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Systolic (S) and diastolic (D) blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) of clinically healthy children (24 boys and 15 girls) 3 to 7 years of age were measured with a standard mercury sphygmomanometer at 3-hour intervals for 24 hours in April 1991. The children slept and/or rested from 2100 to 0700 and napped from 1230 to 1530; they had meals at 0730, 1200 and 1800. A statistically significant circadian and about 12-hour (circasemidian) component of variation is documented for SBP and DBP of boys and girls and for HR of boys. No gender difference was found for the circadian and circasemidian components. A positive correlation with age is found for the MESOR and circadian amplitude of SBP and DBP (p < 0.05); a negative correlation with age is found for the MESOR of HR (p < 0.001).  相似文献   

An earlier study showed that plasma concentrations of total 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MHPG), the major metabolite of norepinephrine, display a circadian rhythm in 6 male healthy subjects. In the previous study, the period of the rhythm was not fixed to 24 h thereby undermining the reliability of the cosinor parameter estimates. The present study extends the findings to a larger group of 12 clinically healthy male volunteers. Plasma total MHPG concentrations were determined every 3h for one full day. The data were fitted to a cosinor model fixing the period of the putative MHPG rhythm at 24 h. Several estimation techniques were utilized including Fourier analysis and time domain analysis with 4 variations. It is concluded that a circadian rhythm indeed characterizes MHPG blood concentrations. The concordance among the various parameter estimates is discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated (i) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and their relation to urinary NOx and eNOS protein expression in male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), as well as (ii) gender-dependent cardiovascular effects of nebivolol (NEB) in comparison to metoprolol (MET) in SHR. BP and HR were measured telemetrically after a single intraperitoneal application of NEB or MET at 07.00 and 19.00 h in male rats and at 19.00 h in proestrus female rats. The two β-blockers varied in time of decreasing BP and HR and also in duration. In males, MET decreased BP and HR for few hours exclusively when applied at the onset of the activity phase (i.e., at 19.00 h), while after its application at 07.00 h, BP and HR were unchanged. In females, MET also caused a short-lasting BP and HR reduction, with the effect being more pronounced than in males. In males, NEB at either dosing time decreased HR and BP to a greater extent than did MET. This effect was evident both during the activity and rest periods and persisted for at least five days. In females, NEB provoked a similar, but more pronounced, effect on BP and HR in comparison to males. These findings demonstrate that significant gender-dependent differences in the circadian profile of BP and HR exist. BP and urinary NOx as well as eNOS expression are inversely correlated, and the cardiovascular effects of NEB and MET vary, depending on the time of application as well as gender.  相似文献   

This work presents the second published report of an apparently healthy adult with an acquired B antigen. This case is unique because of the serial studies documenting the increase in strength of the B antigen, development of polyagglutinability, and absence of detectable gastrointestinal pathology. The cells of G.R., a 56-year-old caucasian female, came to our attention because of weak reactions with anti-B. Her cells were typed as a normal group A one year earlier. G.R.'s cells specifically absorbed and eluted anti-B. Her saliva contained A and H, but no B substance. The red cells were not polyagglutinable. Her cells did not react with the lectin Bandeiraea simplificolia. The cells reacted more strongly with anti-B from group A2 donors than A1 donors. Her serum reacted with all normal group B cells, but was nonreactive with two other examples of acquired B cells. The autologous control and direct antiglobulin test were consistently negative. Samples examined three, six, and twelve months later showed the same serological results except that the acquired B antigen was stronger, although weaker than group B controls, and the cells were polyagglutinable. The cells failed to react with the following lectins Bandeiraea simplificolia I, Salvia sclarae, Salvia horminium and Soy bean lectin; but reacted with Arachis hypogea and Bandeiraea simplificolia II. Freezing and thawing the cells removed the polyagglutination but did not affect the B antigen. Normal A1 cells, but not O cells, became specifically agglutinable by anti-B after incubation with G.R.'s serum. G.R. is free from obvious pathology as determined by physical examination and gastrointestinal X-rays.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to assess the association between promoter polymorphism [A(-596)G] in interleukin-6 gene and office systolic and diastolic blood pressures, and the heart rate (HR) in apparently healthy Czech subjects. Furthermore, we evaluated the possible influence of gender, BMI and smoking on these supposed associations. An age-matched (40-50 years) and gender-matched (F/M=81/89) sample of apparently healthy Czech subjects (n=170, F/M=81/89) without hypertension, other cardiovascular diseases or diabetes was examined. The A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism was detected by the PCR method. No differences in genotype distribution and/or allelic frequency was found between groups with lower systolic blood pressure (? 122 mm Hg) and higher systolic blood pressure (> 122 mm Hg). Similarly, no differences in the IL-6 polymorphism were found between lower (? 86 mm Hg) and higher (> 86 mm Hg) diastolic blood pressure groups. However, we proved a significant increase of genotypes AG+GG as well as the allele (-596)G in higher (>78 beats/min) heart rate group. The genotypes AG+GG represent significantly higher relative risk for higher HR frequency, especially in women. Among lean persons with a low heart rate frequency, fewer AG+GG genotypes were determined than among any other subjects. The genotypes AG+GG are more frequent in non-smoking persons with higher HR compared to non-smoking subjects with lower HR, especially in women. Gender, BMI and smoking substantially modify the distribution of A(-596)G Il-6 gene polymorphism in apparently healthy persons with lower or higher heart rate.  相似文献   

The beta-adrenergic pathway has been considered one important effector of circadian variation in arterial pressure. Experiments were performed in beta1/beta2-adrenergic receptor-deficient mice (beta1/beta2ADR-/-) to assess whether this pathway is required for circadian variation in mean arterial pressure (MAP) and to determine the impact of its loss on the response to changes in dietary salt. Twenty-four-hour recordings of MAP, heart rate (HR), and locomotor activity were made in conscious 16- to 17-wk-old mice [wild-type, (WT), n = 7; beta1/beta2ADR-/-, n = 10] by telemetry. Both WT and beta1/beta2ADR-/- mice demonstrated robust circadian variation in MAP and HR, although 24-h mean MAP was 10% lower (102.02 +/- 1.81 vs. 92.11 +/- 2.62 mmHg) in beta1/beta2ADR-/- than WT, HR was 16% lower and day-night differences reduced. Both WT and beta1/beta2ADR-/- mice adapted to changed salt intake without changed MAP. However, the beta1/beta2ADR-/- mice demonstrated a striking reduction in locomotor activity in light and dark phases of the day. In WT mice, MAP was markedly affected by locomotor activity, resulting in bimodal distributions in both light and dark. When MAP was analyzed using only intervals without locomotor activity, bimodality and circadian differences were reduced, and there was no significant difference between the two genotypes. The results indicate that there is no direct effect or role for the beta-adrenergic system in circadian variation of arterial pressure in mice, aside from the indirect consequences of altered locomotor activity. Our results also confirm that locomotor activity contributes strongly to circadian variation in blood pressure in mice.  相似文献   

The aim of this cross-sectional study was to examine the factors which may be associated with the metabolic syndrome by exploring the relationship between psychosocial stress, age, body mass index (BMI), C-reactive protein (CRP), lifestyle factors, and the components of the metabolic syndrome, such as glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), fasting blood sugar (FBS), body fat percentage, and triglyceride concentration, among apparently healthy subjects. Psychosocial stress was measured by the use of the inventory to measure psychosocial stress (IMPS). One thousand four hundred and ninety-nine people out of 1,941 public school workers admitted to a hospital for a medical check-up responded to the IMPS, yielding a response rate of 77.2%. A total of 1,201 workers excluding 298 who were taking medication for various diseases were analyzed with the use of hierarchical multiple regression models. It was found that IMPS-measured stress score, age, BMI, and smoking habit were associated with an increase in glycated hemoglobin among men, while alcohol consumption was associated with a decrease in glycated hemoglobin. Stress score, age, BMI, and alcohol consumption were found to be associated with an increase in FBS among men, while smoking and exercise habits were associated with a decrease in FBS. CRP was found to be associated with an increase in body fat percentage among men, though stress score was not associated with an increase in body fat percentage. Stress score, age, and BMI were associated with an increase in triglyceride concentration among women. The findings of the present study seem to be in line with the hypothesis that psychosocial stress plays an important role in developing the metabolic syndrome, which may be associated with inflammatory processes in the vascular wall, resulting in atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

The purposes of this paper are to examine the effects of activity, situation of measurement, mood, and occupation on the daily variation of blood pressure and to discuss the potential utility of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in physical anthropological studies. The subjects of the blood pressure variability study are 125 men who were referred to the Hypertension Center at New York Hospital--Cornell Medical Center for evaluation of hypertension. There were 1,386 blood pressure measurements from these subjects available for study, which were taken using noninvasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring techniques. Pressures were transformed to z scores using the subject's daily mean pressure and standard deviation to assess the relative elevation during the experience of the various factors. The results show that activity and mood are the most significant sources of blood pressure variation (P less than .005) and are additive. Occupation, which may be an indicator of social class in this population, also modified the mood effects. Because ambulatory blood pressure monitors obtain many readings over a day under a variety of circumstances, their use can improve epidemiological and human biological studies of the inheritance and variability of blood pressure. Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring is an important new tool in the study of human biological variation.  相似文献   

Average diurnal blood pressure (BP) profiles (DBPP) were studied in persons working at different hours of a day, including night workers. The results obtained in winter and summer seasons were compared. The study consisted of more than 497 000 pre-work BP measurement points for each of 30 566 locomotive drivers. It was found that average DBPP of persons working at different hours of a day is of the marked non-dipper type in spite of night wakefulness. BP was lower at night but not as low as that of night sleeping persons. In the cohort studied, the form of DBPP curve does not differ in winter and summer; however BP in winter is significantly higher.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Leptin is involved in the regulation of eating behavior. Its serum levels are determined by fat mass but a diurnal rhythm is also described. It is not clear whether leptin levels are also controlled in vivo by hormonal stimuli, like insulin or cortisol. METHODS AND RESULTS: This possible temporal relation was investigated by serial measurements during 24 h (group A) and 46 h (group B) in 15 healthy volunteers and another 10 subjects (group C) while fasting for 72 h. Maximal leptin levels were observed at 4:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in subjects on a normal diet. During 24 h starvation (group B), there was a 40% decrease of mean leptin concentration when compared to baseline values. In group C, the leptin concentration under starvation dropped to 25% of basal levels after 72 h. Pooled data from group A and the nonfasting data from group B showed an insulin increase preceding leptin increase by 6 h (r = 0.405, p < 0.0001), while cortisol decreased 4 h (r = 0.361, p < 0.001) after leptin decrease. CONCLUSION: Starvation results in a fall of circulating leptin, ending leptin rhythmicity. Food intake is causally involved in the fluctuation of leptin levels in serum. Presumably this effect is mediated by insulin, while cortisol does not seem to affect leptin release directly in vivo.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that C-reactive proteins have a pathogenetic role in atherothrombosis and concentrations of these substances could be used as a marker for future vascular events. The objective of this study was to determine gender differences in highly sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in individuals with atherothrombotic risk factors and apparently healthy ones. We have presently matched 469 females and 469 males having the same age and body mass index (BMI). Of these, 210 men and 210 women had no atherothrombotic risk factors. In this group the hs-CRP concentrations were 1.6+/-3.4 mg l(-1) in women and 1.0+/-2.7 mg l(-1) in men (p<0.0005). These values were 2.1+/-3.4 mg l(-1) and 1.5+/-2.8 mg l(-1), respectively, in the entire cohort (p<0.0005), which included also individuals with atherothrombotic risk factors. We conclude that significant gender differences exist in hs-CRP concentrations despite perfect matching for age and BMI. These differences should be reflected in guidelines that suggest hs-CRP cut-off points for the stratification of vascular risk.  相似文献   



Epidemiology of acute stroke in developing countries differs from that in the developed world, for example, the age at stroke, risk factors, subtypes of stroke and prognosis. Hypertension remains a dominant risk factor and prognostic indicator in patients with stroke in all communities. The risk of stroke is directly related to elevations of blood pressure. A number of clinical studies have shown that the control of hypertension leads to a reduction in the incidence of stroke in a community. However there is still considerable controversy surrounds the changes in blood pressure in various subtypes of strokes and problem of management of elevated BP after stroke. We studied the circadian rhythm of blood pressure in patients following acute stroke.  相似文献   

Normal skin blood flow at the deltoid region in 55 men whose ages ranged from 20 to 72 years was measured by the xenon-133 clearance method. In addition, the correlation of skin blood flow with age, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, hematocrit, hemoglobin, and total protein was analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The following results were obtained. Normal skin blood flow was found to decrease with increase in age, total cholesterol, and systolic blood pressure and showed a tendency to increase with elevation in hematocrit and hemoglobin values. Of the six parameters examined in the present study, the parameter that showed the strongest correlation with skin blood flow at the deltoid region was age, followed in decreasing order by total cholesterol, hematocrit, systolic blood pressure, and hemoglobin. It could therefore be concluded that age is the most reliable factor in clinically estimating skin blood flow. Furthermore, inasmuch as total cholesterol, hematocrit, systolic blood pressure and hemoglobin values also were correlated with skin blood flow, these values also should be taken in account in the synthetic evaluation of skin blood flow. It was skin blood flow at the deltoid region that was strongly correlated with age. This was followed by systolic blood pressure, hematocrit, and hemoglobin. Total cholesterol showed a weak correlation with age, but total protein did not demonstrate any correlation with skin blood flow and age. The results of the present study show that skin blood flow would be poor in the elderly and in patients with arteriosclerosis, hypertension, and anemia. Since it is suggested that the wound-healing process is delayed in such patients, utmost care should be exercised in treating their wounds.  相似文献   

Metabolomics studies now approach large sample sizes and the health characterization of the study population often include complete blood count (CBC) results. Upon careful interpretation the CBC aids diagnosis and provides insight into the health status of the patient within a clinical setting. Uncovering metabolic signatures associated with parameters of the CBC in apparently healthy individuals may facilitate interpretation of metabolomics studies in general and related to diseases. For this purpose 879 subjects from the population‐based Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP)‐TREND were included. Using metabolomics data resulting from mass‐spectrometry based measurements in plasma samples associations of specific CBC parameters with metabolites were determined by linear regression models. In total, 118 metabolites significantly associated with at least one of the CBC parameters. Strongest associations were observed with metabolites of heme degradation and energy production/consumption. Inverse association seen with mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular haemoglobin comprised metabolites potentially related to kidney function. The presently identified metabolic signatures are likely derived from the general function and formation/elimination of blood cells. The wealth of associated metabolites strongly argues to consider CBC in the interpretation of metabolomics studies, in particular if mutual effects on those parameters by the disease of interest are known.  相似文献   

Glucose metabolism marks health and disease and is causally inferred in the aging process. Ambulant continuous glucose monitoring provides 24‐h glucose rhythms under daily life conditions. We aimed to describe ambulant 24‐h glucose rhythms measured under daily life condition in relation to calendar and biological age in apparently healthy individuals. In the general population and families with propensity for longevity, we studied parameters from 24‐h glucose rhythms; glucose levels; and its variability, obtained by continuous glucose monitoring. Participants were 21 young (aged 22–37 years), 37 middle‐aged (aged 44–72 years) individuals from the general population, and 26 middle‐aged (aged 52–74 years) individuals with propensity for longevity. All were free of diabetes. Compared with young individuals, middle‐aged individuals from the general population had higher mean glucose levels (5.3 vs. 4.7 mmol L?1, P < 0.001), both diurnally (P < 0.001) and nocturnally (P = 0.002). Glucose variability was higher in the middle‐aged compared with the young (standard deviation 0.70 vs. 0.57 mmol L?1, P = 0.025). Compared with middle‐aged individuals from the general population, middle‐aged individuals with propensity for longevity had lower overall mean glucose levels (5.2 vs. 5.4 mmol L?1, P = 0.047), which were more different nocturnally (4.8 vs. 5.2 mmol L?1, P = 0.003) than diurnally (5.3 vs. 5.5 mmol L?1, P = 0.14). There were no differences in glucose variability between these groups. Results were independent of body mass index. Among individuals without diabetes, we observed significantly different 24‐h glucose rhythms depending on calendar and biological age.  相似文献   

There is a strong association between metabolic syndrome (MS) and increased cardiovascular risk. Moreover, elevated nighttime blood pressure (BP) and non-dipping (subjects with <10% decline in the asleep relative to the awake BP mean) have been also linked to increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. We investigated the relation between MS, circadian time of hypertension treatment, and impaired nighttime BP decline in a cross-sectional study on 3352 (1576 men/1776 women) non-diabetic hypertensive subjects, 53.7 ± 13.1 (mean ± SD) yrs of age. Among them, 2056 were ingesting all their prescribed hypertension medication upon awakening, and 1296 were ingesting at least one of their BP medications at bedtime. BP was measured by ambulatory monitoring for 48 consecutive hours to substantiate reproducibility of the dipping pattern. Physical activity was simultaneously monitored every minute by wrist actigraphy to accurately calculate mean BP when awake and asleep for each subject. MS was present in 52.6% of the subjects. The prevalence of an altered non-dipper BP profile was significantly higher among subjects with MS (52.0% vs. 39.5% in subjects without MS, p < .001). Non-dipping was significantly more prevalent among subjects ingesting all BP-lowering medications upon awakening (56.8%) than among those ingesting at least one of their BP medications at bedtime (29.1%; p < .001). Subjects with MS had significantly higher values of uric acid (6.0 vs. 5.3 g/dL, p < .001), plasma fibrinogen (331 vs. 315 mg/dL, p < .001), and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (14.8 vs. 12.4 mm, p < .001). Non-dipping was significantly associated with the presence of MS and treatment upon awakening in a multiple logistic regression model adjusted by significant confounding factors, including age, creatinine, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and cigarette smoking. This cross-sectional study documents a significant increase of a blunted sleep-time BP decline in treated hypertensive subjects with MS. Even in the presence of MS, treatment at bedtime is significantly associated with lower prevalence of a high-risk non-dipper BP profile.  相似文献   

Sun L  Pan A  Yu Z  Li H  Shi A  Yu D  Zhang G  Zong G  Liu Y  Lin X 《PloS one》2011,6(11):e27515


Chronic low-grade inflammation and adipokines dysregulation are linked to mechanisms underscoring the pathogenesis of obesity-related metabolic disorders. Little is known about roles of these cytokines on the association between snoring and metabolic syndrome (MetS). We aimed to investigate whether a cluster of cytokines are related to snoring frequency and its association with MetS in apparently healthy Chinese.


Current analyses used a population-based sample including 1059 Shanghai residents aged 35–54 years. Self-reported snoring frequency was classified as never, occasionally and regularly. Fasting plasma glucose, lipid profile, insulin, C-reactive protein, interleukin-6, interleukin-18, lipopolysaccharide binding protein, high-molecular-weight adiponectin and leptin were measured. MetS was defined by the updated National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III criteria for Asian-Americans.


Overweight/obese subjects had significantly higher prevalence of regular snorers than their normal-weight counterparts (34.8% vs. 11.5%, P<0.001). Regular snoring was associated with unfavorable profile of inflammatory markers and adipokines. However, those associations were abolished after adjustment for body mass index (BMI) or waist circumference. The MetS risk (multivariate-adjusted odds ratio 5.41, 95% confidence interval 3.72–7.88) was substantially higher in regular snorers compared with non-snorers. Controlling for BMI remarkably attenuated the association (2.03, 1.26–3.26), while adjusting for inflammatory markers and adipokines showed little effects.


Frequent snoring was associated with an elevated MetS risk independent of lifestyle factors, adiposity, inflammatory markers and adipokines in apparently healthy Chinese. Whether snoring pattern is an economic and no-invasive indicator for screening high-risk persons needs to be addressed prospectively.  相似文献   

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