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The properties of solitary Alfvén waves are studied for different ratios between the thermal plasma pressure and the magnetic pressure. It is shown that the wave propagation is accompanied by the generation of a nonlinear ion current along the magnetic field, the contribution of which to the Sagdeev potential was previously ignored. An expression for the quasi-potential of Alfvén waves with allowance for this effect is derived. It is found that Alfvén waves are compression waves in the inertial limit, whereas kinetic Alfvén waves are rarefaction waves. In a high-pressure plasma, a solitary wave has the form of either a well or a hump in the plasma density, depending on the relations between the Mach number, angle between the wave propagation direction and the magnetic field, and the value of the plasma beta.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Results of experimental studies of toroidal Alfvén eigenmodes (TAEs) in the Globus-M spherical tokamak (R = 36 cm, a = 24 cm) are reported. The experiments were...  相似文献   

History and evolution of the arctic flora: in the footsteps of Eric Hultén   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A major contribution to our initial understanding of the origin, history and biogeography of the present-day arctic flora was made by Eric Hultén in his landmark book Outline of the History of Arctic and Boreal Biota during the Quarternary Period, published in 1937. Here we review recent molecular and fossil evidence that has tested some of Hultén's proposals. There is now excellent fossil, molecular and phytogeographical evidence to support Hultén's proposal that Beringia was a major northern refugium for arctic plants throughout the Quaternary. In contrast, most molecular evidence fails to support his proposal that contemporary east and west Atlantic populations of circumarctic and amphi-Atlantic species have been separated throughout the Quaternary. In fact, populations of these species from opposite sides of the Atlantic are normally genetically very similar, thus the North Atlantic does not appear to have been a strong barrier to their dispersal during the Quaternary. Hultén made no detailed proposals on mechanisms of speciation in the Arctic; however, molecular studies have confirmed that many arctic plants are allopolyploid, and some of them most probably originated during the Holocene. Recurrent formation of polyploids from differentiated diploid or more low-ploid populations provides one explanation for the intriguing taxonomic complexity of the arctic flora, also noted by Hultén. In addition, population fragmentation during glacial periods may have lead to the formation of new sibling species at the diploid level. Despite the progress made since Hultén wrote his book, there remain large gaps in our knowledge of the history of the arctic flora, especially about the origins of the founding stocks of this flora which first appeared in the Arctic at the end of the Pliocene (approximately 3 Ma). Comprehensive analyses of the molecular phylogeography of arctic taxa and their relatives together with detailed fossil studies are required to fill these gaps.  相似文献   

Physical processes determining the excitation of RF electromagnetic fields in a plasma column in a magnetic field are analyzed. The Alfvén resonance plays an important role at frequencies close to the ion cyclotron frequency. It leads to the enhancement of the RF electric field and transformation of Alfvén oscillations with a predominantly transverse polarization of the electric field into lower hybrid ones, which have a significant longitudinal component of the electric field. Lower hybrid oscillations efficiently interact with electrons causing their heating. Difficulties in the implementation of ion cyclotron resonance heating by the magnetic beach method are outlined. The processes considered in this work can be important for the VASIMR plasma engine.  相似文献   

In the experiments carried out on the Globus-M tokamak in regimes with injection of 26-keV neutral beams with a power of 0.75–0.85 MW, two branches of instabilities excited by fast ions were observed in the early stage of a discharge: a low-frequency energetic particle mode (EPM) in the frequency range of 5–30 kHz and a high-frequency mode in the range of 50–200 kHz, identified as a toroidal Alfvén eigenmode (TAE). The TAE developed in the initial phase of the discharge at q(0) > 1 and terminated when sawtooth oscillations were excited at q(0) < 1. The spectrum and spatial localization of the mode agree with predictions of the linear theory. The modes observed in the Globus-M tokamak possess both properties common to other tokamaks and their own specific features.  相似文献   

Oscillations of the “magnetosphere-solar wind” system are studied analytically in the framework of a plane-stratified model of the medium. The properties of oscillations are determined by three phenomena: Kelvin-Helmholtz instability on the tangential discontinuity (magnetopause) separating the magnetosphere and the solar wind, the presence of a waveguide for fast magnetosonic waves in the magnetosphere, and the Alfvén resonance—a sharp increase in the amplitude of oscillations having the properties of Alfvén waves—in the inner magnetosphere. The oscillations of the system form a discrete spectrum of eigenmodes. Analytical expressions are obtained for the frequency and growth rate of instability of each mode, as well as for the functions describing the spatial structure of these modes. All these characteristics of the eigenmodes are shown to depend on the velocity of the solar wind as a parameter. The dependences of the main mode characteristics (such as the instability thresholds, the points of the maximum and minimum growth rate, and the spatial distributions of the oscillation energy) on this parameter are determined for each eigenmode.  相似文献   

The propagation of Alfvén waves in a plasma immersed in a curvilinear magnetic field is investigated by using a 2D model. The waves are described by a 1D equation that formally coincides with the equation for the case of a quasi-uniform straight magnetic field with a modified Alfvén velocity that takes into account the longitudinal dependence of the Lame coefficients. It is shown that toroidal and poloidal Alfvén modes depend differently on the magnetic-field geometry. In the case of a 2D plane-parallel configuration of the magnetic field, poloidal modes are efficiently reflected from regions where the magnetic field lines sharply converge or diverge. This effect can result in the formation of open-field-line Alfvén quasi-resonators.  相似文献   

Ursid mortality data have long been used to evaluate associations between cave-bear remains (Ursus deningeri and U. spelaeus) and hominin (Homo sp.) remains. Typically, such ursid assemblages produce mortality patterns that indicate that juvenile and old bears died during hibernation, a pattern that is used to suggest that humans and bears occupied the same caves at different times. However, a different kind of mortality pattern can also be used to suggest human influence on cave bears, particularly under circumstances when bears and humans compete for habitat. In particular, data from Lawson Cave and Jerry Long Cave, Missouri indicate that young-adult North American black bears (Ursus americanus) are prone to capture in natural-trap caves. Similar faunal data from Sima de los Huesos in Spain, where cave-bear and hominin remains are found in the same deposit, might also suggest that the bears died from falling into a natural trap. It is concluded that mortality analysis of ursid remains from caves is a useful tool with which to evaluate accumulation histories of cave deposits and relations between humans, artifacts, and cave-bear remains. In particular, ursid mortality data are relevant to the Kurtén Response, a hypothesis reiterated in the recent literature that implicates human encroachment on ursid habitat (e.g., cave den sites) as a potential cause in cave-bear extinction.  相似文献   


Stable carbon isotope data from brachiopod shells from the Upper Permian Kapp Starostin Formation (West Spitsbergen) indicate that the oceanic carbon isotopic ratio, which had already been very high in the late Permian, rapidly increased by almost 4 per mil and then dramatically declined by more than 10 per mil in the very latest Permian. This pattern is essentially repeated by the oxygen isotope curve. These data show that a geologically rapid switch between two fundamentally different states of the Earth's exosystem occurred near the Permo‐Triassic transition. The late Permian state of the global system was profoundly different from the modern one in that vast amounts of organic carbon were stored, presumably in the form of easy‐to‐mobilize sapropel‐like deposits, below the oceanic redoxcline. Under such conditions—which we propose to call overfed ocean—nutrients were intensely recycled to seawater, thus allowing the ocean to sustain a huge standing crop of the biosphere. Deposition of large amounts of organic carbon in the ocean liberated corresponding amounts of oxygen, thus leading to high oxygen levels in the atmosphere. In the latest Permian, the organic matter decaying in the ocean was subject to rapid oxidation due to appearance of the modern type of ocean which is characterized by vigorous bottom circulation and net heterotrophy. The appearance of these conditions—which we propose to call hungry ocean—led to removal of nutrients from seawater and to a substantial drop in atmospheric oxygen contents. The resulting nutrient deficiency in the ocean, oxygen depletion in the atmosphere, and other effects of this paleoceanographic change must have caused major extinctions.  相似文献   

A study is made of electromagnetic waves localized in the region where the radial plasma density profile has an extremum between two local Alfvén resonances. Analytic expressions for the eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes are obtained. It is shown that kinetic and inertial Alfvén waves can propagate in the vicinity of a maximum and a minimum in the density profile, respectively. Passage to the limiting case in which the plasma density is nonuniform and has a parabolic profile is considered.  相似文献   

The generation of an Alfvén wave by an azimuthally drifting cloud of high-energy particles injected in the Earth’s magnetosphere is studied analytically. In contrast to the previous studies where the generation mechanisms associated with the resonant wave-particle interaction were considered, a nonresonant mechanism is investigated in which the wave is excited by the alternating current produced by drifting particles. It is shown that, at a point with a given azimuthal coordinate, a poloidally polarized wave, in which the magnetic field lines oscillate predominantly in the radial direction, is excited immediately after the passage of the particle cloud through this point. As the cloud moves away from that point, the wave polarization becomes toroidal (the magnetic field lines oscillate predominantly in the azimuthal direction). The azimuthal wavenumber m is defined as the ratio of the wave eigenfrequency to the angular velocity of the cloud (the drift velocity of the particles). It is shown that the amplitudes of the waves so generated are close to those obtained under realistic assumptions about the density and energy of the particles.  相似文献   

In a uniform axial magnetic field, the structure of local Alfvén resonance and the resonant absorption of RF power are governed by collisions, finite ion Larmor radius effects, and electron inertia. It is shown that, in a cylindrical plasma in a constant, periodically rippled, axial magnetic field, the structure of Alfvén resonance and the absorption of RF power can strongly depend on the ripple amplitude. The conditions under which the effect in question is dominant are intrinsic, e.g., to the modular Wendelstein stellarators.  相似文献   

The rapid evolution of drug resistance remains a major obstacle for HIV therapy. The capacity of the virus for recombination is widely believed to facilitate the evolution of drug resistance. Here, we challenge this intuitive view. We develop a population genetic model of HIV replication that incorporates the processes of mutation, cellular superinfection, and recombination. We show that cellular superinfection increases the abundance of low fitness viruses at the expense of the fittest strains due to the mixing of viral proteins during virion assembly. Moreover, we argue that whether recombination facilitates the evolution of drug resistance depends critically on how resistance mutations interact to determine viral fitness. Contrary to the commonly held belief, we find that, under the most plausible biological assumptions, recombination is expected to slow down the rate of evolution of multi-drug-resistant virus during therapy.  相似文献   

In sheep as in man and most other mammals, there are two -globin genes (I and II), which are expressed at different levels, the upstream gene being the most efficient. In -globin gene triplication and quadruplication, this trend is confirmed, i.e., the -chain output of the downstream genes progressively decreases. In this study, we have determined the complete sequence of the cDNAs and of both the introns in a triple- haplotype in which each gene could be recognized for the presence of distinct alleles. The sequence analysis reveals that the bodies of the three -globin genes are essentially identical (99.9% homology) and moreover indicates that the down-regulation of additional -globin genes in sheep is not the effect of sequence variation from the Cap to the Poly(A) addition sites. This striking similarity among -genes is higher than that seen in other mammals and is probably sustained by particularly efficient mechanisms of gene conversion and cross-over fixation. Correspondence to: Dr. M.S. Ristaldi  相似文献   

The cabbage butterfly, Pieris melete is multivoltine with a pupal summer and winter diapause. Summer and winter diapause are induced principally by relatively long and short daylengths, respectively. The intermediate to relatively short daylengths of autumn permitted some pupae to develop without diapause in the field. A short daylength had a stronger diapause inducing effect than a relatively long one under higher temperatures. The principal sensitive phase for photoperiodic response occurred before the late 3rd larval instar. The critical daylength for wild autumnal populations was between 12h 30min and 12h 40min at an average temperature of 20.5 degrees C. A night interruption by 2h of light averted diapause most effectively when it was placed 10 to 12h after lights-off. High temperatures and long days during summer inhibited the incidence of diapause, suggesting that the occurrence of summer diapause is due to the specific climatic conditions occurring in April and early May, rather than to the high temperatures in summer. This indicates that the butterfly has a cryptic ability to reproduce in summer. High temperatures delayed diapause development, whereas low temperatures enhanced it, indicating that the optimum temperature of diapause development is lower. The diapause regulating mechanisms thus ensure that the species synchronises its development and reproduction with the growth seasons of the host plants and provide the species with a high degree of flexibility in its life cycle.  相似文献   

Applied Entomology and Zoology - The attention of the global pollination community has been drawn to food safety and other ecosystem services provided by pollinators, in light of decline in social...  相似文献   

The Early Eocene Juncitarsus was described as one of the earliest fossil flamingos, and played a critical role in the hypothesis of a charadriiform origin of Phoenicopteriformes. It has been noted that phoenicopteriform affinities of Juncitarsus conflict with the recently proposed sister group relationship between flamingos and the morphologically very divergent grebes (Podicipediformes), but a detailed assessment of the evolutionary significance of Juncitarsus in light of this new hypothesis has not yet been performed. Here, the affinities of Juncitarsus are reviewed, and its position as sister group of the clade (Phoenicopteriformes + Podicipediformes) is affirmed. The osteology of Juncitarsus suggests that swimming adaptations evolved in the stem lineage of this latter clade after the divergence of Juncitarsus. Charadriiformes remain among the candidate taxa for the closest extant relatives of flamingos and grebes, but more data are needed for well-supported phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

After the emancipation of African slaves in the Caribbean, the labor void left by out-migrating former slaves was filled by in-migrating indentured servants from prepartition India and China. In some areas of the Caribbean such as Trinidad, Suriname, and Guyana, the East-Indian migrants formed large communities. In this article, we report a study based on mtDNA and Y-chromosomal markers of a small East-Indian community from Limón, Costa Rica. The purpose of the project is to determine the place of origin in the Indian subcontinent of the ancestors of our group and the contributions to its gene pool through gene flow by members of other ethnic groups. Both Y-chromosome and mtDNA suggest that the Indo-Costa Ricans descend from migrants primarily from Central India. While both paternal and maternal markers indicate that this group is overwhelmingly of Indian origin, they also indicate that males and females of African, European, and Amerindian origin contributed to it differently. We discuss our results in the historical context of the virtual extinction of Amerindian Caribbean groups, the forced migration of African slaves to the Caribbean, and the gene flow between Amerindians, Europeans, East-Indians, and Africans that eventually produced the Caribbean's currently diverse gene pool.  相似文献   

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