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Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal autosomal recessive genetic disease caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Mutations in the CFTR gene may result in a defective protein processing that leads to changes in function and regulation of this chloride channel. Despite of the expression of CFTR in the kidney, patients with CF do not present major renal dysfunction, but it is known that both the urinary excretion of proteins and renal capacity to concentrate and dilute urine are altered in these patients. CFTR mRNA is expressed in all nephron segments of rat and human, and this abundance is more prominent in renal cortex and outer medulla renal areas. CFTR protein was detected in apical surface of both proximal and distal tubules of rat kidney but not in the outer medullary collecting ducts. Studies have demonstrated that CFTR does not only transport Cl but also ATP. ATP transport by CFTR could be involved in the control of other ion transporters such as Na+ (ENaC) and K+ (renal outer medullary potassium) channels, especially in TAL and CCD. In the kidney, CFTR also might be involved in the endocytosis of low-molecular-weight proteins by proximal tubules. This review is focused on the CFTR function and structure, its role in the renal physiology, and its modulation by hormones involved in the control of extracellular fluid volume.  相似文献   

There has been an enormous body of literature published in the last 10 years concerning copper and PrP (prion protein). Despite this, there is still no generally accepted role for copper in the function of PrP or any real consensus as to how and to what affinity copper associates with the protein. The present review attempts to look at all the evidence for the chemistry, co-ordination and affinity of copper binding to PrP, and then looks at what effect this has on the protein. We then connect this evidence with possible roles for PrP when bound to copper. No clear conclusions can be made from the available data, but it is clear from the present review what aspects of copper association with PrP need to be re-investigated.  相似文献   

The oceanic carbonate system is changing rapidly due to rising atmospheric CO(2), with current levels expected to rise to between 750 and 1,000?μatm by 2100, and over 1,900?μatm by year 2300. The effects of elevated CO(2) on marine calcifying organisms have been extensively studied; however, effects of imminent CO(2) levels on teleost acid-base and respiratory physiology have yet to be examined. Examination of these physiological processes, using a paired experimental design, showed that 24?h exposure to 1,000 and 1,900?μatm CO(2) resulted in a characteristic compensated respiratory acidosis response in the gulf toadfish (Opsanus beta). Time course experiments showed the onset of acidosis occurred after 15?min of exposure to 1,900 and 1,000?μatm CO(2), with full compensation by 2 and 4?h, respectively. 1,900-μatm exposure also resulted in significantly increased intracellular white muscle pH after 24?h. No effect of 1,900?μatm was observed on branchial acid flux; however, exposure to hypercapnia and HCO(3) (-) free seawater compromised compensation. This suggests branchial HCO(3) (-) uptake rather than acid extrusion is part of the compensatory response to low-level hypercapnia. Exposure to 1,900 μatm resulted in downregulation in branchial carbonic anhydrase and slc4a2 expression, as well as decreased Na(+)/K(+) ATPase activity after 24?h of exposure. Infusion of bovine carbonic anhydrase had no effect on blood acid-base status during 1,900?μatm exposures, but eliminated the respiratory impacts of 1,000 μatm CO(2). The results of the current study clearly show that predicted near-future CO(2) levels impact respiratory gas transport and acid-base balance. While the full physiological impacts of increased blood HCO(3) (-) are not known, it seems likely that chronically elevated blood HCO(3) (-) levels could compromise several physiological systems and furthermore may explain recent reports of increased otolith growth during exposure to elevated CO(2).  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of serine 10 in histone H3 (H3S10ph) has been extensively analyzed and appears to be a conserved chromatin change associated with chromosome condensation in different eukaryotic organisms. In this work, we report the distribution of H3S10ph during meiosis in monocentric and holokinetic chromosomes of 6 insect species and in mitotic chromosomes of 7 mammalian species, aiming to investigate the labeling patterns in phylogenetically distant groups. The results indicated a very similar phosphorylation timing and distribution pattern among insects. The sex chromosomes of insects analyzed were always undercondensed and hypophosphorylated. Similarly, the micro chromosomes of the bug Pachylis aff pharaonis were also undercondensed and hypophosphorylated. Holokinetic chromosomes of bugs and monocentric chromosomes of grasshoppers and beetles displayed identical phosphorylation pattern in spite of the difference in the centromere type. Among mammals, a uniform chromosome phosphorylation was observed in marsupials, whereas bat chromosomes displayed a longitudinal banding pattern. These data indicate that, in general, the intensity of H3S10 phosphorylation in animal chromosomes is variable among the distinct chromosome types and associated with the degree of chromatin condensation at metaphase, but it may vary between different groups of animals.  相似文献   

In mammalian oocytes, fertilization-associated calcium [Ca2+]i oscillations are responsible for the activation of development. The mechanism(s) by which the sperm triggers the initial [Ca2+]i rise and supports long-lasting oscillations is not resolved. It has been proposed that the sperm may interact with receptors in the oocyte's plasma membrane and engage intracellular signaling pathways that result in Ca2+ release. A different line of investigation suggests that upon sperm-oocyte fusion, a sperm cytosolic factor is released into the oocyte which interacts with unknown cytosolic targets, and generates [Ca2+]i oscillations. We will discuss the most recent evidence for both lines of thought and demonstrate that injections of sperm crude extracts (SF) into mammalian oocytes trigger [Ca2+]i oscillations that support in vitro parthenogenetic development to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

G R Fink 《Cell》1989,56(2):141-142

Ever since the fortuitous observation that beta-lactoglobulin (beta-Lg), the major whey protein in the milk of ruminants, bound retinol, the details of the binding have been controversial. beta-Lg is a lipocalin, like plasma retinol-binding protein, so that ligand association was expected to make use of the central cavity in the protein. However, an early crystallographic analysis and some of the more recent solution studies indicated binding elsewhere. We have now determined the crystal structures of the complexes of the trigonal form of beta-Lg at pH 7.5 with bound retinol (R=21.4% for 7329 reflections between 20 and 2.4 A resolution, R(free)=30.6%) and with bound retinoic acid (R=22.7% for 7813 reflections between 20 and 2.34 A resolution, R(free)=29.8%). Both ligands are found to occupy the central calyx in a manner similar to retinol binding in retinol-binding protein. We find no evidence of binding at the putative external binding site in either of these structural analyses. Further, competition between palmitic acid and retinol reveals only palmitate bound to the protein. An explanation is provided for the lack of ligand binding to the orthorhombic crystal form also obtained at pH 7.5. Finally, the possible function of beta-Lg is discussed in the light of its species distribution and similarity to other lipocalins.  相似文献   

Different animal models of pulmonary fibrosis have been developed to investigate potential therapies for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The most common is the bleomycin model in rodents (mouse, rat and hamster). Over the years, numerous agents have been shown to inhibit fibrosis in this model. However, to date none of these compounds are used in the clinical management of IPF and none has shown a comparable antifibrotic effect in humans. We performed a systematic review of publications on drug efficacy studies in the bleomycin model to evaluate the value of this model regarding transferability to clinical use. Between 1980 and 2006 we identified 240 experimental studies describing beneficial antifibrotic compounds in the bleomycin model. 222 of those used a preventive regimen (drug given < or =7 days after last bleomycin application), only 13 were therapeutic trials (>7 days after last bleomycin application). In 5 studies we did not find enough details about the timing of drug application to allow inter-study comparison. It is critical to distinguish between drugs interfering with the inflammatory and early fibrogenic response from those preventing progression of fibrosis, the latter likely much more meaningful for clinical application. All potential antifibrotic compounds should be evaluated in the phase of established fibrosis rather than in the early period of bleomycin-induced inflammation for assessment of its antifibrotic properties. Further care should be taken in extrapolation of drugs successfully tested in the bleomycin model due to partial reversibility of bleomycin-induced fibrosis over time. The use of alternative and more robust animal models, which better reflect human IPF, is warranted.  相似文献   

In several animal species, an alarm call (e.g. ABC notes in the Japanese tit Parus minor) can be immediately followed by a recruitment call (e.g. D notes) to yield a complex call that triggers a third behaviour, namely mobbing. This has been taken to be an argument for animal syntax and compositionality (i.e. the property by which the meaning of a complex expression depends on the meaning of its parts and the way they are put together). Several additional discoveries were made across species. First, in some cases, animals respond with mobbing to the order alarm–recruitment but not to the order recruitment–alarm. Second, animals sometimes respond similarly to functionally analogous heterospecific calls they have never heard before, and/or to artificial hybrid sequences made of conspecific and heterospecific calls in the same order, thus adding an argument for the productivity of the relevant rules. We consider the details of these arguments for animal syntax and compositionality and argue that, with one important exception (Japanese tit ABC-D sequences), they currently remain ambiguous: there are reasonable alternatives on which each call is a separate utterance and is interpreted as such (‘trivial compositionality’). More generally, we propose that future studies should argue for animal syntax and compositionality by explicitly pitting the target theory against two deflationary analyses: the ‘only one expression’ hypothesis posits that there is no combination in the first place, for example just a simplex ABCD call; while the ‘separate utterances’ hypothesis posits that there are separate expressions (e.g. ABC and D), but that they form separate utterances and are neither syntactically nor semantically combined.  相似文献   

More than 100 years ago, Max Rubner combined the fact that both metabolic rate and longevity of mammals varies with body size to calculate that "life energy potential" (lifetime energy turnover per kilogram) was relatively constant. This calculation linked longevity to aerobic metabolism which in turn led to the "rate-of-living" and ultimately the "oxidative stress" theories of aging. However, the link between metabolic rate and longevity is imperfect. Although unknown in Rubner's time, one aspect of body composition of mammals also varies with body size, namely the fatty acid composition of membranes. Fatty acids vary dramatically in their susceptibility to peroxidation and the products of lipid peroxidation are very powerful reactive molecules that damage other cellular molecules. The "membrane pacemaker" modification of the "oxidative stress" theory of aging proposes that fatty acid composition of membranes, via its influence on peroxidation of lipids, is an important determinant of lifespan (and a link between metabolism and longevity). The relationship between membrane fatty acid composition and longevity is discussed for (1) mammals of different body size, (2) birds of different body size, (3) mammals and birds that are exceptionally long-living for their size, (4) strains of mice that vary in longevity, (5) calorie-restriction extension of longevity in rodents, (6) differences in longevity between queen and worker honeybees, and (7) variation in longevity among humans. Most of these comparisons support an important role for membrane fatty acid composition in the determination of longevity. It is apparent that membrane composition is regulated for each species. Provided the diet is not deficient in polyunsaturated fat, it has minimal influence on a species' membrane fatty acid composition and likely also on it's maximum longevity. The exceptional longevity of Homo sapiens combined with the limited knowledge of the fatty acid composition of human tissues support the potential importance of mitochondrial membranes in determination of longevity.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess anthropometric changes and menstrual cycle characteristics during the maturation process of an adolescent female sample in Madrid, Spain. The new demographic context of Madrid, with a 33.9% of girls coming from Central and South America, makes this study relevant in terms of new epidemiological situations that could possible develop. The sample consists of 284 girls, ages 9 to 16 years, measured and interviewed in four school centres of Madrid. Results show that menarche is slightly earlier in the Spanish girls, but there are no other important differences regarding the characteristics of their menses. However, the Spanish girls have a significantly higher intake of menarcheal pain related drugs. The anthropometric changes accompanying menarche are greater in the immigrants, especially in terms of trunk fatness, leading to an "overweight" characterisation of this sub-sample. These maturational profiles show the need for educational programs, especially focussed on the foreign adolescent population, to cope with health risks related to overweight.  相似文献   

Poor reproductive success, developmental abnormalities, and behavioral alterations in fish-eating birds in some Great Lakes areas have led to more than 35 years of toxicological studies and residue monitoring of herring gull (Larus argentatus) populations. Polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons (PHAHs), especially polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), are widespread contaminants in the Great Lakes ecosystem. The introduction of regulations and elimination of point sources since the 1970s have resulted in decreased PHAHs in fish-eating bird eggs and tissues. PCB exposure is associated with thyroid disruption (hypothyroidism) in mammals, but much less is known of PCB effects on avian thyroid function. Our 1998-2000 studies of herring gulls from the Great Lakes show that both pipping embryos and prefledglings from highly contaminated sites have marked depletion of thyroid gland hormone stores compared with similarly aged gulls at the reference sites. However, organismal hypothyroidism was not apparent in many embryo and chick collections where severe depletion of thyroid gland hormone was observed. Adults, sampled at two high PCB sites and a low PCB site in the Great Lakes and the maritime reference colony in 2001, showed no differences in organismal thyroid status across sites, but gulls from the high sites had enlarged thyroid glands and depressed thyroid gland hormone stores. Here we discuss the evidence that ecological exposure to PHAHs are responsible for thyroid deficiencies in gulls and that during development these deficiencies lead to developmental abnormalities in young gulls from highly contaminated Great Lakes sites.  相似文献   

Oxytocin is well known for its role in reproduction. However, evidence has emerged suggesting a role in cardiovascular and hydroelectrolytic homeostasis. Although its renal effects have been characterized, the cardiac ones have not been much studied. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the cardiac effects of oxytocin both in vivo and in vitro. In unanesthetized rats (n=6) intravenous oxytocin (1 mug) decreased dP/dt(max) by 15% (P<0.05) and heart rate by 20% (P<0.001), at the first minute after injection. dP/dt(max) was still lower in OT-treated rats than in controls (n=8) after 15 min (P<0.05), while heart rate returned to control values after 5 min. In isolated hearts, oxytocin was able to promote negative inotropic and chronotropic effects. Perfusion with 10(-5), 10(-6) and 10(-7)M oxytocin resulted in approximately 60% (P<0.01), 25% (P<0.01) and 10% (P<0.05) reduction of left ventricle developed pressure, without effect in lower concentrations (10(-10) to 10(-8) M). Also, dP/dt(max) was reduced by 45 and 20% (10(-5) e 10(-6) M; P<0.01), while diastolic pressure raised and heart rate fell only with 10(-5)M oxytocin (P<0.05). Intravenous oxytocin (1 mug; n=6) increased arterial pressure by 22% at the first minute (+23+/-3 mm Hg; P<0.001), returning to control value thereafter. Thus, oxytocin is able to promote directly negative inotropic and chronotropic effects, but its in vivo effect also involves a reflex mechanism, originated from its pressor effect.  相似文献   

The telomeres are the nucleoproteic structures present at the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes. One can compare them to the protective ends of a shoelace; when the ends get eroded, the shoelace disintegrates and we dispose of it. The same thus applies to the chromosomes; when telomeres reach a critical threshold for function, the genome becomes unstable and the cell senesces. Therefore, telomeres, and particularly their terminal DNA structures, are critical for the integrity of the genome.  相似文献   

Coenzyme Q(10) (CoQ(10)) is an essential cofactor in the mitochondrial electron transport pathway, and is also a lipid-soluble antioxidant. It is endogenously synthesised via the mevalonate pathway, and some is obtained from the diet. CoQ(10) supplements are available over the counter from health food shops and pharmacies. CoQ(10) deficiency has been implicated in several clinical disorders, including but not confined to heart failure, hypertension, Parkinson's disease and malignancy. Statin, 3-hydroxy-3- methyl-glutaryl (HMG)-CoA reductase inhibitor therapy inhibits conversion of HMG-CoA to mevalonate and lowers plasma CoQ(10) concentrations. The case for measurement of plasma CoQ(10) is based on the relationship between levels and outcomes, as in chronic heart failure, where it may identify individuals most likely to benefit from supplementation therapy. During CoQ(10) supplementation plasma CoQ(10) levels should be monitored to ensure efficacy, given that there is variable bioavailability between commercial formulations, and known inter-individual variation in CoQ(10) absorption. Knowledge of biological variation and reference change values is important to determine whether a significant change in plasma CoQ(10) has occurred, whether a reduction for example following statin therapy or an increase following supplementation. Emerging evidence will determine whether CoQ(10) does indeed have an important clinical role and in particular, whether there is a case for measurement.  相似文献   

A code predicting the RNA sequence that will be bound by a certain protein based on its amino acid sequence or its structure would provide a useful tool for the design of RNA binders with desired sequence-specificity. Such de novo designed RNA binders could be of extraordinary use in both medical and basic research applications. Furthermore, a code could help to predict the cellular functions of RNA-binding proteins that have not yet been extensively studied. A comparative analysis of Pumilio homology domains, zinc-containing RNA binders, hnRNP K homology domains and RNA recognition motifs is performed in this review. Based on this, a set of binding rules is proposed that hints towards a code for RNA recognition by these domains. Furthermore, we discuss the intermolecular interactions that are important for RNA binding and summarize their importance in providing affinity and specificity.  相似文献   

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