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Documenting the causes and consequences of intraspecific variation forms the foundation of much of evolutionary ecology. In this Perspectives piece, we review the importance of individual variation in ecology and evolution, argue that contemporary phycology often overlooks this foundational biological unit, and highlight how this lack of attention has potentially constrained our understanding of seaweeds. We then provide some suggestions of promising but underrepresented approaches, for instance: conducting more studies and analyses at the level of the individual; designing studies to evaluate heritability and genetic regulation of traits; and measuring associations between individual variation in functional traits and ecological outcomes. We close by highlighting areas of phycological research (e.g., population biology, ecology, aquaculture, climate change management) that could benefit immediately from including a focus on individual variation. Algae, for their part, provide us with a powerful and diverse set of ecological and evolutionary traits to explore these topics. There is much to be discovered.  相似文献   

The steady occurrence of DNA mutations is a key source for evolution, generating the genomic variation in the population upon which natural selection acts. Mutations driving evolution have to occur in the oocytes and sperm in order to be transmitted to the next generation. Through similar mechanisms, mutations also accumulate in somatic cells (e.g., skin cells, neurons, lymphocytes) during development and adult life. The concept that somatic cells can collect new mutations with time suggests that we are a mosaic of cells with different genomic compositions. Particular attention has been recently paid to somatic mutations in the brain, with a focus on the relationship between this phenomenon and the origin of human diseases. Given this progressive accumulation of mutations, it is likely that an increased load of somatic mutations is present later in life and that this could be associated with late-life diseases and aging. In this review, we focus on a particular type of mutation: the loss and/or gain of whole chromosomes (i.e., aneuploidy) caused by errors in chromosomes segregation in neurons and glia. Currently, it is hard to grasp the functional impact of somatic mutation in the brain because we lack reliable estimates of the proportion of aneuploid cells in the normal brain across different ages. Here, we revisit the key studies that attempted to quantify the proportion of aneuploid cells in both normal and diseased brains and highlight the deep inconsistencies among the different studies done in the last 15 years. Finally, our review highlights several limitations of studies performed in human and rodent models and explores a possible translational role for non-human primates.  相似文献   

The increase in prevalence of food allergies generates a need for more accurate and reliable quantitative allergy testing in order to help diagnosis. In this short review, we briefly outline the history of food allergy testing and extend our comments to current multiplex techniques. Particular emphasis is given to new developments in the protein microarray area, where the use of recent advances in biotechnology has the potential to produce high-throughput devices with improved clinical significance.  相似文献   

Human speech evidently conveys an adaptive advantage, given its apparently rapid dissemination through the ancient world and global use today. As such, speech must be capable of altering human biology in a positive way, possibly through those neuroendocrine mechanisms responsible for strengthening the social bonds between individuals. Indeed, speech between trusted individuals is capable of reducing levels of salivary cortisol, often considered a biomarker of stress, and increasing levels of urinary oxytocin, a hormone involved in the formation and maintenance of positive relationships. It is not clear, however, whether it is the uniquely human grammar, syntax, content and/or choice of words that causes these physiological changes, or whether the prosodic elements of speech, which are present in the vocal cues of many other species, are responsible. In order to tease apart these elements of human communication, we examined the hormonal responses of female children who instant messaged their mothers after undergoing a stressor. We discovered that unlike children interacting with their mothers in person or over the phone, girls who instant messaged did not release oxytocin; instead, these participants showed levels of salivary cortisol as high as control subjects who did not interact with their parents at all. We conclude that the comforting sound of a familiar voice is responsible for the hormonal differences observed and, hence, that similar differences may be seen in other species using vocal cues to communicate.  相似文献   

Known Proterozoic algal fossils raise compelling questions about the origin and diversification of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic algae, and their ecological influence in deep time. This Perspectives article describes particular examples of persistent evolutionary and biogeochemical issues whose resolution would be aided by additional algal fossil evidence from Proterozoic deposits, which have been the subjects of recent intensive study. New Proterozoic geosciences literature relevant to the early diversification of algae is surveyed. Previously underappreciated algal traits that might improve taxonomic attributions of fossil remains are highlighted. Processes that phycologists could use to improve detection of algal fossils are recommended. Potential geological sources of new Proterozoic fossils are suggested.  相似文献   

Rates of COVID deaths, hospitalizations, and cases differ markedly across U.S. states, as do rates of vaccination. This study uses cross-state regressions to assess impacts of vaccinations on COVID outcomes. A number of familiar issues arise concerning cross-sectional regressions, including omitted variables, behavioral responses to vaccination, and reverse causation. The benefits from a field context and from the broad range of observed variations suggest the value from dealing with these issues. Results reveal sizable negative effects of vaccination on deaths, hospitalizations, and cases up to early December 2021, although vaccine efficacy seems to wane over time. The findings for deaths apply to all-cause excess mortality as well as COVID-related mortality. The estimates imply that one expected life saved requires 248 additional doses, with a marginal cost around $55000, far below typical estimates of the value of a statistical life. Results since December 2021 suggest smaller effects of vaccinations on deaths and, especially, hospitalizations and cases, possibly because of diminished effectiveness of vaccines against new forms of the virus, notably the omicron variant. A further possibility is that confidence engendered by vaccinations motivated individuals and governments to lessen non-pharmaceutical interventions, such as masking and social distancing.  相似文献   


This study tests two theories accounting for observed relationships between U.S. rates of childlessness and sociodemographic characteristics using data on Black and white women aged 30–44 from the 1970 U.S. census. Traditional theory sees the observed correlations as spuriously caused by involuntary sterility, while voluntaristic theory interprets the associations as evidence of influences on the decisions of fecund couples to remain childless. We examine the two positions by estimating and then comparing the aggregate causal structures of childless rates and cumulative fertility rates of women with proven fecundity. The traditional approach expects little if any relationship, while the voluntaristic approach predicts high similarity between the two estimated structures. Results support the voluntaristic position and thus offer indirect substantiation of the voluntaristic theory of areal variation in childless rates.  相似文献   

Using 1979-87 Hawaii vital record data on single live births, this study compares by nativity status of the mother the maternal characteristics and pregnancy outcomes of resident Filipino women. Among ethnic minorities in the United States, the pregnancy outcomes of U.S.-born mothers have been reported to compare unfavorably to their foreign-born counterparts. In this study, unequivocally preferential pregnancy outcome indicators were not observed for foreign-born women. Contrary to expectations, a significant, but modest, increase in the risk of preterm delivery was found for infants of Philippines-born mothers, along with a less favorable mean birth weight and gestational age. As a growing minority population in the United States, the atypical determinants and patterns of pregnancy outcome in this population warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Sex differences in competitiveness are well established, but it is unknown if they originate from sociocultural conditions or evolved predispositions. Testing these hypotheses requires a quantifiable sex difference in competitiveness and the application of a powerful sociocultural manipulation to eliminate it. Study 1 reviews previous work showing that more male distance runners are motivated by competition and maintain large training volumes, suggesting that more males should run fast relative to sex-specific world-class standards. I then use two independent statistical approaches to demonstrate that, in matched populations of male and female U.S. runners, two to four times as many males as females ran relatively fast in 2003. Study 2 investigates whether the growth in opportunities and incentives for female athletes in the past 30 years is eliminating this sex difference. I first show that there was a marked increase in the number of fast female runners in the 1970s and early 1980s, a period during which female participation increased dramatically. However, I found no indication of an absolute or relative increase in the number of fast female distance runners since the mid-1980s. These findings therefore support the hypothesis that sex differences in competitiveness partly reflect evolved predispositions.  相似文献   



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