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The time course of osmoregulatory adjustments and expressional changes of three key ion transporters in the gill were investigated in the striped bass during salinity acclimations. In three experiments, fish were transferred from fresh water (FW) to seawater (SW), from SW to FW, and from 15-ppt brackish water (BW) to either FW or SW, respectively. Each transfer induced minor deflections in serum [Na+] and muscle water content, both being corrected rapidly (24 hr). Transfer from FW to SW increased gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity and Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter expression after 3 days. Abundance of Na+,K+-ATPase alpha-subunit mRNA and protein was unchanged. Changes in Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter protein were preceded by increased mRNA expression after 24 hr. Expression of V-type H+-ATPase mRNA decreased after 3 days. Transfer from SW to FW induced no change in expression of gill Na+,K+-ATPase. However, Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter mRNA and protein levels decreased after 24 hr and 7 days, respectively. Expression of H+-ATPase mRNA increased in response to FW after 7 days. In BW fish transferred to FW and SW, gill Na+,K+-ATPase activity was stimulated by both challenges, suggesting both a hyper- and a hypo-osmoregulatory response of the enzyme. Acclimation of striped bass to SW occurs on a rapid time scale. This seems partly to rely on the relative high abundance of gill Na+,K+-ATPase and Na+,K+,2Cl- co-transporter in FW fish. In a separate study, we found a smaller response to SW in expression of these ion transport proteins in striped bass when compared with the less euryhaline brown trout. In both FW and SW, NEM-sensitive gill H+-ATPase activity was negligible in striped bass and approximately 10-fold higher in brown trout. This suggests that in striped bass Na+-uptake in FW may rely more on a relatively high abundance/activity of Na+,K+-ATPase compared to trout, where H+-ATPase is critical for establishing a thermodynamically favorable gradient for Na+-uptake.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) I and II exert pleiotropic effects on diverse cell types through interaction with specific high affinity cell surface receptors and with locally produced binding proteins. In skeletal muscle and in myoblast cell lines, the functions of IGF-I and -II are complex. Both growth factors appear capable of stimulating cellular proliferation and differentiation, as well as exerting insulin-like effects on intermediary metabolism. We have demonstrated recently that the expression of IGF-II and its receptor is induced during the terminal differentiation of the myoblast cell line, C2, and have suggested that IGF-II may be an autocrine growth factor in these cells (Tollefsen, S.E., Sadow, J.L., and Rotwein, P. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 1543-1547). We now have examined this cell line for expression of other components involved in IGF signaling. The synthesis of IGF-I is low during myoblast proliferation; IGF-I mRNA can be detected only through use of a sensitive solution hybridization assay. Typical IGF-I receptors can be measured in myoblasts, whereas IGF binding proteins cannot be detected in proliferating cells or in conditioned culture medium. During myogenic differentiation, IGF-I mRNA levels increase transiently by 6-10-fold within 48-72 h. The expression of IGF-I mRNA is accompanied by a 2.5-fold accumulation of IGF-I in the culture medium. IGF-I receptors also increase transiently, doubling by 48 h after the onset of differentiation. By contrast, secretion of a Mr 29,000 IGF binding protein is induced 30-fold to 100 ng/ml within 16 h and continues to increase throughout differentiation. These studies demonstrate that several components critical to IGF action are produced in a fusing skeletal muscle cell line in a differentiation-dependent manner and suggest that both IGF-I and IGF-II may be autocrine factors for muscle.  相似文献   

Here, we report the cloning and expression analysis of two previously uncharacterized paralogs group 2 Hox genes, striped bass hoxa2a and hoxa2b, and the developmental regulatory gene egr2. We demonstrate that both Hox genes are expressed in the rhombomeres of the developing hindbrain and the pharyngeal arches albeit with different spatio-temporal distributions relative to one another. While both hoxa2a and hoxa2b share the r1/r2 anterior boundary of expression characteristic of the hoxa2 paralog genes of other species, hoxa2a gene expression extends throughout the hindbrain, whereas hoxa2b gene expression is restricted to the r2-r5 region. Egr2, which is used in this study as an early developmental marker of rhombomeres 3 and 5, is expressed in two distinct bands with a location and spacing typical for these two rhombomeres in other species. Within the pharyngeal arches, hoxa2a is expressed at higher levels in the second pharyngeal arch, while hoxa2b is more strongly expressed in the posterior arches. Further, hoxa2b expression within the arches becomes undetectable at 60hpf, while hoxa2a expression is maintained at least up until the beginning of chondrogenesis. Comparison of the striped bass HoxA cluster paralog group 2 (PG2) genes to their orthologs and trans-orthologs shows that the striped bass hoxa2a gene expression pattern is similar to the overall expression pattern described for the hoxa2 genes in the lobe-finned fish lineage and for the hoxa2b gene from zebrafish. It is notable that the pharyngeal arch expression pattern of the striped bass hoxa2a gene is more divergent from its sister paralog, hoxa2b, than from the zebrafish hoxa2b gene. Overall, our results suggest that differences in the Hox PG2 gene complement of striped bass and zebrafish affects both their rhombomeric and pharyngeal arch expression patterns and may account for the similarities in pharyngeal arch expression between striped bass hoxa2a and zebrafish hoxa2b.  相似文献   

Variations of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and fatty-acid composition in the gills of the sturgeon Acipenser naccarii subjected to progressive acclimation to full seawater (35 ppt) were determined in relation to the hypo-osmoregulatory capacity of this species in the hyperosmotic medium. Blood samples were taken and gills arches were removed at intermediate salinity levels between 0 and 35 ppt and after 20 days at constant salinity (35 ppt). Plasma osmolality and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity increased significantly with growing environmental salinity. Total saturated fatty acids (SFAs) decreased, while total polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) increased significantly with increasing salinity due mainly to changes in n-3 PUFAs (20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3). The n-3/n-6 ratio increased significantly during the acclimation process. The results show a direct relationship between salinity, increased gill Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity and ultrastructural changes of the gill chloride cells. Changes in the fatty-acid composition in gills of A. naccarii during progressive acclimation to full seawater suggest that variations of gill fatty acids may also have a role in osmoregulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cellular localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins was investigated during ontogenesis of triploid sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) by an immunohistochemical approach. The results were compared with those observed in diploids. IGF-I immunostaining was mainly observed in skin, skeletal muscle, intestine and gills of both diploids and triploids. From day 30 of larval life, IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in skeletal muscle, intestine, gills and kidney was stronger in triploids than in diploids. At day 30, triploids exhibited a standard length significantly higher than the one of diploids. Although IGF-II and MSTN immunoreactivity was detectable in different tissues and organs, no differences between diploids and triploids were observed. The spatial localization of IGF-I, IGF-II and MSTN proteins detected in this study is in agreement with previous findings on the distribution of these proteins in diploid larvae and fry. The highest IGF-I immunoreactivity observed in triploids suggests a possible involvement of ploidy in their growth performance.Key words: IGF-I, IGF-II, MSTN, immunohistochemistry, triploid.  相似文献   

Striped bass Morone saxatilis were infected intraperitoneally with approximately 10(5) Mycobacterium marinum, M. shottsii sp. nov., or M. gordonae. Infected fish were maintained in a flow-through freshwater system at 18 to 21 degrees C, and were examined histologically and bacteriologically at 2, 4, 6, 8, 17, 26, 36 and 45 wk post-infection (p.i.). M. marinum caused acute peritonitis, followed by extensive granuloma development in the mesenteries, spleen and anterior kidney. Granulomas in these tissues underwent a temporal progression of distinct morphological stages, culminating in well-circumscribed lesions surrounded by normal or healing tissue. Mycobacteria were cultured in high numbers from splenic tissue at all times p.i. Standard Ziehl-Neelsen staining, however, did not demonstrate acid-fast rods in most early inflammatory foci and granulomas. Large numbers of acid-fast rods were present in granulomas beginning at 8 wk p.i. Between 26 and 45 wk p.i., reactivation of disease was observed in some fish, with disintegration of granulomas, renewed inflammation, and elevated splenic bacterial densities approaching 10(9) colony-forming units g(-1). Infection with M. shottsii or M. gordonae did not produce severe pathology. Mild peritonitis was followed by granuloma formation in the mesenteries, but, with 1 exception, granulomas were not observed in the spleen or anterior kidney. M. shottsii and M. gordonae both established persistent infections in the spleen, but were present at densities at least 2 orders of magnitude less than M. marinum at all time points observed. Granulomas in the mesenteries of M. shottsii- and M. gordonae-infected fish resolved over time, and no reactivation of disease was observed.  相似文献   

1. Hybrid striped bass (HB) were heavier and fatter than striped bass (SB) at harvest. 2. Total lipid, triacylglycerol and phospholipid fractions from muscle tissue of HB were characterized as having significantly larger quantities of polyunsaturated fatty acids than SB, while SB contained larger quantities of omega 3 fatty acids (specifically 22:6 and 20:5) than HB. 3. HB muscle tissue contained 14.99 and 11.42 micrograms/g dry weight of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, respectively, while SB muscle tissue contained 38.77 and 7.15 micrograms/g dry weight of alpha- and gamma-tocopherol, respectively.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriosis in cultured striped bass from California   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Striped bass (Morone saxatilis) juveniles raised in an intensive culture system had chronic mortality resulting from infections with Mycobacterium marinum. Approximately one-half of a population of 900 yearlings succumbed to the disease and 80% of those remaining were infected. The bacteria were isolated on Petrignani's medium after 7 days at 25 C and subcultures grew at temperatures from 20 to 37 C. The disease was characterized by systemic nodular lesions in all major organs. Older tubercles contained numerous acid-fast bacilli. Chemotherapy by feeding rifampin (6 mg/100 g of food for 60 days) was not an effective treatment. Subclinical mycobacteriosis in adult striped bass may be the source for vertical transmission to their progeny.  相似文献   

In cardiomyocytes, ryanodine receptors (RYRs) mediate Ca2+-induced Ca2+-release (CICR) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) during excitation–contraction (e–c) coupling. In rainbow trout heart, the relative importance of CICR increases with cold-acclimation. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of temperature acclimation (4, 11 and 18°C) on RYR intracellular localization and expression density. We used immunocytochemistry to assess intracellular localization in ventricular myocytes and Western blotting to assess RYR expression in both atrial and ventricular tissue. In ventricular myocytes, RYRs were localized peripherally in transverse bands aligning with sarcomeric m-lines and centrally around mitochondria and the nucleus. Localization did not change with temperature acclimation. RYR expression was also unaffected by temperature acclimation. The localization of RYRs at the m-line is similar to neonatal mammalian cardiomyocytes. We suggest this positioning is indicative of myocytes which rely predominantly on transsarcolemmal Ca2+-influx, rather than CICR, during e–c coupling.  相似文献   

Microbiomes play a critical role in promoting a range of host functions. Microbiome function, in turn, is dependent on its community composition. Yet, how microbiome taxa are assembled from their regional species pool remains unclear. Many possible drivers have been hypothesized, including deterministic processes of competition, stochastic processes of colonization and migration, and physiological ‘host‐effect’ habitat filters. The contribution of each to assembly in nascent or perturbed microbiomes is important for understanding host–microbe interactions and host health. In this study, we characterized the bacterial communities in a euryhaline fish and the surrounding tank water during salinity acclimation. To assess the relative influence of stochastic versus deterministic processes in fish microbiome assembly, we manipulated the bacterial species pool around each fish by changing the salinity of aquarium water. Our results show a complete and repeatable turnover of dominant bacterial taxa in the microbiomes from individuals of the same species after acclimation to the same salinity. We show that changes in fish microbiomes are not correlated with corresponding changes to abundant taxa in tank water communities and that the dominant taxa in fish microbiomes are rare in the aquatic surroundings, and vice versa. Our results suggest that bacterial taxa best able to compete within the unique host environment at a given salinity appropriate the most niche space, independent of their relative abundance in tank water communities. In this experiment, deterministic processes appear to drive fish microbiome assembly, with little evidence for stochastic colonization.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential role(s) of the insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) in embryogenesis, we have used in situ hybridization histochemistry to localize mRNAs for IGF-I, IGF-II, and the type I IGF receptor during an early period in rat embryonic development (embryonic days 14 and 15). IGF-I and IGF-II mRNAs were found in distinctly different patterns of cellular distribution. IGF-I mRNA was particularly abundant in undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue in the vicinity of sprouting nerves and spinal ganglia, and in circumscribed regions of the developing face that corresponded to the target zones of the trigeminal nerve. IGF-I mRNA was also found in aggregations of mesenchyme surrounding, but not in developing muscle and cartilage. IGF-I mRNA was selectively concentrated in areas of active tissue remodeling, such as the cardiac outflow tract, and was undetectable in liver, pituitary, and nervous system at this early stage of organogenesis. IGF-II mRNA was abundant in developing muscle, cartilage, and vascular tissue, and in the embryonic liver and pituitary. IGF-II mRNA was also conspicuous in areas of vascular interface with the brain, such as the choroid plexus and the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. Messenger RNA for the type I IGF receptor was widely distributed in embryonic tissues, but the highest level were seen in the ventral floorplate of the hindbrain, where specialized neuroepithelial cells act as guides for axonal targeting. In conclusion, the different cellular patterns of expression of genes for IGF-I and IGF-II indicate that these two IGFs are differently regulated and, thus, may have significantly different roles in the process of embryonic development. Furthermore, the early and widespread expression of the type-I IGF receptor gene, in contrast to the relatively limited and localized pattern of IGF-I gene expression, is consistent with the view that this receptor may mediate the effects of IGF-II as well as IGF-I during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

In the present study, we measured the markers of oxidative stress as well as activity of antioxidative enzymes and content of α-tocopherol in the acclimated and non-acclimated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cell suspension cultures subjected to 150 and 200 mM NaCl. The content of carbonyl groups and lipid peroxidation were lower in the acclimated cultures than in the non-acclimated ones as well as their increases after NaCl treatments. Both NaCl concentrations enhanced activity of glutathione peroxidase in the examined cultures whereas activity of glutathione-S-transferase rose only in the acclimated ones. The increase in content of α-tocopherol induced by NaCl was more pronounced in the acclimated cultures. NaCl caused high decline in cell vigour in the non-acclimated cultures up to 80–90 % at the end of the experiment. The presented data suggest that the acclimated cultures coped with the salt stress better than the non-acclimated ones.  相似文献   

Proline is an important osmolyte appearing as the result of salt stress response of plants. In the present study, we measured the proline concentration, activities of pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase (P5CS), pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase (P5CR), and proline dehydrogenase (PDH) key regulatory enzymes in the biosynthesis and degradation of proline in the acclimated (AC20) and the non-acclimated (NAC) cucumber cell suspension cultures subjected to moderate (150 mM NaCl; AC20–150, NAC-150, respectively) and severe (200 mM NaCl; AC20–200, NAC-200, respectively) salt stress. The data showed that salt stress brought about a linear increase in proline content in both types of cultures. However, in the acclimated culture proline accumulation was observed earlier, in third hour after stress. Only in the acclimated culture moderate and severe stresses up-regulated P5CS activity throughout the experiment, whereas the activity of P5CR grew in response to both NaCl concentrations only in 24th and 48th hour. The severe salt stress resulted in decrease in P5CR in NAC-200 cultures. In response to salt stress, both types of cell suspension cultures reacted with decline in PDH activity below the spectrophotometrically detected level. Cell cultures vigor correlated with salt concentration and time of exposure to the stress factor. Both NaCl concentrations caused linear decline in vigor of the non-acclimated culture up to 80–90 % at the end of the experiment, whereas in the acclimated culture significant decrease by about 30–40 % was reached in 24th hour after stress. The presented data suggest that acclimation to salt stress up-regulated proline synthesis enzyme activity and caused intensive accumulations of proline by inhibiting its oxidation.  相似文献   

Neohelice granulata (Chasmagnathus granulatus) is an intertidal crab species living in salt marshes from estuaries and lagoons along the Atlantic coast of South America. It is a key species in these environments because it is responsible for energy transfer from producers to consumers. In order to deal with the extremely marked environmental salinity changes occurring in salt marshes, N. granulata shows important and interesting structural, biochemical, and physiological adaptations at the gills level. These adaptations characterize this crab as a euryhaline species, tolerating environmental salinities ranging from very diluted media to concentrated seawater. These characteristics had led to its use as an animal model to study estuarine adaptations in crustaceans. Therefore, the present review focuses on the influence of environmental salinity on N. granulata responses at the ecological, organismic and molecular levels. Aspects covered include salinity tolerance, osmo- and ionoregulatory patterns, morphological and structural adaptations at the gills, and mechanisms of ion transport and their regulation at the gills level during environmental salinity acclimation. Finally, this review compiles information on the effects of some environmental pollutants on iono- and osmoregulatory adaptations showed by N. granulata.  相似文献   

Cold temperature generally induces an enhancement of oxidative capacities, a greater content of intracellular lipids, and a remodeling of lipids in biological membranes. These physiological responses may pose a heightened risk of lipid peroxidation (LPO), while warm temperature could result in greater risk of LPO since rates involving reactive oxygen species and LPO will be elevated. The current study examines responses of the glutathione system of antioxidant defense after temperature acclimation. We measured total glutathione (tGSH), and protein levels of GPx1, GPx4, and GST (cardiac and skeletal muscles), and enzymatic activity (skeletal muscle) of glutathione-dependent antioxidants (GPx, GPx4, and GST) in tissues from striped bass (Morone saxatilis) acclimated for six weeks to 7 °C or 25 °C. tGSH of cardiac muscle from cold-acclimated animals was 1.2-times higher than in warm-bodied counterparts, but unchanged with temperature acclimation in skeletal muscle. A second low molecular weight antioxidant, ascorbate was 1.4- and 1.5-times higher in cardiac and skeletal muscle, respectively in warm- than cold-acclimated animals. Despite 1.2-times higher oxidative capacities (as indicated by citrate synthase activity), in skeletal muscle from cold- versus warm-acclimated fish, levels and activities of antioxidant enzymes were similar between acclimation groups. Lipid peroxidation products (as indicated by TBARS), normalized to tissue wet weight, were more than 2-times higher in skeletal muscle from cold- than warm-acclimated animals, however, when normalized to phospholipid content there was no statistical difference between acclimation groups. Our results demonstrate that the physiological changes, associated with acclimation to low temperature in the eurythermal striped bass, are not accompanied by an enhanced antioxidant defense in the glutathione-dependent system.  相似文献   

Puberty is the period during which full sexual development occurs and the capacity to reproduce is acquired. Despite its importance, our understanding of the endocrine regulation of puberty in lower vertebrates is still limited. The objective of the present study was to describe the changes in gonadal development and plasma steroid levels in a relatively late maturing species, the striped bass, during the first four years of life. In about 65% of the females, puberty was initiated during the third year. Although gonadosomatic index (GSI) and oocyte diameter increased during this year, this first cycle was characterized by a heterogeneous population of developing oocytes, a relatively low mean maximum oocyte diameter, and an absence of yolk granules in the oocytes. Plasma 17beta-estradiol (E(2)) levels were low in all three-year-old fish, suggesting that an insufficient stimulation of vitellogenin production by E(2) may underlie the lack of vitellogenin incorporation into developing oocytes. All monitored parameters increased during the fourth year, but were still below the values attained by older females. In about 60% of the males, puberty was initiated during the first year and all males were mature by the third year. During the first two years, several immature males initiated spermatogenesis without reaching full maturity. In mature males, mean GSI, plasma testosterone, and 11-ketotestosterone levels increased simultaneously, reaching higher values each subsequent year. Our results indicate that, similar to the situation in mammals, more than one reproductive cycle is required in striped bass before complete adulthood is reached.  相似文献   

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