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A handy sampler for collecting water from lakes, rivers and seas is described. The sampler consists of an exchangeable sample tube and a new sample-holding system. The system comprises an upper disk, a lower disk, a pair of arms with a guide pin and a semicircular arm guide with a groove. The water sample collected into the acryl tube is held without flow by a tight tube-closing system. Contamination of the sample by chemical and biological materials from the sample tube is minimized by exchanging the tube with a clean one at each sampling station. This new sampler is light, simple and useful for sampling of water from surface to bottom.  相似文献   

Massive movement of age-1 pikeperch under ice was observed in northern Lake Hiidenvesi. The size-distributions of age-0 and age-1 pikeperch in different basins showed the fish movement, either passive or active, c. 3 km from one basin to another.  相似文献   

The winter dynamics of several chemical, physical, and biological variables of a shallow, polymictic lake (Opinicon) are compared to those of a deep, nearby dimictic lake (Upper Rock) during ice cover (January to early April) in 1990 and 1991. Both lakes were weakly inversely thermally stratified. Dissolved oxygen concentration was at saturation (11–15 mg l−1) in the top 3 m layer, but declined to near anoxic levels near the sediments. Dissolved oxygen concentrations in the deep lake were at saturation in most of the water column and approached anoxic levels near the sediments only. Nutrient concentrations in both lakes were fairly high, and similar in both lakes during ice cover. Total phosphorus concentrations generally ranged between 10–20 μg l−1, NH4-N between 16–100 μg l−1, and DSi between 0.9–1.9 mg l−1; these concentrations fell within summer ranges. NO3-N concentrations were between 51–135 μg l−1 during ice cover, but occurred at trace concentrations (<0.002 μg l−1) during the summer. The winter phytoplankton community of both lakes was dominated by flagellates (cryptophytes, chrysophytes) and occasionally diatoms. Dinoflagellates, Cyanobacteria and green algae were poorly represented. Cryptophytes often occurred in fairly high proportions (20–80%) throughout the water column, whereas chrysophytes were more abundant just beneath the ice. Zooplankton population densities were extremely low during ice cover (compared to maximum densities measured in spring or summer) in both lakes, and were comprised largely of copepods.  相似文献   

In an attempt to assess bacterioplankton production and growth yieldunder low temperature conditions and to compare bacterioplankton withphytoplankton production in the ice-covered water column of the shallowNeusiedler See, outdoor measurements under near in situ conditions wereperformed during the winter of 1995/96. During the investigation period,mean chlorophyll (Chl) a concentration was 21.03 ± 14.95 µg Chla l-1. Phytoplankton primary production integrated over thewater column ranged from 1.35 to production integrated over the water columnranged from 1.35 to 4.23 mg C m-2 d-1 (mean± SD = 2.46 ± 1.06 mg C m-2d-1). Bacterial abundance varied from 20 to 40×105 ml-1 for most of the investigationperiod and increased by the end of March concomitantly with the increase intemperature from 1.3 to 6.3 °C within 5 days. Mean bacterial productionwas 15.3 ± 12.8 µg C l-1 d-1(range: 3.0 to 41.7 µg C l-1 d-1) and meanbacterial growth rate 0.23 ± 0.16 d-1 following closelythe pattern in bacterial production. DOC concentration declined linearlyfrom 20.7 mg C l-1 to 16.45 mg C l-1 over the 4months period of ice cover. The contribution of humic substances to thetotal DOC pool declined from 43.6% at the end of November to37.3% at the end of March. Calculated on an area basis, phytoplanktonproduction amounted to only 16% of bacterial production which makesit unlikely that phytoplankton supply substrate for bacterioplankton growthin significant quantities when the lake is ice covered. From the observeddecline in DOC over the investigation period and assuming only negligibleinput of DOC from other sources we calculated an average DOC uptake by thebacterioplankton community of 47.5 µg C l-1d-1 resulting in a bacterial growth efficiency of 15.9%for the ice covered conditions. Based on the growth efficiency we estimatethat pelagic primary production amounts to 2.8% of the bacterialcarbon demand. This might indicate that the bacterioplankton in NeusiedlerSee sustain their high growth rates at low temperatures (<2°C formost of the investigation period) by using probably the DOC originating fromthe previous season. This DOM stems most likely from the decay of the reedPhragmites australis and its epiphytes and, probably of minor importance,from phytoplankton leachates.  相似文献   

We studied the depth distribution and production of kelp along the Greenland coast spanning Arctic to sub‐Arctic conditions from 78 ºN to 64 ºN. This covers a wide range of sea ice conditions and water temperatures, with those presently realized in the south likely to move northwards in a warmer future. Kelp forests occurred along the entire latitudinal range, and their depth extension and production increased southwards presumably in response to longer annual ice‐free periods and higher water temperature. The depth limit of 10% kelp cover was 9–14 m at the northernmost sites (77–78 ºN) with only 94–133 ice‐free days per year, but extended to depths of 21–33 m further south (73 ºN–64 ºN) where >160 days per year were ice‐free, and annual production of Saccharina longicruris and S. latissima, measured as the size of the annual blade, ranged up to sevenfold among sites. The duration of the open‐water period, which integrates light and temperature conditions on an annual basis, was the best predictor (relative to summer water temperature) of kelp production along the latitude gradient, explaining up to 92% of the variation in depth extension and 80% of the variation in kelp production. In a decadal time series from a high Arctic site (74 ºN), inter‐annual variation in sea ice cover also explained a major part (up to 47%) of the variation in kelp production. Both spatial and temporal data sets thereby support the prediction that northern kelps will play a larger role in the coastal marine ecosystem in a warmer future as the length of the open‐water period increases. As kelps increase carbon‐flow and habitat diversity, an expansion of kelp forests may exert cascading effects on the coastal Arctic ecosystem.  相似文献   

A sampler for collection of interstitial water from wetland sediments is described. It differs from other sampling devices because it does not have to be filled with solution to facilitate diffusion, it does not have to be removed from the wetland to collect samples, and it can be used to draw repeated samples over time from identical locations. The device facilitates in situ measurement of a wide range of abiotic parameters such as electrical conductivity, redox potential, and pH in wetland sediments. The device has application in ecological investigations of sediment-borne wildlife diseases, studies of benthic invertebrates, measurement of nutrient exchange, and other aspects of wetland ecology.  相似文献   

Whitman  Richard L. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):531-533
An inexpensive, easily constructed apparatus for collecting interstitial water from sandy substrates is described and evaluated against two other devices. Results indicate that these samplers yield comparable dissolved oxygen determinations, but vary in terms of repeatability, efficiency, construction complexity and sturdiness.  相似文献   

Spectral transmittance signatures for a variety of freshwater ice types were collected in the 400–850 nm range. Clear ice showed the highest transmittances, snow-covered ice the lowest and other ice types intermediate transmittances. All of the ice spectral transmittance curves showed the same general shape with no mutually-exclusive characteristics exhibited by any ice type. The magnitude of the transmittance values was the primary distinguishing factor. The range of transmittance values directly under the ice was remarkably narrow (excluding snow-covered ice) and markedly different from values lower in the water column.  相似文献   

Activity and choice of areas offering different cover (substratum or surface ice) for juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar were studied in experimental stream channels during winter. Channels were completely ice covered between December and March. During this period, the ice thickness increased from 50 to 300 mm after which 50% of the ice was experimentally removed and followed by c. 2·5-fold increase in discharge to simulate the effects of spring flood. Large substrata provided preferred habitats but areas with small substratum sizes were also used when full surface ice provided above-stream cover and the stream discharge was relatively low. The fish remained nocturnal throughout the study but the level of day activity significantly increased as the surface ice became thicker. Maximum movement distance during a 24 h period and homing-at-dawn behaviour remained at a constant level throughout the main winter, but significantly changed during the simulated spring flood (mean ± s . e . maximum extent of movements within 24 h increased from 1·1 ± 0·1 to 3·0 ± 0·5 m; homing behaviour decreased from the highest level of 89·3 to 34·6% during spring flood). Overwinter survival was high (92·9%). Relative mass increase during the study ranged from –8·3 to 28·5%, and 84% of the juvenile Atlantic salmon gained mass. The highest rates of mass increase were associated with frequent movements between areas of different substratum size. The results indicate that during winter: (1) Atlantic salmon parr preferred large substratum cover compared with surface ice cover at the fish densities studied here, (2) juvenile Atlantic salmon were predominantly nocturnal but diurnal activity increased as surface ice became thicker and (3) increase in water discharge during spring altered the behaviour of juvenile Atlantic salmon and may have caused additional habitat shifts.  相似文献   

An ice-binding protein from an Antarctic sea ice bacterium   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An Antarctic sea ice bacterium of the Gram-negative genus Colwellia, strain SLW05, produces an extracellular substance that changes the morphology of growing ice. The active substance was identified as a approximately 25-kDa protein that was purified through its affinity for ice. The full gene sequence was determined and was found to encode a 253-amino acid protein with a calculated molecular mass of 26,350 Da. The predicted amino acid sequence is similar to predicted sequences of ice-binding proteins recently found in two species of sea ice diatoms and a species of snow mold. A recombinant ice-binding protein showed ice-binding activity and ice recrystallization inhibition activity. The protein is much smaller than bacterial ice-nucleating proteins and antifreeze proteins that have been previously described. The function of the protein is unknown but it may act as an ice recrystallization inhibitor to protect membranes in the frozen state.  相似文献   

High-resolution spectral scans of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) were obtained directly beneath the 4.0–5.0 m thick, perennial ice cover of Lake Hoare, South Victoria Land, Antarctica. Both UVA (320–400 nm) and UVB (280–320 nm) radiation were detectable beneath the ice using a diver-deployed, underwater scanning spectroradiometer which permitted accurate measurement in the 280–340 nm range, while avoiding effects of surface shading and/or hole effects. UVR at wavelengths <310 nm was not detectable below the ice. This lower wavelength UVB appears to penetrate the Lake Hoare ice to depths of no more than 1.5 m during relatively cloud-free austral summer days. Based upon estimated biologically effective UVR dosages and DNA dosimeter data, exposure of benthic and planktonic microbes to the UVR encountered immediately beneath the ice is unlikely to inhibit microbial metabolism. Although waters of oligotrophic antarctic lakes are highly transparent to UVR, the thick, high scattering and optically dense ice covers on many of these lakes offers organisms a degree of protection largely unavailable in temperate and tropical systems. Thinning or complete loss of these overlying ice covers is likely to have major consequences for the structure of antarctic lake microbial communities.  相似文献   

Hydrology and water balance of Lake Peipsi   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ago Jaani 《Hydrobiologia》1996,338(1-3):11-23
Lake Peipsi is a large (3558 km2) but shallow (up to 15.3 m deep) tripartite waterbody hydrologically investigated already since the 19th century. Surface discharge by rivers accounts for more than 80% of its water balance. The residental time of water is about two years in the whole lake but several times less in its shallower southern parts receiving the biggest rivers. The annual water regime is characterized by the highest water in spring, the average amplitude of yearly level fluctuations being 1.15 m. There are known long-term hydrological cycles of 80–90, about 22, 9–11, and even fewer years. Several temporary wind-dependent circular currents exist in the subsurface layers. Alternating transitional currents occur in the narrowest part of the lake. Five different periods are distinguishable in the annual thermic cycle. The duration of the stable ice cover is up to five months (December-April) in the shallower parts but a shorter time in the centre of the lake. The maximum surface temperature in July usually reaches 21–22°C in the open regions but considerably higher (up to 27–28°C in some years) on shallows. The unstable summer stratification is often disturbed by waves and currents. Biological summer, with surface temperatures over 10°C, lasts on an average 134 days.  相似文献   

We assessed the influence of ice-storm-derived debris dams on aquatic macroinvertebrates and stream substrates in a high-gradient watershed in the eastern Adirondack Mountains of New York State. Using a modification of electrofishing techniques, invertebrates were collected once before (June 2000) and once after (June 2001) wood removal from the downstream reach in each of six pairs of reaches (second and third-order streams). Stream substrates were also mapped in 2000 and 2001 to evaluate shifts in dominant substrates within a reach following wood removal. The following metrics were used to compare the invertebrate communities before and after wood removal: genera similarity, Shannon–Weiner equitability, taxa richness, dominant taxon, percent dominance and functional feeding group relative abundance. The changes in removal reaches were evaluated relative to changes in upstream reference reaches using a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design and analysis. Stream substrates did not change significantly in response to wood removal, although a trend toward coarser substrates was observed following removal. Following wood removal, the relative proportion of grazers increased upstream and downstream from removed dams in all streams; however, comparisons of other metrics indicated no significant response to removal. Invertebrate responses to wood removal were lower than expected, perhaps due to the presence of abundant boulder-formed pools in this high gradient system. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

A folding artificial substratum sampler for use in standing water   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A new easily retrieved folding artificial substratum sampler is described and its performance compared with that of trays in Cow Green Reservoir at a depth of 15–18 m.  相似文献   

Microbiota within the perennial ice cover of Lake Vida, Antarctica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lake Vida, located in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, is an 'ice-sealed' lake with approximately 19 m of ice covering a highly saline water column (approximately 245 ppt). The lower portions of the ice cover and the lake beneath have been isolated from the atmosphere and land for circa 2800 years. Analysis of microbial assemblages within the perennial ice cover of the lake revealed a diverse array of bacteria and eukarya. Bacterial and eukaryal denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis phylotype profile similarities were low (<59%) between all of the depths compared (five depths spanning 11 m of the ice cover), with the greatest differences occurring between surface and deep ice. The majority of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences in the surface ice were related to Actinobacteria (42%) while Gammaproteobacteria (52%) dominated the deep ice community. Comparisons of assemblage composition suggest differences in ice habitability and organismal origin in the upper and lower portions of ice cover. Specifically, the upper ice cover microbiota likely reflect the modern day transport and colonization of biota from the terrestrial landscape, whereas assemblages in the deeper ice are more likely to be persistent remnant biota that originated from the ancient liquid water column of the lake that froze.  相似文献   

Marine microbial eukaryotes play critical roles in planktonic food webs and have been described as most diverse in the photic zone where productivity is high. We used high‐throughput sequencing (HTS) to analyse the spatial distribution of planktonic ciliate diversity from shallow waters (<30 m depth) to beyond the continental shelf (>800 m depth) along a 163 km transect off the coast of New England, USA. We focus on ciliates in the subclasses Oligotrichia and Choreotrichia (class Spirotrichea), as these taxa are major components of marine food webs. We did not observe the decrease of diversity below the photic zone expected based on productivity and previous analyses. Instead, we saw an increase of diversity with depth. We also observed that the ciliate communities assessed by HTS cluster by depth layer and degree of water column stratification, suggesting that community assembly is driven by environmental factors. Across our samples, abundant OTUs tend to match previously characterized morphospecies while rare OTUs are more often undescribed, consistent with the idea that species in the rare biosphere remain to be characterized by microscopy. Finally, samples taken below the photic zone also reveal the prevalence of two uncharacterized (i.e. lacking sequenced morphospecies) clades – clusters X1 and X2 – that are enriched within the nano‐sized fraction (2–10 μm) and are defined by deletions within the region of the SSU‐rDNA analysed here. Together, these data reinforce that we still have much to learn about microbial diversity in marine ecosystems, especially in deep‐waters that may be a reservoir for rare species and uncharacterized taxa.  相似文献   

基于中高分辨率遥感的植被覆盖度时相变换方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
张喜旺  吴炳方 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1155-1164
植被覆盖度是衡量地表植被状况、指示生态环境变化的一个重要指标,也是许多学科的重要参数。传统的测量方法难以获取时间连续的面状数据,且耗时、耗力,很难大范围推广。遥感估算方法虽然可以弥补传统方法的不足,但由于云覆盖等天气条件的影响,获得同一时相覆盖整个研究区的遥感影像非常困难,时相的差异必然导致研究结果产生误差。针对植被覆盖度这一重要生态参数,结合低分辨率遥感数据的时间优势和中高分辨率遥感数据的空间优势,提出一种时相变换方法,将源于中高分辨率影像的植被覆盖度变换到研究需要的时相上。首先,利用像元二分模型计算MODIS尺度的时间序列植被覆盖度,并利用已经获得的SPOT影像计算其获取时相上的植被覆盖度;其次,利用土地利用图划分植被覆盖类型,并利用MODIS数据和土地利用数据之间的空间对应关系制作MODIS像元内各类植被覆盖的面积百分比数据;再次,利用面积百分比数据提取各类植被覆盖的纯像元,结合MODIS植被覆盖度时间序列,从而提取各类植被覆盖纯像元的植被覆盖度时间序列曲线;最后利用像元分解的方法提取MODIS像元内各类植被覆盖组分的植被覆盖度的变化规律,将其应用到该组分对应位置上SPOT像元的植被覆盖度上,从而将其变换到所需要的时相上。在密云水库上游进行试验,将覆盖研究区的10景SPOT5多光谱影像计算的植被覆盖度统一变换到7月上旬,结果显示:视觉效果上明显好转,且空间上连续一致;变换前后植被覆盖度的统计量对比结果也符合植被生长规律;利用外业样点数据与对应位置的植被覆盖度变换结果进行回归分析,结果发现各植被覆盖类型的R2均在0.8左右,表明变换结果与实测值非常接近,时相变换的效果较好,从而可以很好地促进相关研究精度的提高。  相似文献   

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