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A remarkably specialized parasitoid wasp of the family Scelionidae (Platygastroidea) is described and figured from mid-Cretaceous (Cenomanian) amber of the Hukawng Valley in northern Myanmar. Geoscelio mckellari Engel and Huang, gen. et sp. nov., is unique for its combination of a compact body, 12 antennal flagellomeres, a 1-2-2 tibial spur formula, a distinct malar sulcus, deeply impressed notauli, complete reduction of the wings, and basal crenulae on the metasomal terga and sterna, among many other features, and is placed within a separate tribe, Geoscelionini Engel and Huang, trib. nov. This is the first flightless species of Platygastroidea known from the Mesozoic, and its affinities with other Mesozoic and extant lineages are discussed.  相似文献   

A new West Palaearctic genus Achaiabracon gen. n. with the type species A. aenigmatus sp. n. is described and illustrated from the Greek Islands Crete and Corfu. The position of this genus in the cyclostome group of subfamilies of Braconidae and its possible relation with rhyssaline genera are discussed. A new tribe Achaiabraconini trib. n. is proposed.  相似文献   

A new species, Palpoteleia astra from Greece, is described for the first time. This species differs from the closely related P. atra in a larger head, narrower temples with longitudinal depressions, and in the sculpture of abdominal tergite III.  相似文献   

A new scelionine genus Indiscelio Veenakumari, Popovici and Talamas is described from India with type species Indiscelio aulon Veenakumari, Popovici and Talamas. Both sexes are described and imaged. Affinities with morphologically similar genera are discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Psix Kozlov & Lê (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) is revised from a worldwide perspective. Twelve species are described as new: annulatus [Cameroon], asper [Uganda], aulax [Australia], confluus [Sri Lanka], flavicoxa [Ivory Coast, Zimbabwe], fusm [Australia], lacunatus [Pakistan east to Taiwan, south to Australia], metopa [Australia], rasilis [Ivory Coast, Gambia], sulcifer [Malaysia], viriosus [India east to Philippine Is.] and watshami [E. Africa, Madagascar] . Psix abnormis Kozlov & Lê [W. Africa east to at least India], glabris-crobus (Girault) nxomb. [Australia], olympus (Dodd) n.comb. [Australia], saccharicola (Mani) n.comb. [India], striaticeps (Dodd) n.comb. [W. Africa east to India, Madagascar] and tunetanus (Mineo and Szabó) n.comb. [Tunisia, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Saudi Arabia, S.W. Nearctic, Venezuela] are redescribed. An identification key for the species of Psix is presented. The relationships among species are discussed. The earliest derived species are generally found in Australia and southeast Asia. The more apomorphic species occur generally in Africa, southwest Asia and India. The distribution of Psix tunetanus has possibly been influenced by man. Details of the relationship with Trissolcus and Archi-phanurus are unclear; the position of Psix within the subfamily is therefore also obscure.  相似文献   

Alice Wells 《水生昆虫》2013,35(3):221-230
Hydroptilid species are described from Lord Howe Island for the first time. All four species are in the endemic Australian genus Orphninotrichia, and all are endemic to Lord Howe Island. Modifications exhibited by these new species to the normally conservative Orphninotrichia features are suggestive of sympatric speciation and, for several, of a shift in larval niche.  相似文献   

A new genus, probably related to Anagyrus, is erected for a new species parasitic on mealy-bugs, the male and female of which are described.  相似文献   

On Lord Howe Island, speciation is thought to have taken place in situ in a diverse array of distantly related plant taxa (Metrosideros, Howea and Coprosma; Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 108 , 2011, 13188). We now investigate whether the speciation processes were driven by divergent natural selection in each genus by examining the extent of ecological and genetic divergence. We present new and extensive, ecological and genetic data for all three genera. Consistent with ecologically driven speciation, outlier loci were detected using genome scan methods. This mechanism is supported by individual‐based analyses of genotype–environment correlations within species, demonstrating that local adaptation is currently widespread on the island. Genetic analyses show that prezygotic isolating barriers within species are currently insufficiently strong to allow further population differentiation. Interspecific hybridization was found in both Howea and Coprosma, and species distribution modelling indicates that competitive exclusion may result in selection against admixed individuals. Colonization of new niches, partly fuelled by the rapid generation of new adaptive genotypes via hybridization, appears to have resulted in the adaptive radiation in Coprosma – supporting the ‘Syngameon hypothesis’.  相似文献   

Stancho Petrov 《Biologia》2013,68(2):324-329
Identification key of 20 species of the genus Trissolcus registered in Bulgaria is given. Three species, T. fuscus sp. n., T. simplex sp. n. and T. nigricans sp. n. are described as new for science.  相似文献   

Reassembling island ecosystems: the case of Lord Howe Island   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
Exotic species that invade remote islands, usually following human settlement, have had catastrophic effects on native biota. However, on islands it is increasingly feasible to eradicate key exotic species allowing extant native species to recover in situ or to return naturally. The practice of marooning threatened species on islands where the threat is absent, irrespective of whether the threatened species once occurred on the island, is well established. However, less focus has been given to the 'island' as the management unit on which to return extirpated species or related surrogates for extinct species. We use the example of Lord Howe Island as a case study to explore options for island restoration should the remaining critical exotic pests (rodents and perhaps owls in this case) be eradicated as planned. Lord Howe Island, in the south-west Pacific Ocean, is remote, biologically diverse, has a high degree of endemism, and was only discovered by humans in 1778. Consequently, the original and exotic biota and their interactions are all better known than for many islands with a more ancient human history. Two species of plants, nine terrestrial birds, one bat and at least four invertebrates have been lost from the island since 1778. One plant and two invertebrates could be returned as conspecifics. One plant and all the terrestrial birds that are extinct could be replaced by closely related species from elsewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Decisions on replacing extinct species with surrogates should be based on the taxonomic relatedness of the candidates for reintroduction: the same species before subspecies before genera, with functional replacement being a further filter on candidates that are not the same species. In our opinion, taxa with functional equivalence but without taxonomic relatedness would not be acceptable candidates for reintroduction.  相似文献   

Summary   Until its rediscovery on Balls Pyramid in February 2001, the Lord Howe Island Phasmid or Stick Insect ( Dryococelus australis ) was thought to be extinct. It disappeared from Lord Howe Island soon after the accidental introduction of the Ship Rat ( Rattus rattus ) in 1918. In this paper, we report on the recovery actions undertaken for this critically endangered species since its rediscovery. Monitoring of the small surviving population on Balls Pyramid has shown it to fluctuate between about 9 and 35 adult individuals. As a safeguard against extinction, two adult pairs were removed from Balls Pyramid in February 2003 to establish captive populations in Melbourne and Sydney. Although all four founders bred readily in captivity, one pair died only a month after capture. The second female would have also died soon after capture had it not been for veterinary intervention using novel untested techniques. The single surviving pair bred successfully but the hatch rate of eggs was poor. For the next generation, both fecundity and hatch rates were low. The lack of knowledge regarding the specific husbandry requirements of this particular species undoubtedly contributed to these problems. Careful management, together with a cautious scientific approach, eventually led to all problems being resolved. Presently, there are more than 700 individuals and 14 000 eggs in captivity. Approximately 80% of incubated eggs are expected to hatch. To establish additional captive colonies, adults and eggs have been sent to other institutions, both within Australia and overseas. Now that the species is reasonably secure in captivity, the opportunity exists to reintroduce this iconic insect back onto Lord Howe Island, but this can occur only after the introduced rodents have been removed. A programme to eradicate both the Ship Rat and the House Mouse ( Mus musculus ) from Lord Howe Island is currently being developed.  相似文献   

Two new scelionid species of the subgenus Telenomus, genus Telenomus, subfamily Telenominae are described: Telenomus (Telenomus) oculus sp. nov. and T. (T.) tetragonus sp. nov. Brief morphological characterizations of the new taxa are given, and comparative analysis of the inclusions described and members of the recent fauna is provided.  相似文献   

本文记述了茧蜂科Braconidae潜蝇茧蜂亚科Opiinae印度茧蜂属Indiopius的1个新种:Indiopius alutacius Weng et Chen sp.nov.。这是该属在中国分布的首次记录。建立了世界已知3种的分种检索表。本新种与矮茧蜂I.humillimus Fischer相似,但新种可以由下列特征予以区别:1.并胸腹节革质纹,后缘具短纵脊;2.第1腹节背板长为宽的1.2-1.3倍;3.腹板侧泡明显具齿。模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究室。  相似文献   

A new genus of Metopiinae, Ojuelos Khalaim, gen. n., with a single species, Ojuelos juachicus Khalaim & Ruíz-Cancino, sp. n., is described from Jalisco Province in central Mexico. Ojuelos belongs to the group of three genera (Cubus Townes & Townes, Colpotrochia Holmgren and Triclistus Förster) having a high lamella separating the antennal sockets and reaching the median ocellus (this lamella possesses a dorsal groove in it, just below the median ocellus), but differs from these genera primarily by 1) face and clypeus not convex in lateral view, 2) face separated from clypeus by a shallow transverse impression, 3) mandible with lower tooth very strongly reduced, 4) flagellomeres of antenna strongly transverse, and 5) dorsal carinae of propodeum reduced. A portion of the key to the genera of Metopiinae is provided to distinguish the new genus.  相似文献   

Porolithon is one of the most ecologically important genera of tropical and subtropical crustose (non-geniculate) coralline algae growing abundantly along the shallow margins of coral reefs and functioning to cement reef frameworks. Thalli of branched, fruticose Porolithon specimens from the Indo-Pacific Ocean traditionally have been called P. gardineri, while massive, columnar forms have been called P. craspedium. Sequence comparisons of the rbcL gene both from type specimens of P. gardineri and P. craspedium and from field-collected specimens demonstrate that neither species is present in east Australia and instead resolve into four unique genetic lineages. Porolithon howensis sp. nov. forms columnar protuberances and loosely attached margins and occurs predominantly at Lord Howe Island; P. lobulatum sp. nov. has fruticose to clavate forms and free margins that are lobed and occurs in the Coral Sea and on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR); P. parvulum sp. nov. has short (<2 cm), unbranched protuberances and attached margins and is restricted to the central and southern GBR; and P. pinnaculum sp. nov. has a mountain-like, columnar morphology and occurs on oceanic Coral Sea reefs. A rbcL gene sequence of the isotype of P. castellum demonstrates it is a different species from other columnar species. In addition to the diagnostic rbcL and psbA marker sequences, the four new species may be distinguished by a combination of features including thallus growth form, margin shape (attached or unattached), and medullary system (coaxial or plumose). Porolithon species, because of their ecological importance and sensitivity to ocean acidification, need urgent documentation of their taxonomic diversity.  相似文献   

A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Laos, Houaphanh Province: Anteon holzschuhi sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to Anteon semipolitum Olmi, 2008, but it is distinguished by the sculpture of the face partly reticulate rugose and partly with deep punctures similar to areolae; in Anteon semipolitum the face is completely punctate and unsculptured among punctures. In addition, in the new species the distance from the outer edge of a lateral ocellus to the compound eye (OOL) is about 3.3 times as long as the distance between the inner edges of a lateral ocellus and the median ocellus (OL); in Anteon semipolitum OOL is less than twice as long as OL. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.  相似文献   

A new species of Anteon Jurine, 1807 is described from Thailand, Nan Province: Anteon huettingeri sp. n. Morphologically the new species is similar to Anteon borneanum Olmi, 1984, Anteon jurineanum Latreille, 1809, Anteon insertum Olmi, 1991, Anteon yasumatsui Olmi, 1984, Anteon sarawaki Olmi, 1984, Anteon thai Olmi, 1984 and Anteon krombeini Olmi, 1984, but it is clearly different for the numerous sensorial processes present on the inner side of the paramere; these processes are absent in the other above species. Published identification keys to the Oriental species of Anteon are modified to include the new species.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2019,18(6):589-597
Examination of fossil ant specimens from various private and institutional German collections of Baltic amber has revealed a new genus and species of Myrmicinae, described here as Thanacomyrmex hoffeinsorum gen. et sp. nov. The new worker morphotype shares some similarities with the coeval extinct genus Parameranoplus Wheeler, also from Baltic amber, and the extant genera Pristomyrmex Mayr and Acanthomyrmex Emery, suggesting placement of the new fossil in the Myrmecina genus-group within the tribe Crematogastrini. The new genus highlights the tremendous diversity of ants that evolved in the Palaeogene European forests and composed the first major radiation of crown-group ants.  相似文献   

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