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Closely related species are likely to experience resource competition in areas where their ranges overlap. Fossil evidence suggests that hominins in East Africa c. 2–1.5 million years ago may have lived synchronically and sympatrically, and that competition may have contributed to the different tooth sizes observed in Homo and Paranthropus. To assess the likelihood that these taxa overlapped, we applied a character displacement model to the postcanine tooth size of fossil hominins and validated this model in populations of living primates. Mandibular fourth premolar (P4) crown size was measured from fossil taxa and from living primate species where dietary overlap is established. Dimensions of the P4 crown were fitted to a character matrix and described as the response variables of a generalized linear model that took taxon and location as input variables. The model recovered significant divergence in samples of closely related, living primates. When applied to fossil hominins the same model detected strong indications of character displacement between early Homo and Paranthropus (P = 0.002) on the basis of their P4 crown size. Our study is an example of how ecologically informed morphologies measured in appropriate extant referents can provide a comparative context for assessing community and ecological evolution in the fossil record.  相似文献   

Roots of the second mandibular molar often fuse so the purpose of this investigation was to examine the appearance of "C"-shaped root canals and to classify different root canal types. A hundred and twelve randomly chosen second lower permanent molars-after extraction due to periodontal disease-were prepared and then analysed. Contrast liquid (methylene blue) was injected into prepared teeth. Each tooth was cut into slices to view the root canal morphology. Results of the analysis revealed fusion, either total or partial in 14 cases (12.5%). As a conclusion various appearances were classified into 5 types according to the fused canal shapes and the frequency of different types varied from 0.89%-6.25%.  相似文献   

Nine human mandibular first premolars were examined to assess variation in external morphology and enamel structural organization within a tooth type. The relationship of enamel ultrastructure to gross dental morphology was also studied. The teeth were cut in the mesiodistal direction just lingual to the buccal cusp, and etched. Montages were constructed of the cut enamel surface photographed in the scanning electron microscope at 100 X magnification. Parameters were measured and correlation coefficients were calculated for the comparison of various odontometric features. The mesiodistal and buccolingual dimensions were highly correlated and the occlusal thickness of enamel was significantly correlated to crown height but not crown width. Hunter-Schreger bands were less pronounced in fossa areas than at lateral aspects, cusps, or ridges; these bands were directly related to the geometry of the tooth. It was concluded that within this tooth type, there is a large amount of individual variation not only in gross morphology but also in enamel ultrastructure. This result underscores the fact that interspecific comparisons must be made with care.  相似文献   

Exfoliation of third deciduous mandibular premolars and their replacement by the third permanent premolars were compared in young dogs of purebred beagle and mongrel stock. Radiographic and histologic studies showed that eruption of the permanent premolar begins during the 16th postnatal week and is completed in 7 weeks. Root elongation proceeds with eruption, but fibers of the peridontal ligament are not anchored in alveolar bone and do not attain their final orientation with respect to the long axis of the tooth until the final phase of the eruptive period. These data define a predicatable system in which various stages in the mechanism of eruption of noncontinuously erupting teeth may be examined experimentally. Furthermore, the observation that these processes are identical in timing and sequence in beagle and mongrel dogs suggests that less expensive, more readily availabel mongrel dogs can be used for these studies.  相似文献   

Methods of measuring tissue area from images of longitudinal thin tooth sections have been used to assess sexual dimorphism in the permanent dentition. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the extent of sexual dimorphism within the coronal tissue proportions of permanent mandibular canines and premolars, using area measurements of the enamel and dentine-pulp core. The sample consisted of embedded "half-tooth" sections from 45 individuals, all of known age-at-death and sex, collected from the St. Thomas' Anglican Church historic (1821-1874) cemetery site in Belleville, ON, Canada. The relative dentine-pulp area of the third premolars and canines displayed high levels of sexual dimorphism, as well as statistically significant mean differences between the sexes. The male canines and premolars have significantly more dentine than their female counterparts, as well as relatively more dentine with respect to overall crown size. The female canines and premolars have significantly more enamel relative to overall crown area than those of the males. These results suggest that relative area measures of crown tissues are more predictable measures of sexual dimorphism than absolute measures, and tissue proportions may remain constant despite intrasex variation in overall tooth crown size.  相似文献   

The intercellular substance of the pulp of fully erupted, healthy, human permanent premolar teeth was studied by light microscopy. Histological and histochemical methods were applied to sections from whole, decalcified teeth and isolated, undecalcified pulps, fixed with phosphate-buffered formalin and embedded in paraplast. Fibres were mainly collagen; they formed a meshwork progressively more dense from the crown to the root apex; in the crown the fibre meshwork was denser at the periphery than in the center of the pulp. Coarse bundles of collagen fibres were found in the apical part of the pulp of about one every third teeth. Glycoproteins, recognized thanks to their P.A.S. positivity, were abundant in the basal membranes of vessels and nerve fibres and between odontoblasts, but scarce in the remaining pulp tissue. Glycosaminoglycans, recognized thanks to their alcianophilia, were more abundant in the vessel wall and in the areas with coarse bundles of collagen fibres than elsewhere in the pulp; also, they were more abundant at the periphery than in the center of the pulp. As judged by staining with alcian blue at critical electrolyte concentration, glycosaminoglycans were mostly hyaluronate, with low amounts of condroitinsulphate and dermatansulphate; some heparansulphate or keratansulphate was present only in the regions with coarse bundles of collagen fibres. The morphological and histochemical differences found among different regions of each pulp and among different pulps as well provide a basis to recognize and interpret inter-regional and inter-individual variations in the pulp response to physiological and pathological modifications affecting the hard tissues of the teeth.  相似文献   

Bilateral brainstem connections of the rat supratrigeminal region   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Efferent and afferent connections of the supratrigeminal region were studied in the rat using iontophoretically delivered horseradish peroxidase and Phaseolus vulgaris leuco-agglutinin. Projections of supratrigeminal efferents were found to the contralateral supratrigeminal region, to the ipsi- and contralateral trigeminal motor nuclei and the medullary reticular formation, and to the ipsilateral facial and hypoglossal motor nuclei. Neurons projecting to the supratrigeminal region were located in the contralateral supratrigeminal nucleus, in the ipsilateral mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus and bilaterally in the medullary reticular formation. This organization is discussed with respect to bilateral oral motor control mechanisms.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that conditions in early life have important consequences for body size and fitness in mammals. As regards herbivores, teeth play a central role in the long-term performance of individuals. So far, however, patterns of teeth eruption have been scarcely investigated in relation to environmental and climatic factors experienced by herbivores. We described the eruption timing of mandibular teeth in a population of roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) located in the Apennines (Central Italy), through the analysis of 2161 jaws of fawns (1176 females and 985 males) shot in their first winter of life over three hunting seasons (2013–2015). Results showed that the percentage of juveniles exhibiting permanent teeth depends on the cohort. Among the factors that may affect both incisiviform and molariform teeth replacement timing, our findings include body mass and population density. Additional factors determining the relative speed of teeth replacement are (1) food availability for the mother during the last part of gestation, the birth period and the lactation, (2) winter temperature experienced by the mother, and (3) temperature experienced by fawns during their first summer and autumn. Besides, for the first time in literature, elevation was reported to delay front teeth replacement. A greater number of climatic factors were found to shape the eruption timing of the third molar (M3) in comparison to that of incisiviform teeth. Also, a different pattern was found in males and females. The eruption of M3 is, indeed, a costly and long-lasting process requesting optimal nutritional conditions and the meeting of a threshold jaw size. Our results indicate a strong correlation between environmental conditions and eruption process, i.e., between resource availability during the gestation and rearing periods and eruption timing.  相似文献   

Recording focal evoked potentials showed that the second somatosensory region of the cat thalamus is located in the posterolateral part of the ventral posteromedial nucleus. The zone of representation of the hindlimb lies somewhat laterally, posteriorly, and superiorly to the zone of the forelimb. The zone of representation of the mouth lies more medially still. Latent periods of responses arising in both regions of the thalamus to cutaneous stimulation of the contralateral limbs are about equal. Neurons of the second somatosensory region of the thalamus send projections to cortical area S2. It can be concluded from the results that formation of the structure of double representation of the somatosensory systems in the cat is completed at the thalamic level.  相似文献   

Large defects in the lumbosacral and perineal regions were reconstructed with bilateral gluteal thigh flaps. These two patients demonstrate the versatility of the flap, which also was used as a sensory flap in one patient.  相似文献   

Morphological variation in the apical mandibular teeth of seven Folsomia species (F. bisetosa, F. brevicauda, F. Candida, F. fimentaria, F. inoculata, F. penicula , and F. quadrioculata) was examined by canonical variates analysis of a systematic 'truss' of measurements. Differences were found between all but two species (F. brevicauda and F. quadrioculata) showing that the morphology of 'biting-type' mouthparts can be used for species recognition. The results also show that the truss system of measurement is sensitive to small-scale differences in the mandible morphology of these insects. It is suggested that variation in mouthpart morphology, and in patterns of tooth wear, reflect differences in the feeding behaviour of Folsomia species.  相似文献   

The mandibular arch (BA1) is critical for craniofacial development. The distal region of BA1, which gives rise to most of the mandible, is dependent upon an optimal level of bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling. BMP activity is modulated in the extracellular space by BMP-binding proteins such as Twisted gastrulation (TWSG1). Twsg1−/− mice have a spectrum of craniofacial phenotypes, including mandibular defects that range from micrognathia to agnathia. At E9.5, the distal region of the mutant BA1 was prematurely and variably fused with loss of distal markers eHand and Msx1. Expression of proximal markers Fgf8 and Barx1 was expanded across the fused BA1. The expression of Bmp4 and Msx2 was preserved in the distal region, but shifted ventrally. While wild type embryos showed a gradient of BMP signaling with higher activity in the distal region of BA1, this gradient was disrupted and shifted ventrally in the mutants. Thus, loss of TWSG1 results in disruption of the BMP4 gradient at the level of signaling activity as well as mRNA expression. Altered distribution of BMP signaling leads to a shift in gene expression and increase in apoptosis. The extent of apoptosis may account for the variable degree of mandibular defects in Twsg1 mutants.  相似文献   

Up to now only one major type of core oligosaccharide has been found in the lipopolysaccharide of all Klebsiella pneumoniae strains analyzed. Applying a different screening approach, we identified a novel Klebsiella pneumoniae core (type 2). Both Klebsiella core types share the same inner core and the outer-core-proximal disaccharide, GlcN-(1,4)-GalA, but they differ in the GlcN substituents. In core type 2, the GlcpN residue is substituted at the O-4 position by the disaccharide beta-Glcp(1-6)-alpha-Glcp(1, while in core type 1 the GlcpN residue is substituted at the O-6 position by either the disaccharide alpha-Hep(1-4)-alpha-Kdo(2 or a Kdo residue (Kdo is 3-deoxy-D-manno-octulosonic acid). This difference correlates with the presence of a three-gene region in the corresponding core biosynthetic clusters. Engineering of both core types by interchanging this specific region allowed studying the effect on virulence. The replacement of Klebsiella core type 1 in a highly type 2 virulent strain (52145) induces lower virulence than core type 2 in a murine infection model.  相似文献   

Incubation of various tissues, including heart, liver, kidney, muscle, and intestine from mice and erythrocytes or their membrane fractions from humans, with physiologic concentration of insulin resulted in the activation of a membrane-bound nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Activation of NOS and synthesis of NO were stimulated by the binding of insulin to specific receptors on the cell surface. A Lineweaver-Burk plot of the enzymatic activity demonstrated that the stimulation of NOS by insulin was related to the decrease in the Km for L-arginine, the substrate for NOS, with a simultaneous increase of Vmax. Addition of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (LNAME), a competitive inhibitor of NOS, to the reaction mixture completely inhibited the hormone-stimulated NO synthesis in all tissues. Furthermore, NO had an insulin-like effect in stimulating glucose transport and glucose oxidation in muscle, a major site for insulin action. Addition of NAME to the reaction mixture completely blocked the stimulatory effect of insulin by inhibiting both NO production and glucose metabolism, without affecting the hormone-stimulated tyrosine or phosphatidyl-inositol 3-kinases of the membrane preparation. Injection of NO in alloxan-induced diabetic mice mimicked the effect of insulin in the control of hyperglycemia (i.e., lowered the glucose content in plasma). However, injection of NAME before the administration of insulin to diabetic-induced and nondiabetic mice inhibited not only the insulin-stimulated increase of NO in plasma but also the glucose-lowering effect of insulin.  相似文献   

In southern African samples of early hominid remains, maxillary and mandibular teeth (deciduous-plus-permanent) have a virtually equal chance of accumulating in the dolomitic limestone cave deposits, of being preserved therein and recovered therefrom. Thus, of 1066 fossil teeth ofAustralopithecus spp. plusHomo habilis, 51.9 per cent are maxillary and 48.1 per cent mandibular. On the other hand, the East African sample of 847 early hominid, deciduous-plus-permanent teeth, departs more strikingly from a 1∶1 ratio: it comprises 41.0 per cent maxillary and 59.0 per cent mandibular teeth. It is inferred that mandibular teeth have a somewhat better chance of accumulating and being preserved in, and being recovered from, the open, fluvial, lacustrine and deltaic sedimentary environments of the East African sites. The dental proportions are approximately matched by the proportions of jaws. For example, the maxilla: mandible proportions at Koobi fora in northern Kenya are 33.0∶67.0 for teeth and 21.6∶78.4 for jaws. In other words, the preponderance in favour of mandibular remains is somewhat more marked in the case of jaws than of teeth, this distinction doubtless reflecting the more fragile bony structure of the maxilla and the sturdier construction of the mandible. This first study known to the author of the differential distribution of maxillary and mandibular teeth of the Plio-Pleistocene hominids leads the author to hypothesize that, where environmental conditions at the place and time of the death of the hominids have been non-destructive, non-dispersive, relatively mild and protective, maxillae and mandibles may be expected to have been conserved and recovered in approximately equal proportions—and likewise of maxillary and mandibular teeth. On the other hand, the more brutal and destructive the sedimentary environment and other taphonomic influences have been, at the place and time when the hominid individuals died, the more likely it is that the maxillary and mandibular remains of jaws and teeth will deviate from equality of proportions, generally at the expense of the maxillae and upper teeth. Hence, it is proposed that the upper jaw/low jaw ratio (Mx/Mn jaw ratio) and the maxillary teeth/mandibular teeth ratio (Mx/Mn dental ratio) may serve as two useful new gauges of the rigour of palaeo-ecological and taphonomic conditions.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effect of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth(SHED) transplanted for bone regeneration in the dog mandibular defect.METHODS: In this prospective comparative study, SHEDs had been isolated 5 years ago from human exfoliated deciduous teeth. The undifferentiated stem cells were seeded into mandibular bone through-andthrough defects of 4 dogs. Similar defects in control group were filled with cell-free collagen scaffold. After 12 wk, biopsies were taken and morphometric analysis was performed. The percentage of new bone formation and foreign body reaction were measured in each case. The data were subject to statistical analysis using the Mann-Whitney U and Kruskalwalis statistical tests. Differences at P 0.05 was considered as significant level.RESULTS: There were no significant differences between control and SHED-seeded groups in connective tissue(P = 0.248), woven bone(P = 0.248) and compact bone(P = 0.082). There were not any side effects in transplanted SHED group such as teratoma or malignancy and abnormalities in this period.CONCLUSION: SHEDs which had been isolated and characterized 5 years ago and stored with cryopreservation banking were capable of proliferation and osteogenesis after 5 years, and no immune response was observed after three months of seeded SHEDs.  相似文献   

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