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We have shown that the cultured Sertoli cell from the immature rat contains a fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-like factor. It behaves as a cationic peptide, is a potent competence factor for BALB/c3T3 mouse embryo fibroblasts, and displays a high affinity for heparin. Both bovine basic FGF and Sertoli cell FGF-like factor rapidly increase c-fos mRNA in cultured Sertoli cells. FSH, serum, and phorbol esters individually stimulate c-fos in cultured Sertoli cells whereas platelet-derived growth factor, epidermal growth factor, and insulin-like growth factor-I have little affect. However, unlike FSH, basic FGF does not stimulate an increase in cAMP and unlike either serum or phorbol esters, basic FGF does not stimulate phosphoinositol turnover or intracellular calcium changes. When Sertoli cell protein kinase C activity is suppressed by preexposure to phorbol ester, basic FGF continues to be a potent stimulator of c-fos, indicating that the calcium/phospholipid pathway is not involved in FGF induction. Basic FGF and FSH also increase jun-B mRNA levels in cultured Sertoli cells. In response to FGF, jun-B is more transiently increased than c-fos. In contrast, in response to FSH, jun-B persists longer than c-fos. These results indicate that cultured Sertoli cells contain a FGF-like factor that increases c-fos mRNA via a mechanism not involving cAMP and the calcium/phospholipid pathways. The different responsiveness of c-fos and jun-B to FSH and basic FGF may explain differences in the ultimate actions of these two ligands.  相似文献   

Seo YM  Park JI  Park HJ  Kim SG  Chun SY 《Life sciences》2007,81(12):1003-1008
Female mice null for receptor-interacting protein 140 (RIP140) are infertile because of the failure of follicle rupture. The present study examined gonadotropin regulation of RIP140 expression in immature rat ovary. Treatment with PMSG increased ovarian RIP140 mRNA and protein levels. In contrast, hCG treatment rapidly inhibited RIP140 mRNA and protein levels within 1-3 h. RIP140 mRNA was detected in theca cells of growing follicles in untreated ovary and in granulosa cells in PMSG-treated ovary. Interestingly, hCG treatment reduced RIP140 mRNA levels in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles, but not of growing follicles. Neither treatment of immature rats with diethylstilbestrol in vivo nor of immature granulosa cells with FSH in vitro affected RIP140 mRNA levels. Treatment of immature granulosa cells with 17beta-estradiol in vitro, however, stimulated RIP140 mRNA levels. In cultured preovulatory granulosa cells, RIP140 mRNA levels were stimulated at 1 h and then declined to below control levels by 3 h after LH treatment. Treatment with MDL-12,330A, an inhibitor of adenylate cyclase, or chelerythrine chloride, an inhibitor of protein kinase C (PKC), inhibited LH-stimulated RIP140 gene expression. Furthermore, forskolin or TPA treatment for 1 h mimicked the stimulatory action of LH, indicating the involvement of both adenylate cyclase and PKC pathways. These results demonstrate the stimulation by PMSG and inhibition by hCG of RIP140 expression in granulosa cells of preovulatory follicles in the rat ovary.  相似文献   

In a previous report [Higgins et al. (1976) Biochem. J. 158, 271–282] we described the effects of alterations in androgen status on the synthesis of two basic secretory proteins of the rat seminal vesicle. In the present paper we examine the effects of testosterone on the activity of mRNA in the seminal vesicle. Total cellular poly(A)-rich RNA was isolated and translated in a cell-free system prepared from wheat germ. Translation products were separated on denaturing polyacrylamide gels and the protein bands corresponding to the two basic secretory proteins were identified immunologically. Incorporation of radioactive methionine into these bands was taken as a measure of the individual mRNA activities. Total mRNA activity was estimated by radioactivity in total acid-precipitable material. The results show that 1 to 2 weeks after castration the activities of mRNA molecules for the basic secretory proteins were decreased 10–20-fold on a tissue basis. Testosterone given in vivo rapidly and substantially restores mRNA activity to normal. Since these changes correlate closely with variations in the rates of synthesis of the secretory proteins in whole cells it suggests that androgenic steroids control protein synthesis chiefly via mRNA availability. In this respect their action resembles those of other steroid hormones acting in other systems. However, these effects of testosterone on the mRNA molecules for the major secretory proteins could not be distinguished from those on total mRNA. Thus the proportion of the total mRNA population accounted for by the two specific mRNA molecules showed less than a 2-fold variation with androgen status. Similarly the two secretory proteins always accounted for 25–33% of general protein synthesis. This is in sharp contrast with the markedly differential effects of other steroid hormones controlling synthesis of major proteins in other well-studied systems. We interpret our results as indicating that testosterone regulates the mRNA population of the seminal vesicle as a whole.  相似文献   

M J Ernest 《Biochemistry》1982,21(26):6761-6767
Tyrosine aminotransferase messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) activity in rat liver was rapidly increased 3-6-fold following in vivo administration of hydrocortisone acetate, dibutyryladenosine cyclic 3',5'-phosphate, or the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. Treatment with the steroid hormone or cyclic nucleotide in combination with cycloheximide resulted in levels of tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA 10-20-fold greater than control values. These changes in mRNA activity were not accompanied by changes in albumin mRNA or total liver template activity. The rapid decline in tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA activity following cordycepin inhibition of de novo RNA synthesis was prevented by cycloheximide treatment. This protection was not observed when pactamycin was substituted for cycloheximide, demonstrating that the inhibition of protein synthesis per se was not responsible for the stabilization of tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA. Based upon the effects of cycloheximide and pactamycin on rat liver polysome structure, it is concluded that the cycloheximide-mediated increase in tyrosine aminotransferase mRNA activity is the result of stabilization of the mRNA molecule which renders the message less susceptible to inactivation and degradation in the cytoplasm. The action of cycloheximide is very specific for tyrosine aminotransferase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, and probably several other mRNAs that code for minor liver proteins that turn over rapidly in response to hormonal or metabolic stimuli.  相似文献   

The possibility that Sertoli cell responses to testosterone are modulated by the calcium/phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (protein kinase C; PKC) was examined in rat Sertoli cells in culture. Both soluble and particulate cell fractions showed low constitutive phosphotransferase activity. Incubation with the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA; 10(-7) M) was associated with a transient induction in both cell fractions of calcium/phosphatidylserine-dependent PKC activity, which was elevated from 15 min to 1 h. Consistent with this, mRNAs for the calcium/phospholipid-dependent isomeric forms of PKC (alpha, beta, and gamma) were detected. The expression levels of mRNAs for PKCalpha and PKCbeta were also up-regulated (2.5- to 3-fold) by TPA (10(-7) M), but these effects were much slower (peaking after 12 h) than those on phosphotransferase activity. In the presence of TPA (10(-7) M), expression of androgen receptor (AR) mRNA showed a transient time-dependent down-regulation ( approximately 70%), in which the nadir was reached after 6 h and baseline expression was again obtained after 12 h. The regulatory effect of PKC activation on AR mRNA was confirmed by the absence of response to a biologically inactive phorbol ester. A concentration-dependent decrease (half-maximal effect at approximately 10(-8) M TPA) of AR mRNA was also observed. These data suggest that Sertoli cell responses to testosterone may be inhibited by a transiently active PKC with a wide intracellular distribution.  相似文献   

RNA was isolated from uteri of immature rats before and after estrogen treatment. The concentration of histone mRNA was analyzed by Northern hybridization and compared with messenger RNA concentration of alpha-actin, beta-actin, and beta-tubulin. Steady state levels of common histone mRNAs did not change up to 9 h after hormone administration. After that time the histone mRNA levels increased significantly and reached a maximum at 18 h, several hours later than the time of maximal histone protein biosynthesis induced by estrogen. The concentration of control mRNAs (alpha- and beta-actin and beta-tubulins) increased shortly after estradiol injection and reached a peak at 9 h. These results show that the pattern of histone gene expression induced by estrogen has some features similar to those observed during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Metalloproteinases are members of a family of proteinases that remodel the extracellular matrix throughout the body. To test the hypothesis that metalloproteinases are regulated by gonadotropin-induced changes during follicular growth, rats were injected with eCG (20 IU, s.c.), and ovaries and serum were collected at the time of eCG administration (0 h) and at 6, 12, 24, 36, or 48 h later for analysis of metalloproteinase mRNA expression, metalloproteinase activity, and steroidogenesis. Serum estradiol levels increased from 18.9 pg/ml at 0 h to 503.8 pg/ml at 48 h. Analysis of mRNA expression was performed for collagenase-3, 72-kDa gelatinase, and 92-kDa gelatinase (n = 3-4). For collagenase-3, eCG stimulated a 32-fold increase in collagenase-3 mRNA at 48 h after eCG injection as compared to that in ovaries collected at the time of eCG administration (i.e., 0-h control). The mRNA levels for 72-kDa gelatinase were 2.8-fold compared to 0 h at 36 h after eCG treatment and returned to control levels by 48 h after gonadotropin treatment. Levels of the 92-kDa mRNA expression peaked at 24 h (4. 2-fold compared to 0 h) and returned to control levels by 36 h. Gel zymography revealed 3 gelatinolytic bands corresponding to the gelatinases of approximately 72 kDa, 92 kDa, and 105 kDa. Analysis of metalloproteinase activity as the degradation of collagen or gelatin per ovary showed an increase in gelatinolytic and collagenolytic activity between 12 and 48 h after eCG treatment. In summary, these findings demonstrate that the gonadotropin induction of folliculogenesis results in changes in the metalloproteinases that may be responsible for extracellular matrix remodeling associated with follicular growth.  相似文献   

The effect of infusion of nerve growth factor (NGF) into the rat testis on the expression of androgen-binding protein (ABP) mRNA was studied. A major 1.7-kb and a minor 3.7-kb ABP mRNA were present at all stages of the seminiferous epithelium with maximal levels at stages VIII-XI and the lowest levels at stages IV-VI. Infusion of 15 ng/h of NGF with a mini-osmotic pump for 14 days resulted in a 2-fold increase of ABP mRNA as revealed by Northern blots, whereas the mRNA level of another Sertoli cell protein, urokinase-type plasminogen activator, remained unchanged. Image analysis of autoradiograms obtained by in situ hybridization of sections from treated testes showed a similar increase in APB mRNA compared to noninfused or PBS-infused testes. However, at the cellular level the labeling intensity for ABP mRNA over Sertoli cells of different stages of the seminiferous epithelium was the same in NGF-infused and control testes. This suggests that the increase of ABP mRNA in NGF-infused testes was caused by prolongation of stages VII-VIII with maximal ABP mRNA expression; the suggestion is supported by an increase of 30 percent in frequency of these stages in histological sections from NGF-infused testes.  相似文献   

Ding Q  Wu Z  Guo Y  Zhao C  Jia Y  Kong F  Chen B  Wang H  Xiong S  Que H  Jing S  Liu S 《Proteomics》2006,6(2):505-518
The inability of the CNS to regenerate in adult mammals propels us to reveal associated proteins involved in the injured CNS. In this paper, either thoracic laminectomy (as sham control) or thoracic spinal cord transection was performed on male adult rats. Five days after surgery, the whole spinal cord tissue was dissected and fractionated into water-soluble (dissolved in Tris buffer) and water-insoluble (dissolved in a solution containing chaotropes and surfactants) portions for 2-DE. Protein identification was performed by MS and further confirmed by Western blot. As a result, over 30 protein spots in the injured spinal cord were shown to be up-regulated no less than 1.5-fold. These identified proteins possibly play various roles during the injury and repair process and may be functionally categorized as several different groups, such as stress-responsive and metabolic changes, lipid and protein degeneration, neural survival and regeneration. In particular, over-expression of 11-zinc finger protein and glypican may be responsible for the inhibition of axonal growth and regeneration. Moreover, three unknown proteins with novel sequences were found to be up-regulated by spinal cord injury. Further characterization of these molecules may help us come closer to understanding the mechanisms that underlie the inability of the adult CNS to regenerate.  相似文献   

The influence of exogenous rat growth hormone on spinal cord injury induced alterations in spinal cord evoked potentials (SCEP) and edema formation was examined in a rat model. Repeated topical application of rat growth hormone (20microl of 1microg/ml solution) applied 30min before injury and at 0min (at the time of injury), 10min, 30min, 60min, 120min, 180min, and 240min, resulted in a marked preservation of SCEP amplitude after injury. In addition, the treated traumatised cord showed significantly less edema and cell changes. These observations suggest that growth hormone has the capacity to improve spinal cord conduction and attenuate edema formation and cell injury in the cord indicating a potential therapeutic implication of this peptide in spinal cord injuries.  相似文献   

Kynurenic acid (KYNA), a metabolite of the essential amino acid L-tryptophan, is a broad spectrum antagonist of excitatory amino acid receptors, which have also anticonvulsant and neuroprotective properties. After spinal cord injury (SCI), excitotoxicity is considered to play a significant role in the processes of secondary tissue destruction in both grey and white matter of the spinal cord. In this study, we have tested the potential therapeutic effect of glucosamine-kynurenic acid, administered after experimental compression-induced SCI in the rat. Spinal application of glucosamine-kynurenic acid continually for 24 hr after experimental SCI resulted in improved motor function recovery, beginning from the first week of evaluation and continuing until the end of the study (4 weeks). After 4 weeks?? survival, quantitative morphometric analysis of the spinal cord showed that glucosamine-kynurenic acid treatment was associated with improved tissue preservation at the lesion site. These findings indicate that spinal application of glucosaminekynurenic acid is neuroprotective and improves the outcome even when administered after spinal trauma. Our results suggest that the treatments initiated in early posttraumatic period can alleviate secondary injury and improve the final outcome after SCI.  相似文献   

Summary It is well-known that a large number of factors can influence the expression of neuropeptides in the nervous system. In the present study, the effects of unilateral and bilateral irradiation to the rat head and neck on the expression of neuropeptides in the innervation of the submandibular gland and in the ganglionic cells of the submandibular ganglion was examined ten days and six months after treatment. Antisera directed against enkephalin and bombesin and immunohistochemical methods were used. The effects of bilateral irradiation on the staining pattern of various neuropeptides in the cervical spinal cord were also studied. In the submandibular gland and in the submandibular ganglionic cells, there was a markedly increased neuropeptide expression ten days after bilateral treatment, as seen after staining with both antisera used, while no changes occurred after unilateral treatment. Six months after treatment, the pattern of neuropeptide expression in the submandibular gland/ganglion corresponded to that seen in controls. Irradiation did not lead to any changes in the staining pattern of neuropeptides in the spinal cord. The observations show that there is a great complexity in the susceptibility of nervous tissues to radiotherapy with respect to influences on the expression of neuropeptides.  相似文献   

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