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Silk-moth chorion proteins belong to a small number of families: A, B, C, Hc-A and Hc-B. The central domain is an evolutionarily conservative region in each family, of variable length and composition between families. This domain shows clear 6-fold periodicities for various amino acid residues, e.g. glycine. The periodicities, together with the well-documented prevalence of beta-sheet and beta-turn secondary structure of chorion proteins, strongly support a structural model in which four-residue beta-strands alternate with beta-turns, forming a compact antiparallel, probably twisted beta-sheet. Conformational analysis, aided by interactive graphics refinement and recent experimental findings, further suggest that this structure consists of beta-strands, alternating with I' and II' beta-turns, and apparently forms the basis for the molecular and supramolecular assembly of chorion.  相似文献   

The precise localization of dystrophin in the skeletal muscle cell should contribute to a better understanding of the yet unclear functional role of this protein, both in normal and in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Immunocytochemical studies did not give conclusive results on the localization of dystrophin with respect to the sarcolemma and to the cytoskeletal components. To improve the reliability of the electron microscopic immunocytochemical localization of dystrophin, a mAb against the COOH-terminus of the molecule has been used in association with the fracture-label technique, which, causing a partition of the membrane in protoplasmic and exoplasmic halves, allows a more precise dystrophin localization. The results obtained indicate that dystrophin is associated with the protoplasmic half of the plasmalemma, and the observation that it does not randomly follow the partition of the membrane is consistent with a stable association with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

Utrophin lacks the rod domain actin binding activity of dystrophin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We previously identified a cluster of basic spectrin-like repeats in the dystrophin rod domain that binds F-actin through electrostatic interactions (Amann, K. J., Renley, B. A., and Ervasti, J. M. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 28419-28423). Because of the importance of actin binding to the presumed physiological role of dystrophin, we sought to determine whether the autosomal homologue of dystrophin, utrophin, shared this rod domain actin binding activity. We therefore produced recombinant proteins representing the cluster of basic repeats of the dystrophin rod domain (DYSR11-17) or the homologous region of the utrophin rod domain (UTROR11-16). Although UTROR11-16 is 64% similar and 41% identical to DYSR11-17, UTROR11-16 (pI = 4. 86) lacks the basic character of the repeats found in DYSR11-17 (pI = 7.44). By circular dichroism, gel filtration, and sedimentation velocity analysis, we determined that each purified recombinant protein had adopted a stable, predominantly alpha-helical fold and existed as a highly soluble monomer. DYSR11-17 bound F-actin with an apparent K(d) of 7.3 +/- 1.3 microM and a molar stoichiometry of 1:5. Significantly, UTROR11-16 failed to bind F-actin at concentrations as high as 100 microM. We present these findings as further support for the electrostatic nature of the interaction of the dystrophin rod domain with F-actin and suggest that utrophin interacts with the cytoskeleton in a manner distinct from dystrophin.  相似文献   

Mutations in the dystrophin gene without disruption of the reading frame often lead to Becker muscular dystrophy, but a genotype/phenotype correlation is difficult to establish. Amino acid substitutions may disrupt binding capacities of dystrophin and have a major impact on the functionality of this protein. We have identified two brothers (ages 8 and 10 years) with very mild proximal weakness, recurrent abdominal pain, and moderately elevated serum creatine kinase levels. Gene sequencing revealed a novel mutation in exon 11 of the dystrophin gene (c.1280T>C) leading to a L427P amino acid substitution in repeat 1 of the central rod domain. Immunostaining of skeletal muscle showed weak staining of the dystrophin region encoded by exons 7 and 8 corresponding to the end of the actin-binding domain 1 and the N-terminal part of hinge 1. Spectrofluorescence and circular dichroism analysis of the domain repeat 1-2 (R1-2) revealed partial misfolding of the L427P mutated protein as well as a reduced refolding rate after denaturation. Based on computational homology models of the wild-type and mutated R1-2, a molecular dynamics study showed an alteration in the flexibility of the structure, which also strongly affects the conformational space available in the N-terminal region of the fragment. Our results suggest that this missense mutation hinders the dynamic properties of the entire N-terminal region of dystrophin.  相似文献   

An examination of fragments of the human dystrophin rod domain, corresponding to a single structural repeating unit, showed that a critical chain length, defined with a precision of one residue at the C-terminal end, is required for formation of the native tertiary fold. We report here that extending the chain by six residues beyond this minimum results in a large increase in conformational stability. This is not related to a change in association state of the polypeptide. The results support the conjecture that successive repeating units in the rod domain of the spectrinlike proteins form a nested structure, in which the N-terminal part of the three-helix bundle of one repeat packs into the overlapping structure of the preceding repeat. This would be expected to affect functional characteristics related to flexibility of the dystrophin rod domain.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is a muscle scaffolding protein that establishes a structural link between the cytoskeleton and the extracellular matrix. Despite the large body of knowledge about the dystrophin gene and its interactions, the functional importance of the large central rod domain remains highly controversial. It is composed of 24 spectrin-like repeats interrupted by four hinges that delineate three sub-domains. We express repeat 1-3 and repeat 20-24 sub-domains, delineated by hinges 1-2 and 3-4 and the single repeats 2 and 23. We determine their lipid-binding properties, thermal and urea stabilities and refolding velocities. By using intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence spectroscopy and size exclusion chromatography, we show that repeat 2 and the repeat 1-3 sub-domain strongly interact with anionic lipids. By contrast, repeat 23 and the repeat 20-24 sub-domain do not interact with lipids. In addition, the repeat 1-3 sub-domain and repeat 2 are dramatically less stable and refold faster than the repeat 20-24 sub-domain and repeat 23. The contrasting properties of the two sub-domains clearly indicate that they make up two units of the rod domain that are not structurally interchangeable, thus providing molecular evidence supporting the observations on the biological function of dystrophin.  相似文献   

Dystrophin, a protein product of the Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene, is thought to associate with the muscle membrane by way of a glycoprotein complex which was co-purified with dystrophin. Here, we firstly demonstrate direct biochemical evidence for association of the carboxy-terminal region of dystrophin with the glycoprotein complex. The binding site is found to lie further inward than previously expected and confined to the cysteine-rich domain and the first half of the carboxy-terminal domain. Since this portion corresponds well to the region that, when missing, results in severe phenotypes, our finding may provide a molecular basis of the disease.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is a member of the spectrin family of proteins, which are characterized as being predominantly composed the spectrin-type-repeat, a triple alpha-helical bundle motif present in multiple tandem copies, producing a rod-like shape. Whether or not this motif, which is determined by sequence homology, is correlated with biophysical domains in the intact protein is uncertain. The nature of the domain structure impacts the flexibility and shape of the rod region of this protein, which is a target for modification in several therapeutic approaches aimed at Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a common and fatal genetic disease caused by defective dystrophin. We examined three such motifs in dystrophin, expressing them recombinantly both singly and in tandem, and studying their thermodynamic properties by solvent and thermal denaturation. We have found that the degree to which they are independently stable and expressible varies considerably. The fourth motif appears to be largely stable and independent, whereas the third and second motifs interact strongly.  相似文献   

Dystrophin is a multidomain protein that links the actin cytoskeleton to laminin in the extracellular matrix through the dystrophin associated protein (DAP) complex. The COOH-terminal domain of dystrophin binds to two components of the DAP complex, syntrophin and dystrobrevin. To understand the role of syntrophin and dystrobrevin, we previously generated a series of transgenic mouse lines expressing dystrophins with deletions throughout the COOH-terminal domain. Each of these mice had normal muscle function and displayed normal localization of syntrophin and dystrobrevin. Since syntrophin and dystrobrevin bind to each other as well as to dystrophin, we have now generated a transgenic mouse deleted for the entire dystrophin COOH-terminal domain. Unexpectedly, this truncated dystrophin supported normal muscle function and assembly of the DAP complex. These results demonstrate that syntrophin and dystrobrevin functionally associate with the DAP complex in the absence of a direct link to dystrophin. We also observed that the DAP complexes in these different transgenic mouse strains were not identical. Instead, the DAP complexes contained varying ratios of syntrophin and dystrobrevin isoforms. These results suggest that alternative splicing of the dystrophin gene, which naturally generates COOH-terminal deletions in dystrophin, may function to regulate the isoform composition of the DAP complex.  相似文献   

It is unknown how receptor binding by the paramyxovirus attachment proteins (HN, H, or G) triggers the fusion (F) protein to fuse with the plasma membrane for cell entry. H-proteins of the morbillivirus genus consist of a stalk ectodomain supporting a cuboidal head; physiological oligomers consist of non-covalent dimer-of-dimers. We report here the successful engineering of intermolecular disulfide bonds within the central region (residues 91-115) of the morbillivirus H-stalk; a sub-domain that also encompasses the putative F-contacting section (residues 111-118). Remarkably, several intersubunit crosslinks abrogated membrane fusion, but bioactivity was restored under reducing conditions. This phenotype extended equally to H proteins derived from virulent and attenuated morbillivirus strains and was independent of the nature of the contacted receptor. Our data reveal that the morbillivirus H-stalk domain is composed of four tightly-packed subunits. Upon receptor binding, these subunits structurally rearrange, possibly inducing conformational changes within the central region of the stalk, which, in turn, promote fusion. Given that the fundamental architecture appears conserved among paramyxovirus attachment protein stalk domains, we predict that these motions may act as a universal paramyxovirus F-triggering mechanism.  相似文献   

Dystrophin and utrophin link the F-actin cytoskeleton to the cell membrane via an associated glycoprotein complex. This functionality results from their domain organization having an N-terminal actin-binding domain followed by multiple spectrin-repeat domains and then C-terminal protein-binding motifs. Therapeutic strategies to replace defective dystrophin with utrophin in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy require full-characterization of both these proteins to assess their degree of structural and functional equivalence. Here the high resolution structures of the first spectrin repeats (N-terminal repeat 1) from both dystrophin and utrophin have been determined by x-ray crystallography. The repeat structures both display a three-helix bundle fold very similar to one another and to homologous domains from spectrin, α-actinin and plectin. The utrophin and dystrophin repeat structures reveal the relationship between the structural domain and the canonical spectrin repeat domain sequence motif, showing the compact structural domain of spectrin repeat one to be extended at the C-terminus relative to its previously defined sequence repeat. These structures explain previous in vitro biochemical studies in which extending dystrophin spectrin repeat domain length leads to increased protein stability. Furthermore we show that the first dystrophin and utrophin spectrin repeats have no affinity for F-actin in the absence of other domains.  相似文献   

To define the actin-binding site within the NH2-terminal domain (residues 1-245) of chick smooth muscle alpha-actinin, we expressed a series of alpha-actinin deletion mutants in monkey Cos cells. Mutant alpha-actinins in which residues 2-19, 217-242, and 196-242 were deleted still retained the ability to target to actin filaments and filament ends, suggesting that the actin-binding site is located within residues 20-195. When a truncated alpha-actinin (residues 1-290) was expressed in Cos cells, the protein localized exclusively to filament ends. This activity was retained by a deletion mutant lacking residues 196-242, confirming that these are not essential for actin binding. The actin-binding site in alpha-actinin was further defined by expressing both wild-type and mutant actin-binding domains as fusion proteins in E. coli. Analysis of the ability of such proteins to bind to F-actin in vitro showed that the binding site was located between residues 108 and 189. Using both in vivo and in vitro assays, we have also shown that the sequence KTFT, which is conserved in several members of the alpha-actinin family of actin-binding proteins (residues 36-39 in the chick smooth muscle protein) is not essential for actin binding. Finally, we have established that the NH2-terminal domain of dystrophin is functionally as well as structurally homologous to that in alpha-actinin. Thus, a chimeric protein containing the NH2-terminal region of dystrophin (residues 1-233) fused to alpha-actinin residues 244-888 localized to actin-containing structures when expressed in Cos cells. Furthermore, an E. coli-expressed fusion protein containing dystrophin residues 1-233 was able to bind to F-actin in vitro.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, MANDYS141, binds to both dystrophin and actinin on Western blots (SDS-denatured), but only to actinin in frozen sections of human muscle (native conformation). It differs from a polyclonal cross-reacting antiserum in that it binds to several muscle isoforms of actinin (smooth, fast and slow) from man, mouse and chicken and recognises a quite different part of the proposed triple-helical region of dystrophin (amino acids 1750-2248). The results suggest that structural homologies between actinin and dystrophin occur more than once in their central helical regions and provide experimental support for an actinin-like central rod model for dystrophin.  相似文献   

The major challenge for post-genomic research is to functionally assign and validate a large number of novel target genes and their corresponding proteins. Functional genomics approaches have, therefore, gained considerable attention in the quest to convert this massive data set into useful information. One of the crucial components for the functional understanding of unassigned proteins is the analysis of their experimental or modeled 3D structures. Structural proteomics initiatives are generating protein structures at an unprecedented rate but our current knowledge of 3D-structural space is still limited. Estimates on the completeness of the 3D-structural coverage of proteins vary but it is generally accepted that only a minority of the structural proteome has a template structure from which reliable conclusions can be drawn. Thus, structural proteomics has set out to build a map of protein structures that will represent all protein folds included in the 'global proteome'.  相似文献   

Cytokeratins 8 and 19 concentrate at costameres of striated muscle and copurify with the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex, perhaps through the interaction of the cytokeratins with the actin-binding domain of dystrophin. We overexpressed dystrophin's actin-binding domain (Dys-ABD), K8 and K19, as well as closely related proteins, in COS-7 cells to assess the basis and specificity of their interaction. Dys-ABD alone associated with actin microfilaments. Expressed with K8 and K19, which form filaments, Dys-ABD associated preferentially with the cytokeratins. This interaction was specific, as the homologous ABD of betaI-spectrin failed to interact with K8/K19 filaments, and Dys-ABD did not associate with desmin or K8/K18 filaments. Studies in COS-7 cells and in vitro showed that Dys-ABD binds directly and specifically to K19. Expressed in muscle fibers in vivo, K19 accumulated in the myoplasm in structures that contained dystrophin and spectrin and disrupted the organization of the sarcolemma. K8 incorporated into sarcomeres, with no effect on the sarcolemma. Our results show that dystrophin interacts through its ABD with K19 specifically and are consistent with the idea that cytokeratins associate with dystrophin at the sarcolemma of striated muscle.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1989,109(4):1633-1641
We used chicken alpha spectrin as a ligand probe to isolate Drosophila beta spectrin cDNA sequences from a lambda gt11 expression library. Analysis of 800 residues of deduced amino acid sequence at the amino- terminal end revealed a strikingly conserved domain of integral of 230 residues that shows a high degree of sequence similarity to the amino- terminal domains of alpha actinin and dystrophin. This conserved domain constitutes a new diagnostic criterion for spectrin-related proteins and allows the known properties of one of these proteins to predict functional properties of the others. The conservation of the amino- terminal domain, and other regions in spectrin, alpha actinin, and dystrophin, demonstrates that a common set of domains were linked in different combinations through evolution to generate the distinctive members of the spectrin superfamily.  相似文献   

Structural basis for endosomal targeting by the Bro1 domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proteins delivered to the lysosome or the yeast vacuole via late endosomes are sorted by the ESCRT complexes and by associated proteins, including Alix and its yeast homolog Bro1. Alix, Bro1, and several other late endosomal proteins share a conserved 160 residue Bro1 domain whose boundaries, structure, and function have not been characterized. The crystal structure of the Bro1 domain of Bro1 reveals a folded core of 367 residues. The extended Bro1 domain is necessary and sufficient for binding to the ESCRT-III subunit Snf7 and for the recruitment of Bro1 to late endosomes. The structure resembles a boomerang with its concave face filled in and contains a triple tetratricopeptide repeat domain as a substructure. Snf7 binds to a conserved hydrophobic patch on Bro1 that is required for protein complex formation and for the protein-sorting function of Bro1. These results define a conserved mechanism whereby Bro1 domain-containing proteins are targeted to endosomes by Snf7 and its orthologs.  相似文献   

Dystrophin and beta-dystroglycan are components of the dystrophin-glycoprotein complex (DGC), a multimolecular assembly that spans the cell membrane and links the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular basal lamina. Defects in the dystrophin gene are the cause of Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophies. The C-terminal region of dystrophin binds the cytoplasmic tail of beta-dystroglycan, in part through the interaction of its WW domain with a proline-rich motif in the tail of beta-dystroglycan. Here we report the crystal structure of this portion of dystrophin in complex with the proline-rich binding site in beta-dystroglycan. The structure shows that the dystrophin WW domain is embedded in an adjacent helical region that contains two EF-hand-like domains. The beta-dystroglycan peptide binds a composite surface formed by the WW domain and one of these EF-hands. Additionally, the structure reveals striking similarities in the mechanisms of proline recognition employed by WW domains and SH3 domains.  相似文献   

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