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N V Kovaleva 《Genetika》1992,28(10):5-15
The up-to-date state of human cytogenetics allows to turn back to hypothesis of distributive pairing as a strongly fruitful for resolving a number of problems concerning etiology of chromosome aneuploidy. Distributive pairing could account for such phenomena as: 1. Prevalence of nondisjunction (ND) in the first meiosis, compared with the second; 2. Excess of males among children with the Down syndrome; 3. Recurrent cases of aneuploidy, including aneusomies for different chromosomes; 4. Appearance of individuals with double aneusomies; 5. High recurrent risk for young parents; 6. Increased chance of ND for chromosomes not involved in rearrangement in carriers of balanced translocations; 7. Increased frequency of ND of autosomes in individuals with quantitative and structural sex chromosome anomalies; 8. The role of heterochromatic regions in ND; 9. Increased frequency of spontaneous abortions in couples having children with chromosome anomalies and in persons with unusual heterochromatic variants. The hypothesis could predict: 1. Essential contribution of errors in gonial cells to the origin of aneuploidy; 2. Important role of the factors influencing the prophase; 3. The possibility of offering forecast for sex chromosome anomalies rate on the basis of trisomy 21 rate, due to the fact that both autosomal and gonosomal aneuploidies have to be induced by the same factors.  相似文献   

The human sperm/hamster egg fusion technique has been used to analyse 6,821 human sperm chromosome complements from 98 men to determine if all chromosomes are equally likely to be involved in aneuploid events or if some chromosomes are particularly susceptible to nondisjunction. The frequency of hypohaploidy and hyperhaploidy was compared among different chromosome groups and individual chromosomes. In general, hypohaploid sperm complements were more frequent than hyperhaploid complements. The distribution of chromosome loss in the hypohaploid complements indicated that significantly fewer of the large chromosomes and significantly more of the small chromosomes were lost, suggesting that technical loss predominantly affects small chromosomes. Among the autosomes, the observed frequency of hyperhaploid sperm equalled the expected frequency (assuming an equal frequency of nondisjunction for all chromosomes) for all chromosome groups. Among individual autosomes, only chromosome 9 showed an increased frequency of hyperhaploidy. The sex chromosomes also showed a significant increase in the frequency of hyperhaploidy. These results are consistent with studies of spontaneous abortions and liveborns demonstrating that aneuploidy for the sex chromosomes is caused by paternal meiotic error more commonly than aneuploidy for the autosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Genomic in situ hybridization was used to identify alien chromatin in chromosome spreads of wheat, Triticum aestivum L., lines incorporating chromosomes from Leymus multicaulis (Kar. and Kir.) Tzvelev and Thinopyrum bessarabicum (Savul. and Rayss) Löve, and chromosome arms from Hordeum chilense Roem. and Schult, H. vulgare L. and Secale cereale L. Total genomic DNA from the introgressed alien species was used as a probe, together with excess amounts of unlabelled blocking DNA from wheat, for DNA:DNA in-situ hybridization. The method labelled the alien chromatin yellow-green, while the wheat chromosomes showed only the orange-red fluorescence of the DNA counterstain. Nuclei were screened from seedling root-tips (including those from half-grains) and anther wall tissue. The genomic probing method identified alien chromosomes and chromosome arms and allowed counting in nuclei at all stages of the cell cycle, so complete metaphases were not needed. At prophase or interphase, two labelled domains were visible in most nuclei from disomic lines, while only one labelled domain was visible in monosomic lines. At metaphase, direct visualization of the morphology of the alien chromosome or chromosome segment was possible and allowed identification of the relationship of the alien chromatin to the wheat chromosomes. The genomic in-situ hybridization method is fast, sensitive, accurate and informative. Hence it is likely to be of great value for both cytogenetic analysis and in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   

To elucidate the possible mechanism of disturbances in chromosome segregation leading to the increase in aneuploidy in oocytes of aged females we examined the meiotic spindles of CBA/Ca mice. Employing immunofluorescence with an anti-tubulin antibody, and human scleroderma serum, as well as 4-6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining of chromosomes the microtubular cytoskeleton could be visualized, and the behaviour of chromosomes and centromeres of oocytes spontaneously maturing in vitro could be studied. The morphology of spindles during the first meiotic division was not conspiciously different in oocytes from young and aged mice as far as the cytoskeletal elements were concerned. Neither multipolar spindles nor pronounced cytoplasmic asters appeared in oocytes of mice approaching the end of their reproductive life (9 months and older). Oocytes of aged females also did not exhibit any sign of premature separation of parental chromosomes at prophase, obvious malorientations of bivalents, or significant lagging of chromosomes during ana and telophase. Metaphase I with all bivalents aligned at the spindle equator appeared to be a relatively brief stage in oocyte development compared with pro-and prometaphase. Therefore, already slight disturbances occuring in the timing of the developmental programme which leads to a premature anaphase transition may be responsible for the high incidence of chromosomally unbalanced gametes in aged females, rather than non-separation and lagging of chromosomes during late ana-and telophase. In a second set of experiments we compared the metaphase II spindles of spontaneously ovulated oocytes obtained from animals at different ages. Previous studies have shown that spindle length and chromosome alignment may be altered in cells predisposed to aneuploidy. To distinguish between the significance of the chronological age of the female and the physiological age of the ovaries (as indicated by the total number of oocytes remaining) we examined the spindle apparatus in young (3–4 months old) and aged (9 months and older) mice as well as CBA females which had been unilaterally ovariectomized (uni-ovx) early in adult life and were approaching the end of their reproductive life at 6–7 months of age. Measurements of the pole-to-pole distance implied that spindle length may be related to maternal age. In oocytes of aged (9 month), uni-ovx (6 month) as well as 6-month-old sham-operated controls the metaphase II spindle was significantly shorter than in oocytes of young mice. By contrast, chromosome disorder and displacement was most pronounced in the aged and uni-ovx mice whilst most oocytes from young mice and moderately aged shamtreated controls exhibited a more regular alignment of chromosomes. These results, which are consistent with recent findings in CBA mice of an increased rate of aneuploidy in females approaching the end of their reproductive life, are discussed with respect to the hypothesis that the aetiology of aneuploidy rests on the critical timing of different events in oocyte development.  相似文献   

To get more information about the order of genes located in Bos taurus (BTA) chromosome 27 segments, supposed to harbor loci influencing clinical mastitis and somatic cell count, and to identify genes that serve as positional candidates for the mentioned traits, we constructed a high-resolution, comparative, and comprehensive gene map for BTA27. The map includes 57 loci in a 5000-rad cattle-hamster whole genome radiation hybrid panel supported by 50 syntenic assignments in a cattle-murine somatic hybrid cell panel. Thirty-eight new loci (36 genes, 2 microsatellites) together with repeated mappings of 5 genes and 7 microsatellites and integration of existing data from 7 microsatellites were used to generate a comprehensive RH5000 map. The RH map, constructed at lod score criterion 8 using the software RHMAP v.3.0, consisted of three linkage groups 23, 22, and 590 cR5000 in length. Gene assignments on BTA27 and the localization of 8 more genes on BTA8 and BTA14 previously predicted on BTA8/BTA27 and BTA14/BTA27 narrowed down significantly the chromosome break points between the three cattle chromosomes and segments on Homo sapiens chromosomes HSA4 and HSA8. Defined evolutionary break points increase the accuracy of comparative in silico mapping of further human genes in conserved chromosome segments of BTA27.  相似文献   

A reciprocal translocation, 46,XX,rcp(13;17)(q13;p13), was found to be segregating in a family. Two children have duplication of the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 13, 46,XX,der(17),rcp(13;17)(q13;p13)mat. They are mentally retarded, have long philtra and postaxial hexadactyly. A maternal half-uncle has a duplication of the short arm and proximal portion of the long arm of chromosome 13, 47,XY,+der(13),rcp (13;17)(q13;p13)mat. He is mentally retarded, has scalp and skull defects and a very short philtrum. A fetus was found, on analysis of amniotic fluid cells, to have a deletion of the distal portion of the long arm of chromosome 13, 46,XX,der,(13),rcp(13;17)(q13;p13)mat. The fetus had multiple internal abnormalities and only 4 fingers on each hand.  相似文献   

Summary In PHA-cultured lymphocytes, about 8% of metaphases from 32 women were aneuploid compared to 4% of metaphases from 35 men. A significant part of this aneuploidy was characterized by sex chromosome involvement: in women, the loss or gain of X chromosomes; in men, the gain of X chromosomes and the loss or gain of Y chromosomes. The incidence of this aneuploidy was positively age-related for both sexes. Premature division of the X-chromosome centromere was closely associated with X-chromosome aneuploidy in women and men, and appeared to be the mechanism of nondisjunction causing this aneuploidy. Premature centromere division (PCD) indicated a dysfunction of the X-chromosome centromere with aging, and this dysfunction was the basic cause of age-related aneuploidy. A similar mechanism of nondisjunction may operate for the Y chromosome of men, but could not be clearly demonstrated because of the low incidence of Y-chromosome aneuploidy.The balance of the aneuploidy was characterized by chromosome loss and the involvement of all chromosome groups. It was consistent with chromosome loss from metaphase cells damaged during preparation for cytogenetic examination.  相似文献   

Vernon M  Lobachev K  Petes TD 《Genetics》2008,179(1):237-247
The yeast TEL1 and MEC1 genes (homologous to the mammalian ATM and ATR genes, respectively) serve partially redundant roles in the detection of DNA damage and in the regulation of telomere length. Haploid yeast tel1 mec1 strains were subcultured nonselectively for approximately 200 cell divisions. The subcultured strains had very high rates of chromosome aberrations: duplications, deletions, and translocations. The breakpoints of the rearranged chromosomes were within retrotransposons (Ty or delta-repeats), and these chromosome aberrations nonrandomly involved chromosome III. In addition, we showed that strains with the hypomorphic mec1-21 allele often became disomic for chromosome VIII. This property of the mec1-21 strains is suppressed by a plasmid containing the DNA2 gene (located on chromosome VIII) that encodes an essential nuclease/helicase involved in DNA replication and DNA repair.  相似文献   

In situ hybridization of male human meiotic material has been used to elucidate the molecular organization of the centromeric region of human chromosome 9. The use of two cloned DNA sequences has shown that the centromere and the secondary constriction of this chromosome contain two separate repeated DNA families. The secondary constriction organizes into "paramere" bodies during pachytene. The individual parameres are comprised of one family of repeated DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Summary A malformed female infant was found to have a 46,XX complement with a chromosome 8 shorter than normal with a secondary constriction and satellites on the short arm. Chromosome studies on the clinically normal father showed a balanced translocation between chromosome 8 and 13, i.e., 46,XY,t(8;13) (p21 p12). The proposita, carrier of the unbalanced form of the translocation, resulted partially monosomic for short arm of chromosome 8 (8p-) and partially trisomic for short arm of chromosome 13.The levels of DNA complementary to rRNA (normal in the father who had 10 NOR and increased in the proposita who had 11 NOR) confirmed our interpretation of the rearrangement.  相似文献   

rDNA and acrocentric chromosomes in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

We report a protocol for cloning large DNA fragments in yeast artificial chromosomes (YAC). A partial library has been constructed from a somatic hybrid containing chromosome 21 as the single source of human DNA. About 4.0 Mb of human DNA was recovered in 17 YAC clones. Three clones were analyzed by in situ hybridization and mapped on chromosome 21. One clone hybridized with the chromosome 21 centromeric region and may provide new insight both on the molecular structure of centromere and on the localization of Alzheimer disease gene.  相似文献   

Quantification of the Hoechst and chromomycin A3 fluorescence intensities of mitotic human chromosomes isolated from karyotypically normal and abnormal cells was performed with a dual beam flow cytometer. The resultant flow karyotypes contain information about the relative DNA content and base composition of chromosomes and their relative frequencies in the mitotic cell sample. The relative copy number of X and Y chromosomes was determined for 38 normal males and females and 6 cell lines with X or Y chromosome aneuploidy. Flow karyotype diagnoses corresponded with conventional cytogenetic results in all cases. We show that chromosome DNA content can be derived from peak position in Hoechst vs. chromomycin flow karyotypes. These values are linearly related to propidium iodide staining intensity as measured with flow cytometry and to the binding of gallocyanin chrome alum to phosphate groups as measured with slide-based scanning photometry. Cell lines with deleted or dicentric X chromosomes ranging in length from 0.53 to 1.95 times normal were analyzed by using flow cytometry. The measured difference in DNA content between a normal X and each of the structurally abnormal chromosomes was linearly correlated to the difference predicted from cytogenetics and/or probe analyses. Deletions of 3-5 Mb, which were at and below the detection limits of conventional cytogenetics, could be quantified by flow karyotyping in individuals with X-linked diseases such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy, choroideremia, and ocular albinism/ichthyosis. The results show that the use of flow karyotyping to quantify the size of restricted regions of the genome can complement conventional cytogenetics and other physical mapping techniques in the study of genetic disorders.  相似文献   

Ribosomal cistrons and acrocentric chromosomes in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary DNA derived from patients with trisomy 21, from probands with a normal karyotype, and from donors with the karyotype 45XXD-G-t(DqGq)+ was hybridized with labeled (18s+28s) ribosomal RNA from HeLa cells. The saturation plateaus obtained with DNA of five of the six patients with trisomy 21 tested reveal the presence of increased numbers of ribosomal cistrons. Quantitatively the increase exceeds the expected amount (10%) in two of these five patients. One patient was found to have a normal saturation value.Two of four translocation carriers D/G showed significantly lower saturation plateaus than persons with a normal karyotype, suggesting the loss of rDNA upon formation of the translocation chromosome in some but not in all cases of this chromosomal constitution.
Zusammenfassung Die DNA von Patienten mit Trisomie 21, von gesunden Probanden mit normalem Karyotyp und von Spendern mit dem Karyotyp 45XXD-G-t(DqGq)+ wurde mit markierter (18s+28s) ribosomaler RNA aus HeLa-Zellen hybridisiert. Bei 5 der 6 untersuchten Patienten mit Trisomie 21 fanden sich erhöhte Sättigungs-Plateaus, die das Vorhandensein einer gegenüber der Norm erhöhten Anzahl ribosomaler Gene anzeigen. Bei 2 dieser Patienten übersteigt der Überschuß an rDNA den Erwartungswert von 10%.Ein Patient mit Trisomie 21 zeigte normale Sättigungswerte. 2 von 4 untersuchten Translokationsträgern (D/G) hatten signifikant erniedrigte Sättigungswerte, während die anderen 2 Probanden im Normbereich lagen. Dieser Befund weist darauf hin, daß es bei der Bildung des Translokations-Chromosoms in manchen Fällen zum Verlust von nucleolusorganisierendem Material kommt.

Ribosomal cistrons and acrocentric chromosomes in man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K Bross  W Krone 《Humangenetik》1973,18(1):71-75

We report herein two cases where detection of X chromosome aneuploidy (cytogenetically proved 45,X/46XX and 47,XXX) was made possible by molecular diagnosis during population-based carrier screening for Fragile X syndrome, using Southern blot analysis. This study emphasizes the value of molecular analysis for gene dosage to suggest chromosomal aneuploidy.  相似文献   

Morphological reconstructions of axon segments reveal the abundance of geometrical ultrastructures that can dramatically affect the propagation of Action Potentials (AP). Moreover, deformations and swellings in axons resulting from brain traumas are associated to many neural dysfunctions and disorders. Our aim is to develop a computational framework to distinguish between geometrical enlargements that lead to minor changes in propagation from those that result in critical phenomenon such as reflection or blockage of the original traveling spike. We use a few geometrical parameters to model a prototypical shaft enlargement and explore the parameter space characterizing all possible propagation regimes and dynamics in an unmylienated AP model. Contrary to earlier notions that large diameter increases mostly lead to blocking, we demonstrate transmission is stable provided the geometrical changes occur in a slow manner. Our method also identifies a narrow range of parameters leading to a reflection regime. The distinction between these three regimes can be evaluated by a simple function of the geometrical parameters inferred through numerical simulations. We suggest that evaluating this function along axon segments can detect regions most susceptible to (i) transmission failure due to perturbations, (ii) structural plasticity, (iii) critical swellings caused by brain traumas and/or (iv) neurological disorders associated with the break down of spike train propagation.  相似文献   

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