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Boroń A 《Genetica》2003,119(1):51-55
The chromosomal complement of Cobitis taenia was analysed by replication banding techniques to determine whether there were specific patterns that could allow distinction of the different chromosomes. The diploid chromosome number of 2n = 48 is diagnostic of this species. In vivo 5-bromodeoxyuridine (5-BrdU) incorporation induced highly reproducible replication bands. Most of the chromosome pairs were distinguishable on the base of their banding patterns. The karyotype, consisting of five pairs of metacentrics, nine pairs of submetacentrics and 10 pairs of subtelocentrics and acrocentrics, was confirmed. C-banding and replication banding patterns were compared, and heterochromatin was both early and later replicating. C-positive heterochromatin in centromeric regions was mainly early replicating, but that located in pericentromeric regions was late replicating. Most of the late-replicating regions found interstitially were C-band negative. The results obtained so far for combined chromosomal staining methods of C. taenia and other Cobitis fish species are discussed.  相似文献   

Biochemical genetic typing and cytometry showed that polyploid females account for 87% of the spined loach Cobitis taenia population from the middle Dnieper basin. The polyploidy series included triploids, tetraploids, and, possibly, a few pentaploids. A characteristic feature of the genetic structure of polyploids was that their genetic variation was due to the clonal variation in the haploid portion of the genome originating from Cobitis sp. and to polymorphism of the diploid portion originating from C. taenia. The results are discussed with regard to comparative evolution of alloploid complexes in fish and terrestrial vertebrates.  相似文献   

The spined loach Cobitis taenia L. creates exclusively diploid and mixed diploid–polyploid populations. Allotriploid females, which co-exist with C. taenia or C. elongatoides and a few tetraploid males and females dominate in most Cobitis mixed populations. They reproduce gynogenetically and produce triploid eggs that are stimulated to development by sperm from Cobitis males. Some of these eggs are fertilized, which leads to the production of bisexual tetraploids. Males of C. taenia (2n = 48) from a diploid population in Lake Klawój, Northern Poland (46 individuals) and from a mixed Cobitis population in the Bug River, Eastern Poland (7 individuals), and three tetraploid males (4n = 98) from the same mixed population were examined. All the fish were analyzed karyologically and histologically. Tubules with cysts of the testes of C. taenia from both populations were filled with germ cells at various developmental stages. Among fishes from Lake Klawój sperm maturation in batches simultaneous with the batch spawning of C. taenia females was found. The testes of the loach C. taenia, from a mixed population in the Bug River, were filled with spermatozoa over the entire reproductive season. Sperm maturation in batches was not observed. Sperm maturation in batches seems to be only connected with a few diploid males in this population. So, a continuous process of spermatogenesis in their testes is required. Only in the testes of all tetraploid Cobitis males were cells characteristic of the early stages of spermatogenesis observed, i.e. without spermatids and spermatozoa. Furthermore, the histological sections of the testis of a male captured in August, revealed fragments with connective tissue between the germ cells. However the participation of tetraploid, infertile Cobitis males in the process of reproduction in the investigated mixed population remains controversial. The results obtained so far, reveal that even the infertile sperm of tetraploid males may induce gynogenesis in Cobitis triploid females.  相似文献   

The maturity of ovaries, gonado-somatic index and size of oocytes in particular developmental stages during the reproductive period of spined loach Cobitis taenia and allotriploid and allotetraploid Cobitis were examined. The ploidy levels of all the loaches were determined according to karyotypes. All the investigated females spawned multiple times and the spawning period was from the end of May (water temperature c. 18·5° C) to mid- or the end of July. Some of the triploids had a longer spawning period which lasted until the end of August. Each female could lay several portions of eggs which differed in size and number during the spawning season. The relative proportion of oocytes of each stage in the ovaries during the reproductive period changed. The sizes of oocytes at the particular stages of triploids were statistically significantly larger than oocytes in the respective stages in C. taenia (diploid). The sizes of the oocytes (each stage) of C. taenia from both populations were not significantly different.  相似文献   

Boroń A 《Genetica》1999,105(3):293-300
The present work provides new data on the banding pattern of diploid Cobitis taenia and its triploid hybrid females, which belong to the diploid–polyploid complex in the Vistula River tributary. C-banding, silver-staining (Ag), and fluorescent staining with chromomycin A3 techniques were used to describe the diploid and triploid karyotype. The karyotype of Cobitis taenia of 2n=48 was characterised by one pair of NOR-bearing subtelocentric chromosomes and at least four chromosomes with CMA3-positive sites. The C-positive heterochromatin was present in the centromeres of almost all chromosomes and the pericentromeric regions of several metacentric and submetacentric chromosomes. The triploid females of 3n=74 had two pairs of chromosomes with active NORs. The NORs-sites were located terminally on two biarmed and two uniarmed chromosomes. The CMA3-staining revealed at least six A3-positive sites. The C-banded and A3-stained triploid karyotype was composed of haploid set of Cobitis taenia and diploid set of unidentified species, so heterochromatin pattern confirmed the possibility of their hybrid origin. The characteristics of banded diploid and triploid karyotype, and the hypothetical karyotype of an unknown species of 2n=50 is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Spawning habitat of the endangered spined loach Cobitis taenia was studied in northwestern Germany. The distribution of eggs of the loach in the field was best correlated with the density of vegetation but had little correlation with current velocity, water depth, or bottom substrate. In the aquarium, the loach chose dense vegetation for an oviposition site, as inferred by the direct observations of spawning and the location of spawned eggs. It is concluded that such habitat specialization is an important element in the autecology of the endangered fish and a critical stage in the habitat requirements of its populations.  相似文献   

The unusually high diversity of spined loache biotypes in Lower Danube was detected by means of biochemical genetic investigation and cytometric analysis of 358 specimens collected in riverbed and eriks. Along with two diploid species (C. elongatoides and C. "tanaitica") six hybrid forms were revealed: diploid C. elongatoides "tanaitica"; triploid C. 2 elongatoides--"tanaitica", C. elongatoides--2 "tanaitica" and C. 2 elongatoides--species-1 and tetraploid C. 3 elongatoides--"tanaitica", C. elongatoides--species-2--2 "tanaitica". Besides that the specimens with recombinant genotypes occured. In spite of the apomictic mode of reproduction the poliploids do not possess the clonal structure but according to the level of polymorphism and the genotype distribution are isomorphous to the parental diploid species. This means that on the contrary to the polyploid cobitids of the Dnieper which have appeared in this catchment area due to the expansion of their home range the polyploid fishes from the Lower Danube reaches are autochtonous and are produced as a result of hybridization with the local diploid species. The process is seemingly going on without any kind of limitations.  相似文献   

Starch gel electrophoresis and isoelectric focusing were performed on sarcoplasmic proteins from three taxa of cobitid fish in Japan, Cobitis biwae , C. taenia striata and C. l. taenia . These taxa are hardly distinguishable from each other by external appearance or morphological characters. Electrophoretic patterns of sarcoplasmic proteins from white muscle suggested fixed allelic differences between C. biwae and C. t. striata at two protein-coding loci (parvalbumin and creatine kinase). The third taxon, C. t. taenia , showed composite banding patterns with respect to the above two proteins, suggesting C. t, taenia originated from hybridization between C. biwae and C, t. striata . Previously, C. t, taenia and C. t. striata were believed to have shared a common ancestor subsequent to their divergence from C. biwae .  相似文献   

The Volturno Spined Loach Cobitis zanandreai is thought to be restricted to only two places in Italy, the Fondi Lake (Latium) and the Volturno river basin (Campania). In this study we carried out a review of the available literature and surveyed 37 sites of potential occurrence. We discovered seven previously unknown populations of C. zanandreai in the Liri-Garigliano and the Pontine plain watersheds, significantly expanding the known limits of its distribution. We found the invasive C. bilineata only in the Amaseno River. Our results agree with records from the 19th and 20th centuries, highlighting the importance of historical data in understanding current species distribution. Our findings provided a substantial distribution update that allow to assess the species conservation status more objectively.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. The feeding habits of Cobitis taenia were studied by means of monthly samples taken over a 2-year period, October 1972-October 1974, from two sites, one on the River Great Ouse at Newport Pagnell and the other at some neighbouring gravel pits. Dietury components, seasonal variation in these components, and seasonal and diurnal variation in feeding intensity were examined. The ecological niche of the food items and their size range are discussed, since both these factors appeared important in governing the micro-habitat of the fish.
The feeding activity followed a seasonal cycle with little or no feeding in the winter and a high level of feeding activity in mid-summer.
The diet showed a predominance of small food items, such as chydorids. copepods and rhizopods. These items varied in occurrence during the feeding period which appeared to be related to their own abundance, pointing to non-seleclive feeding by the fish. The small size and benthic habits of the food items, many of which are closely associated with surface layers of mud and weed, indicated a preference by Cobitis taenia (L.) for feeding in this type ot habitat and on this type of food, in contrast to the stone loach. Noemacheilus barbatulus (L.), which is believed to inhabit stony areas and take larger food items.  相似文献   

751 specimens of spined loach, Cobitis taenia (L.), were collected and studied over the period October 1972–October 1974. The majority of the males were found to die at the end of the 2+ season and the majority of the females at the end of the 3+ season. Back calculations for length at age were carried out from otolith measurements and found to correspond closely to actual measurements. Males and females grew similarly up until the end of their 1+ year of life, with most rapid growth occurring in the first year. Females continued to grow rapidly up to 2+, the rate then being reduced; the males showed an increasingly reduced rate of growth after the 1+ year. Ford Walford plots gave L∞ results which corresponded closely in most cases with the largest observed specimens. Gonad development and maturation of males and females followed different patterns. Males matured during the 1 + year at a length of approximately 40 mm from which point their dry gonad weight remained at a steady 0.02–0.03% of the body weight. Females appeared to mature a year later and their ovary weight and oocyte diameter increased with fish age. A seasonal cycle in gonad development was evident in females. There was a greater proportion of females to males, especially in the older age group. Spawning time was estimated to be between June and July.  相似文献   

Monthly observations (October 1972–October 1974) of a natural population of spined loach, Cobitis taenia (L.), in the River Great Ouse at Newport Pagnell indicated a patchy microdistribution, which varied seasonally. The distribution was clearly linked to the areas of fine substrate, which altered seasonally in position.Flow rates measured at monthly intervals in areas where Cobitis taenia (L.) were present were found to be approximately half those of areas in which Cobitis taenia L. were not found (0.148 m/sec and 0.293 m/sec). Substrate samples from areas where Cobitis taenia L. were present had a fine organic component, in contrast to the remainder of the river bed, which consisted of hard-packed gravel.In the laboratory, choice chamber experiments demonstrated a positive selection for fine organic deposits.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic and spatial variability in microhabitat use of spined loach Cobitis taenia (Linnaeus), considered as one species for the purposes of this study, and stone loach Barbatula barbatula (Linnaeus) were examined in the River Great Ouse basin, England, using multivariate and habitat suitability methods, including a technique for handling spatial variation in collections of preference curves. Distinct ordinations of spined age classes and stone loach developmental stages, respectively, in canonical correspondence analysis of species × variables × samples relationships suggest that the two species occupy completely different microhabitats; however, young‐of‐the‐year spined loach occurred more often than expected with all developmental stages of stone loach except young larvae. Water velocity and filamentous algae were the most influential microhabitat variables, the latter decreasing in importance with increasing age of both fish species. Preferred water velocities generally decreased with age in spined loach and increased in stone loach, with substratum size generally increasing with fish age in both species. Spatial variation in microhabitat preferences was great in both species but less so in the spined loach, suggesting that limited plasticity in habitat use could account, at least in part, for the latter species’ limited distribution and abundance in the catchment. Preference curves for a species, if generated and verified for all life intervals and all seasons, could be used as a management tool for a given stream or sector of river basin. But preference curves should be generated for each location to ensure that river management decisions with regard habitat and species conservation consider local‐level species requirements. Thus, a multi‐(eco)species and multi‐scale approach is required in habitat suitability assessments.  相似文献   

In the last 20 years, new species, asexual reproduction, polyploidy and hybridization have all been reported within the genus Cobitis. An understanding of the current distribution and baseline phylogeographical history of 'true' nonhybrid Cobitis species is crucial in order to unravel these discoveries. In the present work, we investigated the phylogeography of the spined loach, Cobitis taenia, using 1126 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 174 individuals collected at 47 sites. In total, 51 haplotypes that differed at 49 positions (4.35%) were detected. We deduce that C. taenia survived European glaciations in at least three refugees in the Ponto-Caspian area. Two of these refugees each provided a major lineage that recolonized Europe in separate directions: one westward to England and the other spreading north into Russia before moving west. A third (minor) lineage that contributed little to the recolonization of Europe was also revealed--remaining near its Black Sea refuge. However, more recent history was difficult to resolve with colonization from a more western refugium during the last glacial maximum (LGM) a distinct possibility. Nested clade analysis indicates a pattern of restricted gene flow with isolation by distance at the first two levels and overall. Unlike many other European freshwater fish species, the Danube is not part of the current distribution of C. taenia, nor was it used as either a refuge or a source of colonization of Europe. Low genetic diversity within C. taenia suggests that its colonization of Europe is relatively recent. Demographic analyses revealed a history of recent expansion and isolation by distance.  相似文献   

Only 16 biotypes from 28 possible ones, which could be generated during hybridization of C. elongatoides, on the one hand, and representatives of superspecies C. taenia s. lato (C. taenia, C. tanaitica, C. species-1), on the other hand, were discovered in water areas of Ukraine. Furthermore. two biotypes, presumably C. aff. melanoleuca-tanaitica, were discovered in the north-western regions. Polyploids have compounded 65% of investigated individuals of Cobitis genus, the average quantity of males has compounded less than 1% and it was equal among triploids and tetraploids. Absence of amphidiploids and also lack of sufficiently large number of individuals with recombined genotype and abnormal electrophoretic spectra should be stressed. Two loci of polyploid biotypes formation are marked out: southern (the Lower Danube) and northern (the Upper Danube, Oder and Rhine). C. taenia and non-specified C. species, typical of the north-western basins of Ukraine, participate in formation of polyploids in the last mentioned river alongside with C. elongatoides and C. tanaitica. It is established that in spite of clearly evident expansion capacity, so-called southern biotypes (C. 2 (3) elongatoides-tanaitica, C. elongatoides--2 (3) tanaitica) in comparison with the northern ones, which genome includes chromosomal complement C. taenia or C. species-1, are sharply limited in their spread to the East. The reason of such a situation is unbalanced gynogenetic crossing between females of the southern biotypes and C. taenia males, accompanied by introgressions, genetic instability and reduced posterity viability.  相似文献   

The digenean Allocreadium transversale (Rud.) has been recorded once previously in Great Britain. During work on the feeding of Cobitis taenia (L.) it was found to be a frequently occurring gut parasite. Great variation occurred in its seasonal level of incidence and mean worm burden, indicating a rapid turnover and replacement of the parasite in the fish. No significant relationship could be shown between the level of infection and age of the fish; but a highly significant relationship occurred between incidence of infection and fish age.  相似文献   

Sixteen of 28 possible biotypes of C. elongatoides-taenia s.lato (C. taenia, C. tanaitica, C. species-1) have been found in Ukrainian waters. Presumably, the biotypes of C. aff. melanoleuca-tanaitica has also been identified. The share of polyploids among Cobitis on average was 65%, where males made up less than 1% with the same ratio among tri- and tetra-polyploids. The absence of amphydiploidy and presence of individuals with recombinant genotype and abnormal electrophoretic specters, whose frequency sometimes is considerable, are attracting increasing interest. There are two centers of polyploid biotypes creation: southern (the Lower Danube) and northern (the Upper Danube, Oder, and Rhine). The C. taenia and C. species-1 type, which is typical for the northwestern basins of Ukraine, participates in the formation of polyploids in the Rhine alongside with C. elongatoides and C. tanaitica. It is determined that biotypes (C. 2(3) elongatoidestanaitica, C. elongatoides-2(3) tanaitica) in comparison with biotypes whose genome includes the chromosome set of C. taenia are limited in distribution towards the East. This is due to the hybridization of females from these biotypes with males of C. taenia afflicted by genetic instability and reduced viability of posterity.  相似文献   

The striata complex, a group of spined loaches included in the genus Cobitis and characterized by a striped coloration pattern on the lateral midline, is distributed in rivers in northeastern Asia to western Japan. The complex comprises 2 continental species (Cobitis tetralineata and Cobitis lutheri) and 3 Japanese races of species rank (large race, middle race, and small race), the small race further comprising 6 local forms of subspecific rank (Tokai form, Biwa form, Yodo form, Sanyo form, San-in form, and Kyushu form). Previous karyological studies have revealed that the large race is an allotetraploid, the others being diploid. In this study, mitochondrial (mt) DNA analyses were conducted for 30 diploid populations of the Cobitis striata complex from Japan and Korea to examine: (1) their phylogenetic relationships and the position of the complex among the major lineages of Cobitis; and (2) the genetic relationships among the Japanese and Korean populations. The results, based on cytochrome b sequences (724 base pairs) analyzed with those of the main lineage of European and Japanese Cobitis, indicated that the striata complex should be considered as a monophyletic group, which evolved in northeastern Asia. Initially considered as a subspecies of Cobitis taenia, widely distributed from Europe to Asia, the striata complex does not have a sister-relationship with the former. Although the Korean species C. tetralineata was formerly believed to be closely related to the middle race in Japan, and a second continental species, C. lutheri, closely related to the Kyushu or San-in forms of the small race in Japan, the trees resulting from the present study revealed that the two Korean species were clustered with each other and separated from all Japanese races.  相似文献   

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