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The distribution of preimaginal stages of amphibiotic insects (mayflies, stoneflies, caddisflies, and black flies) in the running waters of the mountain-steppe landscapes of western Tuva has been investigated. The basin of the Hemchik River is 500–2200 meters above sea level. The taxonomic composition and spatial distribution are determined; higlnnountain, middle- mountain and low-nountain plain types of communities are detailed. The trophic structure of amphibiotic communities is analyzed along the ecological profiles from the upper to the lower reaches of the rivers.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions are described for the unexplored upper course of the Urukh River and the water bodies (rivers, streams, and lakes) typical of its basin. A list of benthic amphibiotic insects of four orders under study is given. The distribution of the fauna is analyzed as a function of the ecological parameters of the water bodies of the Urukh River basin.  相似文献   

Most large rivers in Sweden are regulated to produce hydropower. This transformation from free-flowing rivers to chains of elongate run-of-river impoundments has been shown to have consequences for aquatic, riparian and adjacent upland environments, and for the emergence patterns of aquatic insects that are important for terrestrial consumers. In this study, we investigated bird assemblages in upland-forest environments along seven large rivers (three heavily impounded and four free flowing) in northern Sweden. Bird densities were assessed by point counts in the breeding and post-breeding seasons. While we observed no significant differences in bird species richness between regulated and free-flowing rivers, cumulative densities of two feeding groups of birds (those feeding on seeds and/or large insects and those feeding on small insects) were higher along free-flowing rivers than along regulated rivers in the breeding season, consistent with known differences in aquatic-insect emergence. Further, ordination analyses showed seasonal shifts in bird assemblage structure, and that these shifts differed between regulated and free-flowing rivers and between the two feeding groups. However, the variables explaining the most variance (11?C28?%) in bird assemblage structure were related to a gradient of agricultural-to-forest land use. River regulation contributed to the model in the post-breeding season, but was of relatively low importance. Nevertheless, the observed contrasting seasonal shifts in upland-forest bird assemblage structure between regulated and free-flowing rivers suggest that regulation-induced modifications of aquatic-insect emergence and subsequent changes in prey availability to the birds are also important considerations.  相似文献   

The faunal composition, structure of the zoobenthos communities, and seasonal changes in two springs in the south of Irkutsk area are investigated. Both springs have the water temperature 4–5°C all year round. The fauna consists of widely distributed hydrobionts, crenobionts, stygobionts, and near-water organisms. Arctic relicts and elements of the Lake Baikal fauna are found. In macroinvertebrate communities, chironomid larvae dominate (by abundance and biomass), as do oligochaetes (by abundance). The lowest quantitative parameters are recorded in autumn-winter, and the highest parameters, in spring (March–April). Then they abruptly decline owing to emergence of amphibiotic insects. The structure of spring communities has regional specificity. By biomass of macrozoobenthos, the springs are comparable with mesotrophic and even eutrophic lakes.  相似文献   

We have studied the fatty acid composition of eyes of amphibiotic insects, namely, the odonate Sympetrum flaveolum. The main polyunsaturated fatty acid of odonate’s eyes has been found to be 20:5n-3 (eicosapentaenoic fatty acid, EPA) rather than 18:2n-6 and 18:3n-3, which usually dominate in eyes of terrestrial insects, or 22:6n-3, which dominates in eyes of vertebrates. The prevalence of EPA in odonate’s eyes probably provides a more effective transmission of light signal in this animal compared to terrestrial insects. It is important for odonates because vision plays a decisive role in finding and catching prey.  相似文献   

The use of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) to reveal environmental stress in natural populations has been investigated extensively over the past decade. In aquatic ecosystems, many investigations involve amphibiotic insects with larval development stages in freshwater. To explain the important variability in study results, we investigated the FA level of a natural Hydropsyche exocellata (Insecta: Trichoptera) population at four different stages, from first larval instar to adult. The level of FA decreased between larval stages, but remained constant between the last larval instar and the adult. The presence of a compensational growth mechanism and the elimination of asymmetric individuals by natural selection are two hypotheses that could explain this observation.  相似文献   

Using four allozymic loci, we analysed the genetic structure and differentiation of Hydropsyche exocellata (Trichoptera; Hydropsychidae) larvae in seven sites along the Upper Loire River (France). The genetic differentiation is low for this species despite distribution patchiness, and only due to one locus in one study site. No trend relating genetic differentiation to geographic distance (isolation by distance) was observed. Significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed at most sites and loci. The population genetics analysis of an amphibiotic insect such as H. exocellata in light of current ecological and population genetics knowledge is discussed following two main factors: 1) sampling of partially reproductively isolated, genetically distinct subpopulations, and 2) form of selection. Despite knowledge on several aspects of the ecology of H. exocellata in the River Loire, numerous points limit genetic data interpretation. These points are underlined and discussed with reference to studies on other amphibiotic insects.  相似文献   

The data are given on the composition of amphibiotic insects collected in different years in the water bodies in the suburban zone of Novosibirsk. Aspecial attention is paid to the larvae of mosquitoes and midges of the families Culicidae and Chaoboridae. It is suggested that the larvae of Chaoborides are the potential biological regulators of the populations of mosquitoes.  相似文献   

The taxonomic composition, seasonal dynamics, and emergence intensity of chironomid adults (the Chironomidae family) emerging from Oiskoe mountain oligotrophic lake (Western Sayan, Southern Siberia) have been established. The value of the annual emergence of chironomid adults averages 0.42 g wet weight m-2 in the lake area and approaches the value of potential emergence, which is calculated based on the estimate of zoobenthos secondary production. For the first time the fatty-acid composition and contents of essential omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are compared between the larvae and adult stages of chironomids. The PUFA content per wet weight unit in adults is more than 7 times higher than that in larvae. The PUFA flux per lake area unit resulting from the chironomid emergence amounted to 1.752 mg m-2 y-1, which is over 10 times lower than the global estimate for the emergence of amphibiotic insects. Calculations show that the PUFA flux brought with the chironomid emergence per land unit of the studied mountain territory is very low when compared to that for other landscapes, with the exception of the shoreline part of the territory with a width of 15 m, in which the PUFA flux is comparable to that in productive landscapes.  相似文献   

Effects of winter warm reservoir release on benthic stream invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The benthos in three small mountain rivers, Holmevassåna and Tverråna (regulated) and Naustdalsåna (natural) 950–1 050 m a.s.l., were investigated during the summer seasons of 1971 and 1972. During the winter Holmevassåna became free of ice and snow due to the increased flow and higher temperature of the released water. In Tverråna River, the amount of released water was too small to break up the ice and snow cover, as was the case with Naustdalsåna River.The recorded fauna in the rivers was similar regarding groups and species, but differences in abundance were noted. The most conspicuous difference, however, was the drifting pattern of chironomid larvae, which reflected changes in winter growth. In Holmevassåna River the drift of larvae was highest in the daytime during July and August. In Tverråna River, larval drift was highest at night in July, but changed to daytime in August and September.It is suggested that the earlier development of insects in Holmevassåna, caused by the winter warm conditions can put adult insects into terrestrial environments, to which they are not adapted. In such cases the imagos can be immobilized to a great extent on snow-covered fields before reproduction.  相似文献   

Community structure of zoohydrobionts in the lake affected by chemical weapon destruction was studied for the first time. Low pH favored species specific to acidic water bodies as well as bidominant zooplankton community. The long-term effects of chemical pollution determined the stage of community succession, namely, the absence of the key predator (fishes), abundance of detritus consumers in the zoobenthic community (dipteran larvae), diversity of amphibiotic insects, and low species diversity in the zooplankton community with the prevalence of cladocerans and rotifers. Unbalanced composition of higher trophic levels results in an unstable functioning of the lake and accumulation of significant amounts of detritus, which is utilized by the abundant microzoobenthic component of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

利用底栖动物监测严家湖农药污染   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文报道了严家湖氧化塘建成前后底栖动物群落变化,共发现寡毛类12种,水生昆虫幼虫15种,软体动物8种,其他动物2种。讨论比较3种监测方法:(1)依据底栖动物群落结构各大类的比例,提出了六级标准;(2)用群落的多样性指数,由Shannon和Weaver的公式计算,并结合化学数据比较,提出D=0,D1,D=1—2,D=2—3.5,D=3.5—5,D5六级评价;(3)用底栖动物的残留物积累,分析不同污染带的动物(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri,Glyptotendipes sp.,Bellamya aeruginosa,Anodonta pacifica)体内的BHC。作者认为群落结构方法比较好。文中还讨论了水体富营养化问题。    相似文献   

Specific morphological and biological features of the populations of the Arctic grayling Thymallus arcticus from lakes Urunge Nur, Mongosha, Sadaiskoe, and Gusinoe situated in the Upper Sayan Mountains in the sources of the Oka and Kitoi rivers (the basin of the upper reaches of Angara) that have been not studied previously are considered. The results of the multivariate analysis indicated the uniformity of all samples by 12 meristic characters. Graylings of the studied lakes are similar to graylings from the Angara and Nizhnyaya Tunguska rivers and the Irkutsk Reservoir, as well as to the Baikal grayling T. a. baicalensis in body coloration and pattern of the dorsal fin. The samples studied and T. a. baicalensis considerably differ in the above characters from populations inhabiting the basin of the upper reaches of the Ob that belong to the nominative subspecies T. a. arcticus. The differences established between the Angara-Yenisei and the Upper Ob graylings give grounds to doubt the justification of including them into one taxon, T. a. arcticus. The same is evidenced by the results of molecular-genetic studies of graylings from the Palearctic (Froufe et al., 2005). The data obtained indicate the necessity of ascertaining the boundaries of the ranges of different forms of graylings in the Angara-Yenisei and Ob basins and of the revision of their taxonomic status. Populations inhabiting the Angara and Yenisei rivers, except their sources and the section of the lower reaches, should be assigned to the Baikal subspecies, T. a. baicalensis. Graylings from different lakes in the upper reaches of Oka and Kitoi differ in their linear-weight indices. The indices of growth are highest where they occupy a dominant position. Their food in the summer consists mainly of the larval and imaginal stages of amphibiotic and aerial-terrestrial insects. Only in Lake Urunge Nur do graylings of elder age groups use fish of other species for food. The extreme conditions of habitation of the grayling in Lake Gol’tsovoe are the cause of food deficiency, which determines its dwarfism.  相似文献   

青龙河底栖无脊椎动物群落结构及其水质评价   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
本文论述了青龙河底栖生物种类、数量、分布和结构等特点及其与环境因子间的关系。应用Beck、Gleason、Shannon、Simpson等生物指数对水质状况进行评价。结果表明青龙河除个别断面受污染外,大部分河段属尚清洁水。  相似文献   

We document invertebrate benthic and drift dynamics in a regulated river in central Spain at two temporal scales: seasonal (for both benthos and drift) and daily (for drift). The benthic abundance of individuals and taxon richness generally increased in the summer. Drift abundance showed no seasonal or daily variation, but taxon richness of drifting individuals was higher in the spring. Both ben‐thos and drift showed clear seasonal changes in taxonomic composition. Interestingly, some benthic taxa showed their highest abundances in the spring, while others were more abundant in the summer. In contrast, most drifting taxa were more abundant in the spring. Different functional feeding groups showed different patterns of variation throughout the year, both in the benthos and the drift. Daily variations in drift were present in very few taxa and functional feeding groups, and only in some seasons. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

The mouth morphology of three species of atherinids, which feed at different levels in the water column (benthos, plankton and water surface) were compared. These three species, which all grow to less than 100 mm in length, inhabit the shallows (<2m) of Wilson Inlet, a temperate south-western Australian estuary. The species could be distinguished primarily on the basis of the extent to which they can protrude their jaws. Thus, whereas Leptatherina presbyteroides feeds highest in the water column, including at the water surface on terrestrial insects, and has the most protrusible jaws, Atherinosonia elongata feeds predominantly at or near the benthos and has the least protrusible jaws. Leptatherina wallacei , which ingests prey from the plankton and near the benthos, is intermediate in the degree to which it can protrude its jaws. Other characters of the three species which are associated with feeding, such as the number of gill rakers and the size of teeth, show consistent trends with the degree of jaw protrusion in relation to the type of prey consumed.  相似文献   

23 species of fresh water parasites were recorded from cherry salmon of which 11 species were first recorded from this host and 14 species from the Maritime Territory. The monogeneans Tetraonchus awakurai and T. oncorhynchus are specific for this host. Most strongly it is infected with parasites the intermediate hosts of which are benthic organisms. Oligochaetes, larvae of amphibiotic insects and amphipods play a considerable role in the feeding of cherry salmon in fresh water. Differences in the parasitic fauna of this fish from southern and northern parts of the Maritime Territory were found out. In the north the food ration of this species is more limited with predominance of oligochaetes in it. Diversity of the aquatic fauna, the abundance of invertebrates and fishes in it, the history of fauna formation define the peculiarities of parasitic fauna of the cherry salmon.  相似文献   

We compared the responsiveness of macroinvertebrate assemblages to variation in water quality (ions, nutrients, dissolved metals, and suspended sediment) in two mesohabitats within the main channel of three North American great rivers, the Upper Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio. Based on about 400 paired samples, we examined the responsiveness of benthic assemblages sampled in the littoral zone and assemblages sampled from the surface of woody snags in the main channel. The assemblages in the two mesohabitats were different in all rivers. Taxa richness was much higher in the benthos than on snags. Macroinvertebrate assemblage response to water quality variation was weak on the Mississippi River, but the reasons for this are unknown. Based on analysis of the similarity between the composition of assemblages from groups of sites with high and low concentrations of water quality variables, benthic assemblages were only slightly more sensitive to water chemistry variation than were snag assemblages. Results of two-sample comparisons between groups of sites with high and low concentrations of water quality variables were consistent with rank correlations of assemblage metrics with water quality. In general, there was little difference between habitats in response to variation in water quality on any river. Our simple method of snag sampling in great rivers is usually much easier than littoral benthic sampling because it does not require wading. Snag sampling in large rivers has some limitations (e.g., natural snags are sometimes absent, samples are semi-quantitative), but lack of sensitivity to water quality gradients compared to the benthos is not among them.  相似文献   

Most large rivers in northern Sweden are regulated to produce hydropower, with subsequent effects on flow dynamics and aquatic insect communities. Several studies have shown that aquatic and terrestrial systems are intimately connected via the export of emergent aquatic insects, but few have assessed how human modifications of aquatic habitats may influence this connection. We compared breeding success of the insectivorous Pied Flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca in near‐riparian upland forests along two regulated and two free‐flowing large rivers in northern Sweden over 3 years. The regulated rivers showed lower aquatic insect export to the surroundings, as a consequence of regulation‐induced loss of suitable aquatic insect habitats. Survival of Pied Flycatcher nestlings was 10–15% greater along the free‐flowing rivers. Females breeding near the free‐flowing rivers also started egg‐laying earlier and with greater synchrony than those at the regulated rivers, and showed a smaller decrease in weight during breeding than did females along the regulated rivers. However, there were no differences in occupation rate, clutch size or number of successfully hatched juveniles between regulated and free‐flowing rivers. As regulated rivers showed lower abundance of flying aquatic insects, which may also reduce the abundance of terrestrial invertebrate prey, regulation‐induced changes in the export of emergent aquatic insects may explain both directly and indirectly the observed reduction in Pied Flycatcher breeding success along regulated rivers. Large‐scale river regulation may therefore impair the breeding success of insectivorous birds through impacts on prey availability.  相似文献   

Biogenic methane in freshwater food webs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. It has long been known that substantial amounts of methane are produced in anoxic lake sediments, and the components of the methane cycle in lakes have been well described. At oxic–anoxic interfaces, methane‐oxidising bacteria (MOB) convert methane to microbial biomass and can be highly productive. However, only recently has methane been recognised as a potentially important carbon and energy source for lake food webs, and some instances have also been reported of methane contribution to river food webs. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has provided compelling evidence in this respect and has been supplemented by other lines of evidence. 2. In the benthic food webs of lakes, profundal chironomid larvae appear to be the main conduits for trophic transfer of biogenic methane via grazing on MOB. The mode of feeding of these larvae and the microhabitats they generate both promote larval ability to exploit MOB production. Support to chironomid larvae from methane is rather widespread, but its degree is highly variable; estimates suggest that in some lakes methane‐carbon might contribute more than 60% of chironomid carbon biomass. 3. Evidence of crustacean zooplankton in lakes deriving part of their carbon from methane is currently more limited. Reports from some lakes have indicated Daphnia with a substantial (>50%) contribution of methane‐carbon in their biomass. However, for this to happen, an oxic–anoxic interface where sufficient MOB production can occur needs to be within the range of vertical migrations by zooplankton, which may only rarely be the case. Hence, a significant methane subsidy of pelagic food webs in lakes is probably much less widespread than for benthic food webs. 4. There is also recent and currently very limited evidence that some stream benthos derives biomass carbon (reported values up to 30%) from methane. This can occur in stagnant backwater pools where conditions can be analogous to those in lake sediments. However, groundwater aquifers can also supply water supersaturated with methane to some rivers, providing a basis for a microbially‐mediated transfer of methane‐carbon to river benthos. 5. Evidence for significant transfer of methane‐derived carbon to higher trophic levels is still very limited. Within some lakes, those fish species that feed extensively on chironomid larvae can derive a substantial part (perhaps up to 20%) of their carbon biomass from methane. It is also likely that methane‐carbon produced in lakes or rivers is exported to riparian ecosystems when emerging chironomids or other insects are eaten by invertebrate or avian predators. 6. We argue that conceptual models of freshwater food webs, and especially those for lakes, need to be modified to enable incorporation of biogenic methane as a carbon and energy source. For some types of lakes, carbon and energy budgets certainly need to take account of the production and utilisation of biogenic methane, and the accumulating evidence indicates that this is a more widespread phenomenon that has generally been acknowledged hitherto.  相似文献   

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