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The major surface antigens expressed by free-living and parasitic protozoa commonly contain repeating cysteine motifs. Despite the common occurrence of these repeats their functional significance remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigate the conserved cysteine repeats within the variable surface antigens of Paramecium tetraurelia. We show that deletion of 2 entire repeating units or portions of repeats near the N-terminus does not prevent expression of the A51 variable surface antigen. Alteration of a single cysteine to serine residue also has no effect on A51 expression. In contrast, deletions near the C-terminus of the protein have identified a small segment within the repeats that is required for expression on the surface. The required region contains a number of conserved amino acid residues, yet site-directed mutagenesis of two residues (serine and threonine to alanine) did not prevent expression. These studies demonstrate the feasibility of using deletion analysis to identify regions critical for the expression of cysteine-rich surface antigens. The relationship of these results to the structure and expression of cysteine-rich surface proteins in other protozoa is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Early research on Paramecium genetics highlighted the role of the cytoplasm on inheritance. Today this tradition continues as recent investigations of macronuclear development in Paramecium have revealed unusual cytoplasmic effects that are not easily explained within current paradigms. It is generally assumed that most programmed DNA rearrangements in ciliates are regulated by cis acting signals encoded within the germline (micronuclear) DNA, but there are increasing examples in which the old macronucleus acts through the cytoplasm (in trans) to affect the loss and rearrangement of DNA in the developing macronucleus. The remarkable specificity of this effect has forced a reevaluation of the standard view of macronuclear determination in Paramecium. This review summarizes our knowledge of the effect of the old macronucleus on the developmentally controlled rearrangements of the P. tetraurelia, stock 51A and B variable surface protein genes.  相似文献   

J. Scott  C. Leeck    J. Forney 《Genetics》1993,134(1):189-198
The gene encoding the B type variable surface protein from Paramecium tetraurelia stock 51 has been cloned and sequenced. The 7,182 nucleotide open reading frame contains no introns and encodes a cysteine-rich protein that has a periodic structure including three nearly perfect tandem repeats in the central region. Interestingly, the B gene is located near a macronuclear telomere as was shown previously for two other paramecium surface protein genes. In this paper, we characterize four independent mutants with complete macronuclear deletions of the B gene. Previous analysis of different macronuclear deletion mutants of the A surface protein gene demonstrated two types of inheritance: typical Mendelian segregation (as illustrated by d12) and cytoplasmic inheritance (shown by d48). F(1) analysis of four B(-) mutants crossed with wild-type cells reveals heterozygous F(1) cell lines derived from both parental cytoplasms contain approximately the same copy number of the B gene, as expected for a recessive Mendelian mutation. Analysis of F(2) progeny from three of these four B(-) mutant crosses indicates that one of the three exhibits a Mendelian 1:1 segregation ratio of B(+) and B(-) cell lines. The other two show a preponderance of B(+) cells, but this is not correlated with the parental cytoplasmic type. In addition to having a large number of B(+) individuals, the d12.144, A(-), B(-) mutant produced some F(2) progeny that stably maintain less than normal macronuclear amounts of the A gene and/or the B gene.  相似文献   

We have generated a transformation marker for Paramecium using a Paramecium expression vector (pPXV) and the open reading frame (ORF) of the bacterial antibiotic resistance gene aminoglycoside 3'-phosphotransferase-II (APH-3'-II or neor) from the transposon Tn5. The expression vector contained a small multiple cloning site between the 5' and 3' non-coding regions of the calmodulin gene, and Tetrahymena telomere sequences for the stability of the plasmid in Paramecium. After the neor ORF was inserted, the plasmid was referred to as pPXV-NEO. Delivery of approximately 10–20 picoliters of linearized PXV-NEO at > 2000 copies/pl into the macronucleus effected 100% transformation. Southern and Northern blot hybridization showed the presence of neor-specific DNA and RNA, respectively, in all of the transformed clones but not in the untransformed clones. The degree of resistance to G-418, and the concentrations of neor-specific DNA and neor-specific RNA in the clones were proportional to the concentration of the vector injected. We have demonstrated that when the linearized plasmid was injected into the macronucleus, the prokaryotic sequence conferred an antibiotic resistance to Paramecium despite codon-usage differences.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. We have determined the DNA sequence of the gene encoding the protein of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase in Paramecium tetraurelia . The predicted amino acid sequence of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase shows homology to conserved regions of known plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases and contains the known binding sites for ATP (FITC), acylphosphate formation, and calmodulin, as well as the "hinge" region: all characteristics common to plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPases. The deduced molecular weight for this sequence is 131 kDa. The elucidation of this gene will assist in the studies of the mechanisms by which this excitable cell removes calcium entering through voltage gated calcium channels and the pump functions in chemosensory signal transduction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Mutant strain d48 and d12 cannot express serotype A. In d48, the A i-antigen gene is present in the micronucleus, but not in the macronucleus. It has recently been shown that d12 contains the A gene in its micronucleus, but its macronucleus lacks the gene. Micronuclear transplantations into enucleated cells were performed to analyze those mutants. Reciprocal transplantation between wild type and d48 confirmed that d48 contains the A gene in the micronucleus and its cytoplasm is defective. Wild type 51 enucleated cells into which were transplanted d12 micronuclei could not express A. Amiccronucleate d12 cells into which were transplanted normal micronuclei from 51 or d48 showed no expression of A. These results show that even if the micronucleus of d12 contains the A gene, it must be abnormal, and its cytoplasm is also defective the same as d48. Genetic analysis showed that heterozygote of d12 and wild type 51 or d48 caused a cure of the cytoplasmic defect of d48 and d12 during the development of macronuclei.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a reporter in vivo to monitor transformation in Paramecium cells. This is not trivial because of the limited number of strong promoters available for heterologous expression and the very high AT content of the genomic DNA, the consequence of which is a very aberrant codon usage. Taking into account differences in codon usage we selected and modified the original GFP open reading frame (ORF) from Aequorea victoria and placed the altered ORF into the Paramecium expression vector pPXV. Injection of the linearized plasmid into the macronucleus resulted in a cytoplasmic fluorescence signal in the clonal descendants, which was proportional to the number of copies injected. Southern hybridization indicated the establishment and replication of the plasmid during vegetative growth. Expression was also monitored by Northern and Western analysis. The results indicate that the modified GFP can be used in Paramecium as a reporter for transformation as an alternative to selection with antibiotics and that it may also be used to construct and localize fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Paramecium tetraurelia cells of ages 4, 15, and 27 days were labeled with [14C]-thymidine. In addition, cells were grown clonally for 27 days (108 generations) and labeled with [14C]-thymidine in the presence of 0.5 or 7.5 g/ml of mitomycin-C (MMC) or no MMC. These cells were gently deposited on a filter membrane, which impedes the passage of DNA strands. The cells were then lysed with detergents and the cellular components washed through the filters, leaving double-stranded DNA intact on the surface. Proteinase K was used to remove histone or DNA-bound proteins. The DNA was then eluted under alkaline conditions, which denatures double-stranded DNA and converts apurinic/apyrimidinic sites into single-strand breaks. The results obtained with the cells of ages 4, 15, and 27 days (16, 60, and 108 generations, respectively) indicate that as Paramecium tetraurelia ages during asexual reproduction, apurinic/apyrimidinic lesions, strand breaks or single-strand gaps accumulate. This accumulation may be the basic mechanism of aging in such cells. In the MMC-treated cells of 27 days (108 generations), the MMC reduced elution of DNA fragments more at the higher than at the lower pH's used; random MMC cross-links should occur more often in longer strands than in shorter strands. The reductions in elution preferentially at higher pH, at which longer single strands would be eluted, confirmed the pH-versuslength relationship for Paramecium DNA eluted under our conditions.  相似文献   

Early in eukaryotic evolution, the cell has evolved a considerable inventory of proteins engaged in the regulation of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations, not only to avoid toxic effects but beyond that to exploit the signaling capacity of Ca2+ by small changes in local concentration. Among protozoa, the ciliate Paramecium may now be one of the best analyzed models. Ciliary activity and exo‐/endocytosis are governed by Ca2+, the latter by Ca2+ mobilization from alveolar sacs and a superimposed store‐operated Ca2+‐influx. Paramecium cells possess plasma membrane‐ and endoplasmic reticulum‐resident Ca2+‐ATPases/pumps (PMCA, SERCA), a variety of Ca2+ influx channels, including mechanosensitive and voltage‐dependent channels in the plasma membrane, furthermore a plethora of Ca2+‐release channels (CRC) of the inositol 1,4,5‐trisphosphate and ryanodine receptor type in different compartments, notably the contractile vacuole complex and the alveolar sacs, as well as in vesicles participating in vesicular trafficking. Additional types of CRC probably also occur but they have not been identified at a molecular level as yet, as is the equivalent of synaptotagmin as a Ca2+ sensor for exocytosis. Among established targets and sensors of Ca2+ in Paramecium are calmodulin, calcineurin, as well as Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinases, all with multiple functions. Thus, basic elements of Ca2+ signaling are available for Paramecium.  相似文献   

本研究以脊椎动物FoxO作为研究对象,选取NCBI上公布的多个FoxO基因编码蛋白的核苷酸序列,重点分析Fox O蛋白质结构和功能的相似性与差异性,重建FoxO基因的系统发育树并进行选择压力分析,对FoxO基因亚族的起源和进化进行研究分析。结果显示:脊椎动物FoxO蛋白间Forhead结构域十分保守但核定位信号区结构差异较明显,尤其是FoxO6蛋白,并且多个磷酸化位点在哺乳动物FoxO6中缺失,削弱核输出信号,但在斑马鱼和原鸡的FoxO6中未缺失这些位点,推测其胞质定位调控作用仍十分重要。FoxO3中多个磷酸化位点可能与寿命延长作用相关。系统发育树表明FoxO1是FoxO基因的祖先基因,不同FoxO基因进化速率不同。选择压力分析结果显示FoxO基因过程每个位点经历不同的选择压,并且获得25个正选择位点,这些正选择位点可能对FoxO不同基因的形成和新功能的产生中具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Following electroshock-induced extrusion of its inserted trichocysts, Paramecium tetraurelia rapidly begins replacement of the population of lost organelles. Light microscopy of the cortical insertion of new trichocysts reveals a series of characteristic motility activities. An uninserted trichocyst in the cyclotic flow of the cell appears to be “captured” and removed to the noncyclotic, subcortical regions. The trichocyst then makes a series of saltatory motions which apparently serve to transport it to the cortex, with proper orientation (tip first) for insertion. Trichocyst saltations end with either cortical insertion of the organelle, or return to cyclosis. If the trichocyst is inserted, it makes a series of unique pivoting movements around the motionless tip. This form of motility, termed “wobble,” continues for a short period of time. After cessation of wobble, the insertion of the trichocyst is apparently complete, since no further motility is observed. With the aid of these observations it was possible to identify saltatory motility as the means for transporting trichocysts to the cortex for insertion, and also to observe a motility of unknown significance (wobble) apparently associated with the process of cortical insertion.  相似文献   

A multigene family encoding R-SNAREs in the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SNARE proteins (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) mediate membrane interactions and are conventionally divided into Q-SNAREs and R-SNAREs according to the possession of a glutamine or arginine residue at the core of their SNARE domain. Here, we describe a set of R-SNAREs from the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia consisting of seven families encoded by 12 genes that are expressed simultaneously. The complexity of the endomembrane system in Paramecium can explain this high number of genes. All P. tetraurelia synaptobrevins (PtSybs) possess a SNARE domain and show homology to the Longin family of R-SNAREs such as Ykt6, Sec22 and tetanus toxin-insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP). We localized four exemplary PtSyb subfamilies with GFP constructs and antibodies on the light and electron microscopic level. PtSyb1-1, PtSyb1-2 and PtSyb3-1 were found in the endoplasmic reticulum, whereas PtSyb2 is localized exclusively in the contractile vacuole complex. PtSyb6 was found cytosolic but also resides in regularly arranged structures at the cell cortex (parasomal sacs), the cytoproct and oral apparatus, probably representing endocytotic compartments. With gene silencing, we showed that the R-SNARE of the contractile vacuole complex, PtSyb2, functions to maintain structural integrity as well as functionality of the osmoregulatory system but also affects cell division.  相似文献   

The immobilization antigen (i-antigen) fraction of Paramecium aurelia syngen 4 is shown to contain a protease that is activated by mercaptoethanol. After the protease has been heat-inactivated, the molecular weight of the i-antigen (∼250,000 daltons) cannot be decreased by mercaptoethanol treatment. It is demonstrated that the i-antigen is a single polypeptide chain. Reasons are also given why low molecular weight subunits were previously reported by other authors.  相似文献   

Passage through the cell cycle in eukaryotes requires the successive activation of different cyclin-dependent protein kinases. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a novel class of cyclin-dependent protein kinase, termed Cdk2, in the ciliate Paramecium tetraurelia. It is 301 amino acids long, 7 amino acids shorter than Cdk1, the CDK that is associated with macronuclear DNA synthesis. All the catalytic domains typical of protein kinases can be located within the sequence and putative regulatory phosphorylation sites equivalent to Thr14, Tyr15, and Thr161 in human CDK1 are also conserved. The 'PSTAIRE' region characteristic of most CDKs is perfectly conserved. Cdk2 shares only 48% homology to Cdk1 at the amino acid level, suggesting that the evolutionary separation of Cdk1 and Cdk2 is ancient, and implying that they have different roles in cell cycle regulation. Like Cdk1, Cdk2 does not bind to yeast p13suc1, even though it has better conservation of p13suc1 binding sites than Cdk1 does. The Cdk2 protein level is relatively constant throughout the vegetative cell cycle. Cdk2 exhibits kinase activity towards bovine histone H1 in vitro with the maximal level late in the cell cycle, suggesting it may be involved in the regulation of cytokinesis. Our results further support the view that an analogue of the cyclin-dependent kinase cell cycle regulatory system like that of yeast and higher eukaryotic cells operates in Paramecium and that a family of cyclin-dependent kinases may control different aspects of the Paramecium cell cycle.  相似文献   

The morphology of the transition zone between the terminal plate of the basal body and the 9 + 2 region of the somatic (non-oral) cilium has been examined in Paramecium tetraurelia. Freeze-fracture and thin- section techniques disclosed both membrane specializations and various internal structural linkages. Freeze-fracture material revealed sets of particles interrupting the unit membrane. The more distal of these form plaquelike arrays while the proximal set of particles forms the ciliary "necklace." The plaque regions correspond to anionic sites on the outer membrane surface as revealed by binding of polycationic ferritin. Both the plaque particles and the necklace particles appear to be in contact with outer doublet microtubules via a complex of connecting structures. In the interior of the transition zone an axosomal plate supports an axosome surrounded by a ring of lightly packed material. Only one of the two central tubules of the axoneme reaches and penetrates the axosome. Below the axosomal plate four rings, each approx. 20 nm wide, connect adjacent outer doublets. An intermediate plate lies proximal to these rings, and a terminal plate marks the proximal boundary of this zone. Nine transitional fibers extend from the region of the terminal plate to the plasmalemma. The observations described above have been used to construct a three-dimensional model of the transition region of "wild-type" Paramecium somatic cilia. It is anticipated that this model will be useful in future studies concerning possible function of transition-zone specializations, since Paramecium may be examined in both normal and reversed ciliary beating modes, and since mutants incapable of reverse beating are available.  相似文献   

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