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A theoretical model is presented that describes the charging of dust grains in the positive plasma column of a stratified glow dc discharge in argon. A one-dimensional self-consistent model is used to obtain axial profiles of the electric field, as well as the electron energy distribution function along the axis of the discharge tube. Radial profiles of the electric field are determined in the ambipolar diffusion approximation. It is assumed that, in the radial direction, the electron distribution function depends only on the total electron energy. Two-dimensional distributions of the discharge plasma parameters are calculated and used to determine the potential and charge of a test dust grain at a certain point within the discharge and the electrostatic forces acting on it. It is shown that the grain charge distribution depends strongly on the nonequilibrium electron distribution function and on the nonuniform distribution of the electric field in a stratified glow discharge. A discussion is presented on the suspension of dust grains, the separation of grains by size in the discharge striations, and a possible mechanism for the onset of vortex dust motion at the edge of a dust cloud.  相似文献   

The initial stage of the positive column formation in a neon glow discharge is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. A decrease in the plasma radiation intensity (the so-called “dark phase”) was observed experimentally over a time period of about 1 ms. A similar dip was also observed in the time dependence of the electric field strength. The measured population of the lower metastable states of Ne was found to have a maximum at the beginning of the dark phase. A relevant theoretical model has been developed and used to perform calculations for the actual experimental conditions. A comparison between the numerical and experimental results shows that the model adequately describes the processes that occur during the formation of the positive column in a neon glow discharge. Experimental and theoretical studies show that the dark-phase effect is related to the excessive amount of metastable Ne atoms at the beginning of a discharge and, accordingly, to the high rates of stepwise ionization and chemionization.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the initial stage of the formation of the positive column of a glow discharge in nitrogen at reduced pressures are studied experimentally and numerically. A dip in the plasma emission intensity in the initial stage of the discharge (the so-called “dark phase”) is observed experimentally at the positive polarity of the high-voltage electrode (the cathode is grounded). The dark phase is preceded by an ionization wave (IW). When the anode is grounded, neither an IW nor a dip in the discharge emission intensity are observed. A theoretical model capable of describing the discharge development under the actual experimental conditions is constructed. It is shown that the dark phase effect may be caused by the high electron density (above the steady-state one) produced in the gas during the passage of the IW across the discharge gap. This mechanism of the dark phase formation differs from the mechanism proposed earlier to explain a similar effect in noble gases. Additional experiments carried out with pure argon, helium, and helium with a nitrogen admixture have shown that, in the case of a grounded cathode, gas breakdown is also accompanied by the passage of an IW, whereas in the case of a grounded anode, no IW is observed; however, the dark phase is present in both cases. It is shown using computer simulations that, in nitrogen (in contrast to noble gases), the mechanism resulting in the dark phase effect does not operate in the absence of an IW.  相似文献   

Theoretical investigation is carried out for understanding the properties of nonlinear dust-acoustic (DA) waves in an unmagnetized dusty plasma whose constituents are massive, micron-sized, positive and negatively charged inertial dust grains along with q (nonextensive) distributed electrons and ions. The reductive perturbation method is employed in order to derive two types of nonlinear dynamical equations, namely, Burgers equation and modified Gardner equation (Gardner equation with dissipative term). They are also numerically analyzed to investigate the basic features (viz., polarity, amplitude, width, etc.) of shock waves and double layers. It has been observed that the effects of nonextensivity, opposite polarity charged dust grains, and different dusty plasma parameters have significantly modified the fundamental properties of shock waves and double layers. The results of this investigation may be used for researches of the nonlinear wave propagation in laboratory and space plasmas.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of coagulation of dust grains of different sizes injected into a low-temperature plasma of an RF discharge in argon. A theoretical model describing the formation of dust clusters in a low-temperature plasma is developed and applied to interpret the results of experiments on the coagulation of dust grains having large negative charges. The grain size at which coagulation under the given plasma conditions is possible is estimated using the developed theory. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental data.  相似文献   

A study is made of the features of wave processes in the individual flows of self-gravitating dust grains in a plasma and the electric and gravitational interactions in a system of several dusty plasma flows. It is shown that, in a dusty plasma, Debye screening can substantially weaken the electric coupling between the beams of self-gravitating grains, without affecting the gravitational forces between them, and that the electrostatic perturbations are exchanged between the grain flows via gravitational fields, as happens in vacuum.  相似文献   

The initiation and characteristics of a low-pressure glow discharge in air in large-diameter discharge tubes are studied. A deviation from the Paschen law is observed: the breakdown curves U dc(pL) shift toward the higher values of U dc and pL as the interelectrode distance L increases. It is shown that the normal regime of a glow discharge is accompanied by gas ionization in the anode sheath. This takes place only for pL values lying to the right of the inflection point in the breakdown curve. The cathode-sheath characteristics in the normal and abnormal regimes of an air discharge for a duralumin cathode are determined. The axial profiles of the ion density, electron temperature, and plasma potential, as well as the anode voltage drop, are measured at various air pressures.  相似文献   

The mechanism of ethanol conversion in a nonequilibrium glow discharge has been studied. It is shown that molecular hydrogen is produced in reactions between ethanol molecules and hydrogen atoms in the initial stage and in reactions involving active H, CH2OH, CH3CHOH, and formaldehyde in the final stage. Comparison with experimental data shows that the kinetic mechanism used in these calculations correctly predicts the concentrations of the main components of the gas mixture.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of decomposition of toluene (C6H5CH3) in a polluted air flow by means of a steady-state atmospheric pressure glow discharge at different water vapor contents in the working gas. The experimental results on the degree of C6H5CH3 removal are compared with the results of computer simulations conducted in the framework of the developed kinetic model of plasma chemical decomposition of toluene in the N2: O2: H2O gas mixture. A substantial influence of the gas flow humidity on toluene decomposition in the atmospheric pressure glow discharge is demonstrated. The main mechanisms of the influence of humidity on C6H5CH3 decomposition are determined. The existence of two stages in the process of toluene removal, which differ in their duration and the intensity of plasma chemical decomposition of C6H5CH3 is established. Based on the results of computer simulations, the composition of the products of plasma chemical reactions at the output of the reactor is analyzed as a function of the specific energy deposition and gas flow humidity. The existence of a catalytic cycle in which hydroxyl radical OH acts a catalyst and which substantially accelerates the recombination of oxygen atoms and suppression of ozone generation when the plasma-forming gas contains water vapor is established.  相似文献   

The spatial, electrical, and optical characteristics of a transverse glow discharge and a volume discharge with a spherical anode and plane cathode in low-pressure Xe/Cl2 mixtures are studied. It is shown that the transverse glow discharge in mixtures with a low chlorine content occupies most of the interelectrode gap and exists in the form of strata. As the total pressure (P≥300 Pa) and the partial chlorine pressure (P(Cl2)≥80 Pa) increase, a solitary plasma domain with a volume of 1–2 cm3 forms in the discharge gap. It acts as a selective source of UV radiation in the XeCl(D-X) 236-nm, Cl2 (D′-A′) 257-nm, and XeCl(B-X) 308-nm bands. In certain Xe/Cl2 mixtures, plasma self-oscillations in the frequency range 1–100 kHz are observed. The current of a low-pressure volume discharge with a spherical anode and plane cathode and the emission from it have both a dc and an ac component. The pressure and composition of the working mixture, as well as the average current of the volume discharge are optimized to attain the maximum emission intensity of the XeCl(D,B-X) bands. Low-pressure volume discharges in xenon/chlorine mixtures can be used as active media in low-pressure large-aperture planar or cylindrical excimer-halogen lamps emitting modulated or repetitive pulsed UV radiation.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of breakdown and the initial stage of a discharge in a long tube (with an interelectrode distance of 40 cm and a diameter of 2.8 cm) at a pressure of ~1 Torr and pulse discharge current of ~10 mA. Breakdown was produced by positive voltage pulses with a linearly growing leading edge with a steepness of dU/dt ~ 106–108 V/s. The time interval between pulses was varied from τ = 0.5 ms to 1 s, the pulse duration being 10 ms. The work was aimed at studying the memory effect of the discharge gap, namely, the influence of the previous pulse on the breakdown characteristics of the next one. In the experiments, the breakdown voltage was measured at different values of dU/dt and τ. It was found that the memory effect was absent at τ ~ 1 s. At the same time, an increase in the breakdown voltage with increasing dU/dt was observed. In the range of τ ≈ 50–200 ms, the breakdown voltage also did not depend on τ, but the memory effect took place. The memory effect in this case consisted in that the breakdown voltage decreased with increasing dU/dt, so that, at dU/dt ~ 107 V/s, the breakdown voltage was two times lower than in the case of τ ~ 1 s. For τ ~ 1–10 ms, the memory effect manifested itself in that the breakdown voltage depended on τ: it could either decrease (the “normal” effect) or increase (the “anomalous” effect) with increasing τ. Breakdown of the discharge gap was preceded by the propagation of an ionization wave, except for the case of small τ values in the domain of existence of the anomalous effect. Estimates allowing one to qualitatively explain the experimental results are made.  相似文献   

The initial stage of the positive column formation in an argon glow discharge is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. A decrease in the plasma radiation intensity (the so-called “dark phase”) was observed experimentally over a time period of about 1 ms. A similar dip was also observed in the time dependence of the electric field strength. The time evolution of the population of the lowest metastable state of Ar was measured. A relevant theoretical model has been developed and used to perform calculations for the actual experimental conditions. A comparison between the numerical and experimental results shows that the model adequately describes the processes that occur during the formation of the positive column in an argon glow discharge. Experimental and theoretical study shows that the dark-phase effect is related to an excessive amount of metastable Ar atoms at the beginning of a discharge and, consequently, to high rates of stepwise ionization and chemionization.  相似文献   

Results from studies of a low-current glow discharge with a hollow cathode are presented. A specific feature of the discharge conditions was that a highly emissive tablet containing cesium carbonate was placed in the cathode cavity. In the absence of a tablet, the discharge ignition voltage was typically ≥3.5 kV, while the burning voltage was in the range of 500–600 V. The use of the tablet made it possible to decrease the ignition voltage to 280 V and maintain the discharge burning voltage at a level of about 130 V. A model of the current sustainment in a hollow-cathode discharge is proposed. Instead of the conventional secondary emission yield, the model uses a generalized emission yield that takes into account not only ion bombardment of the cathode, but also the emission current from an external source. The model is used to interpret the observed current?voltage characteristics. The results of calculations agree well with the experimental data. It is shown that, in some discharge modes, the external emission current from the cathode can reach 25% of the total discharge current.  相似文献   

A study is made of the propagation of ion acoustic waves in a collisionless unmagnetized dusty plasma containing degenerate ion and electron gases at nonzero temperatures. In linear theory, a dispersion relation for isothermal ion acoustic waves is derived and an exact expression for the linear ion acoustic velocity is obtained. The dependence of the linear ion acoustic velocity on the dust density in a plasma is calculated. An analysis of the dispersion relation reveals parameter ranges in which the problem has soliton solutions. In nonlinear theory, an exact solution to the basic equations is found and examined. The analysis is carried out by Bernoulli’s pseudopotential method. The ranges of the phase velocities of periodic ion acoustic waves and the velocities of solitons are determined. It is shown that these ranges do not overlap and that the soliton velocity cannot be lower than the linear ion acoustic velocity. The profiles of the physical quantities in a periodic wave and in a soliton are evaluated, as well as the dependence of the critical velocity of solitons on the dust density in a plasma.  相似文献   

A one-dimensional drift model of the cathode region of a glow discharge with allowance for both electron-impact ionization and charged particle loss is proposed. An exact solution to the model equations is obtained for the case of similar power-law dependences of the ion and electron drift velocities on the electric field strength. It is shown that, even in the drift approximation, a relatively wide transition layer in which the ion-to-electron current ratio approaches a constant value typical of the positive column of a glow discharge should occur between the thin space-charge sheath and the quasineutral plasma, the voltage drop across the space-charge sheath being comparable to that across the transition layer. The calculated parameters of the normal and anomalous glow discharges are in good agreement with available experimental data.  相似文献   

Nonstationary processes in atmospheric-pressure glow discharge manifest themselves in spontaneous transitions from the normal glow discharge into a spark. In the experiments, both so-called completed transitions in which a highly conductive constricted channel arises and incomplete transitions accompanied by the formation of a diffuse channel are observed. A model of the positive column of a discharge in air is elaborated that allows one to interpret specific features of the discharge both in the stationary stage and during its transition into a spark and makes it possible to calculate the characteristic oscillatory current waveforms for completed transitions into a spark and aperiodic ones for incomplete transitions. The calculated parameters of the positive column in the glow discharge mode agree well with experiment. Data on the densities of the most abundant species generated in the discharge (such as atomic oxygen, metastable nitrogen molecules, ozone, nitrogen oxides, and negative oxygen ions) are presented.  相似文献   

It is shown that, in the presence of many grains embedded in a plasma, any two grains with the same charge sign can attract each other. The attraction is caused by collective effects. Both the strength of attraction and the distance at which the attraction is located depend on the average dust density. In the limit of strong collective interaction, the potential energy of interaction is found to be equal to the Coulomb interaction with an amplitude periodically changing its sign at a sequence of interdust distances. The condition for collective effects to dominate lead to a threshold condition that is fulfilled in existing experiments. The effect of collective attraction is applied for the physical interpretation of the observed phenomenon of the formation of dust crystals in laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Generation of plasma in a pulsed non-self-sustained glow discharge with a hollow cathode with an area of ≥2 m2 at gas pressures of 0.4–1 Pa was studied experimentally. At an auxiliary arc-discharge current of 100 A and a main discharge voltage of 240 V, a pulse-periodic glow discharge with a current amplitude of 370 A, pulse duration of 340 μs, and repetition rate of 1 kHz was obtained. The possibility of creating a uniform gas-discharge plasma with a density of up to 1012 cm?3 and an electron temperature of 1 eV in a volume of >0.2 m3 was demonstrated. Such plasma can be efficiently used to treat material surfaces and generate pulsed ion beams with a current density of up to 15 mA/cm2.  相似文献   

Theoretical studies are carried out for ion acoustic solitons in multicomponent nonuniform plasma considering the dust size distribution. The Korteweg?de Vries equation for ion acoustic solitons is given by using the reductive perturbation technique. Two special dust size distributions are considered. The dependences of the width and amplitude of solitons on dust size parameters are shown. It is found that the properties of a solitary wave depend on the shape of the size distribution function of dust grains.  相似文献   

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