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The MHD activity of plasma in the GOL-3 facility was studied experimentally. The complicated azimuthal structure of the profile of the longitudinal current is revealed by magnetic measurements and high-speed imaging. The azimuthal mode composition of magnetic perturbations, as well as the frequency of their rotation in different regimes, is determined. The signs of differential plasma rotation in the facility are described. Possible mechanisms responsible for the relation of differential rotation to current filamentation and magnetic reconnection in the GOL-3 plasma are proposed. These mechanisms explain the previously observed experimental evidences of these processes.  相似文献   

The nonlinear interaction of a relativistic electron beam with a plasma is investigated numerically on the basis of the extended notions of the physical quantities that enter the linear dispersion relation. Extending the notions of the wave frequency, wavenumber, and wave phase velocity to the nonlinear stage of an instability makes it possible to analyze the evolution of the Cherenkov and plasma resonances and to study how they affect the saturation of the wave amplitude. A model of the beam-plasma instability in which the growth rate is calculated from the corresponding linear hydrodynamic formula on the basis of the results obtained using a numerical kinetic model makes it possible to establish the applicability range of the hydrodynamic approximation for beams with different energies.  相似文献   

A relativistic plasma microwave amplifier with a gain of about 30 dB and an output power of about 60–100 MW in the frequency range from 2.4 to 3.2 GHz is studied experimentally. The total duration of the output microwave pulse is equal to the duration of the current pulse of the driving relativistic electron beam (500 ns); however, the maximum output power is observed only within 200 ns. It is shown that variations in the output microwave power during the current pulse of the annular relativistic electron beam are caused by variations in the beam radius and thickness. Analysis of the experimental data and results of numerical simulations show that the thickness of the electron beam is determined by the density of the cathode emission current.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the interaction of a modulated relativistic electron beam with a plasma. The electron energy spectra at the exit from the interaction chamber are measured for electron beams with energies of about 50 and 20 MeV. The coherent interaction of an electron beam with a microwave-driven plasma is studied. It is shown that, in strong electric fields that can be generated in the coherent interaction, the beam current is very sensitive to the phase of the microwave field.  相似文献   

Relativistic microwave electronics faces the problem of using high currents of relativistic electron beams; i.e., it is possible to use beams the current of which is lower than that of actually existing high-current accelerators. We show the possibility of increasing the power of radiation generated in a plasma relativistic microwave oscillator (PRMO) due to an increase in the absolute value of current. For the beam currents close to the value of limiting vacuum current, the efficiency of microwave generation decreases; therefore, we study PRMO schemes with a high value of limiting vacuum current, i.e., schemes with a small gap between a hollow relativistic electron beam and the waveguide wall. The results of the experiment and numerical simulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an active experiment on the injection of charged particle beams into the ionospheric plasma. The experiment was carried out in 1992 onboard the Intercosmos-25 satellite and the Magion-3 daughter satellite (APEX). A specific feature of this experiment was that both the ion and electron beams were injected upward, in the same direction along the magnetic field. The most interesting results are the excitation of HF and VLF-LF waves and the generation of fast charged particle flows, which were recorded on both satellites.  相似文献   

The diffraction broadening of laser radiation restricts its efficient utilization in many applications. In this work, a method for laser radiation guiding in a density channel formed in a plasma by a relativistic electron beam is considered. The conditions and parameters of the relativistic beam ensuring the guiding are examined.  相似文献   

The nonlinear dynamics of the instability developed upon the interaction between a relativistic electron beam and a dense plasma as a function of the beam density is numerically modeled. The appropriate solutions are obtained and analyzed.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the ion temperature of the target plasma in a gas-dynamic trap during high-power neutral beam injection is measured by using the Rutherford scattering technique. A comparison of the experimental results with the results of simulations by a model based on the theory of pair Coulomb collisions indicates no significant anomalous losses from the ion plasma component.  相似文献   

The dynamics of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector in the form of a spherical conducting body in a space plasma is considered. An equation describing the radial evolution of a steady electron beam with a self-similar density profile in the electric field of the injector is formulated. A method for calculating the radial evolution of a relativistic electron beam in the vicinity of an injector is developed. The method is based on the numerical integration of a set of ordinary differential equations for the beam radius and field potential in the space charge region under the relevant boundary conditions at the injector surface. Results are presented from numerical simulations of the radial dynamics of an electron beam in the vicinity of a spherical screen system for neutralizing the electric charge carried away by the beam. The numerical results show that the electric field of the injector hastens the beam expansion.  相似文献   

The parameters of the injector of an axial plasma beam injected into a plasma accelerator operating on the basis of gyroresonance acceleration of electrons in the reverse magnetic field are determined. The trapping of the beam electrons into the regime of gyroresonance acceleration is numerically simulated by the particle- in-cell method. The optimal time of axial injection of the beam into a magnetic mirror trap is determined. The beam parameters satisfying the condition of efficient particle trapping into the gyromagnetic autoresonance regime are found.  相似文献   

A nonlinear theory of the instability of a straight relativistic dense electron beam in a plasma waveguide is derived for conditions of the stimulated collective Cherenkov effect. A study is made of a waveguide with a dense plasma such that the plasma wave excited by the beam during the instability can be escribed, with a good degree of accuracy, as a potential wave. General relativistic nonlinear equations are btained that describe the temporal dynamics of beam-plasma instabilities with allowance for plasma nonlinearity and the generation of harmonics of the initial perturbation. Under the assumption that the resonant interaction between the beam waves and the plasma waves is weak, the general equations are reduced to relativistic equations with cubic nonlinearities by using the method of expansion in small perturbations of the trajectories and momenta of the beam and plasma electrons. The reduced equations are solved analytically, the time scales on which the instability saturates are determined, and the nonlinear saturation amplitudes are obtained. A comparison between analytical solutions to the reduced equations and numerical solutions to the general nonlinear equations shows them to be in good agreement. Nonlinear processes caused by the relativistic nature of the beam are found to prevent stochastization of the system in the nonlinear stage of the well-developed instability. In contrast, a nonrelativistic electron beam is found to be subject to significant anomalous nonlinear stochastization.  相似文献   

The problem of the excitation of electron waves in a thin-walled annular cold plasma in a cylindrical waveguide by a straight relativistic electron beam in a finite magnetic field is considered. The dispersion properties of a waveguide system with parameters close to the experimental ones are investigated. It is shown that the growth rate of the excited high-frequency plasma wave is comparable to that of the low-frequency wave, which is weakly sensitive to the strength of the longitudinal magnetic field.  相似文献   

In experiments on the plasma heating and confinement in the GOL-3 multimirror trap, a deuterium plasma with a density of ~1015 cm?3 and an ion temperature of 1–2 keV is confined for more than 1 ms. The plasma is heated by a relativistic electron beam. The ion temperature, which was measured by independent methods, reached 1.5–2 keV after the beginning of the beam injection. Since such a fast ion heating cannot be explained by the classical energy transfer from electrons to ions through binary collisions, a theoretical model of collective energy transfer was proposed. In order to verify this model, a new diagnostics was designed to study the dynamics of neutron emission from an individual mirror cell of the multimirror trap during electron beam injection. Intense neutron bursts predicted by this model were detected experimentally. Periodic neutron flux modulation caused by the macroscopic plasma flow along the solenoid was observed. The revealed mechanism of fast ion heating can be used to achieve fusion temperatures in the multimirror trap.  相似文献   

The program of the deep upgrade of the GOL-3 multiple-mirror trap is presented. The upgrade is aimed at creating a new GOL-NB open trap located at the GOL-3 site and intended to directly demonstrate the efficiency of using multiple-mirror magnetic cells to improve longitudinal plasma confinement in a gasdynamic open trap. The GOL-NB device will consist of a new central trap, adjoint cells with a multiple-mirror magnetic field, and end tanks (magnetic flux expanders). Plasma in the central trap will be heated by neutral beam injection with a power of up to 1.5 MW and duration of 1 ms. At present, physical experiments directed at developing plasma technologies that are novel for this facility are being carried out using the 6-m-long autonomous part of the GOL-3 solenoid. The aim of this work was to develop a method for filling the central trap with a low-temperature start plasma. Transportation of a plasma stream from an arc source over a distance of 3 m in a uniform magnetic field with an induction of 0.5–4.5 T is demonstrated. In these experiments, the axial plasma density was (1–4) × 1020 m–3 and the mirror ratio varied from 5 to 60. In general, the experiments confirmed the correctness of the adopted decisions for the start plasma source of the GOL-NB device.  相似文献   

The problem of stimulated emission from a relativistic electron beam in an external electrostatic pump field is studied. A set of nonlinear time-dependent equations for the spatiotemporal dynamics of the undulator radiation amplitude and the amplitude of the beam space charge field is derived. The beam electrons are described by a modified version of the macroparticle method. The regimes of the single-particle and collective Cherenkov effects during convective and absolute instabilities are considered. The nonlinear dynamics of radiation pulses emitted during the instabilities of the beam in its interaction with the forward and backward electromagnetic waves is investigated.  相似文献   

The effects of the centrifugal force and finite Larmor radius on plasma stability in the gas-dynamic trap are considered. Estimates show that the stability is governed by the strong effect of the finite Larmor radius of fast particles. If this stabilizing mechanism does not operate, then the instability ceases to be exponential when the sheared plasma rotation becomes sufficiently intense. In this case, the potential perturbation amplitude increases according to a power law, and the instability threshold remains unchanged. These effects do not influence the stability of the first azimuthal perturbation mode in a plasma with a free boundary. But when the plasma is in good electrical contact with the conducting wall of the device and when the plasma density profile is not too peaked at the axis, the first mode is stabilized by the finite Larmor radius effect because of the radial variation of the perturbed electric field.  相似文献   

The excitation of a wake wave by a relativistic electron beam in an unbounded magnetized plasma and a plasma waveguide is studied theoretically. It is shown that, in a waveguide partially filled with a plasma, the energy that the electrons of the accelerated beam can gain is 37 times higher than the energy of the electrons of the beam generating wakefield.  相似文献   

A method based on the detection of emission of a dielectric screen with metal microinclusions in open air is applied to visualize the transverse structure of a high-power microwave beam. In contrast to other visualization techniques, the results obtained in this work provide qualitative information not only on the electric field strength, but also on the structure of electric field lines in the microwave beam cross section. The interpretation of the results obtained with this method is confirmed by numerical simulations of the structure of electric field lines in the microwave beam cross section by means of the CARAT code.  相似文献   

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