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The bacterial nitric oxide reductase (NOR) is a divergent member of the family of respiratory heme-copper oxidases. It differs from other family members in that it contains an Fe(B)-heme-Fe dinuclear catalytic center rather than a Cu(B)-heme-Fe center and in that it does not pump protons. Several glutamate residues are conserved in NORs but are absent in other heme-copper oxidases. To facilitate mutagenesis-based studies of these residues in Paracoccus denitrificans NOR, we developed two expression systems that enable inactive or poorly active NOR to be expressed, characterized in vivo, and purified. These are (i) a homologous system utilizing the cycA promoter to drive aerobic expression of NOR in P. denitrificans and (ii) a heterologous system which provides the first example of the expression of an integral-membrane cytochrome bc complex in Escherichia coli. Alanine substitutions for three of the conserved glutamate residues (E125, E198, and E202) were introduced into NOR, and the proteins were expressed in P. denitrificans and E. coli. Characterization in intact cells and membranes has demonstrated that two of the glutamates are essential for normal levels of NOR activity: E125, which is predicted to be on the periplasmic surface close to helix IV, and E198, which is predicted to lie in the middle of transmembrane helix VI. The subsequent purification and spectroscopic characterization of these enzymes established that they are stable and have a wild-type cofactor composition. Possible roles for these glutamates in proton uptake and the chemistry of NO reduction at the active site are discussed.  相似文献   

Electron- and proton-transfer reactions in bacterial nitric oxide reductase (NOR) have been investigated by optical spectroscopy and electrometry. In liposomes, NOR does not show any generation of an electric potential during steady-state turnover. This electroneutrality implies that protons are taken up from the same side of the membrane as electrons during catalysis. Intramolecular electron redistribution after photolysis of the partially reduced CO-bound enzyme shows that the electron transfer in NOR has the same pathway as in the heme-copper oxidases. The electron is transferred from the acceptor site, heme c, via a low-spin heme b to the binuclear active site (heme b3/FeB). The electron-transfer rate between hemes c and b is (3 +/- 2) x 10(4) s(-1). The rate of electron transfer between hemes b and b3 is too fast to be resolved (>10(6) s(-1)). Only electron transfer between heme c and heme b is coupled to the generation of an electric potential. This implies that the topology of redox centers in NOR is comparable to that in the heme-copper cytochrome oxidases. The optical and electrometric measurements allow identification of the intermediate states formed during turnover of the fully reduced enzyme, as well as the associated proton and electron movement linked to the NO reduction. The first phase (k = 5 x 10(5) s(-1)) is electrically silent, and characterized by the disappearance of absorbance at 433 nm and the appearance of a broad peak at 410 nm. We assign this phase to the formation of a ferrous NO adduct of heme b3. NO binding is followed by a charge separation phase (k = 2.2 x 10(5) s(-1)). We suggest that the formation of this intermediate that is not linked to significant optical changes involves movement of charged side chains near the active site. The next step creates a negative potential with a rate constant of approximately 3 x 10(4) s(-1) and a weak optical signature. This is followed by an electrically silent phase with a rate constant of 5 x 10(3) s(-1) leading to the last intermediate of the first turnover (a rate constant of approximately 10(3) s(-1)). The fully reduced enzyme has four electrons, enough for two complete catalytic cycles. However, the protons for the second turnover must be taken from the bulk, resulting in the generation of a positive potential in two steps. The optical measurements also verify two phases in the oxidation of low-spin hemes. Based on these results, we present mechanistic models of NO reduction by NOR. The results can be explained with a trans mechanism rather than a cis model involving FeB. Additionally, the data open up the possibility that NOR employs a P450-type mechanism in which only heme b3 functions as the NO binding site during turnover.  相似文献   

The Ras converting enzyme (RCE) promotes a proteolytic activity that is required for the maturation of Ras, the yeast a-factor mating pheromone, and certain other proteins whose precursors bear a C-terminal CAAX tetrapeptide motif. Despite the physiological importance of RCE, the enzymatic mechanism of this protease remains undefined. In this study, we have evaluated the substrate specificity of RCE orthologs from yeast (Rce1p), worm, plant, and human and have determined the importance of conserved residues toward enzymatic activity. Our findings indicate that RCE orthologs have conserved substrate specificity, cleaving CVIA, CTLM, and certain other CAAX motifs, but not the CASQ motif, when these motifs are placed in the context of the yeast a-factor precursor. Our mutational studies of residues conserved between the orthologs indicate that an alanine substitution at His194 completely inactivates yeast Rce1p enzymatic activity, whereas a substitution at Glu156 or His248 results in marginal activity. We have also determined that residues Glu157, Tyr160, Phe190, and Asn252 impact the substrate selectivity of Rce1p. Computational methods predict that residues influencing Rce1p function are all near or within hydrophobic segments. Combined, our data indicate that yeast Rce1p function requires residues that are invariably conserved among an extended family of prokaryotic and eukaryotic enzymes and that these residues are likely to lie within or immediately adjacent to the transmembrane segments of this membrane-localized enzyme.  相似文献   

The review briefly summarizes current knowledge of the bacterial nitric-oxide reductase (NOR). This membrane enzyme consists of two subunits, the smaller one contains haem C and the larger one two haems B and nonhaem iron. The protein sequence and structure of metal centres demonstrate the relationship of NOR to the family of terminal oxidases. The binuclear Fe-Fe reaction centre, consisting of antiferromagnetically coupled haem B and nonhaem iron, is analogous to Fe-Cu centre of terminal oxidases. The data on the structure and function of NOR and terminal oxidases suggest that all these enzymes are closely evolutionally related. The catalytic properties are determined most of all by the relatively high toxicity of nitric oxide as a substrate and the resulting strong need to maintain its concentration at nanomolar levels. A kinetic model of the action of the enzyme comprises substrate inhibition. NOR does not conserve the free energy of nitric oxide reduction because it does not work as a proton pump and, moreover, the protons coming into the reaction are taken from periplasm, i.e. they do not cross the membrane.  相似文献   

The c-type nitric oxide reductase (cNOR) from Paracoccus (P.) denitrificans is an integral membrane protein that catalyzes NO reduction; 2NO + 2e + 2H+ → N2O + H2O. It is also capable of catalyzing the reduction of oxygen to water, albeit more slowly than NO reduction. cNORs are divergent members of the heme-copper oxidase superfamily (HCuOs) which reduce NO, do not pump protons, and the reaction they catalyse is non-electrogenic. All known cNORs have been shown to have five conserved glutamates (E) in the catalytic subunit, by P. denitrificans numbering, the E122, E125, E198, E202 and E267. The E122 and E125 are presumed to face the periplasm and the E198, E202 and E267 are located in the interior of the membrane, close to the catalytic site. We recently showed that the E122 and E125 define the entry point of the proton pathway leading from the periplasm into the active site [U. Flock, F.H. Thorndycroft, A.D. Matorin, D.J. Richardson, N.J. Watmough, P. Ädelroth, J. Biol. Chem. 283 (2008) 3839-3845]. Here we present results from the reaction between fully reduced NOR and oxygen on the alanine variants of the E198, E202 and E267. The initial binding of O2 to the active site was unaffected by these mutations. In contrast, proton uptake to the bound O2 was significantly inhibited in both the E198A and E267A variants, whilst the E202A NOR behaved essentially as wildtype. We propose that the E198 and E267 are involved in terminating the proton pathway in the region close to the active site in NOR.  相似文献   

Glutamate transporters remove this neurotransmitter from the synapse in an electrogenic process. After sodium-coupled glutamate translocation, the cycle is completed by obligatory outward translocation of potassium. In the crystal structure of an archaeal homologue, two conserved residues form a beta-bridge, which points away from the binding pocket. In the neuronal glutamate transporter EAAC1, the equivalent residues are asparagine 366 and aspartate 368. Substitution mutants N366Q and D368E, but not N366D and D368N, show glutamate-induced inwardly rectifying steady-state currents, but their apparent substrate affinity is dramatically decreased. Such currents, which reflect electrogenic net uptake of substrate are not observed with the reciprocal double mutant N366D/D368N. Remarkably, the double mutant exhibits slow substrate-induced voltage-dependent capacitative transient currents. These currents apparently reflect the reversible sodium-coupled glutamate translocation step, because the interaction of the double mutant with potassium is largely impaired. Moreover, when the analogous double mutant in the glutamate transporter GLT-1 is reconstituted into liposomes, a slow exchange of radioactive and unlabeled acidic amino acids is observed. Our results suggest that it is the interaction of asparagine 366 and aspartate 368 that is important during the glutamate translocation step. On the other hand, the side chains of these residues themselves are required for the subsequent potassium relocation step.  相似文献   

The phosphate binding loop (GXXXXGKT(S)) is conserved in several mononucleotide-binding proteins with similar three-dimensional structures. Although variations in other amino acids have been noted, the first glycine and glycine-lysine residues are highly conserved in all enzymes, whose role is yet to be understood. Alanine substitutions for critically positioned glycines—G234, G237, and G239—were generated for the catalytic A-subunit of A-ATP synthase from Pyrococcus horikoshii OT3, and their crystal structures were determined. They showed altered conformation for the phosphate binding loop, with G234A and G237A becoming flat and with G239A taking an intermediate conformation, resulting in the active-site region being closed to nucleotide entry. Furthermore, the essential amino acids S238 and K240, which normally interact with the nucleotide, become inaccessible. These mutant structures demonstrate the role of the strictly conserved glycine residues in guarding the active-site region for nucleotide entrance in archaea-type ATP synthases.  相似文献   

The active site of nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains heme and non-heme iron and is evolutionarily related to heme-copper oxidases. The CO and NO dynamics in the active site were investigated using ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. We find that, upon photodissociation from the active site heme, 20% of the CO rebinds in 170 ps, suggesting that not all the CO transiently binds to the non-heme iron. The remaining 80% does not rebind within 4 ns and likely migrates out of the active site without transient binding to the non-heme iron. Rebinding of NO to ferrous heme takes place in approximately 13 ps. Our results reveal that heme-ligand recombination in this enzyme is considerably faster than in heme-copper oxidases and are consistent with a more confined configuration of the active site.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide reductase (NOR) from P. denitrificans is a membrane-bound protein complex that catalyses the reduction of NO to N(2)O (2NO+2e(-)+2H(+)-->N(2)O+H(2)O) as part of the denitrification process. Even though NO reduction is a highly exergonic reaction, and NOR belongs to the superfamily of O(2)-reducing, proton-pumping heme-copper oxidases (HCuOs), previous measurements have indicated that the reaction catalyzed by NOR is non-electrogenic, i.e. not contributing to the proton electrochemical gradient. Since electrons are provided by donors in the periplasm, this non-electrogenicity implies that the substrate protons are also taken up from the periplasm. Here, using direct measurements in liposome-reconstituted NOR during reduction of both NO and the alternative substrate O(2), we demonstrate that protons are indeed consumed from the 'outside'. First, multiple turnover reduction of O(2) resulted in an increase in pH on the outside of the NOR-vesicles. Second, comparison of electrical potential generation in NOR-liposomes during oxidation of the reduced enzyme by either NO or O(2) shows that the proton transfer signals are very similar for the two substrates proving the usefulness of O(2) as a model substrate for these studies. Last, optical measurements during single-turnover oxidation by O(2) show electron transfer coupled to proton uptake from outside the NOR-liposomes with a tau=15 ms, similar to results obtained for net proton uptake in solubilised NOR [U. Flock, N.J. Watmough, P. Adelroth, Electron/proton coupling in bacterial nitric oxide reductase during reduction of oxygen, Biochemistry 44 (2005) 10711-10719]. NOR must thus contain a proton transfer pathway leading from the periplasmic surface into the active site. Using homology modeling with the structures of HCuOs as templates, we constructed a 3D model of the NorB catalytic subunit from P. denitrificans in order to search for such a pathway. A plausible pathway, consisting of conserved protonatable residues, is suggested.  相似文献   

Showing a high sequence similarity, the evolutionary closely related bacterial poly(A) polymerases (PAP) and CCA-adding enzymes catalyze quite different reactions—PAP adds poly(A) tails to RNA 3′-ends, while CCA-adding enzymes synthesize the sequence CCA at the 3′-terminus of tRNAs. Here, two highly conserved structural elements of the corresponding Escherichia coli enzymes were characterized. The first element is a set of amino acids that was identified in CCA-adding enzymes as a template region determining the enzymes' specificity for CTP and ATP. The same element is also present in PAP, where it confers ATP specificity. The second investigated region corresponds to a flexible loop in CCA-adding enzymes and is involved in the incorporation of the terminal A-residue. Although, PAP seems to carry a similar flexible region, the functional relevance of this element in PAP is not known. The presented results show that the template region has an essential function in both enzymes, while the second element is surprisingly dispensable in PAP. The data support the idea that the bacterial PAP descends from CCA-adding enzymes and still carries some of the structural elements required for CCA-addition as an evolutionary relic and is now fixed in a conformation specific for A-addition.  相似文献   

Margareta R.A. Blomberg  Pia Ädelroth 《BBA》2018,1859(11):1223-1234
Cytochrome c oxidases (CcO) reduce O2 to H2O in the respiratory chain of mitochondria and many aerobic bacteria. In addition, some species of CcO can also reduce NO to N2O and water while others cannot. Here, the mechanism for NO-reduction in CcO is investigated using quantum mechanical calculations. Comparison is made to the corresponding reaction in a “true” cytochrome c-dependent NO reductase (cNOR). The calculations show that in cNOR, where the reduction potentials are low, the toxic NO molecules are rapidly reduced, while the higher reduction potentials in CcO lead to a slower or even impossible reaction, consistent with experimental observations. In both enzymes the reaction is initiated by addition of two NO molecules to the reduced active site, forming a hyponitrite intermediate. In cNOR, N2O can then be formed using only the active-site electrons. In contrast, in CcO, one proton-coupled reduction step most likely has to occur before N2O can be formed, and furthermore, proton transfer is most likely rate-limiting. This can explain why different CcO species with the same heme a3-Cu active site differ with respect to NO reduction efficiency, since they have a varying number and/or properties of proton channels. Finally, the calculations also indicate that a conserved active site valine plays a role in reducing the rate of NO reduction in CcO.  相似文献   

This article comments on: A dual system formed by the ARC and NR molybdoenzymes mediates nitrite‐dependent NO production in Chlamydomonas  相似文献   

Bacterial nitric oxide reductase (NOR) catalyzes the two-electron reduction of nitric oxide to nitrous oxide. It is a highly diverged member of the superfamily of heme-copper oxidases. The main feature by which NOR is distinguished from the heme-copper oxidases is the elemental composition of the active site, a dinuclear center comprised of heme b(3) and non-heme iron (Fe(B)). The visible region electronic absorption spectrum of reduced NOR exhibits a maximum at 551 nm with a distinct shoulder at 560 nm; these are attributed to Fe(II) heme c (E(m) = 310 mV) and Fe(II) heme b (E(m) = 345 mV), respectively. The electronic absorption spectrum of oxidized NOR exhibits a characteristic shoulder around 595 nm that exhibits complex behavior in equilibrium redox titrations. The first phase of reduction is characterized by an apparent shift of the shoulder to 604 nm and a decrease in intensity. This is due to reduction of Fe(B) (E(m) = 320 mV), while the subsequent bleaching of the 604 nm band represents reduction of heme b(3) (E(m) = 60 mV). This separation of redox potentials (>200 mV) allows the enzyme to be poised in the three-electron reduced state for detailed spectroscopic examination of the Fe(III) heme b(3) center. The low midpoint potential of heme b(3) represents a thermodynamic barrier to the complete (two-electron) reduction of the dinuclear center. This may avoid formation of a stable Fe(II) heme b(3)-NO species during turnover, which may be an inhibited state of the enzyme. It would also appear that the evolution of significant oxygen reducing activity by heme-copper oxidases was not simply a matter of the substitution of copper for non-heme iron in the dinuclear center. Changes in the protein environment that modulate the midpoint redox potential of heme b(3) to facilitate both complete reduction of the dinuclear center (a prerequisite for oxygen binding) and rapid heme-heme electron transfer were also necessary.  相似文献   

Joachim Reimann  Pia Ädelroth 《BBA》2007,1767(5):362-373
Nitric oxide reductase (NOR) from P. denitrificans is a membrane-bound protein complex that catalyses the reduction of NO to N2O (2NO + 2e + 2H+ → N2O + H2O) as part of the denitrification process. Even though NO reduction is a highly exergonic reaction, and NOR belongs to the superfamily of O2-reducing, proton-pumping heme-copper oxidases (HCuOs), previous measurements have indicated that the reaction catalyzed by NOR is non-electrogenic, i.e. not contributing to the proton electrochemical gradient. Since electrons are provided by donors in the periplasm, this non-electrogenicity implies that the substrate protons are also taken up from the periplasm. Here, using direct measurements in liposome-reconstituted NOR during reduction of both NO and the alternative substrate O2, we demonstrate that protons are indeed consumed from the ‘outside’. First, multiple turnover reduction of O2 resulted in an increase in pH on the outside of the NOR-vesicles. Second, comparison of electrical potential generation in NOR-liposomes during oxidation of the reduced enzyme by either NO or O2 shows that the proton transfer signals are very similar for the two substrates proving the usefulness of O2 as a model substrate for these studies. Last, optical measurements during single-turnover oxidation by O2 show electron transfer coupled to proton uptake from outside the NOR-liposomes with a τ = 15 ms, similar to results obtained for net proton uptake in solubilised NOR [U. Flock, N.J. Watmough, P. Ädelroth, Electron/proton coupling in bacterial nitric oxide reductase during reduction of oxygen, Biochemistry 44 (2005) 10711-10719]. NOR must thus contain a proton transfer pathway leading from the periplasmic surface into the active site. Using homology modeling with the structures of HCuOs as templates, we constructed a 3D model of the NorB catalytic subunit from P. denitrificans in order to search for such a pathway. A plausible pathway, consisting of conserved protonatable residues, is suggested.  相似文献   

The flavoenzyme UDP-galactopyranose mutase (UGM) is a mediator of cell wall biosynthesis in many pathogenic microorganisms. UGM catalyzes a unique ring contraction reaction that results in the conversion of UDP-galactopyranose (UDP-Galp) to UDP-galactofuranose (UDP-Galf). UDP-Galf is an essential precursor to the galactofuranose residues found in many different cell wall glycoconjugates. Due to the important consequences of UGM catalysis, structural and biochemical studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism and identify the key residues involved. Here, we report the results of site-directed mutagenesis studies on the absolutely conserved residues in the putative active site cleft. By generating variants of the UGM from Klebsiella pneumoniae, we have identified two arginine residues that play critical catalytic roles (alanine substitution abolishes detectable activity). These residues also have a profound effect on the binding of a fluorescent UDP derivative that inhibits UGM, suggesting that the Arg variants are defective in their ability to bind substrate. One of the residues, Arg280, is located in the putative active site, but, surprisingly, the structural studies conducted to date suggest that Arg174 is not. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that closed UGM conformations can be accessed in which this residue contacts the pyrophosphoryl group of the UDP-Gal substrates. These results provide strong evidence that the mobile loop, noted in all the reported crystal structures, must move in order for UGM to bind its UDP-galactose substrate.  相似文献   

Protein-arginine methyltransferases aid in the regulation of many biological processes by methylating specific arginyl groups within targeted proteins. The varied nature of the response to methylation is due in part to the diverse product specificity displayed by the protein-arginine methyltransferases. In addition to site location within a protein, biological response is also determined by the degree (mono-/dimethylation) and type of arginine dimethylation (asymmetric/symmetric). Here, we have identified two strictly conserved methionine residues in the PRMT1 active site that are not only important for activity but also control substrate specificity. Mutation of Met-155 or Met-48 results in a loss in activity and a change in distribution of mono- and dimethylated products. The altered substrate specificity of M155A and M48L mutants is also evidenced by automethylation. Investigation into the mechanistic basis of altered substrate recognition led us to consider each methyl transfer step separately. Single turnover experiments reveal that the rate of transfer of the second methyl group is much slower than transfer of the first methyl group in M48L, especially for arginine residues located in the center of the peptide substrate where turnover of the monomethylated species is negligible. Thus, altered product specificity in M48L originates from the differential effect of the mutation on the two rates. Characterization of the two active-site methionines provides the first insight into how the PRMT1 active site is engineered to control product specificity.  相似文献   

The tetrasaccharide, Glc1-6Glc1-4Glc1-4Glc, denoted (Glc)4, is a limit dextrin formed by amylolytic degradation of glycogen. In order to evaluate the possible clinical importance of (Glc)4 excretion as an indicator of certain physiological and pathological conditions, we have developed a new rapid and inexpensive immunoassay using a monoclonal antibody raised against (Glc)4 glycosidically-linked to a carrier protein. As the antibody is highly specific, it can be used to measure native (Glc)4 directly, without the chemical reduction step required in previous methods. A new type of non-equilibrium ELISA inhibition test was developed based on the capacity of free (Glc)4 to decrease initial rates of antibody binding to (Glc)4-coated microtiter wells. The method is highly reproducible and is as sensitive and accurate as the gas chromatography method or radioimmunoassay used previously.Abbreviations (Glc)4 Glc1-6Glc1-4Glc1-4Glc - KLH keyhole limpet hemacyanin - BSA bovine serum albumin - PEG polyethylene glycol  相似文献   

The lantibiotic-synthesizing flavoprotein EpiD catalyzes the oxidative decarboxylation of peptidylcysteines to peptidyl-aminoenethiols. The sequence motif responsible for flavin coenzyme binding and enzyme activity is conserved in different proteins from all kingdoms of life. Dfp proteins of eubacteria and archaebacteria and salt tolerance proteins of yeasts and plants belong to this new family of flavoproteins. The enzymatic function of all these proteins was not known, but our experiments suggested that they catalyze a similar reaction like EpiD and/or may have similar substrates and are homododecameric flavoproteins. We demonstrate that the N-terminal domain of the Escherichia coli Dfp protein catalyzes the decarboxylation of (R)-4'-phospho-N-pantothenoylcysteine to 4'-phosphopantetheine. This reaction is essential for coenzyme A biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Bacterial growth and trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) reduction were measured by following the change in conductance of the growth medium. The method was used as a reliable taxonomic test for the ability of bacteria to reduce TMAO. Conductance measurements were also applied to assaying the enzyme TMAO reductase in resting cells of the marine alteromonad NCMB 400: the enzyme was only active under anaerobic conditions with pyruvate, lactate and formate being good donors; the KmTMAO was 93 ± 16 μmol/1; TMAO reductase activity was inhibited by several N -oxides including nitrite and nitrate, and was relatively resistant to cyanide. The relevance of conductance measurements and the significance of TMAO reduction are discussed.  相似文献   

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