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产志贺毒素大肠杆菌(Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli,STEC)是重要的食源性病原,而STEC往往以正常菌群的形式存在于牛羊等反刍动物肠道.[目的]本研究对牛羊粪便样品中的STEC分离和鉴定并对分离株进行致病潜力分析.从江苏、云南和河北等地共分离到羊源STEC菌株11株,牛源...  相似文献   

【目的】探讨江苏某羊场健康绵羊体内产志贺毒素大肠杆菌的带菌和流行情况,同时就分离株的致病力和对Vero细胞的毒性作用作了研究。【方法】基于本实验室已经建立的EHEC O157:H7 EDL933W株的stx1、stx2、eaeA、hlyA四个基因的多重PCR检测并配合选择性增菌、平板筛选等方法对STEC进行分离鉴定。【结果】在为期6个月的连续跟踪调查中,共分离到STEC菌株107株,分离率为19.4%(107/550)。分离株属于41种O血清型、62种O:H血清型,未定型(ONT)有22株,粗糙型(OR)1株。其中属于绵羊STEC的优势血清型有O5(2株)、O91(1株)、O103(1株)。本文检测到的优势血清型为O93,stx2阳性菌株的分离率较stx1阳性菌株的分离率高,LD50测定结果表明分离株对小鼠致病力不高,受试的3个分离株均不能致小鼠死亡。对107株stx阳性分离株噬菌斑试验表明,71株阳性菌株携带噬菌体(66.3%,71/109)。受试分离株进行Vero细胞毒性试验,其中有一个菌株stx基因阳性但不能使Vero细胞产生病变。【结论】绵羊是STEC的天然宿主,可健康带菌。虽然STEC分离株对小鼠的致病力较弱,但不能排除其对人类安全的威胁。STEC携带志贺毒素基因并不意味着一定表达志贺毒素,需对志贺毒素的表达及调控机理做进一步的研究。  相似文献   

【目的】通过构建一株stx2基因突变的志贺毒素2型噬菌体,来观察它对不同血清型大肠杆菌的感染特性。【方法】利用l噬菌体的Red重组系统,将氯霉素抗性基因(cat)插入到大肠杆菌O157:H7 Min27株的stx2基因中,获得O157:H7 Min27的突变菌株Min27(Δstx∷cat)。用丝裂霉素对该突变菌株进行诱导,结合抗性标记和PCR方法筛选出一株突变的志贺毒素2型噬菌体, 命名为FMin27(Δstx∷cat)。采用双层琼脂平板法和氯霉素抗性筛选的方法,观察FMin27(Δstx∷cat) 感染21株不同血清型大肠杆菌后的裂解和溶原转换情况。【结果】2株血清型分别为O60和O138的大肠杆菌可以被FMin27(Δstx∷cat)溶原感染,表现出对氯霉素的抗性,但没有形成噬菌斑,而大肠杆菌MG1655株既可以被溶原又可以被裂解。溶原的菌株经丝裂霉素诱导后,能释放出感染性的FMin27(Δstx∷cat)颗粒,并对大肠杆菌MC1061进行裂解形成噬菌斑。【结论】FMin27(Δstx∷cat)可以感染和溶原特定的大肠杆菌,且溶原菌株能释放出原感染性的噬菌体,显示出FMin27噬菌体具有携带外源基因在若干不同血清型的大肠杆菌间水平转移的能力,为进一步研究Stx噬菌体的感染机理和志贺毒素表达调控奠定了基础。  相似文献   

单克隆抗体S2C4对2型志贺毒素及其亚型毒性的中和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纯化的2型志贺毒素(Shiga toxin 2,Stx2)经福尔马林脱毒后免疫BALB/c小鼠制备Stx2单克隆抗体,用体外中和试验对具有中和活性的阳性抗体克隆进行初筛,对所获得的中和抗体的重、轻链同种型及结合特异性进行鉴定,其中和保护作用通过体内、体外中和试验加以验证,最后,中和抗体对Stx2亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha的中和谱用体内中和试验验证.结果显示,12株抗Stx2的阳性抗体克隆中,只有1株具有中和活性,命名为S2C4,其重、轻链同种型为G1/κ,其靶分子为Stx2的A亚单位,与Stx2的B亚单位或Stx1不结合.在体外中和试验中S2C4可有效中和Stx2对Vero细胞的杀伤作用,同样,S2C4可中和致死量的Stx2及其亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha对小鼠的毒性作用.该抗体有望成为治疗产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染的候选分子.  相似文献   

[目的]通过构建一株stx2基因突变的志贺毒素2型噬菌体,来观察它对不同血清型大肠杆菌的感染特性.[方法]利用九噬菌体的Red重组系统,将氯霉素抗性基因(cat)插入到大肠杆菌O157:H7 Min27株的stx2基因中,获得O157:H7 Min27的突变菌株Min27(Astx::cat).用丝裂霉素对该突变菌株进行诱导,结合抗性标记和PCR方法筛选出一株突变的志贺毒素2型噬菌体,命名为ΦMin27(△stx::cat).采用双层琼脂平板法和氯霉素抗性筛选的方法,观察ΦMin27(△stx::cat)感染21株不同血清型大肠杆菌后的裂解和溶原转换情况.[结果]2株血清型分别为O 60和O 138的大肠杆菌可以被ΦMin27(△stx::cat)溶原感染,表现出对氯霉素的抗性,但没有形成噬菌斑,而大肠杆菌MG1655株既可以被溶原又可以被裂解.溶原的菌株经丝裂霉素诱导后,能释放出感染性的ΦMin27(△stx::cat)颗粒,并对大肠杆菌MC1061进行裂解形成噬菌斑.[结论]ΦMin27(△stx::cat)可以感染和溶原特定的大肠杆菌,且溶原菌株能释放出原感染性的噬菌体,显示出ΦMin27噬菌体具有携带外源基因在若干不同血清型的大肠杆菌间水平转移的能力,为进一步研究Stx噬菌体的感染机理和志贺毒素表达调控奠定了基础.  相似文献   

纯化的2型志贺毒素(Shiga toxin2,Stx2)经福尔马林脱毒后免疫BALB/c小鼠制备Stx2单克隆抗体,用体外中和试验对具有中和活性的阳性抗体克隆进行初筛,对所获得的中和抗体的重、轻链同种型及结合特异性进行鉴定,其中和保护作用通过体内、体外中和试验加以验证,最后,中和抗体对Stx2亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha的中和谱用体内中和试验验证.结果显示,12株抗Stx2的阳性抗体克隆中,只有1株具有中和活性,命名为S2C4,其重、轻链同种型为G1/κ,其靶分子为Stx2的A亚单位,与Stx2的B亚单位或Stx1不结合.在体外中和试验中S2C4可有效中和Stx2对Vero细胞的杀伤作用,同样,S2C4可中和致死量的Stx2及其亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha对小鼠的毒性作用.该抗体有望成为治疗产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染的候选分子.  相似文献   

[目的]探究毒力基因aerobactin与sit操纵子与禽致病性大肠杆菌E058株致病作用的相关性.[方法]利用Red同源重组方法,构建APEC E058株aerobactin与sit操纵子基因缺失株E058Δvir,并通过一系列的体内及体外试验对其生物学特性进行研究.[结果]生长曲线测定、细菌侵袭试验及体外竞争等试验结果表明,突变株与亲本株差异不显著;体内动态分布试验结果显示,突变株E058Δvir在5个被检脏器中均极显著地低于亲本株(P<0.001).[结论]aerobactin与sit操纵子与禽致病性大肠杆菌E058株的致病性相关,是其重要的致病因子.  相似文献   

出血性大肠杆菌O157感染是重要的新发食物源性传染病,主要致病特征之一是能引起人肠上皮细胞特征性的A/E损伤,A/E损伤主要是由LEE致病岛所编码的毒力因子所引起,ler是LEE致病岛毒力基因群的中心调节基因,对LEE致病岛所编码的毒力因子有正调控作用。O157:H7另一个毒力因子是由整合到染色体上的原噬菌体编码的Stx毒素。以O157:H7 86-24为始发菌株,利用自杀性质粒pCVD442和同源重组的原理构建了O157:H7的ler基因缺失突变菌株(缺失了ler基因中第73-351位的碱基,共279bp),并利用噬菌体消除技术筛选到消除了编码Stx的原噬菌体DNA的菌株,构建出了O157:H7 ler/stx基因缺失突变弱毒菌株,并对该菌株的Vero细胞毒性、小鼠模型的安全性以及乳鼠的被动免疫保护作用进行了研究。结果表明,O157:H7 ler/stx基因缺失突变菌株丧失了对Vero细胞的毒性作用,并丧失了对实验小鼠的致病性,具有良好的安全性。乳鼠被动免疫保护性实验表明,用该菌株免疫母鼠后,乳鼠通过吸吮母乳可以获得良好的被动免疫保护作用。因此本研究所构建的O157:H7 ler/stx基因缺失突变弱毒菌株可作为预防EHEC O157:H7感染的疫苗候选株,为最终研究制出O157的基因工程菌苗奠定基础。  相似文献   

出血性大肠杆菌O157基因缺失疫苗株的构建及其免疫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出血性大肠杆菌O157感染是重要的新发食物源性传染病,主要致病特征之一是能引起人肠上皮细胞特征性的A/E损伤,A/E损伤主要是由LEE致病岛所编码的毒力因子所引起,ler是LEE致病岛毒力基因群的中心调节基因,对LEE致病岛所编码的毒力因子有正调控作用。O157:H7另一个毒力因子是由整合到染色体上的原噬菌体编码的Stx毒素。以O157:H786-24为始发菌株,利用自杀性质粒pCVD442和同源重组的原理构建了O157:H7的ler基因缺失突变菌株(缺失了ler基因中第73-351位的碱基,共279bp),并利用噬菌体消除技术筛选到消除了编码Stx的原噬菌体DNA的菌株,构建出了O157:H7ler/stx基因缺失突变弱毒菌株,并对该菌株的Vero细胞毒性、小鼠模型的安全性以及乳鼠的被动免疫保护作用进行了研究。结果表明,O157:H7ler/stx基因缺失突变菌株丧失了对Vero细胞的毒性作用,并丧失了对实验小鼠的致病性,具有良好的安全性。乳鼠被动免疫保护性实验表明,用该菌株免疫母鼠后,乳鼠通过吸吮母乳可以获得良好的被动免疫保护作用。因此本研究所构建的O157:H7ler/stx基因缺失突变弱毒菌株可作为预防EHEC O157:H7感染的疫苗候选株,为最终研究制出O157的基因工程菌苗奠定基础。  相似文献   

We characterized two Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) O86:HNM isolates from a patient with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) or bloody diarrhea. Both of them did not possess the eaeA gene. However, the isolate from a HUS patient carried genetic markers of enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC) and showed aggregative adherence pattern to HEp-2 cells. The other isolate from bloody diarrhea, which was negative with EAEC markers, was diffusely adhered to HEp-2 cells. The stx2 gene in both E. coli O86:HNM strains was encoded in each infectious phage, which was partially homologous to that of strain EDL933, a STEC O157:H7. These results will help to explain the genotypic divergences of STEC.  相似文献   

A total of 107 Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli strains (STEC) isolated from different origins in S?o Paulo, Brazil, and belonging to different serotypes were characterized regarding stx subtypes and susceptibility to antimicrobial agents. Most of the human STEC strains harbored stx1 (85.7%), while stx2, associated or not to stx1, was identified preferentially in the animal and food strains. None of the STEC strains carried stx1c. Some genotypes occurred exclusively among strains of bovine origin as stx2c, stx1+2+2c (16.5% each), and stx2d (0.9%), whereas stx2+2c2vha) was only identified among the O157:H7 human strains. Moreover, the stx(2c2vhb) subtype was found more frequently among bovine than human strains (39% vs. 4.8%). The highest frequencies of susceptibility to antimicrobial agents were observed among bovine (87%) and food (100%) STEC strains, while 47.6% of the human isolates were resistant to at least one drug. Multiresistance occurred among O111 STEC strains from human and bovine origin. The antimicrobials to which resistance was most frequently observed were tetracycline (90%) and streptomycin (75%) among human strains, and also sulphazotrin (88%) in animal strains. A few serotypes were commonly identified among STEC strains isolated from diverse sources in Brazil, but in general the strains presented distinct stx subtypes and/or antimicrobial resistance profiles.  相似文献   

Aims:  To examine stool specimens from children with diarrhea from Paraná State, southern Brazil, for presence of STEC.
Methods and Results:  A PCR screening assay for stx genes was used to examine a loopful of confluent colonies of 306 stool samples cultures. In six (1.96%) of them, DNA fragments of the expected size were observed, and the presence of stx was confirmed by DNA sequencing. Then up to 100 single colonies from each of the six stool cultures were analyzed using the same PCR protocol. However, stx -positive colonies were found only in two of the cultures. The E. coli strains belonged to serotypes O69:H11 and O178:H19, and presented genotypes stx 1 eae ehxA and stx 1 respectively. Shiga toxin production was confirmed using the VTEC Screen Seiken. Except ampicillin, they were susceptible to all the antimicrobials tested.
Conclusions:  These results show that STEC may be an important cause of diarrhea in children of Paraná State, and that they are present in low numbers in stools. The strains belonged to serotypes not commonly found associated with STEC and probably present low virulence.
Significance and Impact of Study:  These results indicate that molecular methods are required to diagnosis of STEC infections.  相似文献   

Genomic diversity among 34 strains of Escherichia coli belonging to different serotypes of the O26 serogroup -- encompassing strains from different geographical origins and Shiga toxin-negative Brazilian strains -- was evaluated through random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis. Our results indicate that Brazilian and non-Brazilian O26 strains fall under distinct but closely related differentiation clusters. RFLP-PCR analysis of the fliC gene sequence was done in order to identify the H(-) serotypes and served to confirm the clustering pattern obtained in the dendrogram generated from RAPD data. The epidemiological significance of these data is discussed.  相似文献   

Aims:  To develop and evaluate a real-time PCR assay incorporating an internal amplification control (IAC) suitable for the screening of Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) in foods.
Methods and Results:  A competitive IAC was constructed and included in an stx -specific real-time PCR assay. Coupled to 18-h enrichment and automated DNA extraction, the assay could reliably detect the presence of STEC in minced meats inoculated at 10 CFU per 25 g. Its performance was evaluated on 415 minced beef and 112 raw milk cheese samples and compared with that of a PCR-ELISA method. Fifty-three minced meats and 31 cheeses were found stx -positive, giving 98·3% and 93·75% concordance, respectively, with the PCR-ELISA reference method.
Conclusions:  A highly sensitive stx -specific real-time PCR method including an IAC was developed, facilitating monitoring of false-negative results due to PCR inhibitors.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Combined with automated DNA extraction, the stx -IAC real-time PCR assay represents a suitable method for rapid screening of STEC in foods.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and serotypes and virulence markers of the STEC isolates from beef and dairy cattle in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. METHODS AND RESULTS: Faecal samples from beef cattle were collected at slaughterhouses. The isolates were submitted to colony hybridization assay with specific DNA probes for stx1, stx2 and eae genes, and serotyped for the identification of O and H antigens. Thirty-nine per cent of beef cattle surveyed harboured at least one STEC strain. Among the distinct serotypes identified, 10 were shared by both beef and dairy cattle. Most of the strains isolated harboured stx2. Genotypic and phenotypic profiles allowed the identification of 34 and 31 STEC strains, isolated from beef and dairy cattle, respectively. Serotypes O10:H14, O15:H21, O96:H21, O119:H4, O124:H11, O128:H21, O137:H-, O141:H19, O159:H42, O160:H2 and O177:H11, identified in this study, have not been previously reported as STEC isolated from cattle. CONCLUSIONS: Cattle are an important reservoir of STEC strains associated with human diseases in South America. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Determining the prevalence, genotypic profile and serotypes of STEC strains isolated from cattle enables the prediction of possible risk for public health.  相似文献   

Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) variants have been found to exhibit not only antigenic divergence, but also differences in toxicity for tissue culture cells and animals. To clarify whether all or just a subset of Stx2 variants are important for the virulence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, we designed PCR primers to detect and type all reported variants. We classified them into four groups according to the nucleotide sequences of the Stx2 family; for example, group 1 (G1) contains VT2vha and group 2 (G2) contains VT2d-Ount. The 120 strains of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli used in this study were isolated from humans in Japan between 1986 and 1999. Among the four variant groups, the G1 gene only was detected in 23 of the 120 clinical strains (19.2%) and all belonged to the O157 serotype. G1 is considered the most important Stx2 variant group in terms of human pathogenicity. A multiplex PCR that can detect the stx1, stx2, and G1 genes was developed as a means of rapid and easy typing to better understand the roles of the different types of Stx.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the potential for naturally occurring Shiga toxin-negative Escherichia coli O157 to acquire stx(2) genes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Multiple E. coli O157:H7 isolates positive for eae and ehxA, but not for stx genes, were isolated from cattle, water trough sediment, animal bedding and wild bird sources on several Ohio dairy farms. These isolates were experimentally lysogenized by stx(2)-converting bacteriophage. CONCLUSIONS: Shiga toxin-negative strains of E. coli O157 are present in multiple animal and environmental sources. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Shiga toxin-negative strains of E. coli O157 present in the food production environment are able to acquire the stx genes, demonstrating their potential to emerge as new Shiga toxin-producing E. coli strains.  相似文献   

Aims:  To quantify the variability of the Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) production by a panel of stx2 -positive Escherichia coli O157:H7/H7- isolates from healthy cattle before and after induction with enrofloxacin.
Methods and Results:  ProSpecT® ELISA was used to quantify the Stx2 production by stx2 -positive E. coli O157:H7/H7- isolates in native conditions (basal level) or after induction with enrofloxacin. Whereas only 15·2% of the E. coli O157:H7/H7- strains studied displayed significant amounts of detectable Stx2 without induction, most of them were shown to be inducible, and at various levels, in presence of subinhibitory concentrations of enrofloxacin.
Conclusions:  We demonstrated the capability of a highly elevated proportion of stx2 -positive, but constitutively Stx2 -negative, E. coli O157:H7/H7- isolates from healthy cattle to produce significant levels of Shiga toxin Stx2 in presence of subtherapeutic concentrations of enrofloxacin, an antibiotic of the fluoroquinolones family only licensed for veterinary use.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This study documents the risk that bovine-associated Shiga toxin producing E. coli isolates may become more frequently pathogenic to humans as a side-effect of the increasing use of veterinary fluoroquinolones in the oral treatment of food animals like cattle or poultry.  相似文献   

5′-Nuclease and a hybridization probe assays for the detection of shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli were validated with regard to selectivity, analytical sensitivity, reproducibility and clinical performance. Both assays were capable of detecting the classical stx1 and stx2 genes when challenged with reference strains of E. coli (n = 40), although 1 to 4 minority sequence variants, whose clinical relevance is limited (stx1c, stx1d, and stx2f), were detected less efficiently or not at all by one or both assays. No cross reaction was observed for both assays with 37 strains representing other gastrointestinal pathogens, or normal gastrointestinal flora. Analytical sensitivity ranged from 3.07 to 3.52 log10 and 3.42 to 4.63 log10 CFU/g of stool for 5′-nuclease and hybridization probe assay, respectively. Reproducibility was high with coefficients of variation of ≤ 5% for both inter- and intra-assay variation. Clinical performance was identical with a panel of archived positive specimens (n = 19) and a prospective panel of stools associated with bloody diarrhea (n = 115). In conclusion, both assays proved to be sensitive and reproducible.  相似文献   

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