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Cytokinesis is under active investigation in each of the dominant experimental model systems. During 1996 and 1997, several developments necessitated the reassessment of the prevailing model for cytokinesis. In addition, the inventory of proteins required for cytokinesis has grown considerably. However, a molecular understanding of cytokinesis still remains elusive.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum, the major causative agent of human malaria, contains three separate genomes. The apicoplast (an intracellular organelle) contains an ∼ 35-kb circular DNA genome of unusually high A/T content (> 86%) that is replicated by the nuclear-encoded replication complex Pfprex. Herein, we have expressed and purified the DNA polymerase domain of Pfprex [KPom1 (Klenow-like polymerase of malaria 1)] and measured its fidelity using a LacZ-based forward mutation assay. In addition, we analyzed the kinetic parameters for the incorporation of both complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides using Kpom1 lacking 3′ → 5′ exonucleolytic activity. KPom1 exhibits a strongly biased mutational spectrum in which T → C is the most frequent single-base substitution and differs significantly from the closely related Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I. Using E. coli harboring a temperature-sensitive polymerase I allele, we established that KPom1 can complement the growth-defective phenotype at an elevated temperature. We propose that the error bias of KPom1 may be exploited in the complementation assay to identify nucleoside analogs that mimic this base-mispairing and preferentially inhibit apicoplast DNA replication.  相似文献   

Gene-by-gene and traditional biochemical approaches continue to reveal surprising molecular features in the archaeal domain. In addition, the complete sequencing of several archaeal genomes has further confirmed the phenotypic coherence of these micro-organisms at the molecular level. Nevertheless, the phylogeny of Archaea and the nature of the last universal common ancestor are still matters for debate.  相似文献   

The past year has confirmed the great potential of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model to study aging. Ground breaking papers have revealed similarities between aging in yeast and in mammals, and have identified genetic instability of the ribosomal DNA array as the first known cause of aging in yeast cells.  相似文献   

There are ∼1.4 million organisms on this planet that have been described morphologically but there is no comparable coverage of biodiversity at the molecular level. Little more than 1% of the known species have been subject to any molecular scrutiny and eukaryotic genome projects have focused on a group of closely related model organisms. The past year, however, has seen an ∼80% increase in the number of species represented in sequence databases and the completion of the sequencing of three prokaryotic genomes. Large-scale sequencing projects seem set to begin coverage of a wider range of the eukaryotic diversity, including green plants, microsporidians and diplomonads.  相似文献   

Genome packaging and gene regulation require DNA bending. Recent developments in the elucidation of the mechanisms involved in DNA bending include new X-ray structures (most notably that of the mammalian nucleosome) wherein DNA is bent, controversy surrounding interpretation of DNA-bending experiments with basic-leucine zipper proteins, studies of electrostatic effects in DNA bending, and the design of artificial DNA-bending ligands.  相似文献   

DNA shuffling is a practical process for directed molecular evolution which uses recombination to dramatically accelerate the rate at which one can evolve genes. Single and multigene traits that require many mutations for improved phenotypes can be evolved rapidly. DNA shuffling technology has been significantly enhanced in the past year, extending its range of applications to small molecule pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical proteins, gene therapy vehicles and transgenes, vaccines and evolved viruses for vaccines, and laboratory animal models.  相似文献   

The T55 rat radiation hybrid (RH) mapping panel has been reported to retain the entire rat genome at retention frequencies between 22% and 37%. However, we found that a small segment of rat chromosome 10 harboring at least four different genes, including Tp53, was completely absent from the panel (retention frequency = 0%). Two other markers located in the vicinity exhibited much reduced retention (2-6%). RH clones are generated by transferring highly fragmented DNA into a recipient cell. There might be a strong selection against the transfer and retention of chromosome segments harboring an intact Tp53, as the action of this gene might prevent proliferation and establishment of the RH clone. Our finding further suggests that unexpected low retention or absence of chromosome segments in an RH panel may represent indications that the segments harbor genes with important functions in cell proliferation control.  相似文献   

The rapidly changing developments in genomics and combinatorial chemistry, generating new drug targets and large numbers of compounds, have caused a revolution in high-throughput screening technologies. Key to this revolution has been the introduction of robotics and automation, together with new biological assay technologies (e.g., homogeneous time resolved fluorescence). With ever increasing workloads, together with economic and logistical constraints, miniaturisation is rapidly becoming essential for the future of high-throughput screening and combinatorial chemistry. This is evident from the introduction of high-density microtitre plates, small volume liquid handling robots and associated detection technology.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi cause different human diseases. As strategies for immune evasion. T. brucei undergoes antigenic variation whereas T. cruzi becomes an intracellular organism. This fundamental difference is reflected by major differences in their genome organizations. Recent comparisons of their gene sequences indicate that these two trypanosome species are highly divergent evolutionarily.  相似文献   

High fidelity DNA polymerases maintain genomic fidelity through a series of kinetic steps that include nucleotide binding, conformational changes, phosphoryl transfer, polymerase translocation, and nucleotide excision. Developing a comprehensive understanding of how these steps are coordinated during correct and pro-mutagenic DNA synthesis has been hindered due to lack of spectroscopic nucleotides that function as efficient polymerase substrates. This report describes the application of a non-natural nucleotide designated 5-naphthyl-indole-2′-deoxyribose triphosphate which behaves as a fluorogenic substrate to monitor nucleotide incorporation and excision during the replication of normal DNA versus two distinct DNA lesions (cyclobutane thymine dimer and an abasic site). Transient fluorescence and rapid-chemical quench experiments demonstrate that the rate constants for nucleotide incorporation vary as a function of DNA lesion. These differences indicate that the non-natural nucleotide can function as a spectroscopic probe to distinguish between normal versus translesion DNA synthesis. Studies using wild-type DNA polymerase reveal the presence of a fluorescence recovery phase that corresponds to the formation of a pre-excision complex that precedes hydrolytic excision of the non-natural nucleotide. Rate constants for the formation of this pre-excision complex are dependent upon the DNA lesion, and this suggests that the mechanism of exonuclease proofreading is regulated by the nature of the formed mispair. Finally, spectroscopic evidence confirms that exonuclease proofreading competes with polymerase translocation. Collectively, this work provides the first demonstration for a non-natural nucleotide that functions as a spectroscopic probe to study the coordinated efforts of polymerization and exonuclease proofreading during correct and translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of DNA repair in protecting the genome, the molecular basis for damage recognition and repair remains poorly understood. In the base excision repair pathway (BER), DNA glycosylases recognize and excise damaged bases from DNA. This review focuses on the recent development of chemical approaches that have been applied to the study of BER enzymes. Several distinctive classes of noncleavable substrate analogs that form stable complexes with DNA glycosylases have recently been designed and synthesized. These analogs have been used for biochemical and structural analyses of protein—DNA complexes involving DNA glycosylases, and for the isolation of a novel DNA glycosylase. An approach to trap covalently a DNA glycosylase-intermediate complex has also been used to elucidate the mechanism of DNA glycosylases.  相似文献   

The recent structure determination of RuvA has provided the first insights into the structural basis for its interaction with Holliday junction DNA. Multiple copies of a helix-hairpin-helix motif which line the four grooves between the monomers in the tetrameric structure are thought to be involved in the interaction of the protein with its DNA target. This suggests that the four arms of the junction are held by RuvA in a fourfold symmetric arrangement and has fuelled ideas on the way in which components of the Ruv complex combine to catalyse the process of homologous recombination  相似文献   

Crystal structures of the negatively cooperative aspartate receptor caught at intermediate stages in the binding process help to elucidate structural factors involved in ligand binding. The frequency of occurrence of negatively cooperative proteins suggests that sequential changes in binding patterns will be extensive in positively cooperative as well as in negatively cooperative and no cooperativity proteins.  相似文献   

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