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Genomewide significant linkage to stuttering on chromosome 12   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
Stuttering is a common and sometimes severe communication disorder, of unknown primary etiology, that exists in populations worldwide. Many types of evidence suggest a genetic contribution to stuttering; however, the complex inheritance of this disorder has hindered identification of these factors. We have employed highly inbred families to increase the power of linkage analysis of this disorder. Forty-four Pakistani families with documented or probable consanguinity, from the city of Lahore and surrounding areas, were included. Each family contained multiple cases of stuttering, which were diagnosed using the Stuttering Severity Instrument. Using the Marshfield Weber 9 marker panel, we performed a genomewide linkage scan focused on affected individuals and their parents. The analysis included 199 genotyped individuals, 144 affected and 55 unaffected. The Pedigree Relationship Statistical Test (PREST) was used to identify pedigrees that required additional specification of inbreeding. Initial nonparametric analysis gave evidence of linkage on chromosomes 1, 5, 7, and 12. Additional genotyping was performed on chromosome 12 to a 5-cM level of resolution, and 16 additional individuals were then included, bringing the number of families to 46. Analysis of the enlarged data set provided consistent evidence of linkage on chromosome 12: the S(homoz) scoring function gave a nonparametric LOD score of 4.61, and a LOD score of 3.51 was obtained using the S(all) scoring function. These results suggest that a locus on chromosome 12q may contain a gene with a large effect in this sample.  相似文献   

New complexities in the synthesis of sucrose   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  

Development of female schistosomes from infectious cercariae to mature egg-producing adults requires both male schistosomes and an intact adaptive immune system. By examining single sex infections in immunodeficient mice, we provide evidence that female schistosome development is not directly influenced by the adaptive immune system, whereas male development is. Our data are consistent with a sequential model of schistosome development, where the adaptive immune system signals development of mature males, which subsequently stimulate development of mature females. The male schistosome therefore appears to play a central role both in transducing signals from the adaptive immune system and in facilitating female development.  相似文献   

Summary New linkage data are presented for the situation of five previously unlocated isozymic loci of the tomato and closely related species with homosequential chromosomes.Prx-1 lies on chromosome 1, where it is also linked withSkdh-1; Aps-2 is linked withGot-4 on chromosome 8;Tpi-2 has been allocated to chromosome 4; and a linkage has been detected betweenPgi-1 andEst-4, whose respective chromosome has not yet been determined. These and previously published data have been summarized in the form of an isozyme linkage map. Twenty-two loci have thus been mapped on nine of the twelve tomato chromosomes. We discuss some new applications of mapped isozymic genes. In certain types of segregations, isozymic genes are far more efficient than morphological markers in providing linkage information. They greatly expedite the cytogenetic investigation of species hybrids and can be utilized to facilitate backcross transfers of genes from wild to cultivated taxa.  相似文献   

This paper explores the decay of linkage disequilibrium (LD) on the autosomes and chromosome X. The extent of marker-marker LD is important for both linkage and association studies. The analysis of the Caucasian sample from the Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism study revealed the expected negative relationship between the magnitude of the marker-marker LD and distance (cM), with the male and female subgroups exhibiting similar patterns of LD. The observed extent of LD in females was less across the pseudoautosomal markers relative to the heterosomal region of chromosome X. Marked differences in LD patterns were also observed between chromosomes X and the 22 autosomes in both males and females.  相似文献   

Sexual conflict at loci influencing traits shared between the sexes occurs when sex-specific selection pressures are antagonistic relative to the genetic correlation between the sexes. To assess whether there is sexual conflict over shared traits, we estimated heritability and intersexual genetic correlations for highly sexually dimorphic traits (horn volume and body mass) in a wild population of bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and quantified sex-specific selection using estimates of longevity and lifetime reproductive success. Body mass and horn volume showed significant additive genetic variance in both sexes, and intersexual genetic correlations were 0.24+/-0.28 for horn volume and 0.63+/-0.30 for body mass. For horn volume, selection coefficients did not significantly differ from zero in either sex. For body weight, selection coefficients were positive in females but did not differ from zero in males. The absence of detectable sexually antagonistic selection suggests that currently there are no sexual conflicts at loci influencing horn volume and body mass.  相似文献   

Mouse strain and tissue distribution analyses indicate that the new antiserum A anti-A-Tla b recognizes the cell-surface product governed by the previously serologically undetectable Qa-I b allele. This cell-surface product has therefore been called Qa-1.2. Three levels of anti-Qa-1.2 cytotoxicity in the presence of complement have been observed: high, intermediate, and zero lysis. In general, high levels of lysis correlate with the presence of the Qa-1 b allele, while zero levels of lysis correlate with the presence of the Qa-1 aallele. The A.CA strain reacts with both anti-Qa-1.1 and anti-Qa-1.2 and may possess a third allele, Qa-1 d. Several strains including B6-H-2 k react in an intermediate fashion. Recombinant strain analyses indicate that this intermediate reaction may be due to modifying genes within the H-2D region.  相似文献   

The extent to which sexual dimorphism can evolve within a population depends on an interaction between sexually divergent selection and constraints imposed by a genetic architecture that is shared between males and females. The degree of constraint within a population is normally inferred from the intersexual genetic correlation, r(mf) . However, such bivariate correlations ignore the potential constraining effect of genetic covariances between other sexually coexpressed traits. Using the fruit fly Drosophila serrata, a species that exhibits mutual mate preference for blends of homologous contact pheromones, we tested the impact of between-sex between-trait genetic covariances using an extended version of the genetic variance-covariance matrix, G, that includes Lande's (1980) between-sex covariance matrix, B. We find that including B greatly reduces the degree to which male and female traits are predicted to diverge in the face of divergent phenotypic selection. However, the degree to which B alters the response to selection differs between the sexes. The overall rate of male trait evolution is predicted to decline, but its direction remains relatively unchanged, whereas the opposite is found for females. We emphasize the importance of considering the B-matrix in microevolutionary studies of constraint on the evolution of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Family studies for Crohn disease (CD) report extensive linkage on chromosome 16q and pinpoint NOD2 as a possible causative locus. However, linkage is also observed in families that do not bear the most frequent NOD2 causative mutations, but no other signals on 16q have been found so far in published genome-wide association studies. Our aim is to identify this missing genetic contribution. We apply a powerful genetic mapping approach to the Wellcome Trust Case-Control Consortium and the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases genome-wide association data on CD. This method takes into account the underlying structure of linkage disequilibrium (LD) by using genetic distances from LD maps and provides a location for the causal agent. We find genetic heterogeneity within the NOD2 locus and also show an independent and unsuspected involvement of the neighboring gene, CYLD. We find associations with the IRF8 region and the region containing CDH1 and CDH3, as well as substantial phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity for CD itself. The genes are known to be involved in inflammation and immune dysregulation. These findings provide insight into the genetics of CD and suggest promising directions for understanding disease heterogeneity. The application of this method thus paves the way for understanding complex inheritance in general, leading to the dissection of different pathways and ultimately, personalized treatment.  相似文献   

J. Kömpf 《Human genetics》1971,13(4):358-359
Summary The GPT polymorphism has been investigated in a series of 92 families with 193 children. The segregation of the children's phenotypes is in agreement with the formal two-allele-model. Close linkage has been ruled out for a number of informative markers.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

The evolution of novel sexual communication systems is integral to the process of speciation, as it discourages gene flow between incipient species. Physical linkage between genes underlying male-female communication (i.e. sexual signals and preferences for them) facilitates both rapid and coordinated divergence of sexual communication systems between populations and reduces recombination in the face of occasional hybridization between diverging populations. Despite these ramifications of the genetic architecture of sexual communication for sexual selection and speciation, few studies have examined this relationship empirically. Previous studies of the closely related Hawaiian crickets Laupala paranigra and Laupala kohalensis have indirectly suggested that many of the genes underlying the difference in pulse rate of male song are physically linked with genes underlying the difference in female preference for pulse rate. Using marker-assisted introgression, we moved 'slow pulse rate' alleles from L. paranigra at five known quantitative trait loci (QTL) underlying male pulse rate into the 'fast pulse rate' genetic background of L. kohalensis and assessed the effect of these loci on female preference. An astounding four out of five song QTL predicted the preferences of female fourth-generation backcrosses, providing direct evidence for the extensive genetic linkage of song and preference in one of the fastest diversifying genera currently known.  相似文献   

Summary The formal genetics of the ADA polymorphism had been investigated in a series of 156 German families with 319 children. The results correspond to the formal model of two alleles at an autosomal locus. There is no evidence for close linkage between the loci of ADA and ABO, MNS, Kell, P, Duffy, Rhesus, Haptoglobin, Gc, ac. Phosphatase, AK, PGM1, 6-PGD.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

This paper reports on in-depth interviews with general practitioners (GPs) about their views and experiences of diagnosing depression in gay men - some of whom are living with HIV - and the broader social contexts in which such a diagnosis is located. This analysis is a key outcome of a collaboration between social researchers, primary healthcare researchers, GPs and community partners, to investigate the management of depression in gay men in primary care settings. As the qualitative component of this project, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with 16 GPs with high caseloads of gay men, in three geographical settings in Australia: Sydney, Adelaide and a rural-coastal town. GPs considered the diagnosis and management of depression to be an integral part of primary care, especially in gay male patients. They had a heightened sense of awareness that depression was common in the group of patients they were seeing. Central to diagnosing depression was the ongoing, long-term relationship GPs had with their gay male patients. GPs were vigilant and proactively inquired about depression, taking into account somatic, social and psychological indicators. In their approach to diagnosing depression, GPs considered not only the life circumstances of individual patients but also the broader social context of stigma related to homosexuality, and the effects that the HIV epidemic has had on individuals, especially on gay men who have been living with HIV for a long time.  相似文献   

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