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A review of theoretical ideas on the physics of structurization instability of a homogeneous dusty plasma, i.e., the formation of zones with elevated and depressed density of dust grains and their arrangement into different structures observed in laboratory plasma under microgravity conditions, is presented. Theoretical models of compact dust structures that can form in the nonlinear stage of structurization instability, as well as models of a system of voids (both surrounding a compact structure and formed in the center of the structure), are discussed. Two types of structures with very different dimensions are possible, namely, those smaller or larger than the characteristic mean free path of ions in the plasma flow. Both of them are characterized by relatively regular distributions of dust grains; however, the first ones usually require external confinement, while the structures of the second type can be self-sustained (which is of particular interest). In this review, they are called dust clusters and self-organized dust structures, respectively. Both types of the structures are characterized by new physical processes that take place only in the presence of the dust component. The role of nonlinearities in the screening of highly charged dust grains that are often observed in modern laboratory experiments turns out to be great, but these nonlinearities have not received adequate study as of yet. Although structurization takes place upon both linear and nonlinear screening, it can be substantially different under laboratory and astrophysical conditions. Studies on the nonlinear screening of large charges in plasma began several decades ago; however, up to now, this effect was usually disregarded when interpreting the processes occurring in laboratory dusty plasma. One of the aims of the present review was to demonstrate the possibility of describing the nonlinear screening of individual grains and take it into account with the help of the basic equations for the equilibrium between plasma components when analyzing equilibrium structures. The effect of plasma screening nonlinearity on both the diffusion processes and the forces of dust drag by plasma fluxes is analyzed. It is shown how self-organized dust structures form in these processes. In the limit of very small dust grain charges, the forces acting on the dusty plasma components and the set of basic equations for stationary dust structures (with allowance for nonlinear screening) take a standard form. New qualitative effects, such as the suppression of diffusion due to ion scattering from dust grains and the formation of structures of different configurations, are described. A detailed comparison with previous results is performed. It is shown that the solution of basic nonlinear equations for dust structures yields new qualitative effects. A number of new effects to be studied in future dusty plasma experiments with the formation of structures in spherical chambers are predicted (it is assumed that diffusion will play a significant role under microgravity conditions). Recent ground-based experiments, as well as experiments carried out onboard the International Space Station, directly confirm the nonlinear character of screening and the significant role played by this nonlinearity in the structurization of dusty plasma. Experiments on the formation of structures consisting of smaller dust grains within structures formed of larger grains are discussed. It is shown that those experiments can be interpreted only using the concept of nonlinear screening.  相似文献   

Basic equations for dust structures are formulated that account for the balance of the forces, plasma fluxes, and grain charges with allowance for nonlinearity in the screening of individual grains and possible violation of quasineutrality due to the interaction of collective fields with plasma fluxes. A theory of non-linear drag forces exerted by plasma fluxes on dust grains is developed for moderate drift flux velocities, higher than the mean ion thermal velocity but much lower than the acoustic speed. It is shown that equilibrium dust structures have finite sizes and negative charges and that they can exist only in a certain range of intensities of external fluxes on their surfaces. When there is no additional volume ionization, the size of the structures is determined by the intensity of the external flux. A study is made of a weakly ionized dusty plasma in which the interaction of its components with neutral gas atoms plays a major role. The ion, electron, and dust density distributions, as well as the distributions of the dust grain charges and plasma fluxes, are calculated self-consistently as functions of the distance from the center of a structure.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental and theoretical investigations of the behavior of dust grains in a track plasma produced by a beam of accelerated protons. The dynamic ordered dust structures in a proton-beam-produced plasma are obtained for the first time. The processes leading to the formation of such structures are simulated numerically. The experimentally obtained dynamic vortex dust structures in a track plasma of a proton beam are explained theoretically, and the theoretical model developed to describe such a plasma is verified experimentally. Numerical investigations carried out by the method of Brownian dynamics made it possible to qualitatively explain the characteristic features of the formation of vortex dust structures.  相似文献   

Distributions of the dusty plasma parameters (electron, ion, and dust densities; dust grain charge; and ion drift velocity) in quasineutral dust structures whose dimensions are much greater than the mean free path of the ions in their interactions with neutral particles are calculated numerically under conditions such that ionization sources are located outside the structures. Planar, cylindrical, and spherical structures are investigated. It is shown that static equilibrium structures are governed by a single (basic) parameter: the electrostatic potential drop between the center of the structure and its boundary. It is found that the maximum value of the basic parameter (in energy units) does not exceed the electron temperature. The basic parameter also determines the total number of dust grains in the structure and the power of external ionization sources that are necessary to sustain this structure. The fact that the basic parameter varies within a limited range allows one to consider all the possible structures with a given dimensionality (planar, cylindrical, and spherical).  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of coagulation of dust grains of different sizes injected into a low-temperature plasma of an RF discharge in argon. A theoretical model describing the formation of dust clusters in a low-temperature plasma is developed and applied to interpret the results of experiments on the coagulation of dust grains having large negative charges. The grain size at which coagulation under the given plasma conditions is possible is estimated using the developed theory. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The properties are studied of dusty plasma structures formed in a glow discharge in a dust trap above the lower wall of the side branch of the discharge tube, near the turn of the discharge channel. The dust structure is three-dimensional with a characteristic size of up to 3 cm and contains about 30000 dust grains. Depending on the experimental conditions, dust-acoustic, dissipative, and charge-gradient instabilities can develop in such a structure. When using highly polydisperse dust grains of arbitrary shape, the effect of selection of dust grains by the plasma with respect to their mean size and shape was discovered. This effect was studied quantitatively in two gases by using the method of gathering and extraction of the dust grains levitating in the trap. The morphology of the dust structures was determined from the pair correlation functions of the horizontal cross sections containing long-range order peaks and elements of a hexagonal lattice. Stratification of a uniform structure accompanied by convective rotation caused by the grain charge gradient was observed. Applications of the dusty plasma created in this type of device are discussed.  相似文献   

A generalized analytical model of instabilities in a dusty plasma with a nonzero grain charge gradient in a field of nonelectrostatic forces is considered. A review is given of different experimental observations of the dust self-oscillations that occur in the plasmas of an rf capacitive discharge and a dc glow discharge and whose appearance can be explained in terms of the proposed model. It is shown that the change in the grain charge gives rise to dynamic dust structures in laboratory gas-discharge plasmas. Attention is focused on the analysis of the onset of vortex motion of the dust grains.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of heat transfer in liquid-like plasma-dust structures. The experiments were performed with aluminum oxide grains ~3–5 μm in size in an RF discharge plasma. The heat capacity of the dust grains in plasma is measured. The thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of liquid-like plasma-dust structures are deduced under the assumption that the observed temperature gradients and the propagation of a thermal perturbation in a dusty plasma are related to heat conduction within the dust component. The measured temperature dependences of the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity are in qualitative agreement with the results of numerical simulations performed in the model of a simple single-atom liquid. It is shown that quantitative discrepancy between the experimental and numerical results is related to the energy loss of dust grains in their collisions with the neutral particles of the ambient gas.  相似文献   

The first numerical study is presented of the self-consistent potential of a dust grain in a nitrogen plasma with a condensed disperse phase at room and cryogenic temperatures and at high gas pressures for which the electron and ion transport in the plasma can be described in the hydrodynamic approximation. It is shown that the potential of the dust grain is described with good accuracy by the Debye potential, in which case, however, the screening radius turns out to be larger than the electron Debye radius. The difference between the radii is especially large in a plasma with high ionization rates (about 1016–1018 cm?3 s?1) at room temperature. It is found that, in a certain range of the parameters of a nitrogen dusty plasma, the parameter describing the interaction between the grains exceeds the critical value above which one would expect the formation of plasma-dust structures such as Coulomb crystals. For a plasma at cryogenic temperature (T=77 K), this range is significantly wider.  相似文献   

The results of investigations of dust grain behavior in plasma formed by a proton beam in inert gases (He, Ar, Kr) are demonstrated. Stable ordered dust structures, namely “a plasma-dust crystal” formed of dust grains 1.0, 3.0, and 4.8 μm in diameter are obtained in the proton beam range for the first time. The mathematical model which allows for numerical simulation of crystal formation from dust grains formed by proton beam plasma is developed.  相似文献   

The interaction of charged dust grains with nonlinear vortical structures in the Earth’s atmosphere is analyzed. Certain aspects of the atmosphere?ionosphere interaction, in particular, mechanisms for the appearance of dust grains at ionospheric altitudes, are discussed. It is shown that, at certain altitudes, there are regions in the wavenumber space in which conditions leading to the excitation of acoustic?gravity waves are satisfied. The interaction of nonlinear acoustic?gravity waves with dust grains of meteoric origin at ionospheric altitudes, which leads to the mixing and redistribution of dust grains over the region where vortices exist, is investigated. The possibility of formation of vertical and horizontal dust flows in dusty ionospheric plasma as a result of modulational instability is analyzed. The dynamics of dust grains in dust devils frequently arising in the atmosphere above well-heated surfaces is modeled. The vortical structure of such a dust devil is characterized by a reduced pressure in the center, which facilitates the lifting of small dust grains from the surface. The formulated model is used to calculate the trajectories of dust grains in dust devils with allowance for the influence of the electric field generated in the vortex by colliding dust grains. The calculations show that dust devils play an important role in the transport of dust grains.  相似文献   

Results are presented from Monte Carlo calculations of the electric charge of dust grains in a plasma produced during the slowing down of the radioactive decay products of californium nuclei in neon. The dust grain charging is explained for the first time as being due to the drift of electrons and ions in an external electric field. It is shown that the charges of the grains depend on their coordinates and strongly fluctuate with time. The time-averaged grain charges agree with the experimental data obtained on ordered liquidlike dust structures in a nuclear-track plasma. The time-averaged dust grain charges are used to carry out computer modeling of the formation of dynamic vortex structures observed in experiments. Evidence is obtained of the fact that the electrostatic forces experienced by the dust grains are potential in character.  相似文献   

The paper presents an introductory review of the basic physical processes in dusty plasmas. The topics to be addressed are dust charging, forces acting on dust grains, interaction between dust grains, and dust-plasma structures.  相似文献   

In the presence of ionization processes, a homogeneous equilibrium dust distribution often appears as a balance between plasma generation by ionization and plasma absorption by dust particles. It is shown that such equilibrium, often present in laboratory plasmas, is generally unstable against the formation of dust clumps separated by dust-free regions (dust voids). The driving force that separates an initially homogeneous dusty plasma into dust clumps and dust voids is the drag force produced by ions flowing out from the regions with reduced dust density. The lower the dust density, the lower the electron absorption by dust particles and the larger the ionization rate proportional to the electron density. An increase in the ion drag force leads to a further decrease in the dust density and, thus, drives the instability. In the nonlinear stage, the instability creates structures—dust clouds separated by dust voids. The dependence of the instability growth rate on the wavenumber (or, in other words, on the size of the dust-free and dust-containing regions) is investigated. It is shown that, for sufficiently small wavenumbers, a homogeneous distribution is always unstable. An analogy with a gravitational-like instability related to shadowing of the plasma flux by dust particles is pointed out. This effect, which is due to collective shadowing of the plasma flux, dominates the shadowing by individual dust particles discussed previously. Similar to the usual gravitational instability, perturbations with the largest scales are always unstable. Contrary to the usual gravitational instability, the largest growth rate corresponds not to the largest possible scale but to the size close to the mean free path of plasma particles colliding with dust particles. A special investigation is undertaken to determine the influence of the ion-neutral collisions on the growth rate of the instability.  相似文献   

A study is made of the features of wave processes in the individual flows of self-gravitating dust grains in a plasma and the electric and gravitational interactions in a system of several dusty plasma flows. It is shown that, in a dusty plasma, Debye screening can substantially weaken the electric coupling between the beams of self-gravitating grains, without affecting the gravitational forces between them, and that the electrostatic perturbations are exchanged between the grain flows via gravitational fields, as happens in vacuum.  相似文献   

During the observation of Perseid, Leonid, Gemenid, and Orionid meteor showers, stable low-frequency lines in the frequency range of 20–60 Hz were recorded against the radio-frequency noise background. A physical mechanism for this effect is proposed, and it is established that the effect itself is related to the modulational interaction between electromagnetic and dust acoustic waves. The dynamics of the components of a complex (dusty) ionospheric plasma with dust produced from the evolution of meteoric material is described. The conditions for the existence of dust acoustic waves in the ionosphere are considered, and the waves are shown to dissipate energy mainly in collisions of neutral particles with charged dust grains. The modulational instability of electromagnetic waves in a complex (dusty) ionospheric plasma is analyzed and is found to be driven by the nonlinear Joule heating, the ponderomotive force, and the processes governing dust charging and dynamics. The conditions for the onset of the modulational instability of electromagnetic waves, as well as its growth rate and threshold, are determined for both daytime and nighttime. It is shown that low-frequency perturbations generated in the modulational interaction are related to dust acoustic waves.  相似文献   

Results of the experimental studies of the dynamics of dust grains in the plasmas of an rf capacitive discharge and a dc glow discharge are presented. The dusty plasma of a dc glow discharge was investigated in both ground-based experiments and experiments carried out under microgravity conditions (on board the Mir space station). The pair correlation function, temperature, and diffusion coefficient of dust grains are measured in a wide range of the dusty-plasma parameters. Dimensionless parameters responsible for the microscopic transport of dust-grains in a gas-discharge plasma are determined. A nonintrusive diagnostic technique for determining the dust-grain charges and screening lengths under the assumption of screened interaction between the grains is proposed. This technique is used to estimate the surface potential of dust grains of different size in a gas-discharge plasma.  相似文献   

A multifluid MHD model is applied to study the magnetic field dynamics in a dusty plasma. The motion of plasma electrons and ions is treated against the background of arbitrarily charged, immobile dust grains. When the dust density gradient is nonzero and when the inertia of the ions and electrons and the dissipation from their collisions with dust grains are neglected, we are dealing with a nonlinear convective penetration of the magnetic field into the plasma. When the dust density is uniform, the magnetic field dynamics is described by the nonlinear diffusion equations. The limiting cases of diffusion equations are analyzed for different parameter values of the problem (i.e., different rates of the collisions of ions and electrons with the dust grains and different ratios between the concentrations of the plasma components), and some of their solutions (including self-similar ones) are found. The results obtained can also be useful for research in solid-state physics, in which case the electrons and holes in a semiconductor may be analogues of plasma electrons and ions and the role of dust grains may be played by the crystal lattice and impurity atoms.  相似文献   

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