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The regulatory activity of troponin C is reversibly inhibited by a disulfide bridge between cysteine residues introduced by site-directed mutagenesis in positions 48 and 82 (TnC48/82) in the N-terminal domain of rabbit skeletal troponin C (sTnC; Grabarek, Z., Tan, R.-Y., Tao, T., and Gergely, J. (1990) Nature 345, 132-135). In the present work we have investigated the effects of the disulfide on structural properties of TnC48/82 monitored by CD spectroscopy and limited trypsinolysis. The CD spectra of the mutant protein in the oxidized form (oxTnC48/82) with and without Ca2+ are similar to the corresponding ones of the reduced and carboxamidomethylated form (CAMTnC48/82), indicating that the disulfide has essentially no effect on the overall secondary structure. The N-terminal domain of oxTnC48/82 is resistant to thermal unfolding, but that of CAMTnC48/82 is only slightly more stable than the corresponding domain of sTnC. In the presence of Ca2+ oxTnC48/82 is more resistant to trypsinolysis than sTnC whereas the rate of tryptic digestion of CAMTnC48/82 is the same as that of sTnC, indicating that peptide bonds adjacent to lysine residues at position 84 and 88, the sites of tryptic attack, are protected by the disulfide. The disulfide cross-linked N-terminal peptide of TnC48/82 does not bind TnI, unlike its reduced or carboxamidomethylated forms. Our data indicate that the disulfide between Cys48 and Cys82 stabilizes the structure of the N-terminal domain of TnC and blocks its ability to interact with TnI. The effects of the disulfide appear to be restricted to the N-terminal domain of TnC.  相似文献   

Fast and slow/cardiac troponin C (TnC) are the two different isoforms of TnC. Expression of these isoforms is developmentally regulated in vertebrate skeletal muscle. Therefore, in our studies, the pattern of their expression was analyzed by determining the steady-state levels of both TnC mRNAs. It was also examined if mRNAs for both isoforms of TnC were efficiently translated during chicken skeletal muscle development. We have used different methods to determine the steady-state levels of TnC mRNAs. First, probes specific for the fast and slow TnC mRNAs were developed using a 390 base pair (bp) and a 255 bp long fragment, of the full-length chicken fast and slow TnC cDNA clones, respectively. Our analyses using RNA-blot technique showed that fast TnC mRNA was the predominant isoform in embryonic chicken skeletal muscle. Following hatching, a significant amount of slow TnC mRNA began to accumulate in the skeletal (pectoralis) muscle. At 43 weeks posthatching, the slow TnC mRNA was nearly as abundant as the fast isoform. Furthermore, a majority of both slow and fast TnC mRNAs was found to be translationally active. A second method allowed a more reliable measure of the relative abundance of slow and fast TnC mRNAs in chicken skeletal muscle. We used a common highly conserved 18-nucleotide-long sequence towards the 5'-end of these mRNAs to perform primer extension analysis of both mRNAs in a single reaction. The result of these analyses confirmed the predominance of fast TnC mRNA in the embryonic skeletal muscle, while significant accumulation of slow TnC mRNA was observed in chicken breast (pectoralis) muscle following hatching. In addition to primer extension analysis, polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the fast and slow TnC mRNAs from cardiac and skeletal muscle. Analysis of the amplified products demonstrated the presence of significant amounts of slow TnC mRNA in the adult skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Cardiac thin filaments contain many troponin C (TnC) molecules, each with one regulatory Ca2+ binding site. A statistical mechanical model for the effects of these sites is presented and investigated. The ternary troponin complex was reconstituted with either TnC or the TnC mutant CBMII, in which the regulatory site in cardiac TnC (site II) is inactivated. Regardless of whether Ca2+ was present, CBMII-troponin was inhibitory in a thin filament-myosin subfragment 1 MgATPase assay. The competitive binding of [3H]troponin and [14C]CBMII-troponin to actin.tropomyosin was measured. In the presence of Mg2+ and low free Ca2+ they had equal affinities for the thin filament. When Ca274+ was added, however, troponin's affinity for the thin filament was 2.2-fold larger for the mutant than for the wild type troponin. This quantitatively describes the effect of regulatory site Ca2+ on troponin's affinity for actin.tropomyosin; the decrease in troponin-thin filament binding energy is small. Application of the theoretical model to the competitive binding data indicated that troponin molecules bind to interdependent rather than independent sites on the thin filament. Ca2+ binding to the regulatory site of TnC has a long-range rather than a merely local effect. However, these indirect TnC-TnC interactions are weak, indicating that the cooperativity of muscle activation by Ca2+ requires other sources of cooperativity.  相似文献   

Calcium controls the level of muscle activation via interactions with the troponin complex. Replacement of the native, skeletal calcium-binding subunit of troponin, troponin C, with mixtures of functional cardiac and mutant cardiac troponin C insensitive to calcium and permanently inactive provides a novel method to alter the number of myosin cross-bridges capable of binding to the actin filament. Extraction of skeletal troponin C and replacement with functional and mutant cardiac troponin C were used to evaluate the relationship between the extent of thin filament activation (fractional calcium binding), isometric force, and the rate of force generation in muscle fibers independent of the calcium concentration. The experiments showed a direct, linear relationship between force and the number of cross-bridges attaching to the thin filament. Further, above 35% maximal isometric activation, following partial replacement with mixtures of cardiac and mutant troponin C, the rate of force generation was independent of the number of actin sites available for cross-bridge interaction at saturating calcium concentrations. This contrasts with the marked decrease in the rate of force generation when force was reduced by decreasing the calcium concentration. The results are consistent with hypotheses proposing that calcium controls the transition between weakly and strongly bound cross-bridge states.  相似文献   

Interactions between troponin C (TnC) and troponin I (TnI) play an important role in the Ca(2+)-dependent regulation of vertebrate striated muscle contraction. In the present study, we investigated the sites of interaction between the N-terminal regulatory domain of TnC and the inhibitory region (residues 96-116) of TnI, using a mutant rabbit skeletal TnC (designated as TnC57) that contains a single Cys at residue 57 in the C-helix. TnC57 was modified with the photoreactive cross-linker 4-maleimidobenzophenone (BP-Mal), and, after formation of a binary complex with TnI, cross-linking between the proteins was induced by photolysis. The resulting product was cleaved with CNBr and several proteases, and peptides containing cross-links were purified and subjected to amino acid sequencing. The results show that Cys-57 of TnC57 is cross-linked to the segment of TnI spanning residues 113-121. Previously, we showed that Cys-98 of TnC can be cross-linked via BP-Mal to TnI residues 103-110 (Leszyk, J., Collins, J.H., Leavis, P.C., and Tao, T. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 7042-7047). Taken together, these results demonstrate that both the C- and the N-terminal domains of TnC interact with the inhibitory region of TnI and are consistent with the hypothesis that, in a complex with TnI, TnC adopts a more compact conformation than in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

Compounds that sensitize cardiac muscle to Ca(2+) by intervening at the level of regulatory thin filament proteins would have potential therapeutic benefit in the treatment of myocardial infarctions. Two putative Ca(2+) sensitizers, EMD 57033 and levosimendan, are reported to bind to cardiac troponin C (cTnC). In this study, we use heteronuclear NMR techniques to study drug binding to [methyl-(13)C]methionine-labeled cTnC when free or when complexed with cardiac troponin I (cTnI). In the absence of Ca(2+), neither drug interacted with cTnC. In the presence of Ca(2+), one molecule of EMD 57033 bound specifically to the C-terminal domain of free cTnC. NMR and equilibrium dialysis failed to demonstrate binding of levosimendan to free cTnC, and the presence of levosimendan had no apparent effect on the Ca(2+) binding affinity of cTnC. Changes in the N-terminal methionine methyl chemical shifts in cTnC upon association with cTnI suggest that cTnI associates with the A-B helical interface and the N terminus of the central helix in cTnC. NMR experiments failed to show evidence of binding of levosimendan to the cTnC.cTnI complex. However, levosimendan covalently bound to a small percentage of free cTnC after prolonged incubation with the protein. These findings suggest that levosimendan exerts its positive inotropic effect by mechanisms that do not involve binding to cTnC.  相似文献   

We have quantitated the interactions of two rabbit skeletal troponin C fragments with troponin I and the troponin I inhibitory peptide. The calcium binding properties of the fragments and the ability of the fragments to exert control in the regulated actomyosin ATPase assay have also been studied. The N- and C-terminal divalent metal binding domains of rabbit skeletal troponin C, residues 1-97 and residues 98-159, respectively, were prepared by specific cleavage at cysteine-98 and separation by gel exclusion chromatography. Both of the troponin C fragments bind calcium. The calcium affinity of the weak sites within the N-terminal fragment is about an order of magnitude greater than is reported for these sites in troponin C, suggesting interaction between the calcium-saturated strong sites and the weak sites. Stoichiometric binding (1:1) of the troponin I inhibitory peptide to each fragment and to troponin C increased the calcium affinities of the fragments and troponin C. Complex formation was detected by fluorescence quenching or enhancement using dansyl-labeled troponin C (and fragments) or tryptophan-labeled troponin I inhibitory peptide. The troponin C fragments bind to troponin I with 1:1 stoichiometry and approximately equal affinities (1.6 x 10(6) M-1) which are decreased 4-fold in the presence of magnesium versus calcium. These calcium effects are much smaller than is observed for troponin C. The summed free energies for the binding of the troponin C fragments to troponin I are much larger than the free energy of binding troponin C. This suggests a large positive interaction free energy for troponin C binding to troponin I relative to the fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution of troponin C.I and troponin I along tropomyosin-actin filaments by immunoelectron microscopy and found that anti-troponin I antibody formed transverse striations at 38 nm intervals along the bundle of filaments of both troponin C.I-tropomyosin-actin and troponin I-tropomyosin-actin. Since the length of 38 nm corresponds to the repeating period of filamentous tropomyosin along actin double strands, the present study indicates that troponin I is located at a specific region of each tropomyosin, suggesting that a specific interaction between troponin I and tropomyosin is involved in determining the periodic distribution of troponin I along tropomyosin-actin filaments.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to relate conformational changes in the N-terminal domain of chicken troponin I (TnI) to Ca2+ activation of the actin-myosin interaction. The two cysteine residues in this region (Cys48 and Cys64) were labeled with two sulfhydryl-reactive pyrene-containing fluorophores [N-(1-pyrene)maleimide, and N-(1-pyrene)iodoacetamide]. The labeled TnI showed a typical fluorescence spectrum: two sharp peaks of monomer fluorescence and a broad peak of excimer fluorescence arising from the formation of an excited dimer (excimer). Results obtained show that forming a binary complex of labeled TnI with skeletal TnC (sTnC) in the absence of Ca2+ decreases the excimer fluorescence, indicating a separation of the two residues. This reduction in excimer fluorescence does not occur when labeled TnI is complexed with cardiac TnC (cTnC). The latter causes only partial activation of the Ca2+-dependent myofibrillar ATPase. The binding of Ca2+ to the two N-terminal sites of sTnC causes a significant decrease in excimer fluorescence and an increase in monomer fluorescence in complexes of labeled TnI with skeletal TnC or TnC/TnT, while Ca2+ binding to site II of cTnC only causes an increase in monomer fluorescence but no change in excimer fluorescence. Thus a conformational change in the N-terminal region of TnI may be necessary for full activation of muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Recent structural studies of the troponin (Tn) core complex have shown that the regulatory head containing the N-lobe of TnC is connected to the IT arm by a flexible linker of TnC. The IT arm is a long coiled-coil formed by alpha-helices of TnI and TnT, plus the C-lobe of TnC. The TnT is thought to play a pivotal role in the linking of Ca(2+) -triggered conformational changes in thin filament regulatory proteins to the activation of cross-bridge cycling. However, a functional domain at the C-terminus of TnT is missing from the Tn core complex. In this study, we intended to determine the proximity relationship between the central helix of TnC and the TnT C-terminus in the binary and the ternary complex with and without Ca2+ by using pyrene excimer fluorescence spectroscopy and fluorescence resonance energy transfer. Chicken fast skeletal TnC contains a Cys102 at the E helix, while TnT has a Cys264 at its C-terminus. These two cysteines were specifically labeled with sulfhydryl-reactive fluorescence probes. The measured distance in the binary complex was about 19 Angstroms and slightly increased when they formed the ternary complex with TnI (20 Angstroms). Upon Ca2+ binding the distance was not affected in the binary complex but increased by approximately 4 Angstroms in the ternary complex. These results suggest that TnI plays an essential role in the Ca(2+) -mediated change in the spatial relationship between the C-lobe of TnC and the C-terminus of TnT.  相似文献   

A chicken calmodulin pseudogene with no introns was previously shown to hybridize under stringent conditions with an mRNA species present in skeletal and cardiac muscles, yet it would not hybridize to calmodulin mRNA (J. P. Stein, R. P. Munjaal, L. Lagace', E. C. Lai, B. W. O'Malley, and A. R. Means, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 80:6485-6489, 1983). Using the pseudogene as a probe, we isolated a full-length cDNA corresponding to this mRNA from a chicken breast muscle library and showed by sequence analysis that it encodes slow-muscle troponin C and not the pseudogene product. Hybridization between the calmodulin pseudogene and slow-muscle troponin C cDNA is due to a short region of high homology in those nucleotides that encode helices B and C of troponin C and calmodulin. Genomic Southern analysis showed the calmodulin pseudogene and the gene for slow-muscle troponin C to exist as distinct single copies.  相似文献   

We have used 19F nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study the interaction of the inhibitory region of troponin (TnI) with apo- and calcium(II)-saturated turkey skeletal troponin C (TnC), using the synthetic TnI analogue N alpha-acetyl[19FPhe106]TnI(104-115)amide. Dissociation constants of Kd = (3.7 +/- 3.1) x 10(-5) M for the apo interaction and Kd = (4.8 +/- 1.8) x 10(-5) M for the calcium(II)-saturated interaction were obtained using a 1:1 binding model of peptide to protein. The 19F NMR chemical shifts for the F-phenylalanine of the bound peptide are different from the apo- and calcium-saturated protein, indicating a different environment for the bound peptide. The possibility of 2:1 binding of the peptide to Ca(II)-saturated TnC was tested by calculating the fit of the experimental titration data to a series of theoretical binding curves in which the dissociation constants for the two hypothetical binding sites were varied. We obtained the best fit for 0.056 mM less than or equal to Kd1 less than or equal to 0.071 mM and 0.5 mM less than or equal to Kd2 less than or equal to 2.0 mM. These results allow the possibility of a second peptide binding site on calcium(II)-saturated TnC with an affinity 10- to 20-fold weaker than that of the first site.  相似文献   

An avian fast striated muscle troponin C cDNA was designed and synthesized from six oligonucleotides using the overlap-fill in method and overproduced in Escherichia coli for the purpose of developing recombinant DNA approaches to study structure-function relationships in this calcium-binding regulatory protein. The recombinant protein isolated from E. coli functions as a bona fide troponin C in all properties that were assayed: calcium binding, calcium-dependent conformational change, calcium-dependent interaction with troponin I, and formation of a functional ternary complex with troponin I and troponin T that can confer calcium sensitivity on the actomyosin MgATPase. The initiating methionine was removed by E. coli leaving alanine as the first amino acid, as in the muscle troponin C. The first amino acid was not acetylated, but this difference from the muscle protein has no apparent effect on the function. The presence of Glu at position 99, as in turkey, versus Ala in chicken resulted in no detectable difference in comparing recombinant with chicken troponin C. A mutant in which residues 91-93 (Lys-Gly-Lys) in the D/E helical linker were deleted differs in function from wild-type troponin C in the conformational change that takes place upon calcium binding and its interaction with troponin I. Also, the mutant troponin C is impaired in its ability to form a functional complex with troponin I and troponin T that will confer calcium sensitivity on the actomyosin MgATPase.  相似文献   

Cardiac myocyte cell culture from fourteen day old embryonic chicken heart was prepared. This cultured cell system was used to examine the regulation of troponin C (TnC) synthesis in cardiac muscle. To examine the regulation of TnC polypeptide synthesis, cardiac myocyte cells were pulse labelled with 35S-methionine at different days after plating. The synthesis of TnC was measured by determining the amount of radioactivity incorporated into the TnC polypeptide following separation by two dimensional gel electrophoresis. These measurements showed that TnC synthesis was maximum in 36 to 48 h old cultures and reached its lowest level in 4 day old cultures. This was in contrast to the synthesis of actin and tropomyosin. Synthesis of these polypeptides were lowest in 36 to 48 h old cultures and was maximum in 7 day old cultures. To examine whether the synthesis of TnC polypeptide paralleled the levels of TnC mRNA the sequences homologous to quail slow TnC cDNA clone were measured by hybridisation. The results showed that the decrease in the synthesis of troponin C polypeptide cannot be fully explained by the decrease in the steady state level of troponin C mRNA. The possibility of a role of translational control of troponin C mRNA in this process is discussed.  相似文献   

The structure of a peptide analog of the inhibitory region of cardiac troponin-I (N-acetyl-G110-TnI(104-115) amide) when bound to cardiac troponin-C has been determined by 2-dimensional 1H-NMR techniques. The bound structure determined for this peptide is similar to that determined previously for the skeletal peptide (which has a proline at position 110) bound to skeletal troponin-C (Campbell and Sykes (1991) J. Mol. Biol. 222, 405-421). This structure shows a helical like peptide backbone 'bent' around P109-G110 to bring the hydrophobic residues F106, L111 and V114 closer together. The other 'side' of this structure is surrounded by the basic residues extending outwards towards the protein or solution. While the bound structures of the cardiac and skeletal peptides are shown to be quite similar, the cardiac peptide appears more flexible near the central glycine residue.  相似文献   

A spectral probe mutant (F29W) of chicken skeletal muscle troponin C (TnC) has been prepared in which Phe-29 has been substituted by Trp. Residue 29 is at the COOH-terminal end of the A helix immediately adjacent to the Ca2+ binding loop of site I (residues 30-41) of the regulatory N domain. Since this protein is naturally devoid of Tyr and Trp, spectral features can be assigned unambiguously to the single Trp. The fluorescent quantum yield at 336 nm is increased almost 3-fold in going from the Ca(2+)-free state to the 4Ca2+ state with no change in the wavelength of maximum emission. Comparisons of the Ca2+ titration curves of the change in far-UV CD and fluorescence emission indicated that the latter was associated only with the binding of 2Ca2+ to the regulatory sites I and II. No change in fluorescence was detected by titration with Mg2+. The Ca(2+)-induced transitions of both the N and C domains were highly cooperative. Addition of Ca2+ also produced a red shift in the UV absorbance spectrum and a reduction in positive ellipticity as monitored by near-UV CD measurements. The fluorescent properties of F29W were applied to an investigation of five double mutants: F29W/V45T, F29W/M46Q, F29W/M48A, F29W/L49T, and F29W/M82Q. Ca2+ titration of their fluorescent emissions indicated in each case an increased Ca2+ affinity of their N domains. The magnitude of these changes and the decreased cooperativity observed between Ca2+ binding sites I and II for some of the mutants are discussed in terms of the environment of the mutated residues in the 2Ca2+ and modeled 4Ca2+ states.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Canavalin is a tetramer with 6 tyrosines per subunit. In the work presented here, we have classified these tyrosines by their spectrophotometric and fluorometric pH titration and their ability to be quenched I-. Of the 6 residues, 2 were found to be exposed to the solvent. One (pK = 10.2) contributes 28% of the total fluorescence intensity; the second has a pK of 11.50, and a lower quantum yield, contributing only 16% of the total intensity. The remaining 4 residues (pK = 12.5, contributing 54% of fluorescence intensity) are buried; their titration is irreversible, requiring protein denaturation.  相似文献   

The effects of metal ion binding on the optical spectroscopic properties and temperature stability of two single tryptophan mutants of chicken skeletal TnC, F78W and F154W, have been examined. The absence of tyrosine and other tryptophan residues allowed the unambiguous assignment of the spectral signal from the introduced Trp residue. Changes in the molar ellipticity values in the far-UV CD spectra of the mutant proteins on metal ion binding were similar to those of wild-type TnC suggesting that the introduction of the Trp residue had no effect on the total secondary structure content. The fluorescence and near-UV absorbance data reveal that, in the apo state, Trp-78 is buried while Trp-154 is exposed to solvent. Additionally, the highly resolved (1)L(b) band of Trp-78 seen in the near-UV absorbance and CD spectra of the apo state of F78W suggest that this residue is likely in a rigid molecular environment. In the calcium-saturated state, Trp-154 becomes buried while the solvent accessibility of Trp-78 increases. The fluorescence emission and near-UV CD of Trp-78 in the N-terminal domain were sensitive to calcium binding at the C-terminal domain sites. Measurements of the temperature stability reveal that events occurring in the N-terminal domain affect the stability of the C-terminal domain and vice versa. This, coupled with the titration data, strongly suggests that there are interactions between the N- and C-terminal domains of TnC.  相似文献   

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