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A Dupuis  J M Skehel  J E Walker 《Biochemistry》1991,30(11):2954-2960
The chloroplast genomes of Marchantia polymorpha, Nicotiana tabacum, and Oryza sativa contain open reading frames (ORFs or potential genes) encoding homologues of some of the subunits of mitochondrial NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I). Seven of these subunits (ND1-ND4, ND4L, ND5, and ND6) are products of the mitochondrial genome, and two others (the 49- and 30-kDa components of the iron-sulfur protein fraction) are nuclear gene products. These findings have been taken to indicate the presence in chloroplasts of an enzyme related to complex I, possibly an NAD(P)H:plastoquinone oxidoreductase, participating in chlororespiration. This view is reinforced by the present work in which we have shown that chloroplast genomes encode a homologue of the 23-kDa subunit, another nuclear-encoded component of bovine complex I. The 23-kDa subunit is in the hydrophobic protein fraction of the enzyme, the residuum after removal of the flavoprotein and iron-sulfur protein fractions. The sequence motif CysXXCysXXCysXXXCysPro, which provides ligands for tetranuclear iron-sulfur centers in ferredoxins, occurs twice in its polypeptide chain and is evidence of two associated 4Fe-4S clusters. This is the only iron-sulfur protein identified so far in the hydrophobic protein fraction of complex I, and so it is possible that one of these centers is that known as N-2, the donor of electrons to ubiquinone. The sequence of the 23-kDa subunit is closely related to potential proteins, which also contain the cysteine-rich sequence motifs, encoded in the frxB ORFs in chloroplast genomes.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a highly complicated, energy transducing, membrane-bound enzyme. It contains 46 different subunits and nine redox cofactors: a noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide and eight iron-sulfur clusters. The mechanism of complex I is not known. Mechanistic studies using the bovine enzyme, a model for human complex I, have been precluded by the difficulty of preparing complex I which is pure, monodisperse, and fully catalytically active. Here, we describe and characterize a preparation of bovine complex I which fulfills all of these criteria. The catalytic activity is strongly dependent on the phospholipid content of the preparation, and three classes of phospholipid interactions with complex I have been identified. First, complex I contains tightly bound cardiolipin. Cardiolipin may be required for the structural integrity of the complex or play a functional role. Second, the catalytic activity is determined by the amounts of phosphatidylcholine (PC) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) which are bound to the complex. They are more weakly bound than cardiolipin, exchange with PC and PE in solution, and can substitute for one another. However, their nontransitory loss leads to irreversible functional impairment. Third, phospholipids are also required in the assay buffer for the purified enzyme to exhibit its full activity. It is likely that they are required for solubilization and presentation of the hydrophobic ubiquinone substrate.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional crystalline arrays of NADH:Q oxidoreductase preparations have been obtained by microdiffusion of protein dissolved in detergent against a 15 mM sodium acetate buffer of pH 5.5 containing 10% (wv) ammonium sulphate. Electron microscopy was used to study the structure of negatively stained crystals. Computer-reconstructed images were obtained by the Fourier peak filtering method. The crystals have p4 symmetry and a square unit cell with dimensions of 15.2 ± 0.5 nm. The four asymmetric units in the unit cell form a single tetrameric molecule with a dimension in the third direction of 8.2 nm. It is concluded on the basis of the estimated molecular mass that each tetramer cannot contain more than only one FMN molecule. This implies that the tetramers possibly are only a part of Complex I, since there is much evidence that one functional enzyme molecule of Complex I contains two FMN molecules.  相似文献   

The first purification of bovine NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) was reported nearly half a century ago (Hatefi et al. J Biol Chem 237:1676–1680, 1962). The pathway of electron-transfer through the enzyme is still under debate. A major obstacle is the assignment of EPR signals to the individual iron-sulfur clusters in the subunits. The preceding paper described a working model based on the kinetics with NADPH. This model is at variance with current views in the field. The present paper provides a critical overview on the possible causes for the discrepancies. It is concluded that the stability of all purified preparations described thus far, including Hatefi’s Complex I, is compromised due to removal of the enzyme from the protective membrane environment. In addition, most preparations described during the last two decades are purified by methods involving synthetic detergents and column chromatography. This results in delipidation, loss of endogenous quinones and loss of reactions with (artificial) quinones in a rotenone-sensitive way. The Fe:FMN ratio’s indicate that FMN-a is absent, but that all Fe-S clusters may be present. In contrast to the situation in bovine SMP and Hatefi’s Complex I, three of the six expected [4Fe-4S] clusters are not detected in EPR spectra. Qualitatively, the overall EPR lineshape of the remaining three cubane signals may seem similar to that of Hatefi’s Complex I, but quantitatively it is not. It is further proposed that point mutations in any of the TYKY, PSST, 49-kDa or 30-kDa subunits, considered to make up the delicate structural heart of Complex I, may have unpredictable effects on any of the other subunits of this quartet. The fact that most point mutations led to inactive enzymes makes a correct interpretation of such mutations even more ambiguous. In none of the Complex-I-containing membrane preparations from non-bovine origin, the pH dependencies of the NAD(P)H→O2 reactions and the pH-dependent reduction kinetics of the Fe-S clusters with NADPH have been determined. This excludes a proper discussion on the absence or presence of FMN-a in native Complex I from other organisms.  相似文献   

Bovine NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (Complex I) is the first complex in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. It has long been assumed that it contained only one FMN group. However, as demonstrated in 2003, the intact enzyme contains two FMN groups. The second FMN was proposed to be located in a conserved flavodoxin fold predicted to be present in the PSST subunit. The long-known reaction of Complex I with NADPH differs in many aspects from that with NADH. It was proposed that the second flavin group was specifically involved in the reaction with NADPH. The X-ray structure of the hydrophilic domain of Complex I from Thermus thermophilus (Sazanov and Hinchliffe 2006, Science 311, 1430–1436) disclosed the positions of all redox groups of that enzyme and of the subunits holding them. The PSST subunit indeed contains the predicted flavodoxin fold although it did not contain FMN. Inspired by this structure, the present paper describes a re-evaluation of the enigmatic reactions of the bovine enzyme with NADPH. Published data, as well as new freeze-quench kinetic data presented here, are incompatible with the general opinion that NADPH and NADH react at the same site. Instead, it is proposed that these pyridine nucleotides react at opposite ends of the 90?Å long chain of prosthetic groups in Complex I. Ubiquinone is proposed to react with the Fe-S clusters in the TYKY subunit deep inside the hydrophilic domain. A new model for electron transfer in Complex I is proposed. In the accompanying paper this model is compared with the one advocated in current literature.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) was purified from bovine heart mitochondria by solubilization with n-dodecyl beta-D-maltoside (lauryl maltoside), ammonium sulfate fractionation, and chromatography on Mono Q in the presence of the detergent. Its subunit composition was very similar to complex I purified by conventional means. Complex I was dissociated in the presence of N,N-dimethyldodecylamine N-oxide and beta-mercaptoethanol, and two subcomplexes, I alpha and I beta, were isolated by chromatography. Subcomplex I alpha catalyzes electron transfer from NADH to ubiquinone-1. It is composed of about 22 different and mostly hydrophilic subunits and contains 2.0 nmol of FMN/mg of protein. Among its subunits is the 51-kDa subunit, which binds FMN and NADH and probably contains a [4Fe-4S] cluster also. Three other potential Fe-S proteins, the 75- and 24-kDa subunits and a 23-kDa subunit (N-terminal sequence TYKY), are also present. All of the Fe-S clusters detectable by EPR in complex I, including cluster 2, are found in subcomplex I alpha. The line shapes of the EPR spectra of the Fe-S clusters are slightly broadened relative to spectra measured on complex I purified by conventional means, and the quinone reductase activity is insensitive to rotenone. Similar changes were found in samples of the intact chromatographically purified complex I, or in complex I prepared by the conventional method and then subjected to chromatography in the presence of lauryl maltoside. Subcomplex I beta contains about 15 different subunits. The sequences of many of them contain hydrophobic segments that could be membrane spanning, including at least two mitochondrial gene products, ND4 and ND5. The role of subcomplex I beta in the intact complex remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, the first enzyme in the respiratory electron transport chain of mitochondria, is a membrane-bound multi-subunit assembly, and the bovine heart enzyme is now known to contain about 40 different polypeptides. Seven of them are encoded in the mitochondrial DNA; the remainder are the products of nuclear genes and are imported into the organelle. The primary structures of 12 of the nuclear coded subunits have been described and those of a further 20 are described here. The subunits have been sequenced by following a strategy based on the polymerase chain reaction. This strategy has been tailored from existing methods with the twofold aim of avoiding the use of cDNA libraries, and of obtaining a cDNA sequence rapidly with minimal knowledge of protein sequence, such as can be determined in a single N-terminal sequence experiment on a polypeptide spot on a two-dimensional gel. The utility and speed of this strategy have been demonstrated by sequencing cDNAs encoding 32 nuclear-coded-membrane associated proteins found in bovine heart mitochondria, and the procedures employed are illustrated with reference to the cDNA sequence of the 20 subunits of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase that are presented. Extensive use has also been made of electrospray mass spectrometry to measure molecular masses of the purified subunits. This has corroborated the protein sequences of subunits with unmodified N terminals, and their measured molecular masses agree closely with those calculated from the protein sequences. Nine of the subunits, B8, B9, B12, B13, B14, B15, B17, B18 and B22 have modified alpha-amino groups. The measured molecular masses of subunits B8, B13, B14 and B17 are consistent with the post-translational removal of the initiator methionine and N-acetylation of the adjacent amino acid. The initiator methionine of subunit B18 has been removed and the N-terminal glycine modified by myristoylation. Subunits B9 and B12 appear to have N-terminal and other modifications of a hitherto unknown nature. The sequences of the subunits of bovine complex I provide important clues about the location of iron-sulphur clusters and substrate and cofactor binding sites, and give valuable information about the topology of the complex. No function has been ascribed to many of the subunits, but some of the sequences indicate the presence of hitherto unsuspected biochemical functions. Most notably the identification of an acyl carrier protein in both the bovine and Neurospora crassa complexes provides evidence that part of the complex may play a role in fatty acid biosynthesis in the organelle, possibly in the formation of cardiolipin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dicyclohexylcarbodi-imide (DCCD) inhibition of NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase was studied in submitochondrial particles and in the isolated form, together with the binding of the reagent to the enzyme. DCCD inhibited the isolated enzyme in a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Over the concentration range studied, a maximum inhibition of 85% was attained within 60 min. The time course for the binding of DCCD to the enzyme was similar to that of activity inhibition. The NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity of the submitochondrial particles was also sensitive to DCCD, and the locus of binding of the inhibitor was studied by subsequent resolution of the enzyme into subunit polypeptides. Only two subunits (molecular masses 13.7 and 21.5 kDa) were labelled by [14C]DCCD, whereas, when the enzyme in its isolated form was treated with [14C]DCCD, six subunits (13.7, 16.1, 21.5, 39, 43 and 53 kDa) were labelled. Comparison with the subunit labelling of F1F0-ATPase and ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase indicated that the labelling pattern of NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, and enzyme complex with a multitude of subunits, is unique and not due to contamination by other inner-membrane proteins. The correlation between the electron- and proton-transport functions and the DCCD-binding components remains to be established.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a complicated, multi-subunit, membrane-bound assembly. Recently, the subunit compositions of complex I and three of its subcomplexes have been reevaluated comprehensively. The subunits were fractionated by three independent methods, each based on a different property of the subunits. Forty-six different subunits, with a combined molecular mass of 980 kDa, were identified. The three subcomplexes, I alpha, I beta and I lambda, correlate with parts of the membrane extrinsic and membrane-bound domains of the complex. Therefore, the partitioning of subunits amongst these subcomplexes has provided information about their arrangement within the L-shaped structure. The sequences of 45 subunits of complex I have been determined. Seven of them are encoded by mitochondrial DNA, and 38 are products of the nuclear genome, imported into the mitochondrion from the cytoplasm. Post-translational modifications of many of the nuclear encoded subunits of complex I have been identified. The seven mitochondrially encoded subunits, and seven of the nuclear encoded subunits, are homologues of the 14 subunits found in prokaryotic complexes I. They are considered to be sufficient for energy transduction by complex I, and they are known as the core subunits. The core subunits bind a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) at the active site for NADH oxidation, up to eight iron-sulfur clusters, and one or more ubiquinone molecules. The locations of some of the cofactors can be inferred from the sequences of the core subunits. The remaining 31 subunits of bovine complex I are the supernumerary subunits, which may be important either for the stability of the complex, or for its assembly. Sequence relationships suggest that some of them carry out reactions unrelated to the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity of the complex.  相似文献   

NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from bovine heart mitochondria is a complicated, multi-subunit, membrane-bound assembly. Recently, the subunit compositions of complex I and three of its subcomplexes have been reevaluated comprehensively. The subunits were fractionated by three independent methods, each based on a different property of the subunits. Forty-six different subunits, with a combined molecular mass of 980 kDa, were identified. The three subcomplexes, Iα, Iβ and Iλ, correlate with parts of the membrane extrinsic and membrane-bound domains of the complex. Therefore, the partitioning of subunits amongst these subcomplexes has provided information about their arrangement within the L-shaped structure. The sequences of 45 subunits of complex I have been determined. Seven of them are encoded by mitochondrial DNA, and 38 are products of the nuclear genome, imported into the mitochondrion from the cytoplasm. Post-translational modifications of many of the nuclear encoded subunits of complex I have been identified. The seven mitochondrially encoded subunits, and seven of the nuclear encoded subunits, are homologues of the 14 subunits found in prokaryotic complexes I. They are considered to be sufficient for energy transduction by complex I, and they are known as the core subunits. The core subunits bind a flavin mononucleotide (FMN) at the active site for NADH oxidation, up to eight iron-sulfur clusters, and one or more ubiquinone molecules. The locations of some of the cofactors can be inferred from the sequences of the core subunits. The remaining 31 subunits of bovine complex I are the supernumerary subunits, which may be important either for the stability of the complex, or for its assembly. Sequence relationships suggest that some of them carry out reactions unrelated to the NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase activity of the complex.  相似文献   

Complex I, a key component of the mitochondrial electron transport system, is thought to have evolved from at least two separate enzyme systems prior to the evolution of mitochondria from a bacterial endosymbiont, but the genes for one of the enzyme systems are thought to have subsequently been transferred to the nuclear DNA. We demonstrated that the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum retains the ancestral characteristic of having mitochondria encoding at least one gene (80-kDa subunit) that is nuclear encoded in other eukaryotes. This is consistent with the cellular slime molds of the family Dictyosteliaceae having diverged from other eukaryotes at an early stage prior to the loss of the mitochondrial gene in the lineage giving rise to plants and animals. The D. discoideum mitochondrially encoded 80-kDa subunit of complex I exhibits a twofold-higher mutation rate compared with the homologous chromosomal gene in other eukaryotes, making it the most divergent eukaryotic form of this protein.Correspondence to: K.L. Williams  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondria contain an NADH:Q6 oxidoreductase (internal NADH dehydrogenase) encoded by NDI1 gene in chromosome XIII. This enzyme catalyzes the transfer of electrons from NADH to ubiquinone without the translocation of protons across the membrane. From a structural point of view, the mature enzyme has a single subunit of 53 kDa with FAD as the only prosthetic group. Due to the fact that S. cerevisiae cells lack complex I, the expression of this protein is essential for cell growth under respiratory conditions. The results reported in this work show that the internal NADH dehydrogenase follows a ping-pong mechanism, with a Km for NADH of 9.4 microM and a Km for oxidized 2,6-dichorophenolindophenol (DCPIP) of 6.2 microM. NAD+, one of the products of the reaction, did not inhibit the enzyme while the other product, reduced DCPIP, inhibited the enzyme with a Ki of 11.5 microM. Two dead-end inhibitors, AMP and flavone, were used to further characterize the kinetic mechanism of the enzyme. AMP was a linear competitive inhibitor of NADH (Ki = 5.5 mM) and a linear uncompetitive inhibitor of oxidized DCPIP (Ki = 11.5 mM), in agreement with the ping-pong mechanism. On the other hand, flavone was a partial inhibitor displaying a hyperbolic uncompetitive inhibition regarding NADH, and a hyperbolic noncompetitive inhibition with respect to oxidized DCPIP. The apparent intercept inhibition constant (Kii = 5.4 microM) and the slope inhibition constant (Kis = 7.1 microM) were obtained by non linear regression analysis. The results indicate that the ternary complex F-DCPIPox-flavone catalyzes the reduction of DCPIP, although with lower efficiency. The effect of pH on Vmax was studied. The Vmax profile shows two groups with pKa values of 5.3 and 7.2 involved in the catalytic process.  相似文献   

We have recently described the isolation of a mitochondrial rotenone-insensitive NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae [de Vries, S. & Grivell, L. A. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 176, 377-384]. We now report the isolation of the nuclear gene encoding this single-subunit enzyme. Null mutants have been constructed by means of one-step gene disruption. Oxygen-uptake experiments, performed with mitochondria isolated from the mutant cells, showed that this NADH dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of NADH generated inside the mitochondrion. Inactivation of this NADH dehydrogenase does not affect growth on glucose and ethanol, but growth on lactate, pyruvate and acetate is impaired or absent. This phenotype is discussed in terms of the interplay between different metabolic pathways in yeast.  相似文献   

In Parkinson's disease, there is a selective defect in complex I of the electron transfer chain. To better understand complex I and its involvement in neurodegenerative disease, we raised an antibody against a conserved epitope of the human mitochondrially encoded subunit 1 of complex I (ND1). Antibodies were affinity purified and assessed by ELISA, immunoblotting, and immunocytochemistry. Immunoblots of brain homogenates from mouse, rat, and monkey brain showed a single 33-kDa band consistent with the predicted molecular mass of the protein. Subcellular fractionation showed the protein to be enriched in mitochondria. Immunocytochemistry in rat brain revealed punctate labeling in cell bodies and processes of neurons. Immunoreactively generally co-localized with subunit IV of complex IV. In striatum, ND1 immunoreactively was greatly enriched in large cholinergic neurons and neurons containing nitric oxide synthase, two cell populations that are resistant to excitotoxic and metabolic insults. In substantia nigra, many dopaminergic neurons had little ND1 immunoreactivity, which may help to explain their sensitivity to complex I inhibitors. In spinal cord, ND1 immunoreactively was enriched in motor neurons. We conclude that complex I is differentially distributed across brain regions, between neurons and glia, and between types of neurons. This antibody should provide a valuable tool for assessing complex I in normal and pathological conditions.  相似文献   

Direct photoaffinity labeling of purified bovine heart NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) with 32P-labeled NAD(H), NADP(H) and ADP has shown that five polypeptides become labeled, with molecular masses of 51, 42, 39, 30, and 18-20 kDa. The 51 and the 30-kDa polypeptides were labeled with either [32P]NAD(H), [32P]NADP(H) or [beta-32P]ADP. The 42-kDa polypeptide was labeled with [32P]NAD(H) and to a small extent with [beta-32P]ADP. It was not labeled with [32P]NADP(H). The 39-kDa polypeptide was labeled with [32P]NADPH and to a small extent with [beta-32P]ADP. Our previous studies had shown that this subunit also binds NADP, but not NAD(H) [Yamaguchi, M., Belogrudov, G.I. & Hatefi, Y. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 8094-8098]. The 18-20-kDa polypeptide was labeled only with [32P]NADPH. Among these polypeptides, the 51-kDa subunit is known to contain FMN and a [4Fe-4S] cluster, and is the NAD(P)H-binding subunit of the primary dehydrogenase domain of complex I. The possible roles of the other nucleotide-binding subunits of complex I have been discussed.  相似文献   

Barker CD  Reda T  Hirst J 《Biochemistry》2007,46(11):3454-3464
Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) from bovine heart mitochondria contains 45 different subunits and nine redox cofactors. NADH is oxidized by a noncovalently bound flavin mononucleotide (FMN), then seven iron-sulfur clusters transfer the two electrons to quinone, and four protons are pumped across the inner mitochondrial membrane. Here, we use protein film voltammetry to investigate the mechanisms of NADH oxidation and NAD+ reduction in the simplest catalytically active subcomplex of complex I, the flavoprotein (Fp) subcomplex. The Fp subcomplex was prepared using chromatography and contained the 51 and 24 kDa subunits, the FMN, one [4Fe-4S] cluster, and one [2Fe-2S] cluster. The reduction potential of the FMN in the enzyme's active site is lower than that of free FMN (thus, the oxidized state of the FMN is most strongly bound) and close to the reduction potential of NAD+. Consequently, the catalytic transformation is reversible. Electrocatalytic NADH oxidation by subcomplex Fp can be explained by a model comprising substrate mass transport, the Michaelis-Menten equation, and interfacial electron transfer kinetics. The difference between the "catalytic" potential and the FMN potential suggests that the flavin is reoxidized before NAD+ is released or that intramolecular electron transfer from the flavin to the [4Fe-4S] cluster influences the catalytic rate. NAD+ reduction displays a marked activity maximum, below which the catalytic rate decreases sharply as the driving force increases. Two possible models reproduce the observed catalytic waveshapes: one describing an effect from reducing the proximal [2Fe-2S] cluster and the other the enhanced catalytic ability of the semiflavin state.  相似文献   

Membrane-bound complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) of the respiratory chain is considered the main site of mitochondrial radical formation and plays a major role in many mitochondrial pathologies. Structural information is scarce for complex I, and its molecular mechanism is not known. Recently, the 49-kDa subunit has been identified as part of the "catalytic core" conferring ubiquinone reduction by complex I. We found that the position of the 49-kDa subunit is clearly separated from the membrane part of complex I, suggesting an indirect mechanism of proton translocation. This contradicts all hypothetical mechanisms discussed in the field that link proton translocation directly to redox events and suggests an indirect mechanism of proton pumping by redox-driven conformational energy transfer.  相似文献   

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