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Summary In the central nervous system of the male domestic fowl, met-enkephalin (ENK) immunoreactive perikarya and fiber tracts as well as extensive but sharply delimited fiber networks were visualized by means of the PAP technique. The most striking results were: (1) The demonstration of an association of ENK-containing structures with branchial nerves; (2) the spatial relationship of ENK-containing perikarya and fibers to somatostatin (SOM) and arginine-vasotocin (AVT)-immunoreactive systems; (3) the presence of dense and extensive ENK fiber networks within (a) the caudo-basal wall of the third ventricle and (b) the septal-preoptic area; in both regions mainly ENK fibers, but also SOM and AVT fibers, may cross to the contralateral side.  相似文献   

Summary The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF)-containing neurons were investigated in the brain of the domestic fowl by means of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique at the light-microscopic level. The detection of CRF-immunoreactivity was facilitated by silver intensification. CRF-containing perikarya were found in the paraventricular, preoptic and mammillary nuclei of the hypothalamus and in some extrahypothalamic areas (nuclei dorsomedialis and dorsolateralis thalami, nucleus accumbens septi, lobus parolfactorius, periaqueductal gray of the mesencephalon, nucleus oculomotorius ventralis). Immunoreactive nerve fibers and terminals were demonstrated in the external zone of the median eminence and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. These results indicate that an immunologically demonstrable CRF-neurosecretory system also exists in the avian central nervous system.  相似文献   

The endocrine cells of the starfish digestive tract are spindle-shaped, contacting both the lumen and the basiepithelial plexus. Silver impregnation labels the basiepithelial and subcoelomic plexuses as well as these cells. Twenty antisera have been tested using the avidinbiotin method, in order to identify the regulatory substances involved in this system. Endocrine cells and nerves immunoreactive to GFNSALMFamide- (S1), FMRFamide-, peptide tyrosine-tyrosine-(PYY), pancreatic polypeptide- (PP), melanocyte stimulating hormone- (MSH) and peptidylglycine alpha-amidating monooxygenase- (PAM) specific antisera have been found in the epithelium. The antibodies against S1, a peptide isolated from the nervous system of a starfish, and MSH, stain both the basiepithelial plexus and the subcoelomic plexus, but the others react only with nerves in the basiepithelial plexus. Absorption controls show that antibodies for S1 and FMRFamide totally crossreact recognizing the same molecule, possibly S1. The other antibodies do not show cross-reactivity to any of the rest, and thus we conclude that these regulatory peptides are present in starfish. This is the first report of the presence of FMRFamide, PYY, MSH and PAM in the Echinodermata. Under the electron microscope the endocrine cells exhibit secretory granules, microtubules and mitochondria. Direct contact with the subcoelomic plexus can be observed.  相似文献   

Summary The location of LHRH-containing neuronal elements was investigated in the domestic fowl by means of immunohistochemical techniques. LHRH antisera were raised against synthetic LHRH in the rabbit. The antiserum used in the present study cross-reacted with LHRH of mammalian and avian tissues.LHRH-immunoreactive perikarya are located in the preoptic and in the septal areas, and in the bulbus olfactorius; however, no LHRH-immuno-reactive perikarya were found in the tuberal part of the hypothalamus. LHRH-immunoreactive fibers course from these areas toward the median eminence mainly along the wall of the third ventricle in the form of a periventricular network. Originating from the same cell groups other fibers run caudally immediately above the optic chiasma, forming the median bundle of the tractus preoptico-infundibularis. The third bundle running toward the OVLT is named the tractus preoptico-terminalis. In addition to these structures, LHRH-containing fibers and terminals were also present in different regions of the limbic system, in the dorsal part of the hippocampus, in the tuberculum and bulbus olfactorius, as well as in the optic lobe, nuclei commissurales tectales, organon subcommissurale, periaqueductal area, and pars ventralis mesencephali.The general distribution of the LHRH system in the chicken corresponds principally to that described previously in rodents (Sétáló et al. 1976, 1978). However, some subtle differences were demonstrated between the location of the LHRH system in birds and mammals.  相似文献   

Summary In the rostral hypothalamus of the domestic fowl, the magnocellular neurosecretory nuclei show a peculiar differentiation. Golgi studies of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the fowl reveal at least two major cell types: 1) large multipolar neurons, and 2) small interneurons. Golgi impregnations provide a detailed cytoarchitectural picture of the large-sized cells; the latter may well correspond to the neurosecretory cells demonstrated in the same regions by selective staining, and immunocytochemical and electron microscopical techniques.Electron microscopically, neuronal perikarya are observed to contain variable amounts of neurosecretory granules (100–200 nm in diameter; mean diameter of 160 nm) scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The diameters of these granules do not differ statistically in the two principal nuclear areas examined. The perikarya of these neurons display only a few axosomatic synapses containing electron-lucent and dense-cored vesicles (70–90 nm in diameter). Numerous nerve terminals of this type also end on the dendritic ramifications in the surrounding neuropil.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the ependymal cells in the area postrema of the domestic fowl was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The ependymal surface of the area postrema is covered with many furrows and ridges. These ridges consist of ependymal cells aggregated in a fan-like shape. The ependymal cell lacks clustered cilia, microvilli are few, and a long basal process extends through the parenchymal layer of the area postrema. Within the cytoplasm as well as in the basal process, a spherical body with a diameter ranging from 1.5 to 2 gmm is occasionally observed.This work was supported by a Scientific Research Grant, No. 144017, from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor M. YasudaThe authors are grateful to Drs. T. Fujioka and T. Watanabe for their valuable advice  相似文献   

Maina JN 《Tissue & cell》2003,35(5):375-391
In the embryo of the domestic fowl, Gallus gallus variant domesticus, the lung buds become evident on day 3 of development. After fusing on the ventral midline, the single entity divides into left and right primordial lungs that elongate caudally while diverging and shifting towards the dorsolateral aspects of the coelomic cavity. On reaching their definitive topographical locations, the lungs rotate along a longitudinal axis, attach, and begin to slide into the ribs. First appearing as a solid cord of epithelial cells that runs in the proximal-distal axis of the developing lung, progressively, the intrapulmonary primary bronchus begins to canalize. In quick succession, secondary bronchi sprout from it in a craniocaudal sequence and radiate outwards. On reaching the periphery of the lung, parabronchi (tertiary bronchi) bud from the secondary bronchi and project into the surrounding mesenchymal cell mass. The parabronchi canalize, lengthen, increase in diameter, anastomose, and ultimately connect the secondary bronchi. The luminal aspect of the formative parabronchi is initially lined by a composite epithelium of which the peripheral cells attach onto the basement membrane while the apical ones project prominently into the lumen. The epithelium transforms to a simple columnar type in which the cells connect through arm-like extensions and prominently large intercellular spaces form. The atria are conspicuous on day 15, the infundibulae on day 16, and air capillaries on day 18. At hatching (day 21), the air and blood capillaries have anastomosed profusely and the blood-gas barrier become remarkably thin. The lung is well developed and potentially functionally competent at the end of the embryonic life. Thereafter, at least upto day 26, no further consequential structures form. The mechanisms by which the airways in the avian lung develop fundamentally differ from those that occur in the mammalian one. Compared with the blind-ended bronchial system that inaugurates in the mammalian lung, an elaborate, continuous system of air conduits develops in the avian one. Further studies are necessary to underpin the specific molecular factors and genetic processes that direct the morphogenesis of an exceptionally complex and efficient respiratory organ.  相似文献   

Serotonin- and ten peptide-immunoreactive (IR) cell types were identified in the digestive tract of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) larvae of four morphofunctional phases ranging in age from hatching to 61 days. The sequence of appearance and location of endocrine cells during ontogenetic development of the larvae was determined. The differentiation of endocrine cells followed a distal-proximal gradient in the gut which paralleled the morphofunctional differentiation. Serotonin-IR cells were identified in the last portion of the digestive tract from phase I onwards and in the gastric region from phase III, before these regions were morphofunctionally differentiated; met-enkephalin-IR cells were identified from phase II onwards in both the differentiated rectum and the undifferentiated intestine; cholecystokinin (CCK)- and synthetic human gastrin-34-IR cells were located only in the intestine and first found in the undifferentiated intestine of phase II; human gastrin-17-, peptide YY (PYY)- and neuropeptide Y (NPY)-IR cells appeared in the intestine from phase II and in stomach in phase IV, when it showed gastric glands; pancreatic polypeptide (PP)- and glucagon-IR cells were observed in both intestine and stomach, but insulin- and somatostatin-IR cells only in stomach, from phase III, during which the intestine but not the stomach was differentiated. PP- and PYY-, PP- and glucagon-, and PYY- and glucagon-like immunoreactivities coexisted from their first appearance in some cells of the gut.  相似文献   

Maina JN 《Tissue & cell》2004,36(2):129-139
Formation of a thin blood-gas barrier in the respiratory (gas exchange) tissue of the lung of the domestic fowl, Gallus gallus variant domesticus commences on day 18 of embryogenesis. Developing from infundibulae, air capillaries radiate outwards into the surrounding mesenchymal (periparabronchial) tissue, progressively separating and interdigitating with the blood capillaries. Thinning of the blood-gas barrier occurs by growth and extension of the air capillaries and by extensive disintegration of mesenchymal cells that constitute transient septa that divide the lengthening and anastomosing air capillaries. After they contact, the epithelial and endothelial cells deposit intercellular matrix that cements them back-to-back. At hatching (day 21), with a thin blood-gas barrier and a large respiratory surface area, the lung is well prepared for gas exchange. In sites where air capillaries lie adjacent to each other, epithelial cells contact directly: intercellular matrix is lacking.  相似文献   

Summary The preoptic area of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus) was studied by means of the Golgi technique. At least two regions can be recognized: (i) a medial and (ii) a lateral area, clearly distinguishable laterally from the adjacent telencephalic regions. The dendritic organization of the preoptic area is quite uniform. The neurons can be classified as isodendritic elements. The magnocellular elements are few and irregularly scattered mostly in the periventricular grey of the medial preoptic area. Of relevant interest is also the observation of some bipolar and horizontal neurons in the dorsal part of the medial preoptic area, near the anterior commissure.  相似文献   

Summary The endocrine cells of the chicken proventriculus were investigated immunocytochemically, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique on paraffin and semithin sections for light microscopy, and immunogold staining in osmium-fixed material for electron microscopy. The fixation procedure also allowed a detailed ultrastructural investigation. Twenty-three antisera were tested and 7 immunoreactive cell-types were identified: D-cells containing somatostatin-like peptide; EG-cells immunoreactive to anti-glucagon, anti-GLP1 and antineurotensin; NT-cells labelled only with anti-neurotensin; BN-cells containing bombesin-like material; ENK-cells showing met-enkephalin immunoreactivity; EC-cells reactive to anti-serotonin; and APP-cells positive to anti-avian pancreatic polypeptide. In addition, enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, were also detected by electron microscopy. The presence of ENK-cells and the ultrastructure of these and NT-cells are described for the first time in chicken proventriculus, and glucagon, GLP1 and neurotensin are shown to be colocalized in the EG-cells.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the thyroid gland of the domestic fowl has been investigated and found to be similar to that of mammals. The differences were found at subcellular level in the distribution of the dark bodies which were mainly apical and in the sizes of primary lysosomes. These were found to range from 100 to 500 nm in diameter. All organelles described in mammals as being concerned with the production of thyroglobulin and the two hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine were found to be present.  相似文献   

Summary The pancreas from eleven species of snakes representing both advanced and primitive families has been investigated for the presence of eleven regulatory peptides reported to occur in the mammalian endocrine pancreas. Of the eleven peptides studied, insulin, pancreatic glucagon and somatostatin were present in endocrine cells within the islets of all the species investigated. The neuropeptide, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide, was located within nerve terminals innervating the islets in the Boidinae, Colubrinae, Elaphidae and Crotalidae but absent from the Natricinae investigated.No immunoreactivity was demonstrable with the antisera to substance P, met-enkephalin, C-terminal gastrin, bombesin, glicentin and gastric inhibitory polypeptide. Pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity was demonstrable only in the boid snakes and exclusively stained by a C-terminal specific antiserum.  相似文献   

Water balance in eggs of domestic fowl was manipulated by drilling holes (each 3 mm in diameter) through the calcareous layer into the air cell on day 10 of incubation. Water loss between days 0 and 18 averaged 6 g for eggs in the control group (no hole) but increased to 8, 12, and 15 g for eggs with 1, 2, or 3 holes, respectively. Hatching success was 79–87% for eggs with 0–2 holes through the eggshell but only 43% for eggs with three holes. Live mass of hatchlings declined as the number of holes drilled in the eggshell increased, but dry mass of carcasses was unaffected by the treatments. The quantity of Ca2+, Mg2+, and phosphorus in residual yolks and yolk-free carcasses of hatchlings was not influenced by the amount of water lost from eggs. Plasma Ca2+ and Mg2+ were elevated in hatchlings from eggs with high rates of water loss. The inability to regulate plasma Ca2+ may be a negative consequence of excessive water loss and could contribute to increased mortality of embryos.  相似文献   

Summary The development of endocrine cells in the chicken proventriculus has been investigated using light-and electron-microscopy in conjunction with silver and immunocytochemical techniques. The first morphologically detectable endocrine cells were found in 5-day-old embryos by electron microscopy. From the 9th to the 13th day, endocrine cells in contact with the lumen of the organ could be detected both by electron and light (silver impregnation) microscopy. The number of open-type endocrine cells progressively decreased and the number of closed-type increased after this stage. Until the 16th day, endocrine cells were located exclusively in the luminal epithelium, but afterwards they appeared in progressively greater numbers in the compound glands. After hatching, long cytoplasmic processes could be seen in the endocrine cells. Immunoreactivities to regulatory substances appeared in the following order: serotonin (day-14), avian pancreatic polypeptide, glucagon and somatostatin (day-16), bombesin and neurotensin (day-18), and finally, met-enkephalin (day-21).  相似文献   

Summary Calcium adenosine triphosphatase (Ca2+-ATPase) was localized by means of histo- and ultracytochemistry in the secretory cells of the proventriculus of the domestic fowl. The mucous cells exhibited plasmalemmal-associated enzyme activity on the external aspect of the basolateral cell membrane. Intracellularly, the luminal aspect of Golgi-membranes and of secretory vesicle membranes reacted positively for Ca2+-ATPase activity, as did the apical cytosol and the matrix of lysosomes. Oxyntico-peptic cells were characterized by apical and apico-lateral plasmalemmal activity and by an organelle-associated distributional pattern similar to that in the mucous cells. In addition, Ca2+-ATPase was associated either with the matrix of mitochondria or with tubuli of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum. The results are discussed with respect to messenger and effector functions of calcium in the process of proventricular mucus secretion. In addition, Ca2+-ATPase distributional patterns in the oxyntico-peptic cell are related to the unique structure and function of these cells.  相似文献   

Summary The development and cytodifferentiation of endocrine cells that produce the gastrointestinal hormones gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin have been studied by a combined fluorescence-cytochemical, immunocytochemical and ultrastructural approach. The results show that, during development, several ultrastructurally distinct cell types exhibit COOH-terminal gastrin and cholecystokinin immunoreactivity. Furthermore, some cells simultaneously contain both gastrin- and cholecystokinin-specific antigenic determinants. Studies on the time course of development of gastrin and cholecystokinin cells, together with the above-mentioned data, suggest that gastrin cells may be converted into cholecystokinin cells in development. During this period, gastrin, cholecystokinin and secretin cells store the biogenic monoamine, 5-hydroxytryptamine a feature not displayed by the adult counter-parts of these cells. In the adult duodenum, characteristic enterochromaffin (EC) cells store 5-hydroxytryptamin for which, evidence for a possible hormonal role has been presented. Taken together, our data indicate that the differentiation of duodenal endocrine cells occurs in distinct steps, each involving a restriction in the biosynthetic repertoire of the cell.  相似文献   

Summary Processes of magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) are easily identifiable on the basis of their content in neurosecretory granules in the neuropil of the rostral division of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the domestic fowl. In specimens sacrificed during the winter the synaptic organization of the neuropil and the pattern of synapses ending on neurosecretory processes were studied at the ultrastructural level. Synapses in the rostral part of the PVN neuropil may be divided into three main categories on the basis of their morphology and their content of clear and dense-core synaptic vesicles. These different types of terminals can be attributed to aminergic, peptidergic or other types of synapses. The percent distribution of synapses within these categories differs when all synapses observed in the neuropil or only those ending on MNC processes are compared. Present ultrastructural data obtained in birds support two physiological hypotheses already suggested for mammals, i.e., the probable existence of a recurrent pathway to MNCs via an interneuron, and the importance of aminergic and peptidergic input in regulating the electrical activity of MNCs.This work was partly supported by a CNR grant (n. 81.00377.04)  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of the polymorphic vesicular component of the ultimobranchial gland of the domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus) has been described in detail, together with the structure of the cell strands interconnecting the vesicles and the parathyroid nodules lying within the ultimobranchial stroma. The vesicles frequently appear to arise from the nodules by way of the cell strands. The strands show a structure of their component cells intermediate between that of the parathyroid and the vesicular cells, although the position at which the strand changes from an essentially parathyroid structure to an essentially vesicular structure is very variable. The degree and kind of secretory activity within different cell types has been described. A review of the structure of ultimobranchial glands throughout the vertebrates shows that similar tissue with a similar secretory potential has been observed in all vertebrate classes, suggesting a functional significance for this part of the gland.  相似文献   

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