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Avian sleep is sensitive to thermal challenges. Brooding king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) defending a territory are exposed to wide daily fluctuations in ambient temperature and wind conditions. We studied the daytime behavioural time budget of 89 groups of territorial adults brooding a 1- to 5-week-old chick on Crozet Island during summer 1998. Scans were performed every 10 min and each bird was categorized as either active, resting or sleeping. Three ranges of ambient temperatures (T1=5-9°C, T2=10-13°C, T3=14-19°C) and wind conditions (calm-light, moderate, strong) were distinguished. Wind conditions did not affect the behavioural time budget of king penguins during summer. Resting, which represented about half of the daytime behavioural time budget, increased by 17% when ambient temperature increased from T1 to T3, mostly at the expense of active behaviours. The percentage of time spent sleeping was low, but was reduced by 66% when ambient temperature increased over 10°C. Thus, behavioural sleep was mainly observed in a range of temperatures within which resting metabolic rate of adult king penguins is minimal, i.e. between -1 and 11°C. It is also interesting to note that the range of ambient temperatures in which sleeping was high coincides with the most common microclimatology prevailing at the colony during summer, i.e. ambient temperatures between 5 and 10°C.  相似文献   

E. Challet  C.-A. Bost    Y. Handrich    J.-P. Gendner      Y. Le  Maho 《Journal of Zoology》1994,233(4):669-681
As do so many other seabirds, penguins fast when ashore for breeding. For penguins in dense colonies, territory defence seems to imply conflicting energetic requirements because of its assumed high energy cost, when the birds need to limit energy expenditure to cope with their fast. In this context, behavioural time budget over 24 h was investigated during breeding in the king penguin, Aptenodytes putugonicu , by using a remote-controlled videocamera. The comparison of day-night activity was performed in relation to breeding status (incubation vs. brooding) and duration of fasting (beginning vs. end of incubation shift). Five categories of behaviours were quantified: territoly defence, comfort, resting, sleeping and chick-feeding. Breeding king penguins remain active by day as well as by night. Between incubation and brooding we found a three-fold increase in the energy consuming temtory defence, together with a drastic decrease in that posture which corresponds to deep sleep, is. when most energy is saved. These increases in aggressiveness and vigilance may be related to protection of the newly hatched chick. Between the onset and the end of an incubation shift, the time spent in sleep increases three-fold, whereas territory defence remains unchanged. These data for penguins under natural conditions accord with previous studies on captive birds which have shown that an increasing proportion of sleep during the course of fasting may contribute to energy saving. On the other hand, both resting (which is the main component of penguins'time budget; about 65%) and comfort (about 16% of time) show no change either between incubation and brooding or during the course of fasting.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that penguins are sensitive to dimethyl sulphide (DMS), a scented airborne compound that a variety of marine animals use to find productive areas of the ocean where prey is likely to be found. Here we present data showing that king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus are also sensitive to DMS. We deployed DMS on a lake near a king penguin colony at Ratmanoff beach in the Kerguelen archipelago. We also presented DMS to ‘sleeping’ adults on the beach. On the lake, penguins responded to the DMS deployments by swimming more, while on the beach, penguins twitched their heads and woke up more for the DMS than for the control presentations. Interestingly, penguins did not respond to cod liver oil deployments on the lake; mirroring at‐sea studies of other penguins. Although at‐sea studies are needed to confirm that king penguins use DMS as a surface cue that informs them of productivity under the water, this study is an important first step in understanding how these birds locate prey over significant distances.  相似文献   

《Chronobiology international》2013,30(9):1192-1200
The assessment of diurnal preference, or the preferred timing of sleep and activity, is generally based on comprehensive questionnaires such as the Horne–Östberg (HÖ). The aim of the present study was to assess the reliability of a subject’s self-classification as extremely morning (Self-MM), more morning than evening (Self-M), more evening than morning (Self-E) or extremely evening (Self-EE) type, based on the last question of the HÖ (Self-ME). A convenience sample of 461 subjects [23.8?±?4.7 years; 322 females] completed a full sleep–wake assessment, including diurnal preference (HÖ), night sleep quality (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PSQI), daytime sleepiness (Karolinska Sleepiness Scale, KSS), and habitual sleep–wake timing (12?d sleep diaries; n?=?296). Significant differences in HÖ total score were observed between Self-ME classes, with each class being significantly different from neighboring classes (p?<?0.0001). Significant differences in sleep–wake timing (bed time, try to sleep and sleep onset, wake up, and get up time) were observed between Self-ME classes. Such differences were maintained when sleep–wake habits were analysed separately on work and free days, and also in a smaller group of 67 subjects who completed the Self-ME as a stand-alone rather than as part of the original questionnaire. Significant differences were observed in the time-course of subjective sleepiness by Self-ME class in both the large and the small group, with Self-MM and Self-M subjects being significantly more alert in the morning and sleepier in the evening hours compared with their Self-E and Self-EE counterparts. Finally, significant differences were observed in night sleep quality between Self-ME classes, with Self-EE/Self-E subjects sleeping worse than their Self-MM/Self-M counterparts, and averaging just over the abnormality PSQI threshold of 5. In conclusion, young, healthy adults can define their diurnal preference based on a single question (Self-ME) in a way that reflects their sleep–wake timing, their sleepiness levels over the daytime hours, and their night sleep quality. Validation of the Self-ME across the decades and in diseased populations seems worthy.  相似文献   

During the last decades, king penguin (Aptenodytes patagonicus) populations have been reported to increase throughout most of their breeding range. In this study, we compared the results obtained from direct counts of incubating king penguins with the results yielded by the estimation of the change in area occupied by breeding birds at the Ratmanoff king penguin colony at the Kerguelen Islands. The area of the colony was determined using a Geographical Information System with a georeferencing extension on aerial pictures taken in 1963, 1985 and 1998. Individual king penguin were counted on the same pictures or pictures taken on the same day. The overall population increase between 1963 and 1998 was 733% while the colony area increased by 677%. This study indicates that monitoring change in colony size is a good indicator for detecting and monitoring large population changes in king penguins, in particular for remote colonies. The discrepancy between the two results may be from two different kinds of bias. Firstly, there could be a possible error in the estimation of the area occupied by the colony resulting from the georeferencing of oblique pictures, and secondly, the density of king penguins may also change with population number. This method, which only requires high-altitude pictures, also reduces the possible disturbance to breeding made by low- to medium-altitude flights. Accepted: 7 February 2000  相似文献   

Although the majority of chinstrap penguins (Pygoscelis antarctica) inhabit the Scotia Arc, a minuscule population of ten breeding pairs has been reported several times from Chinstrap Islet, in the Balleny Islands, 5,000 km distant on the opposite side of Antarctica. An aerial photographic census (December 2000) reveals that the overall penguin population of the Balleny Islands has declined by 8% since the last census 16 years ago, while the combined populations of the two largest colonies, Chinstrap Islet and Sabrina Islet, have increased by 11%. A ground visit confirmed for the first time that chinstrap penguins also breed on Sabrina Islet, occupying 20-24 nests on the margins of the Adélie colony (3,790 pairs in all). The small size and anomalous location of the Balleny Islands chinstrap population clearly warrant further study and the strongest protective measures.  相似文献   

A south polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki) population was studied at Edmonson Point (74°20'S-165°08'E), Victoria Land, Antarctica, in 1998/1999. The local population consisted of 101 pairs, 89 of which were located within a large, loose colony associated with a rookery of about 2,000 pairs of Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). Skua nests were clumped around penguin subcolonies. Mean skua Nearest Neighbour Distance (NND) was 21ᆣ m (n=89). NND was positively correlated with the distance from the nearest penguin subcolony. Mean laying date was 24Lj December (n=89). Mean clutch size was 1.9ǂ.2 eggs (n=89). Hatching success was 77% (n=174 eggs laid), and 20.2% of the breeding pairs successfully raised chicks to fledging. Mean number of fledged young was 0.2ǂ.4 per breeding pair (n=89), and 1 per successful pair (n=18). Main causes of breeding failure were intraspecific predation and sibling aggression. Breeding success was negatively related to distance from the nearest penguin nest and to laying date. Because of the extensive and persistent sea-ice cover, penguins represented an important source of food for the skua population.  相似文献   

Satellite telemetry was used to monitor the migratory movements of a single Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) from Cape Hallett (72.31°S, 170.21°E) following the 1997/1998 breeding season. Locations were obtained using the ARGOS satellite system and compared with the migratory paths taken by two penguins from the Northern Colony at Cape Bird, Ross Island (77.22°S, 166.48°E) following the 1990/1991 breeding season. Although the sample sizes are small, if representative they would indicate that: (1) Adelie penguins breeding in the Ross Sea follow a common migratory path, (2) Adelie penguins breeding in the Ross Sea may travel to a common over-winter feeding ground west and north of the Balleny Islands, and (3) Adelie penguins breeding at 77°S on Ross Island travel nearly twice the distance during their over-winter migration as do those penguins breeding at Cape Hallett and colonies further north. While the Cape Hallett penguin was tracked successfully for 172 days, a record for Adelie penguins, the problem of long-term attachment of transmitters to penguins remains.  相似文献   

Data on population size, breeding success and diet composition of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua), magellanic (Spheniscus magellanicus) and rockhopper (Eudyptes chrysocome) penguins, collected as part of the Falkland Island Seabird Monitoring Programme from 1986/1987 to 1998/1999, were analysed with regard to spatial and temporal variation, as well as potential interaction with local commercial fisheries. No significant population trends were detectable, mainly because of the short time-series and large spatial and inter-annual variation in the number of breeding pairs in the colonies monitored. However, the breeding success of all three penguin species has improved slightly over the last few years, indicating a potential for increasing populations in the near future. During the breeding season, all three penguin species preyed opportunistically on a mixture of fish, squid and crustaceans. Diet composition too showed a high degree of spatial and temporal variation. However, in all three penguin species studied, squid gradually disappeared from the diet over successive years, to be replaced by fish. Coincidentally, the commercial catches of the squid species Loligo gahi in Falkland Islands waters decreased and the by-catch of nototheniid fish increased. All three penguin species compete directly with the commercial fishing fleet for L. gahi; however, there may also be competition for Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides), hake (Merluccius sp.) and southern blue whiting (Micromesistius australis), because juveniles of these species were found regularly in penguin diets.  相似文献   

Many animals that possess a gizzard swallow stones or sandy grit, supposedly to aid in the mechanical breakdown of food. While this has been well documented in the literature, our study is the first to report the presence of stones in the gizzard of king penguin chicks. We found stones, so called ‘gastroliths’, in the pyloric region of the gizzard, the part of the digestive tract that is specialised for the mechanical breakdown of food. Stones were already present in the gizzard of chicks and, hence, during the first year of the life of king penguins, which is spent on land. Some chicks were found to have more than 130 stones (0.5–22 mm in size) in their gizzard. The gastroliths we found in king penguins are of the same geological origin as rocks present at the colony, which suggests that birds swallowed them there. The functional role of gastroliths in penguin chicks and adults is still unknown. We discuss the potential roles that these gastroliths might play in king penguins (i.e. aid in digestion, buoyancy control during foraging at sea, adaptation to fasting).  相似文献   

Most studies concerning the foraging ecology of marine vertebrates are limited to breeding adults, although other life history stages might comprise half the total population. For penguins, little is known about juvenile dispersal, a period when individuals may be susceptible to increased mortality given their naïve foraging behaviour. Therefore, we used satellite telemetry to study king penguin fledglings (n = 18) from two sites in the Southwest Atlantic in December 2007. The two sites differed with respect to climate and proximity to the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), a key oceanographic feature generally thought to be important for king penguin foraging success. Accordingly, birds from both sites foraged predominantly in the vicinity of the APF. Eight king penguins were tracked for periods greater than 120 days; seven of these (three from the Falkland Islands and four from South Georgia) migrated into the Pacific. Only one bird from the Falkland Islands moved into the Indian Ocean, visiting the northern limit of the winter pack-ice. Three others from the Falkland Islands migrated to the eastern coast of Tierra del Fuego before travelling south. Derived tracking parameters describing their migratory behaviour showed no significant differences between sites. Nevertheless, generalized linear habitat modelling revealed that juveniles from the Falkland Islands spent more time in comparatively shallow waters with low sea surface temperature, sea surface height and chlorophyll variability. Birds from South Georgia spent more time in deeper waters with low sea surface temperature and sea surface height, but high concentrations of chlorophyll. Our results indicate that inexperienced king penguins, irrespective of the location of their natal site in relation to the position of the APF, develop their foraging skills progressively over time, including specific adaptations to the environment around their prospective breeding site.  相似文献   

Traditional methods for sex identification are not applicable to sexually monomorphic species, leading to difficulties in the management of their breeding programs. To identify sex in sexually monomorphic birds, molecular methods have been established. Two established primer pairs (2550F/2718R and p8/p2) amplify the CHD1 gene region from both the Z and W chromosomes. Here, we evaluated the use of these primers for sex identification in four sexually monomorphic penguin species: king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus), rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome), gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua), and Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus). For all species except rockhopper penguins, primer pair 2550F/2718R resulted in two distinct CHD1Z and CHD1W PCR bands, allowing for sex identification. For rockhopper penguins, only primer pair p8/p2 yielded different CHD1Z and CHD1W bands, which were faint and similar in size making them difficult to distinguish. As a result, we designed a new primer pair (PL/PR) that efficiently determined the gender of individuals from all four penguin species. Sequencing of the PCR products confirmed that they were from the CHD1 gene region. Primer pair PL/PR can be evaluated for use in sexing other penguin species, which will be crucial for the management of new penguin breeding programs. Zoo Biol 32:257–261, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica) is the smallest penguin species to be used to study the physiology of fasting. We analysed body-mass change and plasma chemistry of five non-breeding chinstraps during an experimental fasting period in the breeding season. We also analysed the same parameters in six fasting birds under natural conditions (during an incubation shift, which lasts about 10 days). Both groups presented similar patterns of change, showing a rapid increase in urea and uric acid plasma concentrations. Urea surpassed 3 mmol/l after 5 fasting days, while uric acid reached 1 mmol/l after 9 days. Plasma glucose levels decreased after 11 days, whereas cholesterol also showed a clear reduction during fasting. These results as a whole suggest that chinstrap penguins reached phase III after a short period in comparison with other Pygoscelis species. Body size and ecological factors could explain these inter-specific differences.  相似文献   

Predation can have major effects on population dynamics, but predator–prey interactions in marine ecosystems have rarely been studied. While the king penguin is one of the most studied seabirds, little is known about the impact of predation on its population dynamics. Here, we determine the impact of the main predators (giant petrels and skuas) on king penguin breeding success taking into account the nocturnal predation of petrels. We found that predation is the most important source of breeding failure for king penguins. The smallest chicks within crèches are the most hunted. The periphery of the colony suffers the highest risk of predation during summer. Our study shows the unequal quality of some areas inside the colony in terms of predation risk and breeding success, and points out the importance of timing in successful breeding.  相似文献   

Within a breeding colony, movements of penguins to and from territories can be associated with high energetic costs and risks of injury induced by the high aggressiveness of territorial breeders. Here, we tested whether the presence of sleeping king penguins (namely non-aggressive birds) could influence the trajectory of walking conspecifics. Also, we determined how an aggressive response from the sleeping individual's neighbours could affect the trajectory adopted by a travelling bird. We observed 150 sleeping king penguins on Possession Island (Crozet Archipelago) during the breeding season and determined whether or not travelling birds walk preferentially beside sleeping individuals. Moving penguins not attacked by territorial birds directly surrounding the sleeping individual walked preferentially beside it in 80.3% of the observations. However, birds attacked by the sleeping individual's neighbours walked beside the sleeping bird in only 27.9% of the cases. Whether the sleeping individual's neighbours were directly facing the intruder or not did not affect the probability of the intruder being attacked. Hence, travelling penguins actively chose to walk beside a sleeping individual when not attacked by the latter's neighbours. This striking tropism could represent an adapted motivated behaviour, reducing energetic costs and risks of injury associated with fighting. Accepted: 21 December 1998  相似文献   

Africa is home today to only a single breeding species of penguin, Spheniscus demersus (black‐footed penguin), which is endangered with extinction. Spheniscus demersus has been the only breeding species of penguin to share African coastlines with humans over the last 400 000 years. Interestingly, African penguin diversity was substantially higher before the evolution of archaic humans. The fossil record indicates that a diverse assemblage of penguin species inhabited the southern African coasts for much of the Neogene. Previous excavations have identified four distinct species in Early Pliocene coastal marine deposits. Here we extend this pattern of high diversity and report the oldest record of penguins from Africa. Seventeen penguin specimens were identified from the Saldanha Steel locality, revealing the presence of at least four distinct species in South Africa during the Miocene. The largest of these species reached the size of the extant Aptenodytes patagonicus (king penguin), whereas the smallest was approximately the size of the smallest extant penguin Eudyptula minor (little blue penguin). Recovery of Miocene penguin remains is in accordance with earlier predictions of multiple pre‐Pliocene colonizations of Africa and supports a higher level of ecological diversity amongst African penguins in the past. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

Thousands of penguins are banded annually world-wide, even though little is known about the potential impact of these flipper bands. In this paper, the possible effect of banding on the survivorship, breeding frequency and other ecological factors on king penguins was investigated. The extended laying period (3–4 months) of the king penguin allows the observation of non-lethal effects that could influence the time of laying and thus the reproductive success. Three hundred and eighty-three breeding king penguins on the colony of “la Baie du Marin” on Possession Island, Crozet Archipelago were either single- or double-flipper banded. The results show that the returning birds were laying late the following breeding season, and that double-banded birds lay significantly later than single-banded birds. Furthermore, our data suggest a lower return rate for double-banded birds than for single-banded birds (45% as opposed to 76%). The low return rate of single-banded birds, when compared to an interannual survivorship estimated to be 96.5%, also raises questions concerning the potential impact of single banding. Received: 2 January 1998 / Accepted: 23 May 1998  相似文献   

The effects of ice cover on diet and breeding chronology of Adélie (Pygoscelis adeliae) and chinstrap penguins (P. antarctica) were studied in the colonies located at Point Martin, South Orkney Islands. Reproductive success and diet parameters were measured as described in the CCAMLR Environmental Monitoring Program protocols. It was found that late pack-ice break-off in 1998 resulted in lower reproductive success than in 1999 for chinstrap penguins, while Adélie penguin parameters were rather insensitive. This species has shown to be able to cope with this environmental factor, as suggested by its circumpolar and more southerly range. Significant differences in stomach contents' weights and in the proportion of whole krill were found between ice-covered and open-sea periods within and between years. Foraging trips of both species became longer, resulting in underfeeding of chicks and nest desertion by chinstrap-penguin parents. Simultaneous analysis of reproductive parameters of both species and their diets have proven to be useful in discriminating between variation in reproductive success parameters due to prey accessibility and prey abundance.  相似文献   

The role of vision in the prey-catching behaviour of Little Penguins Eudyptula minor was tested using four captive penguins in a swimming pool. A live fish was placed in the pool with a penguin at various light intensities before and after dawn and dusk. The penguins' behaviour in the morning was the same as in the evening. As the light decreased, the percentage of fish chased by the penguins decreased, and no fish were caught at a light level less than 0.01 μeinstein/m2/s (which occurs approximately 25 min before sunrise and after sunset at latitude 37̀S). The time the penguins spent searching for the fish also decreased with decreasing light. The probability of a penguin pursuing a fish was found to be dependent on the amount of light, such that log,( p /1 - p ) = 6.323 + 2.08 × log,(light level), where p = the probability of pursuing a fish.  相似文献   

The diet of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) brooding chicks was investigated during February 2001 at the Falkland Islands, where a small but increasing population is located at the limit of the breeding range of this species. Fish was the most important food source by number (98.0%) and reconstituted mass (97.8%), squids accounting for the remainder. Myctophid fishes represented the main part of the diet (97.7% by number and 96.6% by reconstituted mass), Protomyctophum choriodon being by far the main prey item (84.2% and 88.1%, respectively). Four other myctophids and one squid species each contributed to more than 1% of the diet by number: Krefftichthys anderssoni (4.8%), Electrona carlsbergi (4.6%), Gymnoscopelus nicholsi (2.2%) and Protomyctophum tenisoni (1.8%), together with small juveniles of Gonatus antarcticus (1.8%). Twelve squid species were identified from accumulated lower beaks, including the ommastrephid Martialia hyadesi (48.3% by number), the onychoteuthids Moroteuthis ingens (15.6%), Kondakovia longimana (10.5%) and Moroteuthis knipovitchi (7.3%), and Gonatus antarcticus (9.2%). The stable-carbon and stable-nitrogen isotopic composition of chick food and adult blood differed in a way that suggests that, during the same trip, adult birds fed for themselves in distant foraging grounds, and fed for their chicks on their way back to the colony. The study emphasizes that king penguins are specialist myctophid eaters throughout their breeding range in summer, and highlights the importance of Protomyctophum choriodon as a link between zooplankton and top predators in the pelagic ecosystem of the southwestern Atlantic Ocean.  相似文献   

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