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The kinetics of coupling of protein dimerization and DNA binding have been investigated in the biotin repressor system. Two repressor monomers bind to the 40 base-pair biotin operator sequence. In previous analyses of equilibrium-binding data the weak dimerization of the repressor has justified using a model in which two protein monomers bind cooperatively to the operator site. Here, rapid kinetic methods have been used to directly determine the binding mechanism. Results of rapid-mixing DNaseI footprinting measurements of association of the repressor with operator indicate that the binding process involves at least two steps. Results of measurements of the unimolecular dissociation of the complex reveal a half-life of approximately 400 seconds. Analysis of the data using a combination of simulation and global non-linear least-squares analysis provides support for a binding model in which a preformed repressor dimer associates with the biotin operator. This kinetic model is consistent with the previously proposed model for regulation of the functional switch in the repressor from enzyme to site-specific DNA-binding protein.  相似文献   

Caspase‐8 is a cysteine directed aspartate‐specific protease that is activated at the cytosolic face of the cell membrane upon receptor ligation. A key step in the activation of caspase‐8 depends on adaptor‐induced dimerization of procaspase‐8 monomers. Dimerization is followed by limited autoproteolysis within the intersubunit linker (IL), which separates the large and small subunits of the catalytic domain. Although cleavage of the IL stabilizes the dimer, the uncleaved procaspase‐8 dimer is sufficiently active to initiate apoptosis, so dimerization of the zymogen is an important mechanism to control apoptosis. In contrast, the effector caspase‐3 is a stable dimer under physiological conditions but exhibits little enzymatic activity. The catalytic domains of caspases are structurally similar, but it is not known why procaspase‐8 is a monomer while procaspase‐3 is a dimer. To define the role of the dimer interface in assembly and activation of procaspase‐8, we generated mutants that mimic the dimer interface of effector caspases. We show that procaspase‐8 with a mutated dimer interface more readily forms dimers. Time course studies of refolding also show that the mutations accelerate dimerization. Transfection of HEK293A cells with the procaspase‐8 variants, however, did not result in a significant increase in apoptosis, indicating that other factors are required in vivo. Overall, we show that redesigning the interface of procaspase‐8 to remove negative design elements results in increased dimerization and activity in vitro, but increased dimerization, by itself, is not sufficient for robust activation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

The second WW domain in mammalian Salvador protein (SAV1 WW2) is quite atypical, as it forms a beta-clam-like homodimer. The second WW domain in human MAGI1 (membrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 1) (MAGI1 WW2) shares high sequence similarity with SAV1 WW2, suggesting comparable dimerization. However, an analytical ultracentrifugation study revealed that MAGI1 WW2 (Leu355-Pro390) chiefly exists as a monomer at low protein concentrations, with an association constant of 1.3 x 10(2) M(-1). We determined its solution structure, and a structural comparison with the dimeric SAV1 WW2 suggested that an Asp residue is crucial for the inhibition of the dimerization. The substitution of this acidic residue with Ser resulted in the dimerization of MAGI1 WW2. The spin-relaxation data suggested that the MAGI1 WW2 undergoes a dynamic process of transient dimerization that is limited by the charge repulsion. Additionally, we characterized a longer construct of this WW domain with a C-terminal extension (Leu355-Glu401), as the formation of an extra alpha-helix was predicted. An NMR structural determination confirmed the formation of an alpha-helix in the extended C-terminal region, which appears to be independent from the dimerization regulation. A thermal denaturation study revealed that the dimerized MAGI1 WW2 with the Asp-to-Ser mutation gained apparent stability in a protein concentration-dependent manner. A structural comparison between the two constructs with different lengths suggested that the formation of the C-terminal alpha-helix stabilized the global fold by facilitating contacts between the N-terminal linker region and the main body of the WW domain.  相似文献   

The N-terminal (NT) domain of spider silk proteins (spidroins) is crucial for their storage at high concentrations and also regulates silk assembly. NTs from the major ampullate spidroin (MaSp) and the minor ampullate spidroin are monomeric at neutral pH and confer solubility to spidroins, whereas at lower pH, they dimerize to interconnect spidroins in a fiber. This dimerization is known to result from modulation of electrostatic interactions by protonation of well-conserved glutamates, although it is undetermined if this mechanism applies to other spidroin types as well. Here, we determine the solution and crystal structures of the flagelliform spidroin NT, which shares only 35% identity with MaSp NT, and investigate the mechanisms of its dimerization. We show that flagelliform spidroin NT is structurally similar to MaSp NT and that the electrostatic intermolecular interaction between Asp 40 and Lys 65 residues is conserved. However, the protonation events involve a different set of residues than in MaSp, indicating that an overall mechanism of pH-dependent dimerization is conserved but can be mediated by different pathways in different silk types.  相似文献   

The structural and thermodynamic basis for carbohydrate-protein recognition is of considerable importance. NCP-1, which is a component of the Piromyces equi cellulase/hemicellulase complex, presents a provocative model for analyzing how structural and mutational changes can influence the ligand specificity of carbohydrate-binding proteins. NCP-1 contains two "family 29" carbohydrate-binding modules designated CBM29-1 and CBM29-2, respectively, that display unusually broad specificity; the proteins interact weakly with xylan, exhibit moderate affinity for cellulose and mannan, and bind tightly to the beta-1,4-linked glucose-mannose heteropolymer glucomannan. The crystal structure of CBM29-2 in complex with cellohexaose and mannohexaose identified key residues involved in ligand recognition. By exploiting this structural information and the broad specificity of CBM29-2, we have used this protein as a template to explore the evolutionary mechanisms that can lead to significant changes in ligand specificity. Here, we report the properties of the E78R mutant of CBM29-2, which displays ligand specificity that is different from that of wild-type CBM29-2; the protein retains significant affinity for cellulose but does not bind to mannan or glucomannan. Significantly, E78R exhibits a stoichiometry of 0.5 when binding to cellohexaose, and both calorimetry and ultracentrifugation show that the mutant protein displays ligand-mediated dimerization in solution. The three-dimensional structure of E78R in complex with cellohexaose reveals the intriguing molecular basis for this "dimeric" binding mode that involves the lamination of the oligosaccharide between two CBM molecules. The 2-fold screw axis of the ligand is mirrored in the orientation of the two protein domains with adjacent sugar rings stacking against the equivalent aromatic residues in the binding site of each protein molecule of the molecular sandwich. The sandwiching of an oligosaccharide chain between two protein modules, leading to ligand-induced formation of the binding site, represents a completely novel mechanism for protein-carbohydrate recognition that may mimic that displayed by naturally dimeric protein-carbohydrate interactions.  相似文献   

The main protease (Mpro) plays a vital role in proteolytic processing of the polyproteins in the replicative cycle of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV). Dimerization of this enzyme has been shown to be indispensable for trans-cleavage activity. However, the auto-processing mechanism of Mpro, i.e. its own release from the polyproteins through autocleavage, remains unclear. This study elucidates the relationship between the N-terminal autocleavage activity and the dimerization of “immature” Mpro. Three residues (Arg4, Glu290, and Arg298), which contribute to the active dimer conformation of mature Mpro, are selected for mutational analyses. Surprisingly, all three mutants still perform N-terminal autocleavage, while the dimerization of mature protease and trans-cleavage activity following auto-processing are completely inhibited by the E290R and R298E mutations and partially so by the R4E mutation. Furthermore, the mature E290R mutant can resume N-terminal autocleavage activity when mixed with the “immature” C145A/E290R double mutant whereas its trans-cleavage activity remains absent. Therefore, the N-terminal auto-processing of Mpro appears to require only two “immature” monomers approaching one another to form an “intermediate” dimer structure and does not strictly depend on the active dimer conformation existing in mature protease. In conclusion, an auto-release model of Mpro from the polyproteins is proposed, which will help understand the auto-processing mechanism and the difference between the autocleavage and trans-cleavage proteolytic activities of SARS-CoV Mpro.  相似文献   

MutL assists the mismatch recognition protein MutS to initiate and coordinate mismatch repair in species ranging from bacteria to humans. The MutL N-terminal ATPase domain is highly conserved, but the C-terminal region shares little sequence similarity among MutL homologs. We report here the crystal structure of the Escherichia coli MutL C-terminal dimerization domain and the likelihood of its conservation among MutL homologs. A 100-residue proline-rich linker between the ATPase and dimerization domains, which generates a large central cavity in MutL dimers, tolerates sequence substitutions and deletions of one-third of its length with no functional consequences in vivo or in vitro. Along the surface of the central cavity, residues essential for DNA binding are located in both the N- and C-terminal domains. Each domain of MutL interacts with UvrD helicase and is required for activating the helicase activity. The DNA-binding capacity of MutL is correlated with the level of UvrD activation. A model of how MutL utilizes its ATPase and DNA-binding activities to mediate mismatch-dependent activation of MutH endonuclease and UvrD helicase is proposed.  相似文献   

In previous studies, thermodynamic dissection of the dimerization interface in CA-C, the C-terminal domain of the capsid protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1, revealed that individual mutation to alanine of Ser178, Glu180, Glu187 or Gln192 led to significant increases in dimerization affinity. Four related aspects derived from this observation have been now addressed, and the results can be summarized as follows: (i) thermodynamic analyses indicate the presence of an intersubunit electrostatic repulsion between both Glu180 residues. (ii) The mutation Glu180 to Ala was detected in nearly all type 2 human immunodeficiency virus variants, and in several simian immunodeficiency viruses analyzed. However, this mutation was strictly co-variant with mutations Ser178Asp in a neighboring residue, and Glu187Gln. Thermodynamic analysis of multiple mutants showed that Ser178Asp compensated, alone or together with Glu187Gln, the increase in affinity caused by the mutation Glu180Ala, and restored a lower dimerization affinity. (iii) The increase in the affinity constant caused by the multiple mutation to Ala of Ser178, Glu180, Glu187 and Gln192 was more than one order of magnitude lower than predicted if additivity were present, despite the fact that the 178/180 pair and the two other residues were located more than 10A apart. (iv) Mutations in CA-C that caused non-additive increases in dimerization affinity also caused a non-additive increase in the capacity of the isolated CA-C domain to inhibit the assembly of capsid-like HIV-1 particles in kinetic assays. In summary, the study of a protein-protein interface involved in the building of a viral capsid has revealed unusual features, including intersubunit electrostatic repulsions, co-variant, compensatory mutations that may evolutionarily preserve a low association constant, and long-range, large magnitude non-additive effects on association.  相似文献   

Structural studies have provided important new insights into how ligand binding promotes homodimerization and activation of the EGF receptor and the other members of the ErbB family of receptor tyrosine kinases. These structures have also suggested possible explanations for the unique properties of ErbB2, which has no known ligand and can cause cell transformation (and tumorigenesis) by simple overexpression. In parallel with these advances, studies of the EGF receptor at the cell surface increasingly argue that the structural studies are missing key mechanistic components. This is particularly evident in the structural prediction that EGF binding linked to receptor dimerization should be positively cooperative, whereas cell-surface EGF-binding studies suggest negative cooperativity. In this review, I summarize studies of ErbB receptor extracellular regions in solution and of intact receptors at the cell surface, and attempt to reconcile the differences suggested by the two approaches. By combining results obtained with receptor ‘parts’, it is qualitatively possible to explain some models for the properties of the whole receptor. These considerations underline the need to consider the intact ErbB receptors as intact allosterically regulated enzymes, and to combine cellular and structural studies into a complete picture.  相似文献   

The GrpE heat shock protein from Escherichia coli has a homodimeric structure. The dimer interface encompasses two long alpha-helices at the NH(2)-terminal end from each monomer (forming a "tail"), which lead into a small four-helix bundle from which each monomer contributes two short sequential alpha-helices in an antiparallel topological arrangement. We have created a number of different deletion mutants of GrpE that have portions of the dimer interface to investigate requirements for dimerization and to study four-helix bundle formation. Using chemical crosslinking and analytical ultracentrifugation techniques to probe for multimeric states, we find that a mutant containing only the long alpha-helical tail portion (GrpE1-88) is unable to form a dimer, most likely due to a decrease in alpha-helical content as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy, thus one reason for a dimeric structure for the GrpE protein is to support the tail region. Mutants containing both of the short alpha-helices (GrpE1-138 and GrpE88-197) are able to form a dimer and presumably the four-helix bundle at the dimer interface. These two mutants have equilibrium constants for the monomer-dimer equilibrium that are very similar to the full-length protein suggesting that the tail region does not contribute significantly to the stability of the dimer. Interestingly, one mutant that contains just one of the short alpha-helices (GrpE1-112) exists as a tetrameric species, which presumably is forming a four-helix bundle structure. A proposed model is discussed for this mutant and its relevance for factors influencing four-helix bundle formation.  相似文献   

Outer membrane phospholipase A (OMPLA) is a widely conserved transmembrane enzyme found in Gram-negative bacteria, and it is implicated in the virulence of a number of pathogenic organisms. The regulation of the protein's phospholipase activity is not well understood despite the existence of a number of high resolution structures. Previous biochemical studies have demonstrated that dimerization of OMPLA is a prerequisite for its phospholipase activity, and it has been shown in vitro that this dimerization is dependent on calcium and substrate binding. Therefore, to fully understand the regulation of OMPLA, it is necessary to understand the stability of the protein dimer and the extent to which it is influenced by its effector molecules. We have used sedimentation equilibrium analytical ultracentrifugation to dissect the energetics of Escherichia coli OMPLA dimerization in detergent micelles. We find that calcium contributes relatively little stability to the dimer, while interactions with the substrate acyl chain are the predominant force in stabilizing the dimeric conformation of the enzyme. The resulting thermodynamic cycle suggests that interactions between effector molecules are additive. These energetic measurements not only provide insight into the activation of OMPLA, but they also represent the first quantitative investigation of the association energetics of a transmembrane beta-barrel. This thermodynamic study allows us to begin to address the differences between protein-protein interfaces in transmembrane proteins with a helical fold to those of a beta-barrel fold and to more fully understand the forces involved in membrane protein interactions.  相似文献   

The human autoimmune regulator (AIRE) gene encodes a putative DNA-binding protein, which is mutated in patients affected by the autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 1 or autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy. We have recently reported that AIRE can bind to two different DNA sequence motifs, suggesting the existence of at least two DNA-binding domains in the AIRE protein. By expressing a series of recombinant AIRE protein fragments, we demonstrate here that the two well-known plant homeodomains (PHD) domains in AIRE can bind to the ATTGGTTA sequence motif. The first ATTGGTTA-binding domain is mapped to amino acids 299-355 and the second ATTGGTTA-binding domain to amino acids 434-475. Furthermore, the SAND domain of AIRE is shown to bind to TTATTA motif. Results presented herein show that the residues at position 189-196 of AIRE (QRAVAMSS) are required for its binding to the TTATTA motif. The required sequence for DNA binding in the SAND domain of AIRE is remarkably different from other SAND-containing proteins such as Sp-100b and NUDR. Data presented in this paper indicate that the two PHD domains contained in AIRE, in addition to the SAND domain, can bind to specific DNA sequence motifs.  相似文献   

How the ATPase activity of Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is coupled to client protein activation remains obscure. Using truncation and missense mutants of Hsp90, we analysed the structural implications of its ATPase cycle. C-terminal truncation mutants lacking inherent dimerization displayed reduced ATPase activity, but dimerized in the presence of 5'-adenylamido-diphosphate (AMP-PNP), and AMP-PNP- promoted association of N-termini in intact Hsp90 dimers was demonstrated. Recruitment of p23/Sba1 to C-terminal truncation mutants also required AMP-PNP-dependent dimerization. The temperature- sensitive (ts) mutant T101I had normal ATP affinity but reduced ATPase activity and AMP-PNP-dependent N-terminal association, whereas the ts mutant T22I displayed enhanced ATPase activity and AMP-PNP-dependent N-terminal dimerization, indicating a close correlation between these properties. The locations of these residues suggest that the conformation of the 'lid' segment (residues 100-121) couples ATP binding to N-terminal association. Consistent with this, a mutation designed to favour 'lid' closure (A107N) substantially enhanced ATPase activity and N-terminal dimerization. These data show that Hsp90 has a molecular 'clamp' mechanism, similar to DNA gyrase and MutL, whose opening and closing by transient N-terminal dimerization are directly coupled to the ATPase cycle.  相似文献   

Jee J  Byeon IJ  Louis JM  Gronenborn AM 《Proteins》2008,71(3):1420-1431
The immunoglobulin-binding domain B1 of streptococcal protein G (GB1), a very stable, small, single-domain protein, is one of the most extensively used models in the area of protein folding and design. Variants derived from a library of randomized hydrophobic core residues previously revealed alternative folds, namely a completely intertwined tetramer (Frank et al., Nat Struct Biol 2002;9:877-885) and a domain-swapped dimer (Byeon et al., J Mol Biol 2003;333:141-152). Here, we report the NMR structure of the single amino acid mutant Ala-34-Phe which exists as side-by-side dimer. The dimer dissociation constant is 27 +/- 4 microM. The dimer interface comprises two structural elements: First, the beta-sheets of the two monomers pair in an antiparallel arrangement, thereby forming an eight-stranded beta-sheet. Second, the alpha-helix is shortened, ending in a loop that engages in intermolecular contacts. The largest difference between the monomer unit in the A34F dimer and the monomeric wild-type GB1 is the dissolution of the C-terminal half of the alpha-helix associated with a pronounced slow conformational motion of the interface loop. This involves a large movement of the Tyr-33 side chain that swings out from the monomer to engage in dimer contacts.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic topoisomerase I polypeptides can be partitioned into four structural domains. The function of the N-terminal domain, which is a target for serine-specific phosphorylation, has not been fully defined. The number of serine residues in the N-terminal domain of topoisomerase I from different species is inversely proportional to the number of charged amino acids in this region of the protein. The significance of this correlation is discussed in terms of a possible role for serine-specific phosphorylation in the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Inhibitors of protein-protein interactions are currently considered as perspective prototypes of a new generation of drugs. The most attractive targets for such inhibitors are the oligomeric enzymes which active sites are formed by amino acid residues from different subunits. HIV-1 protease (HIVp), which is active only as a homodimer form, is the classic example of such enzymes. We have developed a new approach for experimental screening of HIVp dimerization inhibitors. It is based on an original biosensor test-system for differential analysis of interaction of tested substances with HIVp dimers and monomers. Using this test-system we have analyzed the most perspective candidate substances predicted by the method of virtual screening, and also some derivatives of glycyrrhizin, triterpenic and steroid glycosides. In the results of this study we have found one compound, which preferentially interacts with HIVp monomers and inhibits in vitro activity of this enzyme with the IC50 value of about 10?6 M.  相似文献   

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