larval visual system during formation of the adult optic lobe neuropil is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The larval and early pupal development of the optic lobes in Drosophila is described qualitatively and quantitatively using [3H]thymidine autoradiography on 2-m plastic sections. The optic lobes develop from 30–40 precursor cells present in each hemisphere of the freshly hatched larva. During the first and second larval instars, these cells develop to neuroblasts arranged in two epithelial optic anlagen. In the third larval instar and in the early pupa these neuroblasts generate the cells of the imaginal optic lobes at discrete proliferation zones, which can be correlated with individual visual neuropils.The different neuropils as well as the repetitive elements of each neuropil are generated in a defined temporal sequence. Cells of the medulla are the first to become postmitotic with the onset of the third larval instar, followed by cells of the lobula complex and finally of the lamina at about the middle of the third instar. The elements of each neuropil connected to the most posterior part of the retina are generated first, elements corresponding to the most anterior retina are generated last.The proliferation pattern of neuroblasts into ganglion mother cells and ganglion cells is likely to include equal as well as unequal divisions of neuroblasts, followed by one or two generations of ganglion mother cells. For the lamina the proliferation pattern and its temporal coordination with the differentiation of the retina are shown.  相似文献   

Golgi staining of neuronal cell types in the optic lobe rudiments of adult eyeless flies of the sine oculis (so) mutant of Drosophila melanogaster reveals partial independence of optic lobe's development from compound eye formation. (1) Differentiation and maintenance of many neuronal cell types of medulla and lobular complex do not require innervation of the medulla from the retina and the lamina. Neurons derived from the outer and inner optic anlage have been found in adult eyeless flies. (2) The rudiments of ipsilateral medulla, lobula, and lobular plate are isotopically connected with each other. (3) Stratification of the lobular complex is retained. (4) Equivalent parts of the dorsal lobulae are connected by heterolateral small field neurons. (5) The shapes of many tangential neurons of the medulla show sprouting and compensatory innervation of the lobular complex. The basic results reported here for eyeless flies have many parallels in what is known about anophthalmic mice.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1797-1809
We show that the alpha-spectrin gene is essential for larval survival and development by characterizing several alpha-spectrin mutations in Drosophila. P-element minigene rescue and sequence analysis were used to identify the alpha-spectrin gene as the l(3)dre3 complementation group of the Dras-Roughened-ecdysoneless region of chromosome 3 (Sliter et al., 1988). Germ line transformants carrying an alpha-spectrin cDNA, whose expression is driven by the ubiquitin promoter, fully rescued the first to second instar lethality characteristic of the l(3)dre3 alleles. The molecular defects in two gamma-ray-induced alleles were identified. One of these mutations, which resulted in second instar lethality, contained a 73-bp deletion in alpha-spectrin segment 22 (starting at amino acid residue 2312), producing a premature stop codon between the two EF hands found in this segment. The second mutation, which resulted in first instar lethality, contained a 20 base pair deletion in the middle of segment 1 (at amino acid residue 92), resulting in a premature stop codon. Examination of the spectrin- deficient larvae revealed a loss of contact between epithelial cells of the gut and disruption of cell-substratum interactions. The most pronounced morphological change was seen in tissues of complex cellular architecture such as the middle midgut where a loss of cell contact between cup-shaped cuprophilic cells and neighboring interstitial cells was accompanied by disorganization of the cuprophilic cell brush borders. Our examination of spectrin deficient larvae suggests that an important role of non-erythroid spectrin is to stabilize cell to cell interactions that are critical for the maintenance of cell shape and subcellular organization within tissues.  相似文献   

The Anlage of the Drosophila visual system, called eye field, comprises a domain in the dorso-medial neurectoderm of the embryonic head and is defined by the expression of the early eye gene sine oculis (so). Beside the eye and optic lobe, the eye field gives rise to several neuroblasts that contribute their lineages to the central brain. Since so expression is only very short lived, the later development of these neuroblasts has so far been elusive. Using the P-element replacement technique [Genetics, 151 (1999) 1093] we generated a so-Gal4 line driving the reporter gene LacZ that perdures in the eye field derived cells throughout embryogenesis and into the larval period. This allowed us to reconstruct the morphogenetic movements of the eye field derived lineages, as well as the projection pattern of their neurons. The eye field produces a dorsal (Pc1/2) and a ventral (Pp3) group of three to four neuroblasts each. In addition, the target neurons of the larval eye, the optic lobe pioneers (OLPs) are derived from the eye field. The embryonically born (primary) neurons of the Pp3 lineages spread out at the inner surface of the optic lobe. Together with the OLPs, their axons project to the dorsal neuropile of the protocerebrum. Pp3 neuroblasts reassume expression of so-Gal4 in the larval period and produce secondary neurons whose axonal projection coincides with the pattern formed by the primary Pp3 neurons. Several other small clusters of neurons that originate from outside the eye field, but have axonal connections to the dorsal protocerebrum, also express so and are labeled by so-Gal4 driven LacZ. We discuss the dynamic pattern of the so-positive lineages as a tool to reconstruct the morphogenesis of the larval brain.  相似文献   

A quantitative three-dimensional model of the Drosophila optic lobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A big step in the neurobiology of Drosophila would be to establish a standard for brain anatomy to which to relate morphological, developmental and genetic data. We propose that only an average brain and its variance would be a biologically meaningful reference and have developed an averaging procedure. Here, we present a brief outline of this method and apply it to the optic lobes of Drosophila melanogaster wild-type Canton S. Whole adult brains are stained with a fluorescent neuropil marker and scanned with the confocal microscope. The resulting three-dimensional data sets are automatically aligned into a common coordinate system and intensity averages calculated. We use effect-size maps for the fast detection of differences between averages. For morphometric analysis, neuropil structures are labelled and superimposed to give a three-dimensional probabilistic map. In the present study, the method was applied to 66 optic lobes. We found their size, shape and position to be highly conserved between animals. Similarity was even higher between left and right optic lobes of the same animal. Sex differences were more pronounced. Female optic lobes were 6% larger than those of males. This value corresponds well with the higher number of ommatidia in females. As females have their additional ommatidia dorsally and ventrally, the additional neuropil in the medulla, lobula and lobula plate, accordingly, was found preferentially at these locations. For males, additional neuropil was found only at the posterior margin of the lobula. This finding supports the notion of male-specific neural processing in the lobula as described for muscid and calliphorid flies.  相似文献   

Summary We present a quantitative evaluation of Golgiimpregnated columnar neurons in the optic lobe of wildtype Drosophila melanogaster. This analysis reveals the overall connectivity pattern between the 10 neuropil layers of the medulla and demonstrates the existence of at least three major visual pathways. Pathway 1 connects medulla layer M10 to the lobula plate. Input layers of this pathway are M1 and M5. Pathway 2 connects M9 to shallow layers of the lobula, which in turn are tightly linked to the lobula plate. This pathway gets major input via M2. Pathways 1 and 2 receive input from retinula cells R1-6, either via the lamina monopolar cell L1 (terminating in M1 and M5) or via L2 and T1 (terminating in M2). Neurons of these pathways typically have small dendritic fields. We discuss evidence that pathways 1 and 2 may play a major role in motion detection. Pathway 3 connects M8 to deep layers of the lobula. In M8 information converges that is derived either from M3 (pathway 3a) or from M4 and M6 (pathway 3b), layers that get their major input from L3 and R8 or L4 and R7, respectively. Some neurons of pathway 3 have large dendritic fields. We suggest that they may be involved in the computation of form and colour. Possible analogies to the organization of pathways in the visual system of vertebrates are discussed.During the final editing of this work our friend A.P.M. Dittrich was tragically killed in an accident. Without him this and the previous work would never have been completed  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The locomotor activity patterns of wildtype Drosophila melanogaster and the mutants so (sine oculis) and sol (small optic lobes) were investigated. In all strains the proportions showing circadian rhythmicity, arrhythmicity and more complex patterns which could not be thus classified were similar. The occurrence of abnormal activity patterns is thus not a property of the mutation as previously claimed (Mack & Engelmann, 1981). In flies with a distinct circadian rhythmicity, the period lengths (τ) varied between strains, τ for wildtype Italy and the mutant so was longer than for wildtype Berlin and the mutant sol. As different τ's have been reported by others, τ does not seem to be closely determined for Drosophila melanogaster. Many flies exhibited two rhythms simultaneously, one with τ shorter and one with τ longer than 24 h, apparently implying two-oscillator control of the locomotor activity. The eyeless so mutants were entrained by LD cycles, so the compound eyes are not necessary, and so must possess the relevant photoreceptor(s) elsewhere. This may therefore also be true for the wildtype. Histology of the so adults revealed no correlation between the degree of reduction in the medulla and the occurrence of abnormal activity patterns. Since the only structures common to the medulla of so and sol are known to be large tangential cells, it is concluded that either they are of importance for the rhythmic system, or the oscillator(s) controlling locomotor activity is (are) not located in the medulla.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were isolated in a cell line of Drosophila melanogaster, GM1, by ethyl methanesulfate treatment. Two of them, ts15 and ts58, formed colonies at 23 degrees C but not at 30 degrees when inoculated at densities of/or less than 10(5) cells per 60 X 15-mm dish. By using these ts mutants, cell fusion was attempted with polyethylene glycol (PEG) 6000. Several colonies per dish developed at 30 degrees C when different ts mutants were mixed, treated with PEG, and inoculated at a density of 10(4) cells per dish. Cells in some of the colonies thus developed were propagated and their temperature-sensitive character and karyotypes were studied. The results indicated that cell fusion could be induced with PEG and that the cells which formed colonies at 30 degrees C after PEG treatment were the hybrids in which the temperature-sensitive lesions in the mutants were complemented.  相似文献   

Nutritional conditional mutants of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Drosophila larval coagulation factors have been identified in vitro. Better understanding of insect hemolymph coagulation calls for experiments in vivo. We have characterized a fondue (fon) mutation and null alleles isolated by imprecise excision of a transposable element. Loss of fon was pupal lethal, but adults could be recovered by expressing the UAS::fonGFP construct of Lindgren et al. (2008). Despite their lethality, fon mutations did not affect larval survival after wounding either when tested alone or in combination with a mutation in the hemolectin clotting factor gene. This reinforces the idea of redundant hemostatic mechanisms in Drosophila larvae, and independent pleiotropic functions of the fondue protein in coagulation and a vital process in metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Summary The status of de novo pyrimidine synthesis in the dp mutant of Drosophila melanogaster was examined by measuring the activity of the rate-limiting orotate phosphribosyl transferase (OPRT) enzyme. Activity is significantly elevated in late third instar larvae of 5 different dp mutant strains. A more detailed analysis of a dp ovc allele has shown that this elevation arises at about mid-larval life and persists until pupation.A low nucleotide diet causes a depression in OPRT activity in dp ovc larvae which can be reversed by dietary supplementation of uracil. However, neither the low nucleotide diet nor uracil supplementation results in a change in the expressivity of the dp mutant phenotypes.Changes in expressivity are produced by 6-azauracil and by elevated temperature although, in those cases, the effect on OPRT activity is minimal.The significance of the observations is discussed in relation to the role of pyrimidine biosynthesis in dp expressivity and chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Drosophila melanogaster which are defective in DNA synthesis have been identified among mutagen-sensitive stocks through analysis of both organ and cell cultures. A new procedure employing larval brain ganglia allows poorly fertile or sterile mutants to be analyzed for the first time. Parallel studies were performed in both tissues to establish the sensitivity of the new assay relative to that of the proven cell-culture assay. Damage was induced in the DNA of cultured cells with UV irradiation and in that of ganglial cells with the carcinogen N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene. Cultures were then pulse-labeled with 3H-thymidine, incubated in the absence of thymidine, and the newly synthesized DNA was analyzed by alkaline sucrose gradient centrifugation. The molecular weight of labeled DNA from mutant cells was compared with that from control cells to assess the effect of the mutant on DNA synthesis. Among 16 mutant stocks that were scanned in either or both tissues, seven show reductions in DNA synthesis using an undamaged template. Mutants at five different genetic loci [mus(2)205, mus(3)304, mus(3)308, mus(3)310 and mus(3)311] possess a reduced capacity to synthesize DNA on a UV-damaged template in primary cell cultures. Four of these five defects can also be detected in carcinogen-treated organ cultures. Two additional defects in postreplication repair were observed with the brainganglia assay in strains that cannot be assayed in cell culture [mus(1)108, mus(2)206].Abbreviations MMS methyl methanesulfonate - HN2 nitrogen mustard - AAF 2-acetylaminofluorene - AAAF N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide  相似文献   

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