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Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted by a localized source and spread in a target tissue where they are involved in the regulation of growth and patterning. Both the activity of morphogenetic signaling and the kinetics of ligand spreading in a tissue depend on endocytosis and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review quantitative approaches to study how large-scale morphogen profiles and signals emerge in a tissue from cellular trafficking processes and endocytic pathways. Starting from the kinetics of endosomal networks, we discuss the role of cellular trafficking and receptor dynamics in the formation of morphogen gradients. These morphogen gradients scale during growth, which implies that overall tissue size influences cellular trafficking kinetics. Finally, we discuss how such morphogen profiles can be used to control tissue growth. We emphasize the role of theory in efforts to bridge between scales.A fundamental challenge in biology is to understand how morphologies and complex patterns form in multicellular systems by the collective organization of many cells. Cells divide and undergo apoptosis, and they communicate via signaling pathways that use molecules as information carriers. In tissues, large-scale patterns of gene expression emerge from the coordinated signaling activity and response of many cells. The establishment of such patterns is often guided by long-range concentration profiles of morphogens. Cell divisions and cell rearrangements must be coordinated over large distances to achieve specific tissue sizes and shapes. To unravel how molecular processes and interactions can eventually be responsible for the formation of structures and patterns in tissues during development, it is important to study processes at different scales and understand how different levels of organization are connected. Such an approach becomes strongest if it involves a combination of quantitative experimental studies with theory.In the present article, we discuss several such approaches on different scales with a particular emphasis on theory. Starting from the kinetic and dynamic properties of endosomal networks inside a cell, we discuss transport processes in a tissue that can be related to kinetic trafficking parameters. Such transport processes are then responsible for the formation of graded morphogen concentration profiles. To permit scalable patterns in tissues of different sizes, it has been suggested that morphogen gradients scale during growth. This can be achieved on the tissue level by feedback systems that are sensitive to tissue size and regulate, for example, morphogen degradation. Finally, morphogen gradients that scale with tissue size can provide a system to robustly organize cell division in a large tissue and generate homogeneous growth. Theory can play an important role to bridge scales and understand how molecular and cellular processes can control pattern formation and tissue growth on larger scales.Morphogens are signaling molecules that are secreted in specific regions of developing tissues and can induce signaling activity far from their source. They typically form graded concentration profiles and therefore endow cells with positional information (cells can obtain information about their position in a tissue). Thus, they can guide cells to differentiate into complex morphological patterns. Morphogens also control cell growth and cell division. Because they control both patterning and growth, they may play a key role to coordinate these two processes. Such coordination is important because the size of morphological patterns must adjust during growth, whereas growth influences such patterns. A well-studied morphogen is Decapentaplegic (Dpp), which controls morphogenesis in the imaginal wing disc of developing Drosophila. Consequently, mutations in Dpp or defects in the trafficking pathways that control its graded concentration profiles and signaling affect the formation and structure of the adult wing.The study of morphogens was traditionally approached from a genetic perspective: Which gene products behave like morphogens? Which mutants affect patterning and growth? The realization that morphogens typically operate by a gradient of concentration raised the question of how morphogen gradients are generated. It became clear that the cellular trafficking of morphogens is a key issue for the generation of morphogen profiles. Morphogens are secreted ligands that bind receptors in the plasma membrane. The secretion of the ligands and the concentrations of receptor, ligand, and receptor/ligand complex at the plasma membrane are governed by their trafficking in the cell by vesicular transport. In particular, it was shown that trafficking through the endocytic pathway has an important impact on the formation of morphogen gradients (reviewed in Gonzalez-Gaitan 2003; see Bökel and Brand 2014). This is, to a large extent, how the cells respond to morphogens and contribute to set their local concentrations. To understand functions of morphogens in a tissue, we need to study how the gradient is formed. This, in turn, requires insights into morphogen trafficking through the endocytic pathway. The problem of morphogen behavior, therefore, becomes a problem spanning several levels of complexity: the organ level, the tissue level, the cell level, the organelle level, and the molecular level. Theoretical approaches motivated by physics combined with quantitative experimental approaches provide an ideal framework to understand how these different levels of complexity are intertwined.Two recent discoveries highlighted such integration. (1) The observation that profiles of the morphogen Dpp scale during growth, which implies that the rate of Dpp degradation mediated by the endocytic pathway of each of the cells in the tissue depends on the size of the overall tissue. This suggests that two levels of complexity are linked because cellular trafficking receives cues about the global tissue size. (2) As a result of the changes of the degradation rate that leads to gradient scaling, cells receive an increasing level of signaling. This, in turn, can be used by the cells to decide when to divide. This regulation again involves two levels of complexity because regulation at the endocytic pathway determines the growth properties of the tissue and, ultimately, its final size.In the following, we discuss quantitative approaches to study cellular signaling processes on different scales. Here, the aim is to understand how patterns on large scales can emerge during development from molecular processes and signaling pathways that involve endocytosis and cellular trafficking. We begin by describing trafficking of ligands in the endocytic pathway. We then consider the situation of a morphogen ligand and its impact in gradient formation. Subsequently, we discuss how gradient scaling might be realized. Finally, we discuss how such scaling processes play an important role in the regulation of morphogenetic growth.  相似文献   

Pattern organisation of cells and tissue are specified during embryonic development by gradients of morphogens, substances that assign different fates of cells at different concentrations. Morphogen gradients form by transport from a localized site. Whether this occurs by diffusion or some other more elaborate mechanism is controversial. Here we provide an analysis of two models considered by Lander et al. [4] used in support of the diffusive transport hypothesis.  相似文献   

Smooth gradients of the morphogens Hh, Dpp, and Wg are required for proper development of Drosophila imaginal discs. Here, it is reported that, when a discontinuity is generated between two adjacent cells in the reception of either the Dpp or Wg signal, then cells on either side of the discontinuity boundary undergo apoptosis by activating the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway. Furthermore, in the medial region of the wing imaginal disc, the JNK pathway is also activated if cells do not receive the proper levels of Dpp and Hh signals. These observations suggest that cells within a developing field have the ability to access their spatial positions by comparing the level of morphogen signal they receive with that of their neighbors. This phenomenon is likely related to the process of cell competition, and we suggest that it is an evolutionarily important mechanism that helps prevent abnormal tissue specification and growth during development.  相似文献   

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are morphogens with long-range signaling activities. BMP-7 is secreted as a stable complex consisting of a growth factor noncovalently associated with two propeptides. In other transforming growth factor-β-like growth factor complexes, the prodomain (pd) confers latency to the complex. However, we detected no difference in signaling capabilities between the growth factor and the BMP-7 complex in multiple in vitro bioactivity assays. Biochemical and biophysical methods elucidated the interaction between the BMP-7 complex and the extracellular domains of its type I and type II receptors. Results showed that type II receptors, such as BMP receptor II, activin receptor IIA, and activin receptor IIB, competed with the pd for binding to the growth factor and displaced the pd from the complex. In contrast, type I receptors interacted with the complex without displacing the pd. These studies suggest a new model for growth factor activation in which proteases or other extracellular molecules are not required and provide a molecular mechanism consistent with a role for BMP receptors in the establishment of early morphogen gradients.  相似文献   

Development of an organism is a multi-dimensional process leading to the generation of complex species-specific structures. This specificity suggests machine-like organisation. The uneven distribution (gradient) of soluble substances (morphogens) and specific receptor-ligand interactions are known to cause differential gene expression. Therefore gradients of morphogens are used as a causal explanation of developmental processes. However each attempt to describe development causally should take into account both the local fine organisation and global robustness of morphogenesis. The classical view of the role of morphogens will be critically considered and possible alternative proposed. The core idea of my proposal is that the main function of morphogenetic substances could be a context dependent modification of cell behaviour. Both history and different features of morphogenetic fields create the framework for the activity of morphogenes.  相似文献   

The origin and evolution of multicellular metazoa was accompanied by the appearance of extracellular matrix. The demineralized extracellular matrix of bone is enriched in morphogenetic proteins that induce bone. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are intimately bound to collagens. BMP-4 has high affinity for type-IV collagen, and other binding proteins such as noggin and chordin. Soluble morphogens are kept in the solid state by extracellular matrix. In this sense Nature used the principles of affinity matrices long before humans patented the principle of affinity chromatography.  相似文献   

A large, diverse, and growing number of strategies have been proposed to explain how morphogen gradients achieve robustness and precision. We argue that, to be useful, the evaluation of such strategies must take into account the constraints imposed by competing objectives and performance tradeoffs. This point is illustrated through a mathematical and computational analysis of the strategy of self-enhanced morphogen clearance. The results suggest that the usefulness of this strategy comes less from its ability to increase robustness to morphogen source fluctuations per se, than from its ability to overcome specific kinds of noise, and to increase the fraction of a morphogen gradient within which robust threshold positions may be established. This work also provides new insights into the longstanding question of why morphogen gradients show a maximum range in vivo.In recent years, much research on morphogen gradients has shifted from purely mechanistic questions—how gradients form and how morphogens signal—to strategic ones—how gradients perform well in the face of various kinds of constraints and perturbations. Forty years ago, Francis Crick was among the first to call attention to constraints that morphogens face, noting that the time required to spread a signal by random transport through a tissue varies with the square of distance (Crick 1970). Using order-of-magnitude calculations, he argued that observed biological maxima for morphogen-mediated patterning were just about where they should be if morphogen signals spread by aqueous diffusion.Although the idea that diffusion time is what limits the sizes of morphogen gradients remains untested, Crick''s work established a precedent of seeking explanations for developmental processes in terms of constraints imposed by the physical world. In the area of biological pattern formation, continued interest in how real-world limits constrain mechanisms has led many current investigators to focus on matters of robustness, the engineering term that describes the relative insensitivity of a system''s behavior to perturbations it may be expected to encounter. With respect to morphogen gradients, most work has focused on parametric robustness, i.e., insensitivity to parameter values (e.g., the dosage of genes, levels, or rate constants of enzymes [Eldar et al. 2002; Eldar et al. 2003; Eldar et al. 2004; Bollenbach et al. 2005; Shimmi et al. 2005; White et al. 2007]). Some investigators have also focused on the “precision” of morphogen gradients, which may be understood as robustness to the causes and effects of natural variation among individuals in a population (Houchmandzadeh et al. 2002; Gregor et al. 2007; Tostevin et al. 2007; Bollenbach et al. 2008; Emberly 2008).Remarkably, after hardly a decade of intensive study of such questions, we find ourselves awash in a sea of diverse and intriguing mechanisms for conferring one or another type of robustness on morphogen-mediated patterning. Mechanisms that operate at the level of gradient formation include self-enhanced morphogen degradation (Eldar et al. 2003), facilitated transport (Eldar et al. 2002; Shimmi et al. 2005), serial transcytosis (Bollenbach et al. 2005), presteady state patterning (Bergmann et al. 2007), and competition between morphogens for binding to inhibitors (Ben-Zvi et al. 2008). Mechanisms that operate at the level of morphogen detection and interpretation include morphogenetic apoptosis (Adachi-Yamada and O''Connor 2002), cell rearrangement (Ashe and Briscoe 2006), integration of signals from multiple morphogens (McHale et al. 2006; Morishita and Iwasa 2008), and various types of local cell-to-cell signaling (e.g., Amonlirdviman et al. 2005).Why so many strategies? Biologists are often quick to ascribe multiplicity to redundancy, but the perspective of engineering suggests a different view. Most engineers accept the “no free lunch” principle (also referred to as “conservation of fragility”), which states that any mechanism that increases robustness in one setting (i.e., to one type of perturbation, or with respect to one type of output) always compromises it in another. The fact that every strategy comes at a price has been offered as an explanation for the seemingly inescapable fragility of highly engineered, modern technology (Carlson and Doyle 2002). By building complex machines that resist everything we think of, we inevitably create susceptibilities to the things we neglected. Although biology is not the result of human engineering, we have no reason to believe that natural selection can circumvent the limits that engineers confront.In a world of no free lunch, one must evaluate a strategy not just by what it is good for, but the “price” of using it. With regard to morphogen-mediated patterning, it is reasonable to suggest that diverse strategies exist because each comes at a different price. If so, achieving meaningful biological understanding requires that we engage in a sort of cost-benefit analysis, in which each strategy is evaluated in the context of the performance objectives of the organism and constraints of the physical world. This is a tall order, as there is a great deal we still do not know about the performance needs of developing organisms (for example, for all the work performed so far on morphogen gradient robustness, we still know little about the magnitudes of the perturbations that need to be withstood). Nevertheless, there is no reason not to get started, as even through the early investigation of hard questions, one commonly learns useful things.  相似文献   

Early brain patterning depends on proper arrangement of positional information. This information is given by gradients of secreted signaling molecules (morphogens) detected by individual cells within the responding tissue, leading to specific fate decisions. Here we report that the morphogen FGF8 exerts initially a differential signal activity along the E9.5 mouse neural tube. We demonstrate that this polarizing activity codes by RAS-regulated ERK1/2 signaling and depends on the topographical location of the secondary organizers: the isthmic organizer (IsO) and the anterior neural ridge (anr) but not on zona limitans intrathalamica (zli). Our results suggest that Sprouty2, a negative modulator of RAS/ERK pathway, is important for regulating Fgf8 morphogenetic signal activity by controlling Fgf8-induced signaling pathways and positional information during early brain development.  相似文献   

Morphogens are proteins, often produced in a localized region, whose concentrations spatially demarcate regions of differing gene expression in developing embryos. The boundaries of gene expression are typically sharp and the genes can be viewed as abruptly switching from on to off or vice versa upon crossing the boundary. To ensure the viability of the organism these boundaries must be set at certain fractional positions within the corresponding developing field. Remarkably this can be done with high precision despite the fact that the size of the developing field itself can vary widely from embryo to embryo. How this scaling is accomplished is unknown but it is clear that a single morphogen gradient is insufficient. Here we show how a pair of morphogens A and B, produced at opposite ends of a one-dimensional developing field, can solve the pattern-scaling problem. In the most promising scenario the morphogens interact via an effective annihilation reaction A + B --> slashed circle and the switch occurs according to the absolute concentration of A or B. We define a scaling criterion and show that morphogens coupled in this way can set embryonic markers across the entire developing field in proportion to the field size. This scaling occurs at developing-field sizes of a few times the morphogen decay length. The scaling criterion is not met if instead the gradients couple combinatorially such that downstream genes are regulated by the ratio A/B of the morphogen concentrations.  相似文献   

Summary .   For longitudinal data, mixed models include random subject effects to indicate how subjects influence their responses over repeated assessments. The error variance and the variance of the random effects are usually considered to be homogeneous. These variance terms characterize the within-subjects (i.e., error variance) and between-subjects (i.e., random-effects variance) variation in the data. In studies using ecological momentary assessment (EMA), up to 30 or 40 observations are often obtained for each subject, and interest frequently centers around changes in the variances, both within and between subjects. In this article, we focus on an adolescent smoking study using EMA where interest is on characterizing changes in mood variation. We describe how covariates can influence the mood variances, and also extend the standard mixed model by adding a subject-level random effect to the within-subject variance specification. This permits subjects to have influence on the mean, or location, and variability, or (square of the) scale, of their mood responses. Additionally, we allow the location and scale random effects to be correlated. These mixed-effects location scale models have useful applications in many research areas where interest centers on the joint modeling of the mean and variance structure.  相似文献   

Tightly controlled concentration gradients of morphogens provide positional information and thus regulate tissue differentiation and morphogenesis in multicellular organisms. However, how such morphogenetic fields are formed and maintained remains debated. Here we show that fibroblast growth factor 8 (Fgf8) morphogen gradients in zebrafish embryos are established and maintained by two essential mechanisms. Firstly, Fgf8 is taken up into the cell by clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The speed of the uptake rate defines the range of the morphogenetic gradient of Fgf8. Secondly, our data demonstrate that after endocytosis the routing of Fgf8 from the early endosome to the late endosome shuts down signaling. Therefore, intracellular endocytic transport regulates the intensity and duration of Fgf8 signaling. We show that internalization of Fgf8 into the early endosome and subsequent transport towards the late endosome are two independent processes. Therefore, we hypothesize that Fgf8 receiving cells control both, the propagation width and the signal strength of the morphogen.  相似文献   

Morphogen gradients are well known to play several important roles in development; however the mechanisms underlying the formation and maintenance of these gradients are often not well understood. In this work, we investigate whether the presence of a secondary morphogen can increase the robustness of the primary morphogen gradient to perturbation, thereby providing a more stable mechanism for development. We base our model around the interactions of Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 and retinoic acid, which have been shown to act as morphogens in many developmental systems. In particular, we investigate the formation of opposing gradients of these morphogens along the antero-posterior axis of vertebrate embryos, thereby controlling temporal and spatial aspects of axis segmentation and neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   

Interactions between all-trans-retinoic acid (RA) and bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) affect the expression of neurotrophin receptors in sympathetic neurons (Kobayashi et al., 1998). In this study, we examined the possibility that similar interactions might regulate the morphological development of these neurons. Under control conditions, embryonic rat sympathetic neurons formed axons but not dendrites; cells exposed to RA had a similar appearance. Profuse dendritic growth was observed upon exposure to BMP-7, and this was reduced by approximately 70% by RA. This inhibitory effect of RA was mediated primarily by retinoic acid receptors (RARs) and it exhibited substantial specificity because it was not associated with changes in either axonal elongation or cell survival. Moreover, mRNAs for enzymes required for synthesis of RA were expressed in the sympathetic neurons and retinoid activity was released from superior cervical ganglia. These observations suggest that retinoids may function as endogenous morphogens and regulate neural cell shape and polarity in developing sympathetic ganglia.  相似文献   

The conditions under which changes in parameters lead to changes in the pattern-generating behaviour of Turing's two-morphogen linear model can be expressed in terms of two reduced rate constants, k1 and k4 which represent autocatalytic and self-inhibitory rates in relation to cross-catalysis and cross-inhibition, and the ratio of the diffusivities for the two morphogens. This allows a new type of diagram to be drawn in which a two-dimensional k1k4 space is divided by Turing's conditions into regions where the various morphogenetic behaviours occur.An analysis using this type of diagram is applied to the linear limit of two non-linear models, those of Gierer and Meinhardt and of Tyson's modification of the Brusselator, and is used to clarify what is happening in their non-linear development. Several possible applications are mentioned; to the stability of a simple binary pattern in slime moulds, to the development and decay of a succession of patterns in the imaginal wing discs of Drosophila as treated by Kauffman et al., and to the apparent ease of disturbing the sea urchin blastula to produce a three-part, rather than a two-part pattern.  相似文献   

Although the microtubular cytoskeleton of plant cells is important in maintaining the direction of cell growth, its natural lability can be harnessed in such a way that new growth axes are permitted. In these circumstances, the system which fabricates the cytoskeleton is presumably responsive to morphogenetic information originating from outside the cell. Spatial patterns of hormonal and metabolic signals within the tissue or organ that house the responsive cells are one possible source of this information. However, a contrasting source takes the form of biophysical information, such as the supracellular patterns of stresses and strains.We examined the microtubular cytoskeleton in roots of tomato and maize to test the assumption that the cortical microtubular array of each cell would have a particular orientation relative to the cell's position within the growth field of the root apex. Accordingly, each intracellular cortical array was mapped to the overall pattern of cells within the apex. In certain areas of the meristem, the arrays seemed to be more variable than elsewhere. These are sites where morphogenetic decisions are taken, usually involving a change in the plane of cell division. Roots which have suffered disturbance to their physical structure (e.g. removal of the root cap), or which had been exposed to low temperatures or treated with certain chemicals (e.g. inhibitors of nuclear division or DNA synthesis), exhibited new patterns of microtubular arrays which in turn predicted novel patterns of cell division. In all these circumstances, the arrays showed consistent alterations within distinct regions of the root-e.g. in the quiescent centre and also in a group of cells just behind the quiescent centre, at the boundary between cortex and stele. These altered arrays indicate that there are supracellular domains in which the microtubules respond to morphogenetic signals. Studies such as these reinforce the concept of microtubule lability and the inherent responsiveness of the microtubular system to external and internal stimuli. However, at present there is no indication of how the morphogenetic programme of the root is set up in the first place. Probably, this is established and stabilized early in embryogenesis and is then perpetuated by the prevailing metabolic and biophysical conditions. The microtubules of the cytoskeleton can be regarded as intracellular automata which not only participate in mitosis and cytokinesis but also ensure the realization of an organogenetic programme. Should the root confront circumstances which temporarily destabilize this programme, the prevailing growth field is sufficiently robust to ensure that the microtubular system is attracted back to the stable, pre-existing state capable of reinstating normal morphogenesis. H Lambers Section editor  相似文献   

During development, secreted morphogens such as Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and BMP emit from their producing cells in a morphogenetic field, and specify different cell fates in a direct concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogens form their concentration gradients to pattern tissues has been a central issue in developmental biology. Various experimental studies from Drosophila have led to several models to explain the formation of morphogen gradients. Over the past decade, one of the main findings in this field is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. Genetic and cell biological studies have showed that HSPGs can regulate morphogen activities at various steps including control of morphogen movement, signaling, and intracellular trafficking. Here, we review these data, highlighting recent findings that reveal mechanistic roles of HSPGs in controlling morphogen gradient formation.Embryonic development involves many spatial and temporal patterns of cell and tissue organization. These patterning processes are controlled by gradients of morphogens, the “form-generating substances” (Tabata and Takei 2004; Lander 2007). Secreted morphogen molecules, including members of Wnt, Hedgehog (Hh), and transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) families, are generated from organizing centers and form concentration gradients to specify distinct cell fates in a concentration-dependent manner. Understanding how morphogen gradients are established during development has been a central question in developmental biology. Over the past decade, studies in both Drosophila and vertebrates have yielded important insights in this field. One of the important findings is the characterization of heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) as an essential regulator for morphogen gradient formation. In this review, we first discuss various models for morphogen movement. Then, we focus on the functions of HSPGs in morphogen movement, signaling, and trafficking.  相似文献   

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