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Small gastropods from the Jurassic deposits of the European Russia, united into the lower Heterobranchia or Allogastropoda, are described. The families of Ampezzanildidae, Cimidae, Cornirostridae, Ebalidae, and Stuoraxidae are distinguished, and a set of taxa is given without reference to a definite family. The family Ampezzanildidae from the Jurassic deposits is described for the first time on the basis of the mass material, ascribed to the new genus Zizipupa gen. nov. with the sole species of Z. costata sp. nov. The family Cimidae includes the genera of Cristalloella, Rotfanella, Urlocella, and Unzhispira gen. nov. with species C. spiralocostata (Gründel, 1998), R. gerasimovi sp. nov., R. reticulata sp. nov., Urlocella undulata sp. nov., and Unzhispira minuta sp. nov. The genus Heteronatica gen. nov. is included into the family Cornirostridae. This genus is the first siphonostomatous representative of the given family including the sole long-living species H. globosa sp. nov., which is subdivided into subspecies H. globosa globosa and H. globosapromota subsp. nov. The family Ebalidae is represented by the genus Ebala, shells of which are distributed from the Middle Oxfordian to the Middle Volgian. The family Stuoraxidae is described based on two genera Stuoraxis and Aneudaronia gen. nov., including species of S. crassa sp. nov. and A. elegans sp. nov. The genus Doggerostra, which fits into different families of Heterobranchia in terms of shell morphology is represented by the species D. riedeli Gründel, 1998, which was previously known from the Bathonian and Callowian deposits in Poland and Germany, as well as form the Upper Jurassic interval in the Russian Plate. The Middle Volgian subspecies D. riedeli affinis subsp. nov. is distinguished in the composition of this species. In addition, the genus Masaevia gen. nov. with the sole species of M. sinistra sp. nov. is described. Due to so specific shell morphology of this genus, its position in the Heterobranchia system is unclear. It is not improbable that we deal with small planktonic gastropods of protoconchs of unknown group of planktonic or benthic gastropods.  相似文献   

The discovery of new species, a study of the type material of already described species and an analysis of the literature data call for an extensive rearrangement of the Family Tethyidae, whose last revision dates from Burton (1924). The rearrangement proposed here attributes to the Family eight genera: Tethya Lam. (type genus), Burtonitethya gen nov. , Columnitis Schmidt, Halicomeies Topsent, Stellitethya gen. nov., Tectnitethya gen. nov., Tethycometes gen. nov . and Xenospongia Gray. The genus Aaptos is excluded from the Tethyidae. Three of the new genera have been established for species previously attributed to the genus Tethya and two are new: Burtonitethya gemmiformis (Burton & Rao) and Tethycometes sibogae sp. nov . Five species, previously attributed to Tethya , are considered 'incertae sedis'. An analytical key and discussion of the evolution of the family are included.  相似文献   

A new genus Amblomma gen. nov. of fossil beetles is erected and can be assignedto the family Ommatidae because its two procoxal cavities are contiguous and the articulations of the abdominal ventrites are abutting. The new genus is similar to Zygadenia Handlirsch, 1906 (=Notocupes Ponomarenko, 1964), Tetraphalerus Waterhouse, 1901,Rhobdocupes Ponomarenko, 1966 and Sinocupes Lin, 1976, but can be distinguished from other genera according to the following characters: the second segment of antennae is shorterthan the third one in length; the posterior tarsi with the basal segment is obviously shorter than the three following taken together in length; the antennae reach the posterior ridge of prothroax in length, and the sides of the prothroax with serrulate margin. Four new species of the new genus are described and figured: Amblomma psilata gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma rudis gen. et sp. nov., Amblomma epicharis gen. et sp. nov., and Amblomma stabilis gen. etsp. nov. A key to species within this new genus is provided. All the specimens are collected from the Late Jurassic Yixian Formation of western Liaoning and are now housed in the College of Life Science, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China.  相似文献   

In this paper, five new pollen genera and twenty new pollen species of angiospermae from the Late Cretaceous of a certain basin in central China are described. Four new organ genera and their species include: Morinoipollenites normalis gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites minor gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites polyprojectus gen. et sp. nov., Morinoipollenites rhombiformis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis ringens gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis, mikros gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis radiatus gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis sayangensis gen. et sp. nov., Jianghanpollis arciformis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollonites variabilis gen. et sp. nov., Myoporumpollenites striatus gen. et sp. nov., Lythraites giganteus Yu, Guo et Mao gen. et sp. nov. Lythraites clavatus sp. nov., Lythraites dilutus sp. nov., Lythraites magnus sp. nov., Lythraites varrustriatus sp. nov., Lythraites pachyrrhachis sp. nov.; the new-form genus and its species are: Crassimarginpollenites reticulatus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimerginpollenites mirus gen. et sp. nov., Crassimarginpollenites psilatus gen. et sp. nov. The new pollen genera and their species described herein have been compared in some details with recent pollens and considered their affinity with such recent families as Dipsacaceae, Myoporaceae, Apocynaceae and Lythraceae. According to the age of the pollen-bearing strata, a preliminary discussion is made regarding to the taxonomy of the recent plants families with which our new described pollens are related. Hence, this study may provide some mieropalaeobotanical information for deciphering 'the phylogeny of these plants.  相似文献   

Seven new species of Paramunnidae from the Magellan Strait are described, two of which are placed in new genera: Paramunna magellanensis sp. nov., P. menziesi sp. nov., P. parasimplex sp. nov., P. patagoniensis sp. nov., Allorostrata ovalis gen. et sp. nov., Austrosignum dentatum sp. nov., and Magellianira serrata gen. et. sp. nov. Four known paramunnid species from the same location are redescribed: Parammunna integra, P. simplex, P. subtriangulata and Munnogonium tillerae . While investigating the genus Paramunna , two species of this group, Acutomunna foliacea (Chardy, 1975) gen. nov. and Paramunna foresti Carvacho , 1977 were removed, which involved the erection of a new genus. The allocation of P. foresti remains uncertain. Some diagnostic characters of the Paramunnidae and a key to the Magellanic species of Paramunna are presented.  相似文献   

Udoteaceae is a morphologically diverse family of the order Bryopsidales. Despite being very widespread geographically, this family is little known as compared with the closely related Halimedaceae or Caulerpaceae. Using the most extensive Udoteaceae collection to date and a multilocus genetic data set (tufA, rbcL, and 18S rDNA), we reassessed the species diversity of the family, as well as the phylogenetic relationships, the diagnostic morphoanatomical characters, and evolutionary history of its genera, toward a proposed taxonomic revision. Our approach included a combination of molecular and morphological criteria, including species delimitation methods, phylogenetic reconstruction, and mapping of trait evolution. We successfully delimited 62 species hypotheses, of which 29 were assigned (existing) species names and 13 represent putative new species. Our results also led us to revise the genera Udotea s.s., Rhipidosiphon s.s., and Chlorodesmis s.s., to validate the genus Rhipidodesmis, and to propose three new genera: Glaukea gen. nov., Ventalia gen. nov., and Udoteopsis gen. nov. We also identified two large species complexes, which we refer to as the “PenicillusRhipidosiphon–Rhipocephalus–Udotea complex” and the “PoropsisPenicillusRhipidodesmis complex”. Using a time-calibrated phylogeny, we estimated the origin of the family Udoteaceae at Late Triassic (ca. 216 Ma), whereas most of the genera originated during Paleogene. Our morphological inference results indicated that the thallus of the Udoteaceae ancestor was likely entirely corticated and calcified, composed of a creeping axis with a multisiphonous stipe and a pluristromatic flabellate frond. The frond shape, cortication, and calcification are still symplesiomorphies for most extant Udoteaceae genera and represent useful diagnostic characters.  相似文献   

The red algal order Bangiales has been revised as a result of detailed regional studies and the development of expert local knowledge of Bangiales floras, followed by collaborative global analyses based on wide taxon sampling and molecular analyses. Combined analyses of the nuclear SSU rRNA gene and the plastid RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene for 157 Bangiales taxa have been conducted. Fifteen genera of Bangiales, seven filamentous and eight foliose, are recognized. This classification includes five newly described and two resurrected genera. This revision constitutes a major change in understanding relationships and evolution in this order. The genus Porphyra is now restricted to five described species and a number of undescribed species. Other foliose taxa previously placed in Porphyra are now recognized to belong to the genera Boreophyllum gen. nov., Clymene gen. nov., Fuscifolium gen. nov., Lysithea gen. nov., Miuraea gen. nov., Pyropia, and Wildemania. Four of the seven filamentous genera recognized in our analyses already have generic names (Bangia, Dione, Minerva, and Pseudobangia), and are all currently monotypic. The unnamed filamentous genera are clearly composed of multiple species, and few of these species have names. Further research is required: the genus to which the marine taxon Bangia fuscopurpurea belongs is not known, and there are also a large number of species previously described as Porphyra for which nuclear SSU ribosomal RNA (nrSSU) or rbcL sequence data should be obtained so that they can be assigned to the appropriate genus.  相似文献   

辽西义县组长节锯蜂科(昆虫纲,膜翅目)昆虫化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述产自辽宁西部北票上园地区和凌源大王杖子义县组长节锯蜂科(Xyelidae)巨长节锯蜂亚科(Macroxyelinae)昆虫化石12种,归于4族8属,其中6新属12新种,包括Angaridyela robusta sp.nov.,Angaridyela exculpta sp.nov.,Angaridyela suspecta sp.nov.,Angaridyela endemica sp.no  相似文献   

A genus and species of Antarctic benthic hydroids new to science, Mixoscyphus antarcticus gen. nov., sp. nov., is described and figured. Its systematic position amongst allied genera of the family Sertulariidae is discussed. The studied material originates from the South Shetland Islands area (West Antarctica), which was collected by several Spanish and US Antarctic expeditions. Mixoscyphus gen. nov. currently represents the only complete endemic genus of Antarctic benthic hydrozoans. A discussion of other genera of benthic hydroids that are largely endemic to the Antarctic is also provided.  相似文献   

Two new genera (monotypic Samarabatrachus gen. nov. (S. bjerringi sp. nov.) and Syrtosuchus gen. nov. (including S. samarensis (Sennikov, 1981) and S. morkovini sp. nov) and a new species of the genus Selenocara Bjerring (S. rossica sp. nov.) are described based on revision of the original material of the form previously known as Wetlugasaurus samarensis. The genera Selenocara and Samarabatrachus gen. nov. positioned at the base of radiation of Triassic capitosaurids are combined into a new subfamily, Selenocarinae subfam. nov. The genus Syrtosuchus gen. nov., which is undoubtedly a derivative of early capitosaurids (Selenocara or a closely related genus), shows some typical benthosuchid features and is assigned to a separate benthosuchid subfamily, Syrtosuchinae subfam. nov. The diagnoses of the genera Wetlugasaurus Riabinin and Selenocara are amended. For the territory of the Obschii Syrt Highland, the genera Selenocara, Samarabatrachus gen. nov., and Syrtosuchus gen. nov. are regarded as key members of a separate Early Triassic tetrapod assemblage (Selenocara–Syrtosuchus Fauna), which is intermediate between the Tupilakosaurus and Benthosuchus faunas and dated Late Induan (Dienerian).  相似文献   

记述的菊石采自鄂东南大冶柯家湾晚二叠世大隆组,主要产于硅质页岩、硅质岩的灰岩透镜体中,共8属11种.此区大隆组仅相当于长兴阶的上部;Meitianoceras 在本区的出现,表明此属不仅分布于长兴阶的下部,也可延伸到长兴阶的上部.整个大隆组的化石,以自游生物为主,底栖类型很少.菊石中壳体大、壳面肋瘤发育者数量少,而壳饰弱、个体小者大量繁盛,呈现高丰度、低分异度的特点.保存化石的灰岩透镜体中具星散状的黄铁矿.本区晚二叠世晚期处于局部封闭的海湾环境.  相似文献   

辽西义县组细蜂总科(昆虫纲,膜翅目)昆虫化石   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
描述了产自辽宁北票上园地区黄半吉沟上株罗统义县组下部细蜂总科(Proctotrupoidea)昆虫化石10属12种,其中8属12新种,这些化石分属于3科,其中Gurvanotrupes stolidus sp.nov.,Gurvanotrupes exiguus sp.nov.,Liaoserphus perarus gen.et sp.no.,alloserphus saxosus gen.et sp.nov.,Scalprogaster fossilis gen.et sp.nov.,steleoserphus beipiaoensis gen.et sp.nov.,Saucrotrupes decorosus gen.et sp.nov和Ocnoserbphous sculptus gen.et sp.nov.归入细蜂科(Serphidae=Proctotrupidae);Protocyrtus validus sp.nov.和Spherogaster cornoata gen.et sp,nov。归入柄腹细蜂科(heloridae);Liaoropronia leonina gen.et sp.nov和Liaoropronia regia gen.et sp.nov.归入窄腹细蜂科(Roproniidae),对我们中生代细蜂总科化石的研究状况作了回顾。  相似文献   

Until now, only two Psychodoidea were known from Lebanese amber. We describe two new genera and species of Phlebotomidae ( Mesophlebotomites hennigi gen. et sp. nov., Libanophlebotomus lutfallahi gen. et sp. nov.) and four new genera with six new species of Psychodidae ( Paleopsychoda solignaci gen. et sp. nov., Paleopsychoda jacquelinae sp. nov., Protopsychoda nadiae gen. et sp. nov., Protopsychoda hammanaensis sp. nov., Libanopsychoda abillamai gen. et sp. nov., Cretapsychoda inexpectata gen. et sp. nov.) from the Lower Cretaceous amber of Hammana/Mdeirij, Lebanon. These fossils are included in a phylogenetic analysis of the subfamilies of Psychodoidea. This superfamily was probably as diverse in the Early Cretaceous as now.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Recent bulk sampling and study of museum collections has revealed a high diversity of hybodont sharks from the English Bathonian, with 15 species being recognised. In addition, study of dental and skeletal material from the English Callovian has allowed the diagnosis of a new genus and species, Planohybodus peterboroughensis gen. et sp. nov., allowing the Bathonian species Hybodus grossiconus Agassiz to be referred to Planohybodus . Two additional new genera, Secarodus and Frangerodus , are erected for the Bathonian taxa Hybodus polyprion Agassiz and Strophodus lingualis Woodward, respectively. Egertonodus duffini sp. nov. is described and the diagnosis of Egertonodus based on dental material is discussed. The previously unrecorded Hybodus sp., Parvodus sp., and Lonchidion sp. are recognised but left in open nomenclature. Asteracanthus medius (Owen) is recorded in the British Bathonian for the first time, and the status of Bathonian nominal species of Asteracanthus are assessed. Bathonian hybodonts showed great diversity in trophic ecology and many of the species are specific to particular palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

A new genus, 26 new species, and 2 new subspecies of the Rhaphidophorinae (Rhaphidophoridae) from the Indo-Malayan Region and the nearest islands are described. These species and subspecies belong to the genera Eurhaphidophora Gor., Neorhaphidophora Gor., Diarhaphidophora gen. n., Stonychophora Karny, and to the first group of the genus Rhaphidophora A.-Serv.  相似文献   

Ond?ej Dostál 《Geobios》2009,42(4):495-13629
Two new genera and new species assigned to the family Martynoviidae (Diaphanopterodea), Boskovicia celtai nov. gen., nov. sp. and Moravoptera hladilovae nov. gen., nov. sp. are described and illustrated from the Lower Permian (Artinskian/Sakmarian) locality of Obora, southern Moravia (Czech Republic). Discovery of the species Martynovia insignis Tillyard, originally described from the Lower Permian of Kansas (USA), supports close relationship of both faunas across Euramerica.  相似文献   

Neoselachian sharks and rays from the British Bathonian (Middle Jurassic)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Extensive sampling of Bathonian sediments from localities across southern and central England has produced over 8000 neoselachian teeth. These comprise diverse faunas, with over 25 species being represented in total, most of them previously undescribed. Seventeen new species and seven new genera are named: Palaeoscyllium tenuidens sp. nov., Praeproscyllium oxoniensis gen. et sp. nov., Eypea leesi gen. et sp. nov., Proheterodontus sylvestris gen. et sp. nov., Paracestracion bellis sp. nov., Palaeobrachaelurus mussetti sp. nov., Heterophorcynus microdon gen. et sp. nov., Dorsetoscyllium terraefullonicum gen. et sp. nov., Ornatoscyllium freemani gen. et sp. nov., Pseudonotidanus semirugosus gen. et sp. nov., Synechodus duffini sp. nov., Protospinax magnus sp. nov., P. bilobatus sp. nov., P. carvalhoi sp. nov., Belemnobatis kermacki sp. nov., B. stahli sp. nov. and Spathobatis delsatei sp. nov. In addition, a new family, the Pseudonotidanidae fam. nov., is defined and the status of Paranotidanus Ward and Thies, 1987, Hybodus levis Woodward, 1889 and Breviacanthus brevis (Phillips, 1871) are discussed. These taxa show strong facies specificity, with different species being restricted to different palaeoenvironments.  相似文献   

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