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Ping Xie  Shuo-Xing Dou  Peng-Ye Wang 《BBA》2007,1767(12):1418-1427
The processive movement of single-headed kinesins is studied by using a ratchet model of non-Markov process, which is built on the experimental evidence that the strong binding of kinesin to microtubule in rigor state induces a large apparent change in the local microtubule conformation. In the model, the microtubule plays a crucial active role in the kinesin movement, in contrast to the previous belief that the microtubule only acts as a passive track for the kinesin motility. The unidirectional movement of single-headed kinesin is resulted from the asymmetric periodic potential between kinesin and microtubule while its processivity is determined by its binding affinity for microtubule in the weak ADP state. Using the model, various experimental results for monomeric kinesin KIF1A, such as the mean step size, the step-size distribution, the long run length and the mean velocity versus load, can be well explained quantitatively. This local conformational change of the microtubule may also play important roles in the processive movement of conventional two-headed kinesins. An experiment to verify the model is suggested.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin is a highly processive molecular motor that takes several hundred steps per encounter with a microtubule. Processive motility is believed to result from the coordinated, hand-over-hand motion of the two heads of the kinesin dimer, but the specific factors that determine kinesin's run length (distance traveled per microtubule encounter) are not known. Here, we show that the neck coiled-coil, a structure adjacent to the motor domain, plays an important role in governing the run length. By adding positive charge to the neck coiled-coil, we have created ultra-processive kinesin mutants that have fourfold longer run lengths than the wild-type motor, but that have normal ATPase activity and motor velocity. Conversely, adding negative charge on the neck coiled-coil decreases the run length. The gain in processivity can be suppressed by either proteolytic cleavage of tubulin's negatively charged COOH terminus or by high salt concentrations. Therefore, modulation of processivity by the neck coiled-coil appears to involve an electrostatic tethering interaction with the COOH terminus of tubulin. The ability to readily increase kinesin processivity by mutation, taken together with the strong sequence conservation of the neck coiled-coil, suggests that evolutionary pressures may limit kinesin's run length to optimize its in vivo function.  相似文献   

Ping Xie 《BBA》2008,1777(9):1195-1202
The stepping behavior of the dimeric kinesin is studied by using our model based on previous biochemical, X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy studies. It is shown that, when a Pi is released from the trailing head, a forward step is made under a backward load smaller than the stall force; while when a Pi is released from the leading head, no stepping is made under a forward load or no load, and a backward step is made under a backward load. The forward stepping time, i.e., the time from the release of Pi in the trailing head to the binding of the ADP head to next binding site, is much smaller than the dwell time even under the backward load near the stall force. Thus the movement velocity of the kinesin dimer can be considered to be only dependent on ATPase rates of the two heads. The duration of the rising phase, i.e., the actual time taken by the ADP head to transit from the trailing to leading positions, is on the time scale of microseconds under any backward load smaller than the stall force. This is consistent with available experimental results.  相似文献   

It has been puzzled that in spite of its single-headed structure, myosin-IX shows the typical character of processive motor in multi-molecule in vitro motility assay, because this cannot be explained by hand-over-hand mechanism of the two-headed processive myosins. Here, we show direct evidence of the processive movement of myosin-IX using two different single molecule techniques. Using optical trap nanometry, we found that myosin-IX takes several large ( approximately 20nm) steps before detaching from an actin filament. Furthermore, we directly visualized the single myosin-IX molecules moving on actin filaments for several hundred nanometers without dissociating from actin filament. Since myosin-IX processively moves without anchoring the neck domain, the result suggests that the neck tilting is not involved for the processive movement of myosin-IX. We propose that the myosin-IX head moves processively along an actin filament like an inchworm via a unique long and positively charged insertion in the loop 2 region of the head.  相似文献   

The surface topography of opened-up microtubule walls (sheets) decorated with monomeric and dimeric kinesin motor domains was investigated by freeze-drying and unidirectional metal shadowing. Electron microscopy of surface-shadowed specimens produces images with a high signal/noise ratio, which enable a direct observation of surface features below 2 nm detail. Here we investigate the inner and outer surface of microtubules and tubulin sheets with and without decoration by kinesin motor domains. Tubulin sheets are flattened walls of microtubules, keeping lateral protofilament contacts intact. Surface shadowing reveals the following features: (i) when the microtubule outside is exposed the surface relief is dominated by the bound motor domains. Monomeric motor constructs generate a strong 8 nm periodicity, corresponding to the binding of one motor domain per alpha-beta-tubulin heterodimer. This surface periodicity largely disappears when dimeric kinesin motor domains are used for decoration, even though it is still visible in negatively stained or frozen hydrated specimens. This could be explained by disorder in the binding of the second (loosely tethered) kinesin head, and/or disorder in the coiled-coil tail. (ii) Both surfaces of undecorated sheets or microtubules, as well as the inner surface of decorated sheets, reveal a strong 4 nm repeat (due to the periodicity of tubulin monomers) and a weak 8 nm repeat (due to slight differences between alpha- and beta-tubulin). The differences between alpha- and beta-tubulin on the inner surface are stronger than expected from cryo-electron microscopy of unstained microtubules, indicating the existence of tubulin subdomain-specific surface properties that reflect the surface corrugation and hence metal deposition during evaporation. The 16 nm periodicity visible in some negatively stained specimens (caused by the pairing of cooperatively bound kinesin dimers) is not detected by surface shadowing.  相似文献   

Kinesins are molecular motors that unidirectionally move along microtubules using the chemical energy of ATP. Although the core structure of kinesins is similar to that of myosins, the lever-arm hypothesis, which is widely accepted as a plausible mechanism to explain the behaviors of myosins, cannot be directly applied to kinesins. Masuda has proposed a mechanochemical process called the ‘Driven-by-Detachment (DbD)’ mechanism to explain the characteristic behaviors of myosins, including the backward movement of myosin VI and the loose coupling phenomenon of myosin II. The DbD mechanism assumes that the energy of ATP is mainly used to detach a myosin head from an actin filament by temporarily reducing the affinity of the myosin against the actin. After the affinity is recovered, the detached head has potential energy originating from the attractive force between the myosin and the actin. During the docking process, the potential energy is converted into elastic energy within the myosin molecule, and the intramolecular elastic energy is finally used to produce the power strokes. In the present paper, the DbD mechanism was used to explain the hand-over-hand motion of the conventional kinesin. The neck linker of the kinesin is known to determine the directionality of the motility but, in this paper, it was assumed that the neck linker was not directly engaged in the power strokes, which were driven by the attractive force between the kinesin head and the microtubule. Based on this assumption, simple mechanical simulations showed that the model of a kinesin dimer processively moved along a microtubule protofilament, if the affinity of the kinesin against the microtubule is appropriately controlled. Moreover, if an external force was applied to the center of the kinesin dimer, the dimer moved backward along a microtubule, as observed in experimental motility assays.  相似文献   

Telomerase is a specialized cellular ribonucleoprotein complex that can synthesize long stretches of a DNA primer by using an intrinsic RNA template sequence. This requires that the telomerase must be able to carry out both nucleotide and repeat additions. Here, based on available structures and experimental data, a model is presented to describe these two addition activities. In the model, the forward movement of the polymerase active site along the template during the processive nucleotide addition is rectified through the incorporation of a matched base, via the Brownian ratchet mechanism. The unpairing of the DNA:RNA hybrid and then repositioning of product 3′-end after each round of repeat synthesis, which are prerequisites for the processive repeat addition, are caused by a force acting on the primer. The force results from the conformational transition of the stem III pseudoknot, which is mechanically induced by the rotation of TERT fingers together with stem IV loop towards the polymerase active site upon a nucleotide binding. Based on the model, the dynamics of processive nucleotide and repeat additions by recombinant Tetrahymena telomerase is studied analytically, which gives good quantitative explanations to the previous experimental results. Moreover, some predicted results are presented. In particular, it is shown that the repeat addition processivity is mainly determined by the difference between the free-energy change required to disrupt the DNA:RNA hybrid and that required to unfold the stem III pseudoknot. A large difference in free energy corresponds to a low repeat addition processivity while a small difference in free energy corresponds to a high repeat addition processivity.  相似文献   

The cargo that the molecular motor kinesin moves along microtubules has been elusive. We searched for binding partners of the COOH terminus of kinesin light chain, which contains tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs. Three proteins were found, the c-jun NH(2)-terminal kinase (JNK)-interacting proteins (JIPs) JIP-1, JIP-2, and JIP-3, which are scaffolding proteins for the JNK signaling pathway. Concentration of JIPs in nerve terminals requires kinesin, as evident from the analysis of JIP COOH-terminal mutants and dominant negative kinesin constructs. Coprecipitation experiments suggest that kinesin carries the JIP scaffolds preloaded with cytoplasmic (dual leucine zipper-bearing kinase) and transmembrane signaling molecules (the Reelin receptor, ApoER2). These results demonstrate a direct interaction between conventional kinesin and a cargo, indicate that motor proteins are linked to their membranous cargo via scaffolding proteins, and support a role for motor proteins in spatial regulation of signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

An enzyme is frequently conceived of as having a single functional mechanism. This is particularly true for motor enzymes, where the necessity for tight coupling of mechanical and chemical cycles imposes rigid constraints on the reaction pathway. In mixtures of substrate (ATP) and an inhibitor (adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imido)triphosphate or AMP-PNP), single kinesin molecules move on microtubules in two distinct types of multiple-turnover "runs" that differ in their susceptibility to inhibition. Longer (less susceptible) runs are consistent with movement driven by the alternating-sites mechanism previously proposed for uninhibited kinesin. In contrast, kinesin molecules in shorter runs step with AMP-PNP continuously bound to one of the two active sites of the enzyme. Thus, in this mixture of substrate and inhibitor, kinesin can function as a motor enzyme using either of two distinct mechanisms. In one of these, the enzyme can accomplish high-duty-ratio processive movement without alternating-sites ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Human erythrocyte membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase was converted to a monomeric species by treatment of ghosts with 2-mercaptoethanol and iodoacetic acid. After solubilization with Triton X-100, the reduced and alkylated enzyme was partially purified by affinity chromatography and separated from residual dimeric enzyme by sucrose density gradient centrifugation in a zonal rotor. Monomeric and dimeric acetylcholinesterase showed full enzymatic activity in presence of Triton X-100 whereas in the absence of detergent, activity was decreased to approx. 20% and 15%, respectively. Preformed egg phosphatidylcholine vesicles fully sustained activity of the monomeric species whereas the dimer was only 80% active. The results suggest that a dimeric structure is not required for manifestation of amphiphile dependency of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase from human erythrocytes. Furthermore, monomeric enzyme appears to be more easily inserted into phospholipid bilayers than the dimeric species.  相似文献   

To understand force generation under a wide range of loads, the stepping of single kinesin molecules was measured at loads from −20 to 42 pN by optical tweezers with high temporal resolution. The optical trap has been improved to halve positional noise and increase bandwidth by using 200-nm beads. The step size of the forward and backward steps was 8.2 nm even over a wide range of loads. Histograms of the dwell times of backward steps and detachment fit well to two independent exponential equations with fast (~0.4 ms) and slow (>3 ms) time constants, indicating the existence of a fast step in addition to the conventional slow step. The dwell times of the fast steps were almost independent of the load and ATP concentration, while those of the slow backward steps and detachment depended on those. We constructed the kinetic model to explain the fast and slow steps under a wide range of loads.  相似文献   

Interactions of anionic polyelectrolyte (PE) with cationic monomeric (MS) and dimeric surfactants (DS) have been investigated by coarse-grained molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. A PE/surfactant mixture is observed to evolve over time into micellar complex of increasing size. The critical aggregation concentration (CAC) is qualitatively found to be much lower than the critical micellization concentration (CMC) of the free surfactant. Compared to the monomeric analog, a DS interacts more strongly with the oppositely charged polyion chain. The equilibrium complex size becomes larger with increasing surfactant concentration. Simulation results are consistent with experimental observations and reveal that the electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions play an important role in the formation of micellar complex.  相似文献   

Conventional kinesin has a double-headed structure consisting of two motor domains and moves processively along a microtubule using the two heads cooperatively. The movement of single and multiple truncated heads of Drosophila kinesin was measured using a laser trap and nanometer detecting apparatus. Single molecules of single-headed kinesin bound to the microtubules with a 3.5 nm biased displacement toward the plus end of the microtubule. The position of these single-headed kinesin molecules bound to a microtubule did not change until they had dissociated, indicating that single kinesin heads utilize nonprocessive movement processes. Two molecules of single-headed kinesin moved continuously along a microtubule with a lower velocity and force than that of single molecules of double-headed kinesin. The biased binding of the heads determines the directionality of movement, whereas two molecules of single-headed kinesin move continuously without dissociation from a microtubule.  相似文献   

Monomeric, dimeric, and trimeric derivatives of the triphenylmethane dye crystal violet (1a1f) have been synthesized for the purpose of evaluating their affinity and sequence selectivity for duplex DNA. Competitive ethidum displacement assays indicate that 1a1f have apparent association constants for CT DNA in the range of 1.80–16.2 × 107 M−1 and binding site sizes of 10–14 bp. Viscosity experiments performed on ligand 1f confirmed that these dyes associate with duplex DNA by a non-intercalative mode of binding. Circular dichroism and competition binding studies of the tightest binding ligand 1e with known major and minor groove binding molecules suggest that these dye derivatives likely occupy the major groove of DNA. Data from the binding of 1e to polynucleotides indicate close to an order of magnitude preference for associating with AT rich homopolymers over GC rich homopolymers, suggesting a shape-selective match of the sterically bulky ligand with DNA containing a wider major groove.  相似文献   

驱动蛋白是一类利用水解ATP为ADP和磷酸的过程中释放的能量沿微管系统运动的蛋白。为了研究ATP中储存的化学能是如何转化为驱动蛋白的机械动能,鼠脑驱动蛋白的相关N-端区域在BL21-Codon Plus(DE3)-RP感受态大肠杆菌细胞中大量地表达。通过SP-强阳离子交换色谱和分子筛色谱的两步骤纯化,蛋白最终产量高达10 mg/L细胞培养液,蛋白纯度可以达到95%以上。纯化的蛋白具有水解ATP酶的活力,并与驱动蛋白抗体有特异性的反应。驱动蛋白可以在如下条件结晶:1.7 mol/L(NH4)2SO4,500 mmol/L NaCl,20%glycerol。晶体衍射的分辨率可以达到2.0。  相似文献   

Dimeric bovine hemoglobin (Hb) tetramers were prepared by a one-step solid phase adsorption method. Briefly, Hb was absorbed by the solid phase, Q Sepharose Fast Flow media, followed by reaction with the glutaraldehyde and elution procedure. Then, dimeric bovine Hb tetramers were formed and purified from Hb tetramers by anion-exchange chromatography based on Protein-Pak DEAE 8HR. The dimeric Hb tetramer showed a P50 value of 15.9 mm Hg, oxygen transporting efficiency of 14.2%, and Hill coefficient of 1.72. The number of Bohr protons released for dimeric Hb tetramers was 0.59 H/tetramer, which was 39% of that of native bovine Hb. The number of chloride ions released on oxygenation was 0.60/tetramer for dimeric Hb tetramers, which was 46% of that of native bovine Hb.  相似文献   

Initiation of glucose polymerization by glycogenin autoglucosylation at Tyr-194 is required to prime de novo biosynthesis of glycogen. It has been proposed that the synthesis of the primer proceeds by intersubunit glucosylation of dimeric glycogenin, even though it has not been demonstrated that this mechanism is responsible for the described polymerization extent of 12 glucoses produced by the dimer. We reported previously the intramonomer glucosylation capability of glycogenin without determining the extent of autoglucopolymerization. Here, we show that the maximum specific autoglucosylation extent (MSAE) produced by the non-glucosylated glycogenin monomer is 13.3 ± 1.9 glucose units, similar to the 12.5 ± 1.4 glucose units measured for the dimer. The mechanism and capacity of the dimeric enzyme to carry out full glucopolymerization were also evaluated by construction of heterodimers able to glucosylate exclusively by intrasubunit or intersubunit reaction mechanisms. The MSAE of non-glucosylated glycogenin produced by dimer intrasubunit glucosylation was 16% of that produced by the monomer. However, partially glucosylated glycogenin was able to almost complete its autoglucosylation by the dimer intrasubunit mechanism. The MSAE produced by heterodimer intersubunit glucosylation was 60% of that produced by the wild-type dimer. We conclude that both intrasubunit and intersubunit reaction mechanisms are necessary for the dimeric enzyme to acquire maximum autoglucosylation. The full glucopolymerization capacity of monomeric glycogenin indicates that the enzyme is able to synthesize the glycogen primer without the need for prior dimerization.  相似文献   

Kamara BI  Manong DT  Brandt EV 《Phytochemistry》2005,66(10):1126-1132
A new dimeric dihydrochalcone, rel-(1β,2α)-di-(2,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)-rel-(3β,4α)-di-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-cyclobutane, accompanied by its apparent precursor, the known chalcone isoliquiritigenin, have been isolated from the roots of Agapanthus africanus (Liliaceae). The structure is based on spectroscopic methods including extensive NMR analyses, mass spectrometry and circular dichroism. Conclusions regarding the structure and relative configuration are supported by synthesis of the dimeric dihydrochalcone via a pericyclic [π2s + π2s] photocyclo-addition of the corresponding chalcone and consideration of the molecular symmetry involved.  相似文献   

The molecular mass of clitocypin, a new type of cysteine proteinase inhibitor from the mushroom Clitocybe nebularis, has been determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and gel exclusion chromatography. The result is in agreement with the formula mass of 16.8 kDa, demonstrating that the inhibitor is a monomer in aqueous solution. This enables the kinetics of unfolding and refolding to be interpreted in terms of folding in a kinetically two state, highly cooperative transition from the thermally unfolded state.  相似文献   

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