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Mifflin, Steven W. Intensity and frequency dependenceof laryngeal afferent inputs to respiratory hypoglossal motoneurons. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(6):1890-1899, 1997.Inspiratory hypoglossal motoneurons (IHMs)mediate contraction of the genioglossus muscle and contribute to theregulation of upper airway patency. Intracellular recordings wereobtained from antidromically identified IHMs in anesthetized,vagotomized cats, and IHM responses to electrical activation ofsuperior laryngeal nerve (SLN) afferent fibers at various frequenciesand intensities were examined. SLN stimulus frequencies <2 Hz evokedan excitatory-inhibitory postsynaptic potential (EPSP-IPSP) sequence oronly an IPSP in most IHMs that did not change in amplitude as thestimulus was maintained. During sustained stimulus frequencies of5-10 Hz, there was a reduction in the amplitude of SLN-evokedIPSPs with time with variable changes in the EPSP. At stimulusfrequencies >25 Hz, the amplitude of EPSPs and IPSPs was reduced overtime. At a given stimulus frequency, increasing stimulus intensityenhanced the decay of the SLN-evoked postsynaptic potentials (PSPs).Frequency-dependent attenuation of SLN inputs to IHMs also occurred innewborn kittens. These results suggest that activation of SLN afferentsevokes different PSP responses in IHMs depending on the stimulusfrequency. At intermediate frequencies, inhibitory inputs areselectively filtered so that excitatory inputs predominate. At higherfrequencies there was no discernible SLN-evoked PSP temporally lockedto the SLN stimuli. Alterations in SLN-evoked PSPs could play a role inthe coordination of genioglossal contraction during respiration,swallowing, and other complex motor acts where laryngeal afferents areactivated.


Changes of respiratory input impedance during breathing in humans.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Changes of total respiratory resistance (Rrs) and reactance (Xrs) were studied between 8 and 32 Hz at five moments during the respiratory cycle in healthy adults (group A) and children (group B) and in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (group C) and with upper airway obstruction (group D). Two forced oscillation techniques were used: the conventional one and the head generator, with the oscillations applied at the mouth and around the head of the subject, respectively. Both techniques yielded similar results. Rrs is lowest during the transition from inspiration to expiration and highest in the course of expiration, except in group D. Mean Xrs is highest at the transitions from inspiration to expiration or vice versa and lowest during expiration, except in group D. In groups C and D, the increases of Rrs are accompanied by a more pronounced negative frequency dependence of Rrs. The variations of Rrs and Xrs appear to be markedly flow dependent and may be a consequence of the interaction of breathing with oscillatory flows.  相似文献   

Prenatal nicotine exposure with continued exposure through breast milk over the first week of life (developmental nicotine exposure, DNE) alters the development of brainstem circuits that control breathing. Here, we test the hypothesis that DNE alters the respiratory motor response to endogenous and exogenous acetylcholine (ACh) in neonatal rats. We used the brainstem‐spinal cord preparation in the split‐bath configuration, and applied drugs to the brainstem compartment while measuring the burst frequency and amplitude of the fourth cervical ventral nerve roots (C4VR), which contain the axons of phrenic motoneurons. We applied ACh alone; the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) antagonist curare, either alone or in the presence of ACh; and the muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (mAChR) antagonist atropine, either alone or in the presence of ACh. The main findings include: (1) atropine reduced frequency similarly in controls and DNE animals, while curare caused modest slowing in controls but no consistent change in DNE animals; (2) DNE greatly attenuated the increase in C4VR frequency mediated by exogenous ACh; (3) stimulation of nAChRs with ACh in the presence of atropine increased frequency markedly in controls, but not DNE animals; (4) stimulation of mAChRs with ACh in the presence of curare caused a modest increase in frequency, with no treatment group differences. DNE blunts the response of the respiratory central pattern generator to exogenous ACh, consistent with reduced availability of functionally competent nAChRs; DNE did not alter the muscarinic control of respiratory motor output. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 76: 1138–1149, 2016  相似文献   

At frequencies between 20 Hz and 1 kHz the impedance locus of the isolated frog skin is circular; below 20 Hz the resistive component of the impedance is frequently greater than would be expected from extrapolation of the high-frequency locus. At frequencies greater than twice the highest frequency at which there are deviations from the circular locus the variation of impedance Z with angular frequency ω is closely described by the equation Z = r1 + r0/[1+(jωτ)1-α], where j is √?1, r1 and r0 are resistance, τ is a time constant and α a constant in the range 0.02–0.14.  相似文献   

When input impedance is determined by means of the forced oscillation technique, part of the oscillatory flow measured at the mouth is lost in the motion of the upper airway wall acting as a shunt. This is avoided by applying the oscillations around the subject's head (head generator) rather than at the mouth (conventional technique). In seven wheezing infants, we compared both techniques to estimate the importance of the upper airway wall shunt impedance (Zuaw) for the interpretation of the conventional technique results. Computation of Zuaw required, in addition, estimation of nasal impedance values, which were drawn from previous measurements (K. N. Desager, M. Willemen, H. P. Van Bever, W. De Backer, and P. A. Vermeire. Pediatr. Pulmonol. 11: 1-7, 1991). Upper airway resistance and reactance at 12 Hz ranged from 40 to 120 and from 0 to -150 hPa. l(-1). s, respectively. Varying nasal impedance within the range observed in infants did not result in major changes in the estimates of Zuaw or lung impedance (ZL), the impedance of the respiratory system in parallel with Zuaw. The conventional technique underestimated ZL, depending on the value of Zuaw. The head generator technique slightly overestimated ZL, probably because the pressure gradient across the upper airway was not completely suppressed. Because of the need to enclose the head in a box (which is not required with the conventional technique), the head generator technique is difficult to perform in infants.  相似文献   

Low-frequency respiratory mechanical impedance in the rat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A modified forced oscillatory technique was used to determine the respiratory mechanical impedances in anesthetized, paralyzed rats between 0.25 and 10 Hz. From the total respiratory (Zrs) and pulmonary impedance (ZL), measured with pseudorandom oscillations applied at the airway opening before and after thoracotomy, respectively, the chest wall impedance (ZW) was calculated as ZW = Zrs - ZL. The pulmonary (RL) and chest wall resistances were both markedly frequency dependent: between 0.25 and 2 Hz they contributed equally to the total resistance falling from 81.4 +/- 18.3 (SD) at 0.25 Hz to 27.1 +/- 1.7 kPa.l-1 X s at 2 Hz. The pulmonary compliance (CL) decreased mildly, from 2.78 +/- 0.44 at 0.25 Hz to 2.36 +/- 0.39 ml/kPa at 2 Hz, and then increased at higher frequencies, whereas the chest wall compliance declined monotonously from 4.19 +/- 0.88 at 0.25 Hz to 1.93 +/- 0.14 ml/kPa at 10 Hz. Although the frequency dependence of ZW can be interpreted on the basis of parallel inhomogeneities alone, the sharp fall in RL together with the relatively constant CL suggests that at low frequencies significant losses are imposed by the non-Newtonian resistive properties of the lung tissue.  相似文献   

The spontaneous breathing of a subject during measurements of respiratory impedance (Zrs) by the forced oscillation technique (FOT) induces errors that result in biased impedance estimates, especially at low frequencies. Although in standard measurements this bias may be avoided by using special impedance estimators, there are two applications of FOT for which such estimators are not useful: when a head generator is used and when measurements are made during intubation. In this paper we describe a data-processing procedure for unbiased impedance estimation for all FOT setups. The proposed estimator (Z) was devised for pseudorandom excitation and is based on time-domain signal averaging before frequency analysis. The performance of estimator Z was first analyzed by computer simulation of a head generator setup and a setup including an endotracheal tube to measure (2-32 Hz) a resistance-inertance-elastance model mimicking Zrs of a healthy subject. Second, Z was assessed during real measurements in 16 healthy subjects. The results obtained in the simulation (e.g., error in elastance was reduced from 15.6% with most conventional estimators to 3.3% with Z in simulation of head generator setup) and in the measurements in subjects (differences of less than 1.6% between Z and a reference) confirmed the theoretical lack of bias of Z and its practical suitability for the different FOT setups. In addition to its applicability in the situations in which no other unbiased estimators are available, estimator Z is also advantageous in most conventional applications of FOT, since it requires much less computing time and thus allows on-line Zrs measurements.  相似文献   

Control of respiratory frequency   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Effect of body posture on respiratory impedance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effects of posture on the mechanics of the respiratory system are not well known, particularly in terms of total respiratory resistance. We have measured respiratory impedance (Zrs) by the forced random noise excitation technique in the sitting and the supine position in 24 healthy subjects. Spirometry and lung volumes (He-dilution technique) were also measured in both postures. The equivalent resistance (Rrs), compliance (Crs), and inertance (Irs) were also calculated by fitting each measured Zrs to a linear series model. When subjects changed from sitting to the supine position, the real part of Zrs increased over the whole frequency band. The associated equivalent resistance, Rrs, increased by 28.2%. The reactance decreased for frequencies lower than 18 Hz and increased for higher frequencies. Consequently, Crs decreased by 38.7% and Irs increased by 15.6%. All of these parameter differences were significant (P less than 0.001). A covariance analysis showed that a significant amount of the postural change in Rrs and Crs can be explained by the reduction of functional residual capacity (FRC). This indicates that the observed differences on Zrs can in part be explained be a shift of the operating point of the respiratory system induced by the decrease in the FRC.  相似文献   

Nicotine dependence in rats   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Health hazards associated with nicotine and tobacco use are well known. A contributing factor, the dependence producing potential of this drug, has become widely accepted. However, there are only a few human and animal studies that provide objective measures of the behavioral consequences of nicotine abstinence. The purpose of the present experiment was to use sensitive measures to examine behavioral disruptions that resulted when nicotine administration was terminated. Six rats were administered 96 daily intravenous infusions of nicotine (0.125 mg/kg/infusion) for at least 10 days. They were trained to respond on a tongue-operated solenoid-driven drinking device that delivered 0.005 ml of a glucose and saccharin solution (G + S) per lick. When nicotine access was terminated for six days, there was a marked suppression in behavior reinforced by the sweetened solution, and this disruption was immediately reversed when nicotine was reinstated. In contrast, nicotine removal also resulted in a decrease in food intake on the first day, but on subsequent days food intake was significantly higher than when nicotine was administered. When cotinine (0.25 mg/kg/infusion), a metabolite of nicotine was substituted for nicotine for six days, similar disruptions resulted in responding maintained by G + S, but food intake was not significantly decreased on the first day of nicotine abstinence. These findings illustrate the utility of sensitive behavioral tests to reveal effects of nicotine abstinence.  相似文献   

Simon, B. A., P. B. Zanaboni, and D. P. Nyhan. Effectof hypoxia on respiratory system impedance in dogs. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(2): 451-458, 1997.The effects of hypoxia on lung and airwaymechanics remain controversial, possibly because of the confoundingeffects of competing reflexes caused by systemic hypoxemia. We comparedthe effects of systemic hypoxemia with those of unilateral alveolarhypoxia (with systemic normoxemia) on unilateral respiratory systemimpedance (Z) in intact, anesthetized dogs. Independent lungventilation was obtained with a Kottmeier endobronchial tube.Individual left and right respiratory system Z was measured duringsinusoidal forcing with 45 ml of volume at frequencies of 0.2-2.1Hz during control [100% inspiredO2 fraction(FIO2)], systemichypoxemia (10% FIO2), andunilateral alveolar hypoxia (0%FIO2 to left lung, 100%FIO2 to right lung). Duringsystemic hypoxemia, there was a mean Z magnitude increase of 18%. Thischange was entirely attributable to a decrease in the imaginarycomponent of Z; there was no change in the real component of Z. Administration of atropine (0.2 mg/kg) did not block the increase in Zwith systemic hypoxemia. In contrast, there was no change in Z in thelung subjected to unilateral alveolar hypoxia. We conclude thatalveolar hypoxia has no direct effect on lung mechanical properties inintact dogs. In contrast, systemic hypoxemia does increase lungimpedance, apparently through a noncholinergic mechanism.


The frequency dependence of effective compliance, Ceff, and resistance, Reff, are reproduced by means of a two- or four-compartment linear mathematical model with pleural pressure as a sinusoidal input. The model simulates the mechanical properties of lung parenchyma, alveolar gas, bronchial wall, and cheeks, as well as the distribution of gaseous resistances and inertances within the airways. Values, representative for a young healthy adult, are assigned to these various parametersmit appears from this study: 1) that the gas inertance produces a very marked increase of Ceff, noticeable already below 1 cycle/smto obtain a frequency independence of Ceff between 0 and 2 cycles/s, it is necessary to introduce a marked inhomogeneity in the model. 2) Such an inhomogeneity is realized by simulating a pleural pressure difference of 6 cmH2O between the compartments of the bialveolar model. It can be shown that this corresponds to a total pleural pressure difference of about 9 cmH2O in a model consisting of an infinite number of compartments. 3) The influence of the compressibility of alveolar gas and of mechanical properties of the bronchial wall and of the cheeks on Ceff and Reff is small or negligible.  相似文献   

In cats anesthetized with chloralose-urethan, vagotomized, paralyzed, and artifically ventilated, superficial radial (cutaneous) and hamstring (muscle) nerve afferents were stimulated while phrenic nerve electrical activity was recorded. The results obtained with both types of nerves were similar. Stimulation in mid and late expiration advanced the onset of the next inspiration, shortening its duration. Stimulation in early inspiration advanced, while that in late inspiration delayed, the onset of the next expiration. These effects were often accompanied by changes in phrenic motoneuron firing patterns (earlier recruitment, increased discharge frequency, increased slope of integrated phrenic neurogram). Repetitive somatic afferent stimulation produced sustained increases in respiratory frequency in all cats and in half of them entrainment of respiratory frequency to the frequency of stimulation occurred at ratios such as 4:3, 4:5, 1:2, 1:3, 1:4, and 1:7. The lowest stimulus intensity required for evoking these phase shifts was between 5 and 10T (threshold of most excitable fibers) for muscle afferents and between 1 and 2T for cutaneous afferents. These results demonstrate the existence of a reflex mechanism capable of locking respiratory frequency to that of a periodic somatic afferent input. They also provide an experimental basis for the hypothesis that reflexes are resposible for the observed locking between step or pedal frequency and respiratory rate during exercise in man.  相似文献   

Negative frequency dependence resulting from interspecific interactions is considered a driving force in allowing the coexistence of competitors. While interactions between species and genotypes can also result in positive frequency dependence, positive frequency dependence has usually been credited with hastening the extinction of rare types and is not thought to contribute to coexistence. In the present paper, we develop a stochastic cellular automata model that allows us to vary the scale of frequency dependence and the scale of dispersal. The results of this model indicate that positive frequency dependence will allow the coexistence of two species at a greater rate than would be expected from chance. This coexistence arises from the generation of banding patterns that will be stable over long time-periods. As a result, we found that positive frequency-dependent interactions over local spatial scales promote coexistence over neutral interactions. This result was robust to variation in boundary conditions within the simulation and to variation in levels of disturbance. Under all conditions, coexistence is enhanced as the strength of positive frequency-dependent interactions is increased.  相似文献   

The mechanical derangements in the acutely injured lung have long been ascribed, in large part, to altered mechanical function at the alveolar level. This has not been directly demonstrated, however, so we investigated the issue in a rat model of overinflation injury. After thoracotomy, rats were mechanically ventilated with either 1) high tidal volume (Vt) or 2) low Vt with periodic deep inflations (DIs). Forced oscillations were used to measure pulmonary impedance every minute, from which elastance (H) and hysteresivity (eta) were derived. Subpleural alveoli were imaged every 15 min using in vivo video microscopy. Cross-sectional areas of individual alveoli were measured at peak inspiration and end exhalation, and the percent change was used as an index of alveolar instability (%I-EDelta). Low Vt never led to an increase in %I-EDelta but did result in progressive atelectasis that coincided with an increase in H but not eta. DI reversed atelectasis due to low Vt, returning H to baseline. %I-EDelta, H, and eta all began to rise by 30 min of high Vt and were not reduced by DI. We conclude that simultaneous increases in both H and eta are reflective of lung injury in the form of alveolar instability, whereas an isolated and reversible increase in H during low Vt reflects merely derecruitment of alveoli.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined the frequency dependence of auditory search performance. Detection thresholds were measured for an 800-Hz target tone in a sequence of distractor tones (informational masking) as a function of frequency separation between the target and the distractor tones. The results showed that the thresholds decreased monotonically with frequency separation increasing. To further quantify the frequency dependence of auditory search performance, we applied a roex function (Patterson and Moore, 1986) to estimate a filter bandwidth for the threshold data. The estimated bandwidth was wider than that of an auditory filter by a factor of five (Leek et al., 1991). This result, together with some earlier results (Mori, 2003), demonstrates the effectiveness of the informational masking we used.  相似文献   

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