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Abstract The germinable soil seed bank of a tropical eucalypt savanna of north‐eastern Australia was found to be dominated by grasses and forbs, with seed bank density ranging from 58 to 792 seeds per square metre, from a total of 53 species. Late dry season fires and the fire‐related cues, heat shock and smoke, broke the seed dormancy of a range of tropical savanna species. Heat shock promoted the germination of the species groups natives, exotics, subshrubs, ephemeral and twining perennial forbs, and the common species Indigofera hirsuta, Pycnospora lutescens and Triumfetta rhomboidea. Exposure to smoke at ambient temperature promoted germination from the soil seed bank of the species groups combined natives, upright perennial forbs and grasses, as well as the common grasses Digitaria breviglumis and Heteropogon triticeus. The germinable soil seed bank varied seasonally, increasing from the mid wet season (February) and early dry season (May) to a maximum in the late dry season (October). The effect of recent fire history on soil seed bank dynamics was limited to the immediate release of some seed from dormancy; a reduction in seed densities of subshrubs and monocots, other than grasses, in recently burnt savanna; and enhanced seed density of the ephemeral I. hirsuta in the year following fire. The seed banks of most savanna species were replenished in the year following burning.  相似文献   

对种子休眠的自然释放及其作用因素的研究, 是了解种子休眠生态学、种群适应机制的重要途径。以内蒙古阿拉善干旱荒漠区的3种主要植物牛枝子(Lespedeza potaninii)、唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum)和骆驼蒿(Peganum nigellastrum)为材料, 研究了种子在野外埋藏18个月期间和4个埋深条件下的休眠释放特性和土壤种子库。3种植物种子在野外埋藏时(采收后5 ℃冷藏6个月)的休眠率分别为98%、95%和3%。结果显示, 埋藏过程中, 3种植物种子的休眠释放表现出不同的变化特性。对牛枝子而言, 置于地表(0 cm)的种子比埋藏于土中的种子的休眠释放快, 埋藏期末, 埋深0、2、5和10 cm的种子的休眠率分别为64%、87%、86%和82%。唐古特白刺种子埋藏6个月后, 各埋深的休眠已完全释放, 释放速率随埋深增加而加快。骆驼蒿种子具有典型的季节性休眠循环特性, 休眠率各年度最高点出现在10月份, 释放速率随埋深增加呈减慢趋势。埋藏期末不同埋深条件下, 牛枝子、唐古特白刺和骆驼蒿种子的平均田间萌发率分别为11%、12%和8%; 平均室内萌发率分别为3%、74%和42%; 而平均死种子率分别为3%、15%和10%。根据Thompson和Grime (1979)的土壤种子库分类体系, 供试的3种植物都属于持久土壤种子库类型。  相似文献   

Abstract This paper describes an assessment of the effect of exposure to fire‐related cues (heat shock, smoke and nitrate) and the interactions between the cues on seed dormancy release of tropical savanna legumes in north‐eastern Australia. Ten legume species were tested, comprising both native and exotic species. The ten species responded variously to the treatments. Brief exposure to temperatures between 80 and 100°C was found to break the seed dormancy of the native ephemeral herbs Chamaecrista mimosoides, Crotalaria calycina, Crotalaria montana, Indigofera hirsuta and Tephrosia juncea, as well as the exotic ephemeral herb Crotalaria lanceolata. Exposure to 80°C combined with treatment with a nitrate solution produced an additive effect on the germination of Chamaecrista mimosoides and Crotalaria lanceolata. However, the four species with the heaviest seeds, two exotic ephemeral herbs (Chamaecrista absus and Crotalaria pallida) and two native perennials (Galactia tenuiflora and Glycine tomentella) displayed no significant increase in germination with exposure to fire‐related cues. Exposure to 120°C for 5 min produced seed mortality in all species tested. Two of the largest seeded species, Crotalaria pallida and Galactia tenuiflora, displayed the lowest tolerance to heat shock, with seed mortality after exposure to 100°C for 5 min. These data indicate that fire can promote the germination of some tropical savanna legumes. As a proportion of seeds of each species displayed no innate dormancy, some germination may occur in the absence of fire, especially of exotic species.  相似文献   

The effects of plant‐derived smoke and of heat on the emergence of seedlings from seeds were assessed. Seeds had been stored in forest topsoil used for mine site rehabilitation. The study was carried out in a dry sclerophyll, spotted gum (Corymbia maculata), forest community at the Mount Owen open‐cut coal mine in the Hunter Valley region of New South Wales. Samples of the surface 2.5 cm of topsoil were either exposed to cool smoke from eucalypt foliage for 60 min, heated to 80°C, or left untreated. Seedling emergence from the seed bank in this soil was then monitored in a glasshouse. Within the first month, smoke alone promoted a 4.3‐fold increase in the density of seedlings relative to control. There were 540 emergents per m2 in the control and 2309 per m2 in the smoke treated topsoil. Many annual and perennial herbs emerged but grasses responded most strongly to smoke. Germination in seven of the 20 grass species was promoted by smoke. Smoke promoted the germination of some introduced species as well as native species, and accelerated the rate at which seedlings emerged, although these differences sometimes declined with time. Heat also stimulated germination but smoke and heat stimuli appeared to be complementary in their promotion of seedling emergence from the topsoil seed bank. Each treatment increased the density of different species, enhanced the species richness of different components of the seed bank, and had different effects on the rate of emergence. The results suggest that increased seed germination in the field immediately following a moderate intensity fire may sometimes be the result of smoke stimulation and sometimes the result of heat stimulation of the soil seed bank. These findings may have important implications for minesite revegetation programs where topsoils are replaced after mining and rapid germination of seeds stored in these soils is required during short periods when conditions are favourable for germination.  相似文献   

Aims Seed dormancy and the soil seed bank are crucial to plant regeneration strategy, especially in semiarid ecosystems with unpredictable precipitation. The aim of this study was to investigate how seed dormancy is controlled by environmental factors and how it is correlated with the soil seed bank and regeneration of the perennial legume Oxytropis racemosa, a dominant perennial herb in Mu Us Sandland of semiarid China.Methods Germination and imbibition experiments on fresh intact and scarified seeds of O. racemosa were used to identify physical dormancy (PY) in seeds of this species. Soil seed bank dynamics, timing of seedling emergence and the fate of buried seeds in the natural habitat were investigated.Important findings PY was broken by mechanical scarification or wet heat/ice water cycles but not solely by dry heat or wet heat treatment. The soil seed bank exhibited seasonal changes in the number of seeds, which was highest in September and lowest in July. Seeds buried at different sand depths gradually lost dormancy; 20–42% of the seeds remained dormant after 20 months of burial. Dormancy break occurs gradually throughout the year. Our results indicate that O. racemosa exhibits hardcoatedness heterogeneity that spreads germination of a seed cohort between seasons and years in the semiarid environment, where the amount of precipitation during the growing season is highly variable.  相似文献   

Aim  To test how well species distributions and abundance can be predicted following invasion and climate change when using only species distribution and abundance data to estimate parameters.
Location  Models were developed for the species' native range in the Americas and applied to Australia.
Methods  We developed a predictive model for an invasive neotropical shrub ( Parkinsonia aculeata) using a popular ecophysiological bioclimatic modelling technique (CLIMEX) fitted against distribution and abundance data in the Americas. The effect of uncertainty in model parameter estimates on predictions in Australia was tested. Alternative data sources were used when model predictions were sensitive to uncertainty in parameter estimates. The resulting best-fit model was run under two climate change scenarios.
Results  Of the 19 parameters used, 9 could not be fitted using data from the native range. However, only parameters that lowered temperature or increased moisture requirements for growth noticeably altered the model prediction in Australia. Differences in predictions were dramatic, and reflect climates in Australia that were not represented in the Americas (novel climates). However, these poorly fitted parameters could be fitted post hoc using alternative data sources prior to predicting responses to climate change.
Conclusions  Novel climates prevented the development of a predictive model which relied only on native-range distribution and abundance data because certain parameters could not be fitted. In fact, predictions were more sensitive to parameter uncertainty than to climate change scenarios. Where uncertainty in parameter estimates affected predictions, it could be addressed through the inclusion of alternative data sources. However, this may not always be possible, for example in the absence of post-invasion data.  相似文献   

Abstract There is limited understanding of how fire‐related cues such as heat shock and smoke can combine to affect the germination response of seeds from fire‐prone vegetation because combinations of multiple levels of both cues have rarely been investigated. Germination response surfaces were determined for the combination of heat shock and smoke by applying factorial combinations of temperature (up to 100°C) and aerosol smoke (0–20 min) to 16 species that form soil seed banks in the Sydney region of south‐eastern Australia. Duplicate populations of three species were also examined to assess the constancy of a species response surface. Of the 19 populations examined, 16 showed a germination response to both the fire cues, which combined interactively in 14 populations, and independently in two. No population responded only to a single cue; however, seeds of 11 populations responded to heat in the absence of smoke, and nine responded to smoke in the absence of heat. Heat applied in the absence of smoke negatively affected germination in seven populations, either progressively as temperature increased, or above a set temperature. Negative germination responses over part of the temperature range were fully reversed at higher temperatures for unsmoked seeds of four populations (curvilinear heat response). Smoke effects were most frequently positive over all or part of the range of durations used, and when combined with heat frequently fully or partially reversed negative heat effects. Three populations required the obligatory combination of smoke and heat. A novel response to the cues was observed for three species, with smoke reversing negative heat effects at 75°C, being supplanted by a positive heat response of unsmoked seed at 100°C. The response surface for duplicate populations of two of the three species examined was variable. Heat shock and smoke frequently combined to affect germination, in both positive and negative ways. Consequently, to gain an accurate assessment of the response of seeds to fires, an experimental design that samples within the potential response zones of germination cues is essential.  相似文献   

Austrostipa compressa, a native ephemeral of southwest Western Australia was stimulated to germinate under a range of temperatures, in the presence of light, and exposure to smoke-water. This combination of environmental cues results in winter-maximum germination in immediate postfire and disturbed-soil environments of this Mediterranean-type climate. In contrast, Ehrharta calycina, an introduced perennial grass from southern Africa that has invaded Banksia woodlands, germinated under a wide range of temperature and light conditions, but showed no promotive response to smoke-water. Although A. compressa seeds tolerated heat shock better than E. calycina, the self-burial mechanism of A. compressa seeds ensures protection from fire. High-intensity fire could have a greater impact on E. calycina, as the seeds of this species tend to accumulate in the top of the soil profile where they are more susceptible to high temperatures. Although seeds of E. calycina are more susceptible to high temperatures, survival of mature individuals by postfire resprouting ensures continued survival in native woodlands. Estimates of soil seed bank densities showed extreme variability, but some recently burnt areas of the Yule Brook Botany Reserve contained up to 8000 seed m?2 of A. compressa and nearly 75 000 seeds m?2 of E. calycina. Viable soil seed bank densities of A. compressa are reduced with time-since-last fire, but areas of greater than 45 years since the last fire, still contained up to 119 seeds m?2. In both species, only about half their soil seed bank germinates following fire, thus ensuring the potential for later recruitment. Massive soil seed populations of E. calycina in native Banksia woodlands pose a major problem to management of this plant community type.  相似文献   

Abstract The independent effects of smoke, ash, and wet and dry heat treatments on seedling emergence from the soil seed bank were tested for soils from fire-prone heathy woodlands in western Victoria. A total of 763 individuals from 56 species were recorded from the surface soil samples (which covered a total area of 1 m2). Both species richness and density of seedlings was greater for smoke- and heat-treated samples than for controls and ash-treated samples. However, only the density differences were significant. Mean seed bank densities for the smoke and heat treatments ranged from 855 ± 70m?2 to 1080 ± 58 m?2 and are similar to estimates obtained elsewhere in Australia for heat-treated soils from dry sclerophyll communities. Of the 56 species recorded, 46 occurred in the smoke and heat treatments but only 33 in the control and ash treatments. The sudden increase in surface soil pH, exchangeable cations and extractable phosphorus which was associated with the ash treatment did not act as a trigger for germination in any of the species recorded here. Chemical constituents from smoke do appear to provide a stimulus separate from the effects of heat, but were not identified with any particular taxa.  相似文献   

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