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[14C]Cholesteryl ester was directly incorporated into human plasma low-density lipoproteins (LDL) for the purpose of preparing a tracer substrate for investigation of the cholesteryl ester transfer reaction between plasma lipoproteins. The radiolabeled cholesteryl oleate was sonicated with egg phosphatidylcholine to form cholesteryl ester-containing liposomes. The liposomes were incubated with plasma fraction of density greater than 1.006 at 37 degrees C in the presence of dithionitrobenzoic acid. When the distribution of the radiolabeled cholesteryl ester was equilibrated among liposomes and lipoprotein fractions, the mixture was applied to an affinity chromatography column of dextran sulfate-cellulose (LA01) (Arteriosclerosis 4, 276-282). LDL was eluted by increasing the NaCl concentration and was finally isolated as a floating fraction by ultracentrifugation at a solvent density of 1.063 (adjusted with NaCl). The chemical composition, electrophoretic mobility and density of the labeled LDL were consistent with those of the native LDL. Radioactivity in this preparation was present exclusively in cholesteryl ester. Apolipoprotein B100 was preserved intact throughout the procedure. When the rate of cholesteryl ester transfer was measured between LDL and high-density lipoproteins by using this labeled LDL, the kinetics was consistent with the equilibrium transfer model, but the apparent rate measured was slightly higher than that measured with the labeled LDL prepared by the method using the intrinsic cholesterol esterification reaction of plasma.  相似文献   

The role of human plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) in the cellular uptake of high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesteryl ester (CE) was studied in a liver tumor cell line (HepG2). When HepG2 cells were incubated with [3H]cholesteryl ester-labeled HDL3 in the presence of increasing concentrations of CETP there was a progressive increase in cell-associated radioactivity to levels that were 2.8 times control. The CETP-dependent uptake of HDL-CE was found to be saturated by increasing concentrations of both CETP and HDL. The CETP-dependent uptake of CE radioactivity increased continuously during an 18-h incubation. In contrast to the effect on cholesteryl ester, CETP failed to enhance HDL protein cell association or degradation. Enhanced uptake of HDL cholesteryl ester was shown for the d greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction of human plasma, partially purified CETP, and CETP purified to homogeneity, but not for the d greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction of rat plasma which lacks cholesteryl ester transfer activity. HDL cholesteryl ester entering the cell under the influence of CETP was largely degraded to free cholesterol by a process inhibitable by chloroquine. CETP enhanced uptake of HDL [3H]CE in cultured smooth muscle cells and to a lesser extent in fibroblasts but did not significantly influence uptake in endothelial cells or J774 macrophages. These experiments show that, in addition to its known role in enhancing the exchange of CE between lipoproteins, plasma CETP can facilitate the in vitro selective transfer of CE from HDL into certain cells.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester storage disease, caused by the loss of lysosomal acid ester hydrolase (EC, has been previously associated with hyperlipidemia and premature atherosclerosis. We identified a 23-month-old female with cholesteryl ester storage disease and characterized the plasma lipids and lipoproteins in the proband and her family. These studies illustrate several important points about this disease. First, a high index of suspicion is required to diagnose this disease since the major physical manifestation of the disorder, mild hepatomegaly, is subtle. Second, the Type II hyperlipoproteinemia in the proband is paralleled by a reduction in the concentration of high density lipoproteins. Third, analysis of the plasma lipids and lipoproteins in family members revealed both Type II and Type IV hyperlipoproteinemia with an inheritance pattern similar to that of familial combined hyperlipoproteinemia. Fourth, the parents and brother of this patient had 50% normal fibroblast acid ester hydrolase activity. These results raise the possibility that deficiency of the lysosomal acid ester hydrolase may be linked to familial combined hyperlipoproteinemia and that this enzyme deficiency may be more common than previously appreciated.  相似文献   

The intravascular metabolism of the cholesteryl ester moiety of rat plasma LDL, HDL1, and HDL2 was determined in intact male rats. Biosynthetically labeled lipoproteins were prepared by zonal ultracentrifugation from the plasma of rats injected with [3H]cholesterol. The lipoproteins were concentrated by vacuum ultrafiltration as other procedures were found to alter the biological properties of the lipoproteins. After injection of labeled LDL, [3H]cholesteryl esters remained with the injected lipoprotein and decayed from plasma with a t1/2 of 7-8 hours. [3H]Cholesteryl esters in HDL1 behaved similarly and decayed with a t1/2 of 10.5 hours. With HDL2, however, a different metabolic pattern was observed with intraplasma conversion of some [3H]cholesteryl ester HDL2 particles to HDL1. Since such conversion of HDL2 to HDL1 was not observed after in vitro incubations of rat plasma, this process seems to depend on metabolic events that occur in vivo. [3H]Cholesteryl esters disappeared from HDL2 with a t1/2 of 6-7 hours, while the esters that were transferred to HDL1 decayed with a t1/2 of 10-11 hours, similar to labeled cholesteryl esters injected with HDL1. The study demonstrated that the high apoE content of rat plasma HDL1 is not associated with rapid catabolism of the lipoprotein and that a major source of HDL1 in the rat is the intraplasma conversion of HDL2 particles to HDL1.  相似文献   

As human choriocarcinoma cells display many of the biochemical and morphological characteristics reported for in utero invasive trophoblast cells we have studied cholesterol supply from high density lipoproteins (HDL) to these cells. Binding properties of 125I-labeled HDL subclass 3 (HDL3) at 4 degrees C were similar for BeWo, JAr, and Jeg3 choriocarcinoma cell lines while degradation rates at 37 degrees C were highest for BeWo. Calculating the selective cholesteryl ester (CE)-uptake as the difference between specific cell association of [3H]CE-labeled HDL3 and holoparticle association of 125I-labeled HDL3 revealed that in BeWo cells, the selective CE-uptake was slightly lower than holoparticle association. However, the pronounced capacity for specific cell association of [3H]CE-HDL3 and selective [3H]CE-uptake in excess of HDL3-holoparticle association, and cAMP-mediated enhanced cell association of [3H]CE-HDL3 in JAr and Jeg3 suggested the scavenger receptor class B, type I (SR-BI) to be responsible for this pathway. Abundant expression of SR-BI (but not SR-BII, a splice variant of SR-BI) could be observed in JAr and Jeg3 but not in BeWo cells using RT-PCR, Northern and Western blot analysis, and immunocytochemical technique. Adenovirus-mediated overexpression of SR-BI in all three choriocarcinoma cell lines resulted in an enhanced capacity for cell association of [3H]CE-HDL3 (20-fold in BeWo; fivefold in JAr and Jeg3). The fact that exogenous HDL3 remarkably increases proliferation in JAr and Jeg3 supports the notion that selective CE-uptake and subsequent intracellular generation of cholesterol is coupled to cellular growth. From our findings we propose that JAr and Jeg3 cells serve as a suitable in vitro model to study selective CE-supply to human placental cells.  相似文献   

Little or no information is available on biologically valid labeling of hypercholesterolemic plasma lipoproteins with cholesteryl ester. The esterification of labeled unesterified cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma by the lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase reaction is inefficient. The use of the d > 1.063 plasma fraction for this reaction greatly improves the efficiency, but some labeled unesterified cholesterol remains in the end products. The latter disadvantage can be avoided by the addition to whole plasma of labeled cholesteryl ester dissolved in DMSO or acetone. However, in hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma only a small fraction of the added cholesteryl ester was associated with lipoproteins. When phosphatidylcholine/ cholesteryl ester liposomes were incubated with hypercholesterolemic rabbit plasma for 18–24 h at 37°C the labeled cholesteryl ester was quantitatively incorporated into lipoproteins. Chylomicron-like, cholesteryl ester-rich particles were removed by centrifugation (106g · min) and the subsequently isolated d < 1.019 and d = 1.019–1.063 (LDL) fractions were injected intravenously into normal and hypercholesterolemic rabbits. The disappearance of d < 1.019 and LDL cholesteryl ester and the appearance of cholesteryl ester in other lipoprotein fractions was indistinguishable from that of in vivo-labeled lipoproteins. In vivo and in vitro cholesteryl ester-labeled lipoproteins were also compared by measuring the exchangeability of their cholesteryl ester with HDL cholesteryl ester in vitro. Equal exchangeability of the two labels was observed in the d < 1.019 fraction from which the chylomicron-like particles had been removed. These findings demonstrate that when cholesteryl ester is incorporated by the liposome procedure, the distribution of labeled cholesteryl ester within the lipoprotein complex corresponds closely to that of the in vivo-incorporated labeled cholesteryl ester.  相似文献   

A sonicated dispersion of [14C]lecithin was incubated with high density lipoproteins (HDL) coupled to Sepharose. After washing the gels thoroughly with a buffer, the gels were incubated with low density lipoproteins (LDL); [14C]lecithin was transferred from the sonicated dispersion via HDL-Sepharose to the LDL. The LDL fraction thus prepared showed no contamination with lecithin dispersion or HDL. The lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) reaction could be completely inhibited during preparation, and the net recovery of radioactivity in LDL was 16% of that of the original lecithin dispersion. The [14C]lecithin in the washed HDL-Sepharose was shown to be a substrate of the LCAT reaction in vitro.  相似文献   

Two different methods were evaluated for incorporating [125I]cholesteryl iopanoate ([125I]CI), a non-hydrolyzable cholesteryl ester analog, into LDL. The first procedure was an organic solvent delipidation-reconstitution procedure (R[125I-CI]LDL) while the second involved incubation of detergent (Tween-20)-solubilized [125I]CI with whole plasma (D[125I-CI]LDL). R[125I-CI]LDL behaved similar to native LDL in vitro, but was markedly different in vivo, apparently due to a heterogeneity in particle size. D[125I-CI]LDL, however, was metabolized normally both in vitro and in vivo. These results, combined with the residualizing nature of [125I]CI, demonstrate that D[125I-CI]LDL is appropriate for tracing LDL uptake in vivo.  相似文献   

Previous studies in nonhuman primates revealed a striking positive correlation between liver cholesteryl ester (CE) secretion rate and the development of coronary artery atherosclerosis. CE incorporated into hepatic VLDL is necessarily synthesized by ACAT2, the cholesterol-esterifying enzyme in hepatocytes. We tested the hypothesis that the level of ACAT2 expression, in concert with cellular cholesterol availability, affects the CE content of apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins. In a model system of lipoprotein secretion using COS cells cotransfected with microsomal triglyceride transfer protein and truncated forms of apoB, ACAT2 expression resulted in a 3-fold increase in microsomal ACAT activity and a 4-fold increase in the radiolabeled CE content of apoB-lipoproteins. After cholesterol-cyclodextrin (Chol-CD) treatment, CE secretion was increased by 27-fold in ACAT2-transfected cells but by only 7-fold in control cells. Chol-CD treatment also caused the percentage of CE in the apoB-lipoproteins to increase from 3% to 33% in control cells and from 16% to 54% in ACAT2-transfected cells. In addition, ACAT2-transfected cells secreted 3-fold more apoB than control cells. These results indicate that under all conditions of cellular cholesterol availability tested, the relative level of ACAT2 expression affects the CE content and, hence, the potential atherogenicity, of nascent apoB-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   

Cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) plays an important role in reverse cholesterol transport, with decreased CETP activity increasing HDL levels. Formation of an alternative splice form lacking exon 9 (Δ9-CETP) has been associated with two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in high linkage disequilibrium with each other, namely rs9930761 > C located in intron 8 in a putative splicing branch site and rs5883 > T in a possible exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) site in exon 9. To assess the relative effect of rs9930761 and rs5883 on splicing, mini-gene constructs spanning CETP exons 8 to 10, carrying all four possible allele combinations, were transfected into HEK293 and HepG2 cells. The minor T allele of rs5883 enhanced splicing significantly in both cell lines whereas the minor C allele of rs9930761 did not. In combination, the two alleles did not yield greater splicing than the rs5883 T allele alone in HepG2 cells. These results indicate that the genetic effect on CETP splicing is largely attributable to rs5883. We also confirm that Δ9-CETP protein is expressed in the liver but fails to circulate in the blood.  相似文献   

Plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) facilitates the net transfer and exchange of cholesteryl ester (CE), triglyceride (TG), and phospholipids between lipoproteins. A series of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against human CETP was obtained, comprising mAbs either inhibiting or not inhibiting these transfer activities. One mAb (LT-J1) inhibited the transfer activity of TG almost completely, but not that of CE, indicating that CE and TG binding sites on the CETP molecule may be distinct from each other, and that this mAb may specifically recognize the TG binding site. A radioimmunoassay system for determining the level of CETP was also established using these mAbs, and the plasma CETP levels in 20 normolipemic Japanese adults were found to range from 2.1 to 2.7 mg/liter.  相似文献   

The interaction between high density lipoproteins (HDL) and adipose tissue is an important pathway for cholesterol and cholesteryl ester flux. In intact fat cells, a disproportionately greater net uptake of cholesteryl ester occurs subsequent to lipoprotein binding than would have been predicted from a consideration of holoparticle uptake alone. To characterize the early events in this process, cholesteryl hexadecyl ether, a nonmetabolizable, accumulative marker of cholesteryl ester, was incorporated into canine HDL2, and its uptake by omental adipocyte plasma membranes was measured in relation to the binding of HDL2, which in this animal species is enriched in apolipoprotein A-I and free of apolipoprotein E. The dose-response profile for HDL2 binding was consistent with a single lipoprotein binding site at all concentrations of HDL2, whereas uptake of cholesteryl ester from HDL2 was biphasic, suggesting a high affinity site at low HDL2 concentrations and a low affinity site at high lipoprotein concentrations. Pronase treatment stimulated binding twofold and this was accompanied by a parallel twofold stimulation of cholesteryl ester uptake. EDTA, on the other hand, reduced binding and uptake of cholesteryl ester by 20%, indicating partial dependence upon divalent cations. The proportion of HDL2 cholesteryl ester accumulated by plasma membranes relative to HDL2 protein bound was not altered by either pronase or EDTA, despite the fact that these agents had opposite effects upon binding. In dissociation studies, a portion of membrane-associated HDL2 did not equilibrate with exogenous HDL2 and a greater proportion of the cholesteryl ester failed to dissociate. A stepwise mechanism for cholesteryl ester uptake, involving (i) saturable, high affinity HDL2 binding to cell surface sites, (ii) vectoral, HDL2 concentration-dependent delivery of cholesteryl ester to the membrane, and (iii) cholesteryl ester sequestration into a nonexchangeable membrane compartment, appears to be independent of metabolic energy or cell processing.  相似文献   

The cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) binds to plasma lipoproteins and promotes transfer of cholesteryl esters between the lipoproteins. CETP has been purified 55,000-fold, with a 27% recovery of activity, from the d greater than 1.21 g/ml fraction of human plasma. In the final purification step, partially purified CETP is incubated with a synthetic lipid emulsion consisting of phosphatidylcholine, triglyceride, and fatty acid, and the bound activity, which elutes in the void volume, is separated from nonbound proteins by gel filtration on Sepharose 4B. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-gel analysis of fractions containing bound activity shows the presence of a single protein with an apparent Mr of 74,000. Inclusion of fatty acid in this emulsion was required to prevent the binding of a contaminant protein. However, incubation of CEPT with fatty acid emulsions containing lipid peroxides resulted in substantial inactivation and covalent degradation of the 74-kDa protein. This could be prevented by the inclusion of antioxidants during preparation of the emulsion. Solvent extraction of emulsion-bound CEPT gave a delipidated, active preparation. Purified IgG from a rabbit immunized with the 74-kDa protein completely removed activity from partially purified fractions. Amino acid analysis of the purified protein showed it to contain an unusually high content (45%) of nonpolar residues; the calculated hydrophobicity was greater than that of any other plasma apolipoprotein. These results show human CETP to be a unique plasma apolipoprotein with an apparent Mr of 74,000 which is hydrophobic, self-associating, and susceptible to covalent degradation by lipid peroxides.  相似文献   

The regulation by cAMP of cholesteryl ester hydrolysis and net depletion of cellular cholesteryl ester (cholesteryl ester clearance) in J774 murine macrophages was explored. Using Sandoz 58035 to selectively inhibit acyl CoA:cholesterol acyltransferase, we showed that the absolute rate of cholesteryl ester hydrolysis was stimulated 2-fold in J774 cells by the cAMP analogues 8-(4-chlorophenylthio)adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate and dibutyryl-cAMP. The rate of hydrolysis was also stimulated by prostaglandin E1, by cholera toxin, and by a mixture of forskolin and isobutylmethylxanthine, but was not affected by epinephrine or dibutyryl-cGMP. These data demonstrate that cholesteryl ester hydrolysis in J774 cells can be stimulated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase. Cholesteryl ester clearance from J774 cells was achieved upon incubation with high density lipoproteins (HDL) plus CPT-cAMP but not with HDL alone. HDL-mediated cholesteryl ester clearance was dependent on the concentration of both HDL and CPT-cAMP. The data suggest that the defect responsible for the lack of HDL-mediated cholesteryl ester clearance in J774 cells involves a failure to modulate cAMP levels.  相似文献   

This study describes the preparation, purification, and characterization of a cholesteryl oleate/dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine microemulsion as a model for the interaction of lipid domains in cholesteryl ester rich very low density lipoproteins. These lipids were chosen specifically because their thermal transitions were distinct from each other, and their differences in chemical structure permitted the motion(s) of each lipid component to be monitored independently by 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The model particles were formed by cosonication of cholesteryl oleate and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine in a 4:1 molar ratio for 45 min at 55-60 degrees C (above both lipid phase transition temperatures). The crude microemulsion was fractionated by low-speed centrifugation and Sepharose CL-2B chromatography. Microemulsion particles which eluted from the column at a volume similar to that of cholesteryl ester rich very low density lipoproteins had high cholesteryl ester:phospholipid ratios (2.5:1----6:1). Electron micrographs of negatively stained particles showed them to be large spheres devoid of multilamellar or unilamellar vesicle structures. Particle size calculated from a simple compositional model correlated well with sizes determined by electron microscopy (500-1000 A) for various column fractions. Differential scanning calorimetry studies of the microemulsion revealed two thermal transitions for the model particles, at 31.0 and 46.6 degrees C, which were tentatively assigned to the surface phospholipid and core cholesteryl ester domains, respectively. These assignments were confirmed by 13C NMR which demonstrated that, at temperatures near the lower thermotropic transition, only resonances derived from carbon atoms of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) were observable. As the temperature was raised to 38.6 degrees C, resonances from the olefinic carbons in the cholesteryl ester acyl chain appeared in the spectrum. At 46.6 degrees C, the center of the higher temperature endotherm, resonances from both the steroid ring and remaining acyl chain carbons of cholesteryl oleate became observable in the spectrum. Further increases in temperature did not result in the appearance of new resonances; however, those that were present narrowed and increased in intensity. The elevation in transition temperature for DMPC in these particles (31 degrees C) as compared to that for DMPC in small unilamellar (18 degrees C) and large multilamellar (23 degrees C) vesicles suggested a stabilization of the phospholipid monolayer, possibly by interaction with the nonpolar core lipids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We have developed and validated a method for in vitro incorporation of radiolabeled cholesteryl esters into low density (LDL) and high density lipoproteins (HDL). Radiolabeled cholesteryl esters dissolved in absolute ethanol were mixed with LDL or HDL in the presence of lipoprotein-deficient serum (LPDS) as a source of core lipid transfer activity. The efficiency of incorporation was dependent on: a) the core lipid transfer activity and quantity of LPDS, b) the mass of added radiolabeled cholesteryl esters, c) the length of incubation, and d) the amount of acceptor lipoprotein cholesterol. The tracer incorporation was documented by repeat density gradient ultracentrifugation, agarose gel electrophoresis, and precipitation with heparin-MnCl2. The radiolabeling conditions did not affect the following properties of the lipoproteins: 1) chemical composition, 2) electrophoretic mobility on agarose gels, 3) hydrated density, 4) distribution of apoproteins on SDS gels, 5) plasma clearance rates, and 6) immunoprecipitability of HDL apoproteins A-I and A-II. Rat HDL containing radiolabeled cholesteryl esters incorporated in vitro had plasma disappearance rates identical to HDL radiolabeled in vivo.  相似文献   

We have studied the cholesteryl ester transfer between HDL and VLDL in cyclophosphamide-treated rabbits, in order to explain the abnormal cholesteryl ester partition between these two lipoprotein classes. The hypertriglyceridemia caused by treatment with the drug was associated with cholesteryl ester- and triacylglycerol-rich VLDL and with HDL poor in esterified cholesterol but relatively enriched in triacylglycerol. These two lipoprotein classes were characterized by their chemical composition and by gel filtration chromatography. VLDL particles were slightly larger in size, compared with controls. Different transfer combinations were envisaged between these abnormal lipoproteins and control ones. The transfer study involved the plasma fraction of d greater than 1.21 g/ml containing the cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP). It appeared that the chemical composition of lipoproteins was responsible for the level of cholesteryl ester transfer between lipoproteins. Actually, when the cholesteryl ester acceptor lipoproteins (VLDL) were enriched in triacylglycerol, the transfer was enhanced. Therefore, the effect of lipolysis on the transfer has also been explored. Lipoprotein lipase seemed to enhance the transfer of cholesteryl ester from HDL to VLDL when these lipoproteins were normal, but an important decline was obtained when triacylglycerol-rich VLDL were lipolyzed. This study defines the relationship between lipoprotein chemical composition and transfer activity of cholesteryl ester from HDL to VLDL.  相似文献   

A cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) of apparent Mr 74,000 has recently been purified from human plasma. Three monoclonal neutralizing antibodies to the CETP were obtained by immunizing mice with purified CETP. The antibodies, each recognizing a similar epitope on CETP, caused parallel and complete immunotitration of plasma cholesteryl ester and triglyceride transfer activities but only partial inhibition of phospholipid transfer activity. Monoclonal immunoaffinity chromatography of plasma or its fractions showed complete removal of cholesteryl ester and triglyceride transfer activities but incomplete removal of phospholipid transfer activity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting of the immunoaffinity-retained fractions showed that only the Mr 74,000 protein was immunoreactive. The results suggest that the previously characterized CETP accounts for all of the cholesteryl ester and triglyceride transfer activity in human plasma but only part of the phospholipid transfer activity.  相似文献   

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