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藻红蛋白光敏剂研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
光动力学治疗法作为一种新的肿瘤治疗方法,近年来发展十分迅速。从红藻中提取的藻红蛋白可以作为光动力学治疗法的一种新的光敏剂。本概述了我国红藻藻红蛋白资源概况、光疗法和光敏剂作用机理及其研究发展历史与现状,重点阐述了藻红蛋白光敏剂的应用现状、前景和发展趋势,并认为藻红蛋白是光动力学治疗法中一种非常有前景的光敏剂。藻红蛋白在490nm有吸收光谱,而发射光谱位于560nm;藻红蛋白能特异性地聚集在肿瘤细胞周围,吸收周围环境光能并传递给氧分子,使氧分子转化为具有强氧化性的多线态氧,从而可以大量杀死肿瘤细胞。  相似文献   

R-藻红蛋白介导的光敏反应对DNA分子的生物学效应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
藻红蛋白(phycoerythrin, PE)是海藻中的重要捕光色素蛋白,具有强荧光性,易溶于水.在藻体内能将捕获的光能传递给光合反应中心; 在体外则能将光能传递给周围环境中的氧分子,产生如单线态氧等活性氧组分,可用来介导光动力效应治疗癌症.将纯化的藻红蛋白加入到瘤细胞培养基中,数小时后,采用488 nm波长的氩离子激光辐照,MTT法检测细胞存活数,计算细胞存活率. 3H-TdR掺入实验观察细胞DNA的合成.结果表明,藻红蛋白介导的光动力反应能够有效地抑制肿瘤细胞DNA合成并杀伤癌细胞.随着藻红蛋白浓度增加,DNA合成下降,瘤细胞存活率降低.将藻红蛋白加入到pUC18质粒溶液中,随之进行激光辐照,琼脂糖电泳结果可见pUC18构象由超螺旋(supercoiled)向带切口的环形构象(relax)转换.结果提示:通过改变或影响DNA构象,抑制细胞DNA合成可能是藻红蛋白介导肿瘤光动力治疗的途径之一.  相似文献   

通过化学方法使条斑紫菜R-藻红蛋白与抗体进行交联以制备荧光探针, 并对制备条件进行优化。首先采用异双功能试剂SPDP (N-琥珀酰亚氨基-3-2-吡啶基二硫丙酸醇)和DTT(二硫苏糖醇)分别使 R-PE(R-藻红蛋白)衍生化、IgG(单克隆抗体)巯基化, 其次测定了SPDP与R-PE不同摩尔比对R-PE衍生化的影响、DTT与IgG不同摩尔比对IgG巯基化的影响, 结果表明:SPDP与R-PE的最佳摩尔比为40:1, DTT与IgG的最佳摩尔比为500:1。在此基础上, 建立了R-PE与IgG交联的制备技术, 并应用全波长扫描吸收光谱、电泳分析和荧光显微镜观察等监测和分析技术, 证实了藻红蛋白与抗体已成功交联形成了复合物。  相似文献   

紫球藻 (Porphyridiumcruentum)B 藻红蛋白和多管藻 (Polysiphoniaurceo lata)R -藻红蛋白经蛋白酶K部分酶切消化后 ,分离得到近似天然态的γ亚基 ,并且对它的光谱特性以及在藻红蛋白分子中的空间位置进行了研究 .酶解动力学分析表明γ亚基位于R- 藻红蛋白和B -藻红蛋白六聚体 (αβ) 6的中央空洞中 .分离的γ亚基上藻红胆素的吸收峰位于 5 89nm ,荧光发射峰位于 6 2 0nm ,与藻蓝蛋白的吸收峰重叠 ,有助于藻胆体中藻红蛋白与藻蓝蛋白分子间高效能量传递 .  相似文献   

根据珊瑚藻(Corallina afficinalis L.)R-藻红蛋白γ亚基N末端部分氨基酸序列(P83592)设计简并引物,结合RACE方法,扩增获得g亚基的全长cDNA序列.结果表明,序列全长为2 308 bp(AY209894),5'非编码区长1 203bp,3'非编码区长145 bp,编码区长960 bp,编码320个氨基酸组成的前体,包含71个氨基酸构成的信号肽和249个氨基酸组成的成熟蛋白.成熟蛋白序列内部存在重复序列与前人的报道一致.珊瑚藻亚基cDNA序列不同克隆子的测序结果表明,g亚基cDNA序列存在不同的3'末端,说明该基因可能存在多个拷贝或存在转录后加工.此外,扩增获得g亚基DNA序列(AY308999),比较表明编码区内部没有内含子存在.本文是对珊瑚藻R-藻红蛋白g亚基基因序列的首次报道.  相似文献   

以R-藻红蛋白(R-PE)标记小鼠抗人CD4单克隆抗体,形成单色或和用其他荧光染料标记的CD系列单抗组成双色、多色的荧光试剂,应用于流式细胞仪检测分析。用异双功能交联试剂SPDP和SMCC分别活化R-PE和CD4单抗,用DTT使经SPDP活化后的R-PE巯基化,再与用SMCC活化的CD4单抗交联。使用NEM终止交联反应,经Sephacryl S-300柱在AKTA FPLC快速液相色谱系统(简称AKTA)监测下分离纯化。结果用R-PE标记的抗CD4单抗,检测正常人外周血淋巴细胞表面CD4抗原的表达,经流式细胞仪(简称FACS)分析表明,R-PE标记的CD4抗体特异性保持完好,荧光强度较高,还可与用FITC标记的其它CD系列单抗配伍成双标或多标试剂。使用SPDP,SMCC异双功能交联试剂和DTT还原剂,成功地偶联了R-藻红蛋白和CD4单克隆抗体,可应用于流式细胞仪检测分析。  相似文献   

根据珊瑚藻(Corallina afficinalis L.)R-藻红蛋白γ亚基N末端部分氨基酸序列(P83592)设计简并引物,结合RACE方法,扩增获得g亚基的全长cDNA序列。结果表明,序列全长为2308 bp(AY209894),5′非编码区长1203bp,3′非编码区长145 bp,编码区长960 bp,编码320个氨基酸组成的前体,包含71个氨基酸构成的信号肽和249个氨基酸组成的成熟蛋白。成熟蛋白序列内部存在重复序列与前人的报道一致。珊瑚藻亚基cDNA序列不同克隆子的测序结果表明,g亚基cDNA序列存在不同的3′末端,说明该基因可能存在多个拷贝或存在转录后加工。此外,扩增获得g亚基DNA序列(AY308999),比较表明编码区内部没有内含子存在。本文是对珊瑚藻R-藻红蛋白g亚基基因序列的首次报道。  相似文献   

藻红蛋白介导光动力治疗的光化学机制研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为探讨藻红蛋白介导的光动力治疗的光化学机制,观察藻红蛋白浓度和活性氧抑制剂对藻红蛋白光漂白作用的影响,研究藻红蛋白介导的光敏反应产生活性氧分子的途径和影响因素。表明:藻红蛋白浓度太高会降低光动力的效率,其活性氧产生的机制为Ⅰ和Ⅱ型,用Ⅰ型反应抑制使反应向Ⅱ型方向转变,产生更多的单线态氧,可显著提高光动力效率。  相似文献   

条斑紫菜R-藻红蛋白提纯工艺研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对条斑紫菜叶状体R-藻红蛋白提纯方法进行了研究和分析。首先分别采用冻融法、化学试剂法、溶胀法等单一及组合细胞破碎方法对条斑紫菜细胞进行破碎,结果表明溶胀 组织捣碎法效果最佳。其次用25%~60%饱和度范围内的硫酸铵沉淀法粗提藻红蛋白,发现25%~45%硫酸铵分步沉淀法效果最好,再经结晶法盐析纯度(D565nm/D280nm)达到2.088。盐析液用SephadexG-25层析柱脱盐,再经羟基磷灰石(HA)柱层析,纯度可达到4.98。R-藻红蛋白的最大吸收峰在565nm,其室温荧光发射峰为578nm。SDS-PAGE结果显示,R-藻红蛋白可分为α、β两个亚基,Mr分别为17.0×103和19.0×103。  相似文献   

以Phenyl-sepharose作为柱填料,用streamline柱层析技术从红藻(Palmaria palmata (Lannaeus) Kuntze)中规模分离捕光色素蛋白--R-藻红蛋白.由于不是传统的从层析柱上方进样,而是用泵将样品从streamline层析柱的下方加样(从下至上),因而解决了用一般层析柱分离R-藻红蛋白时海藻抽提液中大量的粘性多糖堵塞层析柱的难题.用P.palmata粗提液上样后,分别用0.2 mol/L、 0.1 mol/L和0.05 mol/L的(NH4)2SO4溶液从相反的方向(即从上到下)洗脱层析柱,发现这些洗脱液中的藻红蛋白纯度已经较高.然后将洗脱液透析去盐,用阴离子交换柱层析(Q-sepharose)进一步纯化.经过这两次柱层析后,R-藻红蛋白的纯度(OD565/OD280)超过3.5,高于一般认可的R-藻红蛋白的纯度标准3.2;产率为每克冷冻P.palmata可纯化0.122 mg高纯度的R-藻红蛋白,比使用一般分离方法的产率要高10倍.这些结果表明,使用本文报道的方法纯化藻红蛋白,将会使作为生化检测试剂的藻红蛋白市场价格大幅度下降.  相似文献   

Polysiphonia urceolata R-phycoerythrin andPorphyridium cruentum B-phycoerythrin were degraded with proteinaseK, and then the nearly native γ subunits were isolated from the reaction mixture. The process of degradation of phycocrythrin with proteinaseK showed that the γ subunit is located in the central cavity of (αβ)6 hexamer of phycoerythrin. Comparative analysis of the spectra of the native phycoerythrin, the phycoerythrin at pH 12 and the isolated γ subunit showed that the absorption peaks of phycoerythrobilins on α or β subunit are at 535 nm (or 545 nm) and 565 nm, the fluorescence emission maximum at 580 nm; the absorption peak of phycoerythrobilins on the isolated γ subunit is at 589 nm, the fluorescence emission peak at 620 nm which overlaps the absorption maximum of C-phycocyanin and perhaps contributes to the energy transfer with high efficiency between phycoerythrin and phycocyanin in phycobilisome; the absorption maximum of phycourobilin on the isolated γ subunit is at 498 nm, which is the same as that in native phycoerythrin, and the fluorescence emission maximum at 575 nm.  相似文献   

R-phycoerythrin is one of the three phycobiliproteins which are extensively employed as fluorescent probes, and it is prepared from red macroalgae. Phycobiliproteins in the marine red macroalga Heterosiphonia japonica were extracted in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and precipitated by salting-out. The R-phycoerythrin was isolated by gel filtration with Sepharose CL-4B and Sephadex G-200. Then it was purified by ion exchange chromatography on DEAE Sepharose Fast Flow which was developed by linear ionic strength gradients. The purified R-phycoerythrin gave a ratio of A565 to A280 of 4.89. It showed a single band and a pI of 4.8 on the examination by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and isoelectric focusing. The polypeptide analysis of the purified R-phycoerythrin by SDS–PAGE demonstrated that it contains four chromophore-carrying subunits and no colorless polypeptide and has two hexameric aggregates. The preparative procedures of the R-phycoerythrin purification established based on the experiments exhibit advantages and can offer a reference for R-phycoerythrin preparation from other marine red macroalga.  相似文献   

介绍了本体的概念和基本特点, 总结了领域本体的一般构建流程和评估方法, 并举例说明了生物医学领域本体在生物学对象注释、富集分析、数据整合、数据库构建、图书馆建设、文本挖掘等方面的实际应用情况, 整理了目前常用的生物医学领域本体数据库、本体描述语言和本体编辑软件, 最后探讨了目前生物医学领域本体研究中普遍存在的问题和该领域未来的发展方向.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes, isolated in 500 mM Sorensen's phosphate buffer pH 6.8 from the red alga, Porphyridium cruentum, were analyzed by selective dissociation at various phosphate concentrations. The results are consistent with a structural model consisting of an allophycocyanin core, surrounded by a hemispherical layer of R-phycocyanin, with phycoerythrin being on the periphery. Such a structure also allows maximum energy transfer.Intact phycobilisomes transfer excitation energy ultimately to a pigment with a fluorescence emission maximum at 675 nm. This pigment is presumed to be allophycocyanin in an aggregated state. Uncoupling of energy transfer among the pigments, and physical release of the phycobiliproteins from the phycobilisome follow a parallel time-course; phycoerythrin is released first, followed by R-phycocyanin, and then allophycocyanin. In 55 mM phosphate buffer, the times at which 50% of each phycobiliprotein has dissociated are: phycoerythrin 40 min, R-phycocyanin 75 min, and allophycocyanin 140 min.The proposed arrangement of phycobiliproteins within phycobilisomes is also consistent with the results from precipitation reactions with monospecific antisera on intact and dissociated phycobilisomes. Anti-phycoerythrin reacts almost immediately with intact phycobilisomes, but reactivity with anti-R-phycocyanin and anti-allophycocyanin is considerably delayed, suggesting that the antigens are not accessible until a loosening of the phycobilisome structure occurs. Reaction with anti-allophycocyanin is very slow in P. cruentum phycobilisomes, but is much more rapid in phycobilisomes of Nostoc sp. which contains 6–8 times more allophycocyanin. It is proposed that allophycocyanin is partially exposed on the base of isolated intact phycobilisomes of both algae, but that in P. cruentum there are too few accessible sites to permit a rapid formation of a precipitate with anti-allophyocyanin.Phycobilisome dissociation is inversely proportional to phosphate concentration (500 mM to 2 mM), and is essentially unaffected by protein concentration in the range used (30–200 μg/ml). Phycobiliprotein release occurs in the same order (phycoerythrin > R-phycocyanin > allophycocyanin) in the pH range 5.4–8.0.  相似文献   

Lu-Ning Liu  Shi-Gan Yan 《BBA》2009,1787(7):939-946
Crystal structures of phycobiliproteins have provided valuable information regarding the conformations and amino acid organizations of peptides and chromophores, and enable us to investigate their structural and functional relationships with respect to environmental variations. In this work, we explored the pH-induced conformational and functional dynamics of R-phycoerythrin (R-PE) by means of absorption, fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra, together with analysis of its crystal structure. R-PE presents stronger functional stability in the pH range of 3.5-10 compared to the structural stability. Beyond this range, pronounced functional and structural changes occur. Crystal structure analysis shows that the tertiary structure of R-PE is fixed by several key anchoring points of the protein. With this specific association, the fundamental structure of R-PE is stabilized to present physiological spectroscopic properties, while local variations in protein peptides are also allowed in response to environmental disturbances. The functional stability and relative structural sensitivity of R-PE allow environmental adaptation.  相似文献   

植物几丁质酶的结构与功能、分类及进化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来对几丁质酶的研究越来越深入,资料也愈来愈多,有的植物几丁质酶除具有几丁质酶活性,还具有其它的活性,典型的几丁质酶由-N-端信号区,催化区和C-端延伸区组成,有的还有几丁质结合域,各项能域具有各自的功能,对植物几丁质酶的分类已经过多次改进,目前公认的分成4组9个亚组,有证据表明植物几丁质酶在进化过程中有遗传转座现象,但具有进化过程还有待进一步确证,对几丁质酶与其它一些蛋白的关系的了解有助于理解几丁质酶的起源和进化,由于几丁质酶具有独特的抗真菌特性,因而几丁质酶基因成为目前抗真菌基因工程研究的热之一。  相似文献   

N-doped carbon dots (N-CDs) were synthesized from L -glutamine and triethanolamine using a one-step hydrothermal method. The N-CDs emitting blue fluorescence had selective responses to tetracyclines (TCs) and could be used as a fluorescent probe to realize the quantitative detection and qualitative analysis of TCs. A method for the determination of TCs using the N-CDs in actual samples was successfully established. The recovery rate was maintained at 97.50–105.60%, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 3%. In addition, TCs can be visually distinguished using filter paper by the different fluorescence colours (light green, dark blue, and yellow-green) of the N-CDs/TCs system under ultraviolet light. This study provides a relatively simple method to detect and identify TCs.  相似文献   

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