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The excitation of surface waves by a laser pulse as it crosses a vacuum-plasma interface is considered. Surface waves are excited by a vortex electric current that is generated at the plasma boundary by the ponderomotive force of the pulse. The question is considered of how the duration and transverse dimensions of the pulse affect the spatiotemporal distribution and the spectral and energy parameters of the excited surface waves.  相似文献   

It is shown that a short laser pulse propagating in a plasma with electron density fluctuations can emit electromagnetic waves with frequencies much lower than the laser carrier frequency. Emissions with frequencies close to the plasma frequency and the doubled plasma frequency in a nonisothermal plasma, as well as emission generated in a turbulent plasma, are examined. The effects in question are related to the transformation of the laser pulse wakefield into electromagnetic radiation by electron density fluctuations. The phenomenon under study opens new possibilities for diagnostics of both plasma fields excited by laser pulses and electron density fluctuations in a plasma.  相似文献   

An initial stage of the interaction of an electron beam ring rotating along Larmor orbits in a gap between the plasma column and a circular metal chamber of a cylindrical waveguide with extraordinarily polarized electromagnetic waves of the surface type is studied. These waves propagate along the azimuthal angle across an axial magnetic field in the range above the upper hybrid frequency. Using numerical analysis of the dispersion relation, it is shown that by the aid of an appropriate choice of the shape of the plasmavacuum interface one can achieve a significant increasing of growth rates of the resonant beam instability of these waves.  相似文献   

A study is made of the nonlinear mechanism for the excitation of Langmuir waves in a dense plasma by an intense laser pulse with the frequency ω = ωp/2 (where ωp is the electron plasma frequency).  相似文献   

The excitation of quasistatic magnetic fields by a circularly polarized laser pulse in a plasma channel is considered. It is shown that, to second order in the amplitude of the electric field of the laser pulse, circular rotation of the plane of polarization of the laser radiation in a radially nonuniform plasma gives rise to a nonlinear azimuthal current and leads to the excitation of the radial and axial components of the magnetic field. The dependence of the magnetic field distribution over the plasma channel on the spatial dimensions of the pulse and on the channel width is investigated for a moderate-power laser pulse. The structure of the magnetic fields excited by a relativistic laser pulse in a wide plasma channel is analyzed.  相似文献   

The evolution of initial perturbations in a spatially inhomogeneous cold electron plasma in the absence of an external magnetic field is considered. The excitation of both continuous-spectrum bulk plasma waves and surface plasma waves with a discrete frequency spectrum is investigated. Analytic solutions are obtained in the long-wavelength limit, and the excitation of waves of arbitrary length is analyzed numerically. The local, integral, and spatial spectra are calculated, as well as the field structures and dispersion properties of waves in waveguides filled nonuniformly with a plasma. It is shown that, in a plasma with a smooth boundary, there also exist surface waves with a discrete spectrum (although with somewhat different properties as compared to those in a plasma with a sharp boundary), which are excited together with continuous-spectrum bulk waves during the evolution of the initial perturbation.  相似文献   

An analytic approach is developed to describing how ultrashort electromagnetic pulses with a duration of one period or less at the carrier frequency are scattered in a plasma. Formulas are derived to calculate and analyze the angular and spectral probabilities of radiation scattering via two possible mechanisms-Compton and transition radiation channels-throughout the entire pulse. Numerical simulations were carried out for a Gaussian pulse. The effect of the phase of the carrier frequency relative to the pulse envelope on the scattering parameters is investigated.  相似文献   

Results are presented from a theoretical investigation of the acceleration of test electrons by a Langmuir wave excited by a short laser pulse at half the electron plasma frequency. Such a pulse penetrates into the plasma over a distance equal to the skin depth and efficiently excites Langmuir waves in the resonant interaction at the second harmonic of the laser frequency. It is shown that the beam of electrons accelerated by these waves is modulated into a train of electron bunches, but because of the initial thermal spread of the accelerated electrons, the bunches widen and begin to overlap, with the result that, at large distances, the electron beam becomes unmodulated.  相似文献   

It is shown that the nonlinear currents generated in plasma by a radiation pulse with a frequency exceeding the electron plasma frequency change substantially due to a reduction in the effective electron–ion collision frequency.  相似文献   

The mechanism of stochastic electron acceleration and heating by a picosecond laser pulse in underdense plasma is studied using particle-in-cell simulations and theoretical models. The formation of wide electron energy spectra in the simultaneously acting laser and plasma fields is analyzed. It is shown that electron scattering by turbulent plasma fluctuations excited through stimulated forward Raman scattering plays a governing role in the formation of high-energy tails in the electron distribution function.  相似文献   

A study is made of the excitation of wake waves by a one-dimensional electron bunch in an electron plasma in the presence of an intense monochromatic pump wave with circular polarization. In the main state (in the absence of a bunch), the interaction between a pump wave and a plasma is described by Maxwell's equations and the nonlinear relativistic hydrodynamic equations for a cold plasma. The excitation of linear waves by a one-dimensional bunch is investigated against a cold plasma background. It is shown that, in a certain range of parameter values of the bunch, pump wave, and plasma, the excitation is resonant in character and the amplitude of the excited wake waves increases with distance from the bunch.  相似文献   

The effect of the Debye layer on the absorption of an electromagnetic surface wave propagating along the plasma-dielectric interface is considered. The electric field distribution in the Debye layer and the energy absorbed by the plasma electrons in this layer are determined. It is shown that the ratio of the rate at which surface waves are damped due to Cherenkov absorption by the electrons reflected from the electric field potential in the transition layer to their frequency is on the order of the ratio of the electron thermal velocity to the wave phase velocity.  相似文献   

The modulational instability in a plasma in a strong constant external magnetic field is considered. The plasmon condensate is modulated not by conventional low-frequency ion sound but by the beatings of two high-frequency transverse electromagnetic waves propagating along the magnetic field. The instability reduces the spatial scales of Langmuir turbulence along the external magnetic field and generates electromagnetic fields. It is shown that, for a pump wave with a sufficiently large amplitude, the effect described in the present paper can be a dominant nonlinear process.  相似文献   

A study is made of the main regimes of interaction of relativistically strong electromagnetic waves with plasma under conditions in which the radiation from particles plays a dominant role. The discussion is focused on such issues as the generation of short electromagnetic pulses in the interaction of laser light with clusters and highly efficient ion acceleration in a thin plasma slab under the action of the ponderomotive pressure of the wave. An approach is developed for generating superintense electromagnetic pulses by means of up-to-date laser devices.  相似文献   

Arrangement and results of experiments on the excitation of the (E m = 93.125 keV, J p = 7/2+, T 1/2 = 44.3 s) and (E m = 88.034 keV, J p = 7/2+, T 1/2 = 39.6 s) isomeric states of Ag107 and Ag109 nuclei under the action of X-ray emission in a hot (T e ∼0.5 keV) dense plasma produced by a laser pulse with the energy ∼9 J, intensity ∼1.2 × 1018 W/cm2, and duration 0.82 ps on the SOKOL-P facility are described. The experimentally determined half-life of the isomeric states agrees satisfactorily with the half-life of the Ag107m and Ag109m isomers, and their number N m ∼ 6.9 × 104 agrees with the qualitative estimate N m ∼ 2.8 × 104, obtained within the refined model of the physical processes in laser plasma.  相似文献   

The linear stage of electron cyclotron instability of quasi-TE modes in a waveguide filled with a magnetoactive plasma is studied using a kinetic approach. The dispersion relation of the instability is derived analytically. It is shown that the presence of the plasma can reduce both the linear instability growth rate and the instability region; in this case, the maximum of the growth rate is displaced toward lower frequencies. The results obtained are compared with the available experimental observations. They can be useful for optimizing the operating regimes of high-power continuous-wave gyrotrons.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of trapping of weakly relativistic charged particles (with kinetic energies on the order of mc 2) into a regime of surfatron acceleration by an electromagnetic wave that propagates in plasma across a weak external magnetic field has been studied using nonlinear numerical calculations based on a solution of the relativistic equations of motion. Analysis showed that, for the wave amplitude above a certain threshold value and the initial wave phase outside the interval favorable for the surfing regime, the trajectory of a charged particle initially corresponds to its cyclotron rotation in the external magnetic field. For the initial particle energies studied, the period of this rotation is relatively short. After a certain number (from several dozen to several thousand and above) of periods of rotation, the wave phase takes a value that is favorable for trapping of the charged particle on its trajectory by the electromagnetic wave, provided the Cherenkov resonance conditions are satisfied. As a result, the wave traps the charged particle and imparts it an ultrarelativistic acceleration. In momentum space, the region of trapping into the regime of surfing on an electromagnetic wave turns out to be rather large.  相似文献   

A review is given of theoretical and experimental investigations and numerical simulations of the generation of intense electromagnetic fields in accelerators based on collective methods of charged particle acceleration at rates two or three orders of magnitude higher than those in classical resonance accelerators. The conditions are studied under which the excitation of accelerating fields by relativistic electron bunches or intense laser radiation in a plasma is most efficient. Such factors as parametric and modulational processes, the generation of a quasistatic magnetic field, and the acceleration of plasma electrons and ions are investigated in order to determine the optimum conditions for the most efficient acceleration of the driven charged-particle bunches.  相似文献   

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