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Somatic mosaicism is something that is observed in everyday lives of cytogeneticists. Chromosome instability is one of the leading causes of large-scale genome variation analyzable since the correct human chromosome number was established in 1956. Somatic mosaicism is also a well-known fact to be present in cases with small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC), i.e. karyotypes of 47,+mar/46. In this study, the data available in the literature were collected concerning the frequency mosaicism in different subgroups of patients with sSMC. Of 3124 cases with sSMC 1626 (52%) present with somatic mosaicism. Some groups like patients with Emanuel-, cat-eye- or i(18p)- syndrome only tend rarely to develop mosaicism, while in Pallister-Killian syndrome every patient is mosaic. In general, acrocentric and non-acrocentric derived sSMCs are differently susceptible to mosaicism; non-acrocentric derived ones are hereby the less stable ones. Even though, in the overwhelming majority of the cases, somatic mosaicism does not have any detectable clinical effects, there are rare cases with altered clinical outcomes due to mosaicism. This is extremely important for prenatal genetic counseling. Overall, as mosaicism is something to be considered in at least every second sSMC case, array-CGH studies cannot be offered as a screening test to reliably detect this kind of chromosomal aberration, as low level mosaic cases and cryptic mosaics are missed by that.  相似文献   

A straightforward and extremely efficient reverse chromosome painting technique is described which allows the rapid and unequivocal identification of any cytogenetically unclassifiable chromosome rearrangement. This procedure is used to determine the origin of unknown marker chromosomes found at prenatal diagnosis. After microdissection of the marker chromosome and amplification of the dissected fragment by a degenerate oligonucleotide-primed polymerase chain reaction (DOP-PCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to aberrant and normal metaphase chromosomes with the marker-derived probe pool is performed. With this strategy, marker chromosomes present in amniotic fluid samples were successfully identified in three cases. The origin of the supernumerary markers was ascertained as deriving from 3p(p12-cen), 18p(pter-cen) and 9p(p12-cen), respectively. Since a specific FISH signal on chromosomes can be obtained within 2 working days using a probe generated without any pretreatment from one chromosomal fragment only and without additional image processing devices, this technique is considered to be highly suitable for routine application in pre- and postnatal cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

Fourteen cases with constitutional small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) were assessed by combination of diverse techniques including genome-wide high-resolution chromosomal microarray (CMA), chromosome banding analysis (G banding), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). Of the 14 sSMCs, 4 were complex sSMCs composed of genomic materials from more than one chromosome, 7 were simple sSMCs which contain only centromeric and/or pericentromeric regions from individual chromosomes, and the remaining 3 sSMCs contained inverted duplications. CMA precisely defined the breakpoints and genetic contents in 12 of the 14 sSMCs but failed to identify 2 of the 14 sSMCs due to lack of detectable euchromatin. In addition, CMA revealed unexpected genomic abnormalities in 2 cases. FISH techniques were necessary for the determination of the physical location, structure, formation mechanism, mosaic level, and origin of all these sSMCs. Our data emphasize the necessity to combine these methods for comprehensive characterization of sSMCs.  相似文献   

A questionnaire sent to major cytogenetics laboratories in the United States and Canada over a 10-year period collected data on the frequency and outcome of cases with either apparently balanced de novo rearrangements or de novo supernumerary marker chromosomes detected at amniocentesis. Of 377,357 reported amniocenteses, approximately 1/2,000 had a de novo reciprocal translocation, 1/9,000 a Robertsonian translocation, 1/10,000 a de novo inversion, and 1/2,500 an extra structurally abnormal chromosome of unidentifiable origin. The risk of a serious congenital anomaly was estimated to be 6.1% (n = 163) for de novo reciprocal translocations, 3.7% (n = 51) for Robertsonian translocations, and 9.4% (n = 32) for inversions. The combined risk for reciprocal translocations and inversions was 6.7% (95% confidence limits 3.1%-10.3%). The risk of abnormality for extra nonsatellited marker chromosomes was 14.7% (n = 68), and that for satellited marker chromosomes was 10.9% (n = 55). In non-Robertsonian rearrangements, distribution of breakpoints among chromosomes was not as would be expected strictly on the basis of length. Most breaks were stated to occur within G-negative bands, but there was little evidence of particular hot spots among these bands. Nevertheless, there did appear to be a correlation between those bands in which breakage was observed most often and those bands where common or rare fragile sites have been described.  相似文献   

A ring chromosome 3 and a 47th chromosome formed by the portions of 3p and 3q distal to the r(3) breakpoints were found in a girl with mental retardation and minor facial anomalies. The supernumerary chromosome 3, rea(3), had a primary constriction inside its 3p portion (3p23) and was consistently stable both in lymphocytes and fibroblasts. In situ hybridization with alphoid probes revealed that the r(3) maintained its wild-type centromere, whereas the rea(3) showed no alphoid-related signals. This case and a similar one recently reported demonstrate that acentric fragments can acquire a new centromere and become stable, and that supernumerary marker chromosomes can also originate by the junction of the acentric portions distal to the centric region forming a ring. The possibility of such a chromosome segregating will depend on its ability to (re)activate a new centromere.  相似文献   

Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) are present in about 0.05% of the human population. In approximately 30% of SMC carriers (excluding the ~60% SMC derived from one of the acrocentric chromosomes), an abnormal phenotype is observed. The clinical outcome of an SMC is difficult to predict as they can have different phenotypic consequences because of (1) differences in euchromatic DNA-content, (2) different degrees of mosaicism, and/or (3) uniparental disomy (UPD) of the chromosomes homologous to the SMC. Here, we present 35 SMCs, which are derived from all human chromosomes, apart from chromosome 6, as demonstrated by the appropriate molecular cytogenetic approaches, such as centromere-specific multicolor fluoresence in situ hybridization (cenM-FISH), multicolor banding (MCB), and subcentromere-specific multicolor FISH (subcenM-FISH). In nine cases without an aberrant phenotype, neither partial proximal trisomies nor UPD could be detected. Abnormal clinical findings, such as psychomotoric retardation and/or craniofacial dysmorphisms, were associated with seven of the cases in which subcentromeric single-copy probes were proven to be present in three copies. Conversely, in eight cases with a normal phenotype, proximal euchromatic material was detected as partial trisomy. UPD was studied in 12 cases and subsequently detected in two of the cases with SMC (partial UPD 4p and maternal UPD 22 in a der(22)-syndrome patient), indicating that SMC carriers have an enhanced risk for UPD. At present, small proximal trisomies of 1p, 1q, 2p, 6p, 6q, 7q, 9p, and 12q seem to lead to clinical manifestations, whereas partial proximal trisomies of 2q, 3p, 3q, 5q, 7p, 8p, 17p, and 18p may not be associated with significant clinical symptoms. With respect to clinical outcome, a classification of SMCs is proposed that considers molecular genetic and molecular cytogenetic characteristics as demonstrated by presently available methods.Electronic database information: accession numbers and URLs for the data in this article are as follows:ENSEMBL-database, National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), Genome Database (GDB), OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) Database,  相似文献   

Five cases with small supernumerary ring chromosomes are characterized at the molecular level. Routine chromosome banding analysis was insufficient for identification of the ring chromosomes, and none of them was DA/DAPI positive. Fluorescence in situ hybridization utilizing repetitive centromeric probes for all chromosomes has determined that one of these five ring chromosomes originates in each of chromosomes 4, 7, 8, 9, and 20. Chromosome painting with chromosome-specific libraries has confirmed this and excluded the involvement of additional chromosomes in the rearrangements.  相似文献   

The genetic significance of accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
Ten new cases of accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes examined in different laboratories are reported. As a basis for genetic counseling in the context of prenatal diagnosis a cytogenetic categorization of such marker chromosomes is proposed and an estimation of the genetic risk associated with each category is carried out. The results are as follows: There is no increased risk for offspring with abnormal phenotype born to a healthy carrier of an accessory bisatellited marker chromosome with either a single or two closely adjacent C-bands (Category AI or AII). The unbiased sample of cases with de novo accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes of categories AI and AII is too small to allow a satisfactory estimation of the actual risk that, in case of such a prenatal finding, the foetus may not show a normal phenotype as a consequence of the marker chromosome. There is, however, evidence that this risk may be lower than 10%. Accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes showing a discrete pattern of G- and R-bands situated between two distant C-bands (Category AIII) usually indicate a chromosomal imbalance giving rise to an abnormal phenotype. Mosaic carriers of such dicentric marker chromosomes may, however, present a normal phenotype.  相似文献   

We diagnosed two small marker chromosomes in a series of 1,000 prenatal cytogenetic studies of amniotic fluid cells. Each of these chromosomes was analyzed with various staining techniques in order to determine its structure and the possible mechanism of its formation. On the basis of the results thus obtained and the familial nature of these abnormalities, we predicted phenotypically normal fetuses in both cases. Postnatal follow-up confirmed this. Notwithstanding the correct diagnoses made in these two cases, we feel that a more substantial body of literature on this type of anomaly must become available before it will be possible to give firm genetic counselling in such cases.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the significance of marker chromosomes, which can be encountered at prenatal diagnosis, is extremely problematic. Various factors contribute to the difficulty of clarifying the phenotypic risks of supernumerary marker chromosomes, including differences in the size, structure, and origin of marker chromosomes, as well as the occurrence of multiple marker chromosomes of different origin in the same proband. Research on marker chromosomes is currently in a data-accumulation phase. We report the presence of two marker chromosomes, originating from chromosomes 6 and 11, in a child with developmental delay and craniofacial dysmorphism and discuss the related literature.  相似文献   

Pure partial duplication or triplication of the proximal part of chromosome 14 has been reported in only 4 patients. Other individuals with a duplication or triplication of this region have additional chromosome imbalances. We present a new case with a supernumerary marker chromosome in all blood cells and in 35% of the cells an additional smaller marker chromosome. Both markers appeared to be derived from chromosome 14 (del(14)(q21.2) in all cells and del(14)(q11.2) in 35% of the cells). This results in a partial duplication of the proximal region of chromosome 14, combined with a mosaic partial triplication of a smaller segment of the same region. In this paper, we compare the clinical features of this case to those of cases from the literature. Although most of the patients from literature were unbalanced translocation carriers, their clinical features were comparable, except from renal abnormalities.  相似文献   

Here we report on three new patients with neocentric small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) derived from chromosome 2, 13 and 15, respectively. The sSMC(13) and sSMC(15) had inverted duplicated shapes and the sSMC(2) a ring chromosome shape. All three cases were clinically severely abnormal. A review of the available sSMC literature revealed that up to the present 73 neocentric sSMC cases including these three new cases have been reported. Seven of these cases were not characterized morphologically; in the remainder, 80% had an inverted duplication, 17% a ring and 3% a minute shape. 81% of the reported neocentric sSMC carriers showed severe, 12% moderate and 8% no clinical abnormalities. In summary, we report three more neocentric sSMC cases, provide a review on all up to now published cases, highlight their special characteristics and compare them to centric sSMC.  相似文献   

Supernumerary marker chromosomes (SMCs) are common, but their molecular content and mechanism of origin are often not precisely characterized. We analyzed all centromere regions to identify the junction between the unique chromosome arm and the pericentromeric repeats. A molecular-ruler clone panel for each chromosome arm was developed and used for the design of a custom oligonucleotide array. Of 27 nonsatellited SMCs analyzed by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and/or fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), seven (approximately 26%) were shown to be unique sequence negative. Of the 20 unique-sequence-positive SMCs, the average unique DNA content was approximately 6.5 Mb (range 0.3-22.2 Mb) and 33 known genes (range 0-149). Of the 14 informative nonacrocentric SMCs, five (approximately 36%) contained unique DNA from both the p and q arms, whereas nine (approximately 64%) contained unique DNA from only one arm. The latter cases are consistent with ring-chromosome formation by centromere misdivision, as first described by McClintock in maize. In one case, a r(4) containing approximately 4.4 Mb of unique DNA from 4p was also present in the proband's mother. However, FISH revealed a cryptic deletion in one chromosome 4 and reduced alpha satellite in the del(4) and r(4), indicating that the mother was a balanced ring and deletion carrier. Our data, and recent reports in the literature, suggest that this "McClintock mechanism" of small-ring formation might be the predominant mechanism of origin. Comprehensive analysis of SMCs by aCGH and FISH can distinguish unique-negative from unique-positive cases, determine the precise gene content, and provide information on mechanism of origin, inheritance, and recurrence risk.  相似文献   

Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) are a morphologically heterogeneous group of additional structurally abnormal chromosomes that cannot be identified unambiguously by conventional banding techniques alone. Molecular cytogenetic methods enable detailed characterization of sSMCs; however, in many cases interpretation of their clinical significance is problematic. The aim of our study was to characterize precisely sSMCs identified in three patients with dysmorphic features, psychomotor retardation and multiple congenital anomalies. We also attempted to correlate the patients' genotypes with phenotypes by inclusion of data from the literature. The sSMCs were initially detected by G-banding analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes in these patients and were subsequently characterized using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (M-FISH), (sub)centromere-specific multicolor FISH (cenM-FISH, subcenM-FISH), and multicolor banding (MCB) techniques. Additionally, the sSMCs in two patients were also studied by hybridization to whole-genome bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) arrays (array-CGH) to map the breakpoints on a single BAC clone level. In all three patients, the chromosome origin, structure, and euchromatin content of the sSMCs were determined. In patient RS, only a neocentric r(2)(q35q36) was identified. It is a second neocentric sSMC(2) in the literature and the first marker chromosome derived from the terminal part of 2q. In the other two patients, two sSMCs were found, as M-FISH detected additional sSMCs that could not be characterized in G-banding analysis. In patient MK, each of four cell lines contained der(4)(:p11.1-->q12:) accompanied by a sSMC(18): r(18)(:p11.2-->q11.1::p11.2-->q11.1:), inv dup(18)(:p11.1-->q11.1::q11.1-->p11.1:), or der(18) (:p11.2-->q11.1::q11.1-->p11.1:). In patient NP, with clinical features of trisomy 8p, three sSMCs were characterized: r(8)(:p12-->q11.1::q11.1-->p21:) der(8) (:p11.22-->q11.1::q11.1-->p21::p21-->p11.22:) and der(21)(:p11.1-->q21.3:). The BAC array results confirmed the molecular cytogenetic results and refined the breakpoints to the single BAC clone resolution. However, the complex mosaic structure of the marker chromosomes derived from chromosomes 8 and 18 could only be identified by molecular cytogenetic methods. This study confirms the usefulness of multicolor FISH combined with whole-genome arrays for comprehensive analyses of marker chromosomes.  相似文献   

Thirteen new cases of accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes were found among 20,370 amniocentesis. Six of these were familial, six originated de novo and in one case the origin of marker chromosome remained unknown. Eleven cases were carried to term and follow up studies revealed no abnormality. In two cases the pregnancies were terminated and the pathological examination revealed apparently normal fetuses. A cytogenetic categorization of bisatellited marker chromosomes is described. The available data show clearly that there is no increased risk for offspring with abnormal phenotype born to a healthy carrier of an accessory bisatellited marker chromosome with either a single or two closely adjacent C-bands (category AI or AII). The unbiased sample of cases with de novo accessory bisatellited marker chromosomes of category AI or AII is still too small to allow a satisfactory estimation. However, the actual risk for a fetus to be affected may be low too.  相似文献   

Echymipera kalabu (Peramelidae: Marsupialia) does not have the full chromosome complement in all its adult somatic tissues. The chromosomes missing are the Y-chromosome in the male and an X-chromosome in the female. The full complement is present in the corneal epithelium and the reproductive tissue. A parallel mosaicism to this exists with respect to small supernumerary chromosomes which are found in certain animals of this species. These supernumeraries must be subject to the same control system as that which is responsible for the elimination of the sex chromosomes.  相似文献   

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