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Oral-facial-digital type 1 (OFD1) syndrome is an X-linked dominant condition characterized by malformations of the face, oral cavity, and digits. The responsible gene, OFD1, maps to human Xp22 and has an unknown function. We isolated and characterized the mouse Ofd1 gene and showed that it is subject to X-inactivation, in contrast to the human gene. Furthermore, we excluded a role for Ofd1 in the pathogenesis of the spontaneous mouse mutant Xpl, which had been proposed as a mouse model for this condition. Comparative sequence analysis demonstrated that OFD1 is conserved among vertebrates and absent in invertebrates. This analysis allowed the identification of evolutionarily conserved domains in the protein. Finally, we report the identification of 18 apparently nonfunctional OFD1 copies, organized in repeat units on the human Y chromosome. These degenerate OFD1-Y genes probably derived from the ancestral Y homologue of the X-linked gene. The high level of sequence identity among the different units suggests that duplication events have recently occurred during evolution.  相似文献   

The human Y chromosome exhibits surprisingly low levels of genetic diversity. This could result from neutral processes if the effective population size of males is reduced relative to females due to a higher variance in the number of offspring from males than from females. Alternatively, selection acting on new mutations, and affecting linked neutral sites, could reduce variability on the Y chromosome. Here, using genome-wide analyses of X, Y, autosomal and mitochondrial DNA, in combination with extensive population genetic simulations, we show that low observed Y chromosome variability is not consistent with a purely neutral model. Instead, we show that models of purifying selection are consistent with observed Y diversity. Further, the number of sites estimated to be under purifying selection greatly exceeds the number of Y-linked coding sites, suggesting the importance of the highly repetitive ampliconic regions. While we show that purifying selection removing deleterious mutations can explain the low diversity on the Y chromosome, we cannot exclude the possibility that positive selection acting on beneficial mutations could have also reduced diversity in linked neutral regions, and may have contributed to lowering human Y chromosome diversity. Because the functional significance of the ampliconic regions is poorly understood, our findings should motivate future research in this area.  相似文献   

The male-specific region (MSY) of the Y chromosome contains genes involved mainly in male sex determination and in spermatogenesis. The majority of genes involved in male fertility are localized in multiple copies in the long arm of the Y chromosome, within specific regions defined as "ampliconic regions." It has been suggested that these genes derived from X-linked or autosomal ancestors during evolution, providing a benefit for male fertility when transposed onto the Y chromosome. So far, the autosomal origin has been demonstrated only for two MSY genes, DAZ and CDY. In the present study we report on the identification within chromosome 8q11.2 of a region homologous to the g amplicon, containing the VCY2 (approved gene symbol BPY2), TTTY4, and TTTY17 genes. A search for ancestor genes within the 8q11.2 region allowed us to identify a gene named BEYLA and to characterize the genomic organization and the expression patterns of this gene.  相似文献   

Since the two eutherian sex chromosomes diverged from an ancestral autosomal pair, the X has remained relatively gene-rich, while the Y has lost most of its genes through the accumulation of deleterious mutations in nonrecombining regions. Presently, it is unclear what is distinctive about genes that remain on the Y chromosome, when the sex chromosomes acquired their unique evolutionary rates, and whether X-Y gene divergence paralleled that of paralogs located on autosomes. To tackle these questions, here we juxtaposed the evolution of X and Y homologous genes (gametologs) in eutherian mammals with their autosomal orthologs in marsupial and monotreme mammals. We discovered that genes on the X and Y acquired distinct evolutionary rates immediately following the suppression of recombination between the two sex chromosomes. The Y-linked genes evolved at higher rates, while the X-linked genes maintained the lower evolutionary rates of the ancestral autosomal genes. These distinct rates have been maintained throughout the evolution of X and Y. Specifically, in humans, most X gametologs and, curiously, also most Y gametologs evolved under stronger purifying selection than similarly aged autosomal paralogs. Finally, after evaluating the current experimental data from the literature, we concluded that unique mRNA/protein expression patterns and functions acquired by Y (versus X) gametologs likely contributed to their retention. Our results also suggest that either the boundary between sex chromosome strata 3 and 4 should be shifted or that stratum 3 should be divided into two strata.  相似文献   

The HINTW gene on the female-specific W chromosome of chicken and other birds is amplified and present in numerous copies. Moreover, as HINTW is distinctly different from its homolog on the Z chromosome (HINTZ), is a candidate gene in avian sex determination, and evolves rapidly under positive selection, it shows several common features to ampliconic and testis-specific genes on the mammalian Y chromosome. A phylogenetic analysis within galliform birds (chicken, turkey, quail, and pheasant) shows that individual HINTW copies within each species are more similar to each other than to gene copies of related species. Such convergent evolution is most easily explained by recurrent events of gene conversion, the rate of which we estimated at 10(-6)-10(-5) per site and generation. A significantly higher GC content of HINTW than of other W-linked genes is consistent with biased gene conversion increasing the fixation probability of mutations involving G and C nucleotides. Furthermore, and as a likely consequence, the neutral substitution rate is almost twice as high in HINTW as in other W-linked genes. The region on W encompassing the HINTW gene cluster is not covered in the initial assembly of the chicken genome, but analysis of raw sequence reads indicates that gene copy number is significantly higher than a previous estimate of 40. While sexual selection is one of several factors that potentially affect the evolution of ampliconic, male-specific genes on the mammalian Y chromosome, data from HINTW provide evidence that gene amplification followed by gene conversion can evolve in female-specific chromosomes in the absence of sexual selection. The presence of multiple and highly similar copies of HINTW may be related to protein function, but, more generally, amplification and conversion offers a means to the avoidance of accumulation of deleterious mutations in nonrecombining chromosomes.  相似文献   

In most discussions of the evolution of sex chromosomes, it is presumed that the morphological differences between the X and Y were initiated by genetic changes. An alternative possibility is that, in the early stages, a key role was played by epigenetic modifications of chromatin structure that did not depend directly on genetic changes. Such modifications could have resulted from spontaneous epimutations at a sex-determining locus or, in mammals, from selection in females for the epigenetic silencing of imprinted regions of the paternally derived sex chromosome. Other features of mammalian sex chromosomes that are easier to explain if the epigenetic dimension of chromosome evolution is considered include the relatively large number of X-linked genes associated with human brain development, and the overrepresentation of spermatogenesis genes on the X. Both may be evolutionary consequences of dosage compensation through X-inactivation.  相似文献   

The male-specific regions of the Y chromosome (MSY) of the human and the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) are fully sequenced. The most striking difference is the dramatic rearrangement of large parts of their respective MSYs. These non-recombining regions include ampliconic gene families that are known to be important for male reproduction,and are consequently under significant selective pressure. However, whether the published Y-chromosomal pattern of ampliconic fertility genes is invariable within P. troglodytes is an open but fundamental question pertinent to discussions of the evolutionary fate of the Y chromosome in different primate mating systems. To solve this question we applied fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) of testis-specific expressed ampliconic fertility genes to metaphase Y chromosomes of 17 chimpanzees derived from 11 wild-born males and 16 bonobos representing seven wild-born males. We show that of eleven P. troglodytes Y-chromosomal lines, ten Y-chromosomal variants were detected based on the number and arrangement of the ampliconic fertility genes DAZ (deleted in azoospermia) and CDY (chromodomain protein Y)—a so-far never-described variation of a species'' Y chromosome. In marked contrast, no variation was evident among seven Y-chromosomal lines of the bonobo, P. paniscus, the chimpanzee''s closest living relative. Although, loss of variation of the Y chromosome in the bonobo by a founder effect or genetic drift cannot be excluded, these contrasting patterns might be explained in the context of the species'' markedly different social and mating behaviour. In chimpanzees, multiple males copulate with a receptive female during a short period of visible anogenital swelling, and this may place significant selection on fertility genes. In bonobos, however, female mate choice may make sperm competition redundant (leading to monomorphism of fertility genes), since ovulation in this species is concealed by the prolonged anogenital swelling, and because female bonobos can occupy high-ranking positions in the group and are thus able to determine mate choice more freely.  相似文献   

Human and mouse amelogenin gene loci are on the sex chromosomes   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Enamel is the outermost covering of teeth and is the hardest tissue in the vertebrate body. The enamel matrix is composed of enamelin and amelogenin classes of protein. We have determined the chromosomal locations for the human and mouse amelogenin (AMEL) loci using Southern blot analyses of DNA from human, mouse, or somatic cell hybrids by hybridization to a characterized mouse amelogenin cDNA. We have determined that human AMEL sequences are located on the distal short arm of the X chromosome in the p22.1----p22.3 region and near the centromere on the Y chromosome, possibly at the proximal long arm (Yq11) region. These chromosomal assignments are consistent with the hypothesis that perturbation of the amelogenin gene is involved in X-linked types of amelogenesis imperfecta, as well as with the Y-chromosomal locations for genes that participate in regulating tooth size and shape. Unlike the locus in humans, the mouse AMEL locus appears to be assigned solely to the X chromosome. Finally, together with the data on other X and Y chromosome sequences, these data for AMEL mapping support the notion of a pericentric inversion occurring in the human Y chromosome during primate evolution.  相似文献   

The action of natural selection is expected to reduce the effective population size of a nonrecombining chromosome, and this is thought to be the chief factor leading to genetic degeneration of Y-chromosomes, which cease recombining during their evolution from ordinary chromosomes. Low effective population size of Y chromosomes can be tested by studying DNA sequence diversity of Y-linked genes. In the dioecious plant, Silene latifolia, which has sex chromosomes, one comparison (SlX1 vs. SlY1) indeed finds lower Y diversity compared with the homologous X-linked gene, and one Y-linked gene with no X-linked homologue has lower species-wide diversity than a homologous autosomal copy (SlAp3Y vs. SlAp3A). To test whether this is a general pattern for Y-linked genes, we studied two further recently described X and Y homologous gene pairs in samples from several populations of S. latifolia and S. dioica. Diversity is reduced for both Y-linked genes, compared with their X-linked homologues. Our new data are analysed to show that the low Y effective size cannot be explained by different levels of gene flow for the X vs. the Y chromosomes, either between populations or between these closely related species. Thus, all four Y-linked genes that have now been studied in these plants (the two studied here, and two previously studied genes, have low diversity). This supports other evidence for an ongoing degeneration process in these species.  相似文献   

Female mammals have two X chromosomes and males have a single X and a smaller, male-determining Y chromosome. The dosage of X-linked gene products is equalized between the sexes by the genetic inactivation of one X chromosome in females. The characteristics of the mechanism of X-chromosome inactivation differ in eutherian and metatherian mammals, and it has been suggested that the metatherian system represents a more primitive stage. The present study of monotreme sex chromosomes and X-chromosome inactivation suggests that the prototherian mammals may represent an even more primitive stage. There is extensive G-band homology between the monotreme X and Y chromosomes, and differences in the patterns of replication of the two X chromosomes in females suggest that X inactivation is tissue specific and confined to the unpaired segment of the X. On the basis of these results, we propose a model for the differentiation of mammalian sex chromosomes and the evolution of the mechanism of X-chromosome inactivation. This model involves a gradual reduction of the Y chromosome and an accompanying gradual recruitment of (newly unpaired) X-linked loci under the control of a single inactivation center.  相似文献   

A model is proposed for the evolution of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in which natural selection initially favors the silencing of paternally derived alleles of X-linked demand inhibitors. The compensatory upregulation of maternally derived alleles establishes a requirement for monoallelic expression in females. For this reason, XCI is self-reinforcing once established. However, inactivation of a particular X chromosome is not. Random XCI (rXCI) is favored over paternal XCI because rXCI reduces the costs of functional hemizygosity in females. Once present, rXCI favors the evolution of locus-by-locus imprinting of X-linked loci, which creates an evolutionary dynamic in which different chromosomes compete to remain active.  相似文献   

Imprinted inactivation of the paternal X chromosome in marsupials is the primordial mechanism of dosage compensation for X-linked genes between females and males in Therians. In Eutherian mammals, X chromosome inactivation (XCI) evolved into a random process in cells from the embryo proper, where either the maternal or paternal X can be inactivated. However, species like mouse and bovine maintained imprinted XCI exclusively in extraembryonic tissues. The existence of imprinted XCI in humans remains controversial, with studies based on the analyses of only one or two X-linked genes in different extraembryonic tissues. Here we readdress this issue in human term placenta by performing a robust analysis of allele-specific expression of 22 X-linked genes, including XIST, using 27 SNPs in transcribed regions. We show that XCI is random in human placenta, and that this organ is arranged in relatively large patches of cells with either maternal or paternal inactive X. In addition, this analysis indicated heterogeneous maintenance of gene silencing along the inactive X, which combined with the extensive mosaicism found in placenta, can explain the lack of agreement among previous studies. Our results illustrate the differences of XCI mechanism between humans and mice, and highlight the importance of addressing the issue of imprinted XCI in other species in order to understand the evolution of dosage compensation in placental mammals.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies have shown that bandicoots (family Peramelidae) eliminate one X chromosome in females and the Y chromosome in males from some somatic tissues at different stages during development. The discovery of a polymorphism for X-linked phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK-1) in a population of Isoodon obesulus from Mount Gambier, South Australia, has allowed us to answer a number of long standing questions relating to the parental source of the eliminated X chromosome, X chromosome inactivation and reactivation in somatic and germ cells of female bandicoots. We have found no evidence of paternal PGK-1 allele expression in a wide range of somatic tissues and cell types from known female heterozygotes. We conclude that paternal X chromosome inactivation occurs in bandicoots as in other marsupial groups and that it is the paternally derived X chromosome that is eliminated from some cell types of females. The absence of PGK-1 paternal activity in somatic cells allowed us to examine the state of X chromosome activity in germ cells. Electrophoresis of germ cells from different aged pouch young heterozygotes showed only maternal allele expression in oogonia whereas an additional paternally derived band was observed in pre-dictyate oocytes. We conclude that reactivation of the inactive X chromosome occurs around the onset of meiosis in female bandicoots. As in other mammals, late replication is a common feature of the Y chromosome in male and the inactive X chromosome in female bandicoots. The basis of sex chromosome loss is still not known; however later timing of DNA synthesis is involved. Our finding that the paternally derived X chromosome is eliminated in females suggests that late DNA replication may provide the imprint for paternal X inactivation and the elimination of sex chromosomes in bandicoots.  相似文献   

Sex chromosomes play a role in many important biological processes, including sex determination, genomic conflicts, imprinting, and speciation. In particular, they exhibit several unusual properties such as inheritance pattern, hemizygosity, and reduced recombination, which influence their response to evolutionary factors (e.g., drift, selection, and demography). Here, we examine the evolutionary forces driving X chromosome evolution in aphids, an XO system where females are homozygous (XX) and males are hemizygous (X0) at sex chromosomes. We show by simulations that the unusual mode of transmission of the X chromosome in aphids, coupled with cyclical parthenogenesis, results in similar effective population sizes and predicted levels of genetic diversity for X chromosomes and autosomes under neutral evolution. These results contrast with expectations from standard XX/XY or XX/X0 systems (where the effective population size of the X is three-fourths that of autosomes) and have deep consequences for aphid X chromosome evolution. We then localized 52 microsatellite markers on the X and 351 on autosomes. We genotyped 167 individuals with 356 of these loci and found similar levels of allelic richness on the X and on the autosomes, as predicted by our simulations. In contrast, we detected higher dN and dN/dS ratio for X-linked genes compared with autosomal genes, a pattern compatible with either positive or relaxed selection. Given that both types of chromosomes have similar effective population sizes and that the single copy of the X chromosome of male aphids exposes its recessive genes to selection, some degree of positive selection seems to best explain the higher rates of evolution of X-linked genes. Overall, this study highlights the particular relevance of aphids to study the evolutionary factors driving sex chromosomes and genome evolution.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical work has suggested that the X chromosome may play a special role in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. We tested this idea by quantifying sex chromosome influence on male relative eyespan, a dramatically sexually selected trait in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. After 31 generations of artificial sexual selection on eyespan:body length ratio, we reciprocally crossed high- with low-line flies and found no evidence for maternal effects; the relative eyespan of F1 females from high- and low-line dams did not differ. However, F1 male progeny from high-line dams had longer relative eyespan than male progeny from low-line dams, indicating X-linkage. Comparison of progeny from a backcross involving reciprocal F1 males and control line females confirmed X-linked inheritance and indicated no effect of the Y chromosome on relative eyespan. We estimated that the X chromosome accounts for 25% (SE = 6%) of the change in selected lines, using the average difference between reciprocal F1 males divided by the difference between parental males, or 34%, using estimates of the number of effective factors obtained from reciprocal crosses between a high and low line. These estimates exceed the relative size of the X in the diploid genome of a male, 11.9% (SE = 0.3%), as measured from mitotic chromosome lengths. However, they match expectations if X-linked genes in males exhibit dosage compensation by twofold hyperactivation, as has been observed in other flies. Therefore, sex-linked expression of relative eyespan is likely to be commensurate with the size of the X chromosome in this dramatically dimorphic species.  相似文献   

Y chromosome variation of mice and men   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2  
DNA sequences from the nonrecombining portion of the Y chromosome were compared with autosomal and X-linked sequences from mice and humans to test the neutral prediction that ratios of polymorphism to divergence are the same for different genes. Intraspecific variation within Mus domesticus was compared with divergence between M. domesticus and Mus caroli for Sry, a region 5' to Sry, and four X-linked genes, Hprt, Plp, Amg, and Glra2. None of these comparisons revealed significantly reduced variation on the Y chromosome. Intraspecific variation within humans was compared with divergence between humans and chimpanzees for three Y-linked loci (Zfy, the YAP region, and the Sry region), seven X- linked loci (Il2rg, Plp, Hprt, Gk, Ids, Pdhal, and Dmd), and the beta- globin locus on chromosome 11. In these comparisons, the observed level of variation on the human Y chromosome was slightly lower than expected, but was significantly lower in only one case (Sry region vs. Dmd). These results suggest that the levels of variability on the Y chromosome in mice and humans are close to expected values given the effective population size and mutation rates for these loci. There is at most only a modest reduction in variability that may be attributed to natural selection (either genetic hitchhiking or background selection).   相似文献   

Singh ND  Davis JC  Petrov DA 《Genetics》2005,171(1):145-155
Comparing patterns of molecular evolution between autosomes and sex chromosomes (such as X and W chromosomes) can provide insight into the forces underlying genome evolution. Here we investigate patterns of codon bias evolution on the X chromosome and autosomes in Drosophila and Caenorhabditis. We demonstrate that X-linked genes have significantly higher codon bias compared to autosomal genes in both Drosophila and Caenorhabditis. Furthermore, genes that become X-linked evolve higher codon bias gradually, over tens of millions of years. We provide several lines of evidence that this elevation in codon bias is due exclusively to their chromosomal location and not to any other property of X-linked genes. We present two possible explanations for these observations. One possibility is that natural selection is more efficient on the X chromosome due to effective haploidy of the X chromosomes in males and persistently low effective numbers of reproducing males compared to that of females. Alternatively, X-linked genes might experience stronger natural selection for higher codon bias as a result of maladaptive reduction of their dosage engendered by the loss of the Y-linked homologs.  相似文献   



Protocadherin-11 is a cell adhesion molecule of the cadherin superfamily. Since, only in humans, its paralog is found on the Y chromosome, it is expected that protocadherin-11X/Y plays some role in human brain evolution or sex differences. Recently, a genetic mutation of protocadherin-11X/Y was reported to be associated with a language development disorder. Here, we compared the expression of protocadherin-11 X-linked in developing postnatal brains of mouse (rodent) and common marmoset (non-human primate) to explore its possible involvement in mammalian brain evolution. We also investigated its expression in the Bengalese finch (songbird) to explore a possible function in animal vocalization and human language faculties.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Protocadherin-11 X-linked was strongly expressed in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, amygdala and brainstem. Comparative analysis between mice and marmosets revealed that in certain areas of marmoset brain, the expression was clearly enriched. In Bengalese finches, protocadherin-11 X-linked was expressed not only in nuclei of regions of the vocal production pathway and the tracheosyringeal hypoglossal nucleus, but also in areas homologous to the mammalian amygdala and hippocampus. In both marmosets and Bengalese finches, its expression in pallial vocal control areas was developmentally regulated, and no clear expression was seen in the dorsal striatum, indicating a similarity between songbirds and non-human primates.


Our results suggest that the enriched expression of protocadherin-11 X-linked is involved in primate brain evolution and that some similarity exists between songbirds and primates regarding the neural basis for vocalization.  相似文献   

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