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The present study was used to examine the effect of ambient temperature on the day of slaughter of buffaloes on oocyte cleavage and subsequent embryo development following in vitro fertilization (IVF)/chemical activation (parthenogenesis). A total of 601 oocytes were collected from buffaloes, which were sacrificed when the ambient temperature was >40 or ≤40 °C and the collected oocytes were matured in vitro. During each experiment about half of the matured oocytes were used for IVF whereas the remaining oocytes were subjected to one of the three chemical activation protocols viz. (i) 7% ethanol (ET) and 6-di methyl amino purine (6-DMAP), (ii) ET and cycloheximide (CHX) and (iii) ET followed by a combined treatment of 6-DMAP and CHX. Cleaved oocytes were cultured in mSOF supplemented with BSA, essential amino acids, non-essential amino acids, ITS (insulin transferrin and selenium) and l-glutamine. Low cleavage and subsequent embryo development was observed in those oocytes which were collected from buffaloes slaughtered at ambient temperature >40 °C than at ≤40 °C. There was no significant difference in cleavage rate following different chemical activations in oocytes collected from buffaloes slaughtered on the day when the maximum ambient temperature was >40 °C or ≤40 °C. These results suggest that high ambient temperature influences competence of oocytes to cleave and develop to blastocyst stage following natural activation with sperm and/or process of fertilization and subsequent embryo development.  相似文献   

Ovine tubal (n = 87) and ovarian in vitro matured oocytes (n = 99) were fertilized in vitro with ejaculated spermatozoa capacitated for 8 h in modified defined medium buffered with Hepes. High levels of fertilization were obtained as assessed by development to two-to six-cell stage within 40 h (75. 8% for ovulated and 62. 6% for in vitro matured oocytes). Electron microscope analysis of oocytes 20–22 h after insemination indicated that in vitro fertilization approximated the in vivo events. Embryos (two- to six-cell) were transferred surgically to the oviducts of pseudopregnant rabbits. Three days later, 42 (from ovulated oocytes) and 15 (from in vitro matured oocytes) embryos were recovered; 26 (61. 9%) and 10 (66. 6%), respectively, had cleaved at least once. Embryos incubated in vivo (n = 20 from ovulated oocytes; n = 9 from in vitro matured oocytes) were transferred surgically to the uteri of seven and four recipient ewes resulting in four and two pregnancies, respectively, from which three and one, respectively, have been maintained ( > 3 months). The first lamb resulting from the in vitro fertilization of an ovulated oocyte was born. In addition, six embryos (two- to four-cell) from tubal oocytes and ten embryos (two- to six-cell) from in vitro matured oocytes were directly transferred to the oviducts of two and three ewes, respectively. Two pregnancies resulting from in vitro matured fertilized oocytes are in progress ( > 3 months).  相似文献   

Resazurin is a redox dye (7-hydroxy-3H-phenoxazin-3-one-10-oxide) used for assessing potential fertility of spermatozoa and functional status of eukaryotic cells. In this study, the fertilizing capacity of spermatozoa treated with resazurin and effects of resazurin on bovine embryo development in vitro was examined. Abattoir-derived bovine oocytes were collected and subjected to in vitro maturation (IVM), fertilization (IVF) and culture (IVC). In Experiment 1, bovine oocytes (n=2767) were fertilized with spermatozoa exposed to resazurin (17.6 μg/ml) for 0, 15, 30, 60 min, respectively. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference with respect to oocyte cleavage, morula and blastocyst production between treatments. In Experiment 2, oocytes (n=1671) were treated with resazurin (1.8 μg/ml) during IVM, IVF, IVC, respectively, or during the entire IVM, IVF and IVC procedures. There was no significant (P>0.05) difference in cleavage rates. However, the proportion of embryos that developed into blastocysts, expanded and hatched blastocysts in those groups in which oocytes/embryos were treated with resazurin during IVC or IVM/IVF/IVC was significantly (P<0.05) less than those exposed to resazurin during IVM only, or during IVF only. We conclude that resazurin did not have significant adverse effects on fertilizing capability of bovine spermatozoa; however, extended treatment of embryos with resazurin may be detrimental to embryonic development.  相似文献   

雷公藤多甙对小鼠卵母细胞成熟和体外受精的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超排卵技术研究雷公藤多甙(GTW)对小鼠卵母细胞的成熟和体外受精以及脏器等的影响,GTW对小鼠卵母细胞生发泡破裂没有影响,但可以抑制卵母细胞第一极体的释放,影响卵母细胞的存活率并可降低体外受精率和超排卵的卵母细胞数量。GTW可以破坏卵母细胞成熟,降低卵母细胞的体外受精能力,影响小鼠的正常生殖功能。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the evidence that certain growth factors, particularily leukaemia inhibitory factor (LIF), play a crucial role in regulating the development of the pre-implantation mammalian embryo. LIF was originally implicated in regulating the early development of the mouse embryo because it inhibited the differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells, pluripotential cells derived from the inner cell mass of the blastocyst. Subsequent studies on its role in vivo revealed, surprisingly, that it is essential for the growth rather than the differentiation of the blastocyst. In vivo, overtly normal blastocysts can be produced in a LIF-deficient environment that are capable of forming viable fertile adults. However, in the absence of LIF, they fail to implant and enter into a state resembling that exhibited by blastocysts undergoing delayed implantation, which is characterized by a cessation of cell proliferation. This failure to implant occurs because the principle sites of LIF production are the endometrial glands of the uterus. These synthesize and secrete LIF at implantation, with LIF synthesis essential for implantation. Preliminary evidence indicates that LIF synthesis is required both by the uterus for it to undergo decidualization and by the blastocyst for implantation. These data indicate that the maternal environment plays a crucial role in the development and growth of the pre-implantation embryo, by supplying factors that regulate these processes in the embryo. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Three approaches were investigated for improvement of in vitro maturation (IVM), in vitro fertilization (IVF), and early embryonic development in cattle. These were: 1) Selection of oocytes, 2) medium supplementation with fetal calf serum (FCS) and cow sera (DO, Dl, D10, and D20 to correspond with estrus, metestrus, diestrus, and proestrus, respectively), and 3) addition of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol-17β (E2)during maturation. Greater proportions (percentage) of oocytes initially selected for their compact cumulus cells completed IVM and IVF when compared to unselected oocytes (P < .05). Proportions (percentage) of selected oocytes that matured and cleaved after in vitro insemination according to serum type used for IVM were: FCS: 110/175 (62.9%) and 37/110 (33.6%) and DO: 130/145 (89.7%) and 52/130 (40.0%); D1 127/130 (97.7%) and 41/127 (32.3%); D10 95/98 (96.9%) and 35/95 (36.8%); D20:113/116 (97.4%) and 49/113 (43.4%). A higher proportion (P < .05) of embryos resulting from the D20 group reached four- and eight-cell stages. In FCS-supplemented maturation media with no hormones added during maturation (control), results of IVM and IVF were 157/265 (59.2%) and 39/157 (24.8%), respectively. With E2 (1 μg/ml) and FSH (5 μg/ml), comparable results were 189/215 (87.9%) and 71/189 (37.6%); with E2 (1 μg/ml) plus LH (10 μml), 280/327 (85.6%) and 111/280 (39.6%). Added hormones improved IVM results (P < .05) and, when FSH or LH was added with E2, in vitro development to four- and eight-cell stages was markedly enhanced (P < .05). Selection of oocytes, D20 serum, and added E2 and FSH or LH for IVM improved in vitro development of bovine embryos after IVF.  相似文献   

Incubating washed ram spermatozoa in a modified Brackett's defined medium buffered with Hepes (DM-H) containing 20% of heat-inactivated sheep serum appears to be a reliable method of capacitating sperm for in vitro fertilization. Raising the Ca(++) concentration in the fertilization medium (DM-H-SS) to 10 mM stabilized the fertilization rate of various rams (2). This study was designed to determine if the developmental competence of the oocytes fertilized under such conditions was normal. Thirty-seven ewes, treated with progestagen sponges, were superovulated with porcine follicle stimulating hormone (pFSH: 16 mg). An intramuscular injection of gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH: 100 mug); given 24 to 26 h after sponge removal, induced the synchronization of ovulations 24 h later. Ovulated oocytes (n = 229) recovered with flushing of the oviducts were inseminated in vitro and 17 h later either fixed in acetic/alcohol (n = 115) to evaluate fertilization or transferred (n = 114) into 38 synchronized recipients (three oocytes/recipient) to evaluate their developmental competence. Of the fixed oocytes, 82.6% were fertilized and 61.7% were monospermic. Nineteen of the recipient ewes (50%) were pregnant at Day 18, and 16 ewes produced a total of 26 live young (mean: 1.63/ewe). The results showed a high efficiency of in vitro fertilization of ovulated oocytes in sheep following a pFSH-GnRH treatment and the in vivo developmental competence of oocytes fertilized in the presence of elevated Ca(++) concentration.  相似文献   

Incubation of placental tissue from Day 11 pregnant rats for increasing periods of time resulted in proportionately more rat placental lactogen (rPL) release. The amount of placental tissue incubated correlated directly with the amount of rPL released into the medium. When placentas were coincubated with anterior pituitaries from ovariectomized rats, prolactin release was significantly inhibited. When media from incubations which had contained varying numbers of Day 11 placentas for 24 h were added to vials containing anterior pituitaries, prolactin release was inhibited, proportionate to the amount of rPL in the media. Media from incubations of Day 9 placentas, which contained very little rPL, had no effect on prolactin release. When medium containing anterior pituitary tissue was incubated for 24 h, pituitaries removed, and the medium incubated with placental tissue for an additional 24 h, there was no difference in prolactin levels compared to incubation medium not containing placental tissue. Addition of a trypsin inhibitor to the medium containing placental tissue did not augment the amount of prolactin remaining after a 24-h incubation. Thus it would appear that the placenta does not release a substance into the medium that destroys prolactin. This suggests that secretions from the placenta, presumably rPL, can exert a negative feedback on prolactin secretion at the level of the anterior pituitary.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the influence of sperm:oocyte ratio during in vitro fertilization (IVF) of in vitro matured cumulus-intact oocytes on fertilization parameters and embryo development in pigs. In vitro matured oocytes surrounded by intact cumulus cells (COC) were inseminated with frozen-thawed spermatozoa at different sperm:oocyte ratios (2000:1, 3000:1, 4000:1, 6000:1, and 8000:1). Denuded oocytes inseminated with 2000 frozen-thawed spermatozoa:oocyte were the control group. A total of 2546 oocytes in five replicates were exposed to spermatozoa for 6 h and then cultured in embryo culture (EC) medium for 6 h (pronuclear formation) or 7 days (blastocyst formation: BF). The penetration rate increased in the COC groups with the sperm:oocyte ratio, reaching the highest rates with 8000:1 spermatozoa:oocyte (72.1 +/- 6.5%), similar to the control (73.5 +/- 3.5%). However, the monospermy was highest with the lower spermatozoa:oocyte rates (82.6-94.8%) and decreased drastically (P<0.05) in the COC group fertilized with 8000 sperm:oocyte (36%). The efficiency of fertilization (number of monospermic oocytes/total number of inseminated oocytes) showed no difference among the COC groups (20-30%) but they were significantly lower (P<0.007) than those obtained by the control group (43.7 +/- 2%). Embryo development was highest in the control group (58% for cleavage and 23% for BF) but not significantly different with the 6000 and 8000 sperm:oocyte COC groups (47 and 50% for cleavage and 19 and 17% for BF, respectively). These results indicate that the use of COC for IVF involves a drop in the efficiency of the fertilization and the necessity to increase the frozen-thawed sperm:oocyte ratio three to four times more to obtain similar embryo development to denuded oocytes.  相似文献   

Biswas D  Hyun SH 《Theriogenology》2011,76(1):153-160
The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the effects of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) on porcine cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) and subsequent blastocyst formation following in vitro fertilization are attributable to improved fertilization and cytoplasmic maturation. Porcine COCs were cultured for 42 h in TCM199 medium with 5 ng/mL human recombinant VEGF, and the resultant metaphase II oocytes were fertilized in vitro. COCs without VEGF supplementation served controls. Supplementation with VEGF during in vitro maturation (IVM) significantly (P < 0.05) improved the blastocyst formation rate and total cell number (46.7 ± 3.1% and 82.8 ± 6.7, respectively) compared with controls (32.5 ± 3.4% and 64.1 ± 5.6, respectively). On day 2, the percentage of four-cell stage embryos was significantly higher in the VEGF-matured group (49.1 ± 2.7%) than in the control (33.1 ± 5.8%), and the percentage of two-cell stage embryos was significantly higher in the control group (10.4 ± 1.4%) than in the VEGF-matured group (6.6 ± 0.9%). At 10 h after the onset of in vitro fertilization (IVF), oocytes with two pronuclei were considered as monospermically or normally fertilized, and oocytes with more than two pronuclei were considered as polyspermically fertilized. Monospermy was significantly higher in VEGF-matured oocytes (47.2 ± 4.3%) than in the control (20.0 ± 2.4%), and polyspermy and sperm penetration per oocyte were significantly higher in the control group (54.4 ± 3.8% and 2.3 ± 0.1, respectively) than in the VEGF-matured oocytes (43.9 ± 3.6% and 1.8 ± 0.1, respectively). Supplementation with VEGF during IVM significantly (P < 0.05) improved male pronuclear formation as compared with the control (91.1 ± 1.9 vs 74.4 ± 3.8%). Type III cortical granule distribution in oocytes was more common in VEGF-matured oocytes (78.0%) than in the control (52.1%). These results suggest that VEGF supplementation during IVM enhanced the developmental potential of porcine IVF embryos through higher male pronuclear formation and higher monospermic fertilization rates as a consequence of improved cytoplasmic maturation.  相似文献   

Steroid levels in follicular fluid (FF) obtained from stimulated ovaries in patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) were measured by capillary gas chromatography. The correlation between these levels and the maturity of the oocyte, judged from the morphology of the oocyte corona cumulus complex (OCCC) and the fertilizability of the oocytes was analysed. Oocyte maturity was associated with higher FF levels of progesterone, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, 16 alpha-hydroxyprogesterone and 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone. Follicular fluids containing oocytes that became fertilized had significantly higher levels of 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone and progesterone and lower levels of androstenedione. Of all the steroids determined, 20 alpha-dihydroprogesterone provides the most significant group differences. Enhanced 20 alpha-dihydrogenation in the presence of decreased 16 alpha- and 17-hydroxylation appears to be an important characteristic of the ultimate ripening stages and early luteinization, at least in stimulated cycles.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to assess dissection/puncture combined technique for collecting large number of oocytes from bovine ovaries and to determine the effect of ovarian tissue cryopreservation on the oocytes capability to undergo in vitro maturation, fertilization and subsequent embryonic development. Ovaries (n=31) of slaughtered cows were cut into small fragments using a scalpel blade and the ovarian tissues were randomly assigned to cryopreserved by slow freezing and vitrification and non cryopreserved (fresh) groups. Oocytes were collected from non-atretic follicles from fresh and post-thawing ovarian tissue by the puncture method. The advantage of this technique appeared through morphologically good quality cumulus-oocyte complex (COC) recovery rate from fresh tissue (31.7±2.0 oocytes/ovary). However, the cryopreservation affected the post thawing total and good quality COC recovery rates from slow freezing (26.6±2.0 and 23.5±2.3 oocytes/ovary, respectively) and vitrification groups (21.7±1.1 and 17.6±1.8 oocyte/ovary, respectively). The maturation rate resulted in significant differences between the fresh tissue (94.1±1.1%) and the two cryopreservation groups. Moreover, this rate was significantly higher in the slow freezing group (80.1±1.3%) than in the vitrification group (73.0±1.9%). No statistical differences were observed in the cleavage and the embryonic developmental rates between fresh tissue group and cryopreservation groups. Furthermore the number of embryos produced per animal was statistically higher for fresh tissues than for slow freezing and the vitrification groups (34.4±1.4, 27.8±3.1 and 22.0±0.7, respectively). In conclusion, dissection method followed by puncture of bovine ovaries greatly maximizes the number of good quality oocytes recovered, as well as the number of embryos obtained per animal. Ovarian tissue can be successfully cryopreserved by slow freezing and vitrification.  相似文献   

The present experiments were designed to identify possible male-specific effects on early embryonic development in vitro: Sheep oocytes were matured in vitro for 24-26 h and then fertilized in vitro using equal numbers of viable spermatozoa from 1 of 6 Clun Forest rams. At 15-18 h after insemination, oocytes were either fixed and examined for fertilization and polyspermy or further cultured in modified M 199 medium for 3 days in an oviduct epithelial co-culture system. There were significant differences in 5 separate trials between the rams with respect to the rate of fertilization, degree of polyspermy and cleavage rate after monospermic fertilization. The mean rate of fertilization varied from 89% in Ram B to 43% in Ram C while the percentage of polyspermic eggs varied from 5 to 34%. Both the absolute number of embryos cleaving to the 16-cell stage and the calculated percentage of monospermic eggs reaching the 16-cell stage differed markedly between groups of eggs fertilized by different rams. The results indicate that the development of sheep eggs in vitro is differentially affected by the ram from which the spermatozoa are collected.  相似文献   

Rates of ovarian development in L. cuprina are determined by ambient temperatures and females require a minimum of 57 day degrees above 8°C to mature their first complement of eggs. The number of oocytes that a female can mature depends on her size and the amount of protein-rich material ingested. Under field conditions, females usually obtain sufficient protein to reach maturity but rarely mature their full egg complements (Vogt et al., 1985), i.e., most females resorb some of their oocytes. Oocyte resorption prolongs the maturation period by approximately 0.3 day degrees/oocyte resorbed.A model of ovarian development rates is presented which incorporates resorption delays and uses ambient temperature regimes to estimate the physiological ages and maturation rates of field females.
Résumé Les taux de développement ovarien de L. cuprina sont déterminés par la température ambiante, et la femelle exige un minimum de 57 degrés-jours audessus de 8°C pour développer son premier lot d'oeufs. Le nombre d'ovocytes qu'une femelle peut former dépend de sa taille et de la quantité d'aliments riches en protéines absorbées. Dans les conditions de la nature, les femelles obtiennent normalement suffisamment de protéines pour atteindre la maturité mais rarement l'ensemble de leur contingent d'oeufs se développe totalement, c'est à dire que la majorité des femelles résorbé une partie de ses ovocytes. La résorption des ovocytes prolonge la période de maturation d'environ 0,3 dégre-jour par ovocyte résorbé. Un modèle de taux de développement ovarien est proposé qui incorpore les retards dus à la résorption et utilise les régimes de température ambiante pour évaluer les âges physiologiques et les taux de maturation des femelles dans la nature.

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of oxygen tension during IVM and/or IVC on developmental competence of porcine follicular oocytes. Prospective, randomized experiments were designed, and oocytes were matured, inseminated and cultured in vitro in the designated condition. In experiment 1, either high (20%) or low (7%) oxygen tension was used for IVM. The high oxygen significantly improved blastocyst formation (23% versus 13%; P<0.01) after IVF than the low oxygen. Such treatment, however, did not significantly (P>0.05) improve the rates of nuclear maturation (89% in each treatment), sperm penetration (62-72%), monospermic fertilization (56-67%), pronuclear formation (90-96%), cleavage (49-53%) and blastocyst cell number (31-32 cells). In experiment 2, the combined effect of oxygen tension during IVM and IVC of embryos was evaluated by a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. Again, the high oxygen tension during IVM supported blastocyst formation more efficiently (P<0.01) than the low oxygen, and this was independent of oxygen tension during IVC (26-28% versus 15-16%). In oocytes matured under the high oxygen, a tendency to increase blastomere number (P=0.0630) was found, when the low oxygen was used for IVC after insemination (39-45 cells/blastocyst). In conclusion, the use of high oxygen tension (20% maintained by exposure to 5% CO2 in air) for IVM of porcine oocytes promoted blastocyst formation in vitro.  相似文献   

The effect of serum obtained from a cow at the time of standing estrus (serum A), at ovulation (serum B), and at 24 h after ovulation (serum C) on the in vitro maturation and fertilization of bovine oocytes was examined. Of 144 (Group A), 159 (Group B), and 158 (Group C) oocytes, 77 (53.4%), 82 (51.6%) and 82 (51.9%) oocytes were characterized by expansion of cumulus cells, respectively. There was no significant difference in the effect of the three types of cow serum on the cumulus expansion (P < 0.05). Of 461 oocytes, 316 oocytes were cultured with sperm for fertilization, and 145 oocytes were cultured without sperm for evidence of parthenogenetic development. Of 56 (Group A), 56 (Group B), and 62 (Group C) oocytes with expanded cumulus cells, 19 (33.9%), 7 (12.5%), and 11 (17.7%) oocytes were cleaved, respectively, after exposed to the sperm for 24 h. There was a significant difference in the effect of the three types of cow serum on the fertilization rate (P < 0.05). A total of 145 oocytes was cultured in the absence of sperm and no evidence of parthenogenetic division was observed. The effect of the three types of serum obtained from the cow on the maturation of oocytes was not significant, but a significant difference did exist in the fertilization rate of oocytes. Cow serum obtained at the time of standing estrus had a beneficial effect on the fertilization rate of oocytes in vitro.  相似文献   

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