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Case reports of conjoined twins ("Siamese twins") in wild mammals are scarce. Most published reports of conjoined twins in mammals concern cases in man and domestic mammals. This article describes a case of cephalopagus conjoined twins in a leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) collected on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, in the period 1873-76. A review of known cases of conjoined twinning in wild mammals is given.  相似文献   

Based on techniques developed for the domestic cat, in vitro fertilization (IVF) studies were conducted in the taxonomically related leopard cat (Felis bengalensis). Adult females received pregnant mares' serum gonadotropin (PMSG) followed 80 or 84 h later by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) on two to four occasions over a 40-day to 27-month interval. Oocytes were collected laparoscopically from ovarian follicles 25-27 h after hCG and co-cultured with processed, homologous spermatozoa (37 degrees C, 5% CO2 in air, humidified atmosphere) for 30-36 h. There was no apparent ovarian refractoriness to repeated treatments with exogenous gonadotropins. Overall, the mean number of mature follicles present and the total number of oocytes and proportion of immature oocytes collected did not differ (P greater than 0.05) between the 80 h (4.9 +/- 0.9; 4.7 +/- 1.2; 14.9%, respectively) and 84 h (5.6 +/- 1.4; 5.4 +/- 1.7; 22.2%, respectively) gonadotropin interval groups. However, the proportion of mature leopard cat oocytes fertilized in vitro, as determined by embryonic cleavage, was increased (P less than 0.005) by extending the interval between PMSG and hCG from 80 (17.5%) to 84 (52.4%) h. These data 1) demonstrate that, compared to the domestic cat, the ovaries of the leopard cat are less responsive to a given PMSG/hCG treatment; 2) indicate that leopard cat follicular oocytes can be recovered readily by laparoscopy and are capable of becoming fertilized in vitro; and 3) suggest that IVF may be a viable approach for producing embryos and perhaps enhancing captive propagation of rare Felidae.  相似文献   

于1997年10月到1999年10月在泰国KhaoYai国家公园对两种同域分布的物种(即豹猫和云豹)进行了研究。使用带诱饵的陷阱捕捉了这些动物,进行麻醉,确定了性别、年龄,并戴上了无线电项圈,对6只雌性豹猫和4只雄性豹猫进行了1—18个月的无线电追踪。豹猫在干旱季节的利用区域大于雨季,雄性利用的区域大于雌性。在夜间和晨昏时节,豹猫活动增加,但是并没有节律性活动。所有豹猫个体在旱季和雨季的活动都相似,但雄性个体的白天活动多于雌性。豹猫的行走距离有性别差异但是没有季节差异;其食物以鼠类为主。分别对1只雌性云豹和1只雄性云豹进行了17个月和7个月的无线电追踪,雌性个体的活动面积为39.4km^2,而雄性个体活动面积为42.2km^2,核心区都是2.9km2。云豹对半绿林的使用大于其它类型的植被,在晨昏和夜间的活动增加,其活动无节律。  相似文献   

The leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), a member of the felidae family, is a threatened animal in South Korea. In terms of protecting endangered felids, nuclear transfer (NT) is a potentially valuable technique for assuring the continuation of species with dwindling numbers. In the present experiment, nuclear and microtubule remodeling and the in vitro developmental potential of enucleated domestic cat oocytes reconstructed with nuclei of somatic cells from either domestic cat fibroblast (DCF) or leopard cat fibroblast (LCF) were evaluated. Microtubule aster is allocated to de-condensed chromatin following nuclear transfer (3h after activation) of fibroblast cells from both domestic and leopard cats, suggesting the introduction of a somatic cell centrosome. The transferred fibroblast nuclei formed a large, swollen, pronuclear-like structure in most reconstructed oocytes, in the cat or leopard cat. At 18h following nuclear transfer, mitosis occurred, and according to the photo (F) it appears that spindle microtubules and two asters were observed. The percentages of blastocyst formation from nuclear transfer embryos derived from domestic cat fibroblasts (4/46, 8.6%) were not significantly different than those for nuclear transfer embryos constructed with leopard cat fibroblasts (4/52, 7.6%). These results indicate that nuclear and microtubule remodeling processes and in vitro developmental ability are similar in reconstructed cat oocytes following transfer of nuclei from either domestic or leopard cats.  相似文献   

The taxonomic status of the Iriomote cat ( Prionailurus iriomotensis Imaizumi 1967) has been the subject of considerable discussion. Wozencraft's (1993) decision that it is merely a subspecies of Prionailurus bengalensis has been adopted by IUCN, which may affect the chances of conserving this unique animal. This paper reports on an investigation into the relationship between the Iriomote cat and other species, using skull measurements to calculate skull configurations, from which species and subspecies may be compared with each other. The results prove that the Iriomote cat cannot be subsumed as a subspecies of Prionailurus bengalensis but is a species of its own. It is closely related to the genus Prionailurus but also has affinities with the genera Pardofelis and Profelis . It appears to be a very ancient species, a 'missing link', nearer to the common root of the cat tribe than any other extant species.  相似文献   

There is a striking difference in body size of jungle cats ( Felis chaus ) in the west and the east of their distribution, with Israeli cats being 43% heavier than Indian cats. We tested the hypothesis that increasing competition from other small felids towards the east is responsible for the difference in body size. We measured jungle cat skulls for eight cranial and dental variables and related these to independent variables such as species richness (local and regional), latitude, longitude, temperature, and precipitation. Data from a narrow band between latitudes 24.0°N and 33.9°N, where Bergmann's rule was largely not observed, showed that the western population (≤ 50.0°E longitude) of jungle cats is larger than the eastern (> 60.0°E longitude) population with the size difference being most evident in the upper carnassials (P4L). Species richness at the regional level showed a significant negative relation to P4L. An even spacing in condylobasal length for a small-cat guild from India through null model analysis indicated the occurrence of character displacement. The results support the hypothesis that competition is responsible for geographical variation in jungle cat body size in the region where Bergmann's rule does not apply. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 163–172.  相似文献   

The ability of domestic cat or leopard cat spermatozoa to penetrate zonae pellucidae (ZP) of salt-stored, domestic cat oocytes was examined as an assay for sperm capacitation. Ovarian oocytes were recovered after ovariectomy and matured in vitro for 18-36 h. Following removal of cumulus cells, the oocytes were used fresh, or stored (4 degrees C, 0.5-24 weeks) in a HEPES-buffered hypertonic salt solution. Electroejaculated, washed sperm (2-4 x 10(6) sperm/ml) were preincubated for 1.0 h (38 degrees C, 5% CO2 in air) and then co-incubated (2 x 10(5) sperm/ml) with fresh or stored oocytes for 6.0 h. Gametes were incubated in a protein-free, modified Tyrode's solution (TLP-PVA) or in the same medium containing 4.0 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA; TALP-PVA). Treatments were compared for percentage ZP penetration (defined as sperm heads reaching more than halfway through the ZP) as an index of sperm capacitation. In both the domestic cat and leopard cat, there was no difference (P greater than 0.05) in sperm penetration of fresh ZP (domestic cat, 42.5 +/- 5.4%; leopard cat, 38.6 +/- 2.8%) or stored ZP (domestic cat, 32.4 +/- 4.2%; leopard cat, 27.6 +/- 2.3%). Sperm incubated in protein-free medium (TLP-PVA) were less capable (P less than 0.05) of ZP penetration (domestic cat, 14.6 +/- 5.9%; leopard cat, 7.9 +/- 3.0%) than sperm incubated in medium TALP-PVA containing BSA (domestic cat, 60.3 +/- 5.9%; leopard cat, 58.4 +/- 3.0%).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Yin XJ  Yin X  Lee Y  Lee H  Kim N  Kim L  Shin H  Kong I 《Theriogenology》2006,66(2):275-282
The leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis), a member of the felidae family, is currently listed as threatened by the Ministry of Environment in South Korea. In exotic or endangered species, the lack of oocytes and recipients precludes the use of traditional somatic cell nuclear transfer, and an approach such as inter-genus nuclear transfer may be the only alternative for producing embryos and offspring. In the present study, we used the leopard cat as a somatic cell donor to evaluate the in vivo developmental competence, after transfer into domestic cat recipients, of cloned embryos produced by the fusion of leopard cat fibroblast cell nuclei with domestic cat cytoplasts. A total of 412 enucleated domestic cat oocytes were reconstructed with either male (Group A) or female (Group B) adult leopard cat fibroblasts. There was no significant difference in fusion rate (60.4% versus 56.9%) between Groups A and B. Of the cultured embryos, the cleavage and blastocyst developmental rate were not significantly different between Groups A and B (69.5% versus 60.8%; 7.2% versus 7.8%, P > 0.05). In Group A, in vivo developmental studies at 30-45 days postimplantation demonstrated 4.8% (21/435) of reconstructed embryos (n = 435) had entered into the uterine lining of recipients, while 1.4% (6/435) formed fetuses. However, all of the reconstructed embryos failed to develop to term (65 days). Microsatellite analyses confirmed that the nuclear genome of the cloned fetus were leopard cat in origin.  相似文献   

Diet analysis is a prerequisite to fully understand the biology of a species and the functioning of ecosystems. For carnivores, traditional diet analyses mostly rely upon the morphological identification of undigested remains in the faeces. Here, we developed a methodology for carnivore diet analyses based on the next-generation sequencing. We applied this approach to the analysis of the vertebrate component of leopard cat diet in two ecologically distinct regions in northern Pakistan. Despite being a relatively common species with a wide distribution in Asia, little is known about this elusive predator. We analysed a total of 38 leopard cat faeces. After a classical DNA extraction, the DNA extracts were amplified using primers for vertebrates targeting about 100 bp of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene, with and without a blocking oligonucleotide specific to the predator sequence. The amplification products were then sequenced on a next-generation sequencer. We identified a total of 18 prey taxa, including eight mammals, eight birds, one amphibian and one fish. In general, our results confirmed that the leopard cat has a very eclectic diet and feeds mainly on rodents and particularly on the Muridae family. The DNA-based approach we propose here represents a valuable complement to current conventional methods. It can be applied to other carnivore species with only a slight adjustment relating to the design of the blocking oligonucleotide. It is robust and simple to implement and allows the possibility of very large-scale analyses.  相似文献   

To investigate genetic diversity and phylogeography of the Asian leopard cat (Felis bengalensis), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences were determined for 39 individuals from various areas. Sequences combining the complete cytochrome b gene (1,140 bp) with the partial control region (646-810 bp) were classified into 24 haplotypes: 21 types from 21 animals, one from eight animals from Tsushima Islands, one from eight animals from Iriomote Island, and one from two animals from Southeast Asia. Phylogenetic trees of the 24 haplotypes clearly showed three clades: a Northern Lineage and Southern Lineages 1 and 2. The Northern Lineage consisted of animals from Tsushima Islands, the Korean Peninsula, the continental Far East, Taiwan, and Iriomote Island. Within the Northern Lineage, genetic contacts could have occurred between geographically neighboring populations before isolation by straits. Southern Lineage 1, comprising Southeast Asian animals, showed higher genetic diversity. Southern Lineage 2 had large genetic distances from other lineages. Within the control region, the Asian leopard cats shared two to four repetitive motifs, and the number of motifs and their constitution were highly variable among individuals. The motifs were polymorphic even within individuals and could be classified into 31 types. Finally, males of mtDNA Southern Lineage 1 had either of two types of the Y-chromosomal gene ZFY, whereas all males of Northern Lineage shared only one type. Our results indicate that the diversity of southern populations is higher and that genetic differentiation among northern local populations reflects past geographical isolation.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of novel microsatellite loci from the leopard cat, Prionailurus bengalensis Kerr, 1792 (Family Felidae). Using Illumina HiSeq2500 sequencing technology, we sequenced the leopard cat genome and identified 1.5 million loci of simple sequence repeats with di- to deca-nucleotide motifs. We developed twelve polymorphic markers with tetra-nucleotide motif types after screening 35 loci for amplification and polymorphism. The observed and expected heterozygosities of the markers were 0.438 and 0.423, respectively. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 7, with a mean polymorphism information content of 0.383. Eleven loci were at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and no linkage disequilibrium was detected among any pairs of loci. We tested cross-species amplification of these markers across five other felids (Panthera tigris, P. pardus, P. onca, Acinonyx jubatus, and Felis catus). All loci were transferable to at least one other feline species and four amplified all five species. The microsatellite markers developed in this study will be valuable for estimating ecological parameters of populations and to establish conservation and management strategies for feline species.  相似文献   

可靠的种群密度数据对野生动物的保护和管理十分重要。豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)是中国分布最广且常见的猫科动物, 但野生种群密度估算的研究并不多。本研究于2020年6月至2021年5月在香港新界嘉道理农场暨植物园开展红外相机调查, 利用空间标记-重捕法估算当地豹猫的种群密度并用核密度估计方法分析其活动节律。本次调查以网格方式布置红外相机, 在约1.5 km2的研究范围之内设置了19个相机位点, 每个位点安装2台相机以获取豹猫身体两侧花纹来进行个体识别。连续12个月调查共捕获113次有效的豹猫拍摄事件, 当中仅61次事件的照片足够清晰以进行个体识别。基于种群封闭的要求, 我们以2个月为单位将12个月的数据分为6个采样期去分析豹猫种群密度, 结果显示仅两个采样期的估算值最为准确, 分别为0.64 ± 0.31 (0.26-1.55)只/km2和0.87 ± 0.48 (0.31-2.40)只/km2, 是已知全球豹猫密度最高的地点之一。结果还发现, 雨季研究地点的豹猫并无明显的日活动节律, 在旱季则偏夜行-晨昏行性多一些, 但也有一定的日间活动; 雨季和旱季的日活动节律无显著差异。本研究是首次以个体识别配以空间标记-重捕模型对中国大陆地区豹猫种群密度调查的研究; 我们也提出一些关于红外相机架设方法的建议, 以提高照片个体识别的准确度并增加重捕次数, 最后提高密度估算的准确度。本研究也进一步证明豹猫适应性极强, 在活动节律上表现出极高的可塑性, 在严格保护下可以恢复健康的种群。  相似文献   

为了解道路对豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)空间生态和时间生态的影响,使用无线电追踪技术对6只雌性个体和4只雄性个体进行了为期1—18个月的监测。道路上的车辆主要在白天出现,似乎不影响豹猫的位置或活动,即便在周末或假期车辆增加时,情形也是如此。需要更多的研究来确定本文报道的结果是否代表了该物种的整体情况,或者仅仅特定于KaoYai国家公园。需要该物种更多的自然性方面的数据为野生动物管理者决策提供根据.  相似文献   

An understanding of species ecology is vital for effective conservation, particularly if the species forms an important constituent of the lesser mammal guild and regulates small mammal and bird populations. As the ecological role of the leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis) in the intricate eastern Himalayan habitats is not known, we assessed the site occupancy, detection probability and activity pattern of leopard cats in Khangchendzonga Biosphere Reserve, India, based on sign surveys and camera trapping. The estimated site occupancy was 0.352?±?0.061 and detection probability was 0.143?±?0.0484. Occupancy modelling indicated low elevation, high rodent abundance and tree cover as best predictors for the occupancy of leopard cat. Diet based on analysed scats revealed murids as the most dominant prey (89.2 %). Information based on photographic captures indicated that the leopard cat exhibited a nocturnal activity pattern (peak activity between 0200–0300 hours), which coincided with its principal prey (revealed through diet analysis), but mainly contradicted with other sympatric competitors, hence indicating a temporal partitioning of resources among them. Ecological niche factor analysis indicated that the leopard cat exhibits high global marginality (1.32) and low global tolerance (0.275). The habitat suitability map for leopard cats showed majority of the habitat as unsuitable (1,959.44 km2) and predicted only 164.54 km2 areas of lower temperate forests as moderate to highly suitable. As highly suitable habitats of the leopard cat are in close proximity to villages, conflict issues are a major threat and therefore need to be addressed in conservation program for this felid.  相似文献   

Indicators of environmental adequacy relevant to the well-being of small felids are developed by examining, in 4 captive leopard cats, interrelationships between behavioral and adrenocortical responses to changes in housing conditions. Singly housed cats were moved from their barren home cage (Cage 1, baseline) sequentially to 2 new, barren housing situations (Cages 2 and 3; ≈ 10 weeks/cage). Urinary cortisol concentrations, stereotypic pacing, and hiding frequencies were transiently increased for 1 week after translocation to Cage 2. After translocation to Cage 3, cortisol concentrations and hiding also were increased for the first week. However, conditions in Cage 3 were determined to be aversive to the cats, as evidenced by cortisol concentrations that remained chronically elevated for the entire 10-week period. Exploratory behavior was suppressed during this period. When Cage 3 was enriched with a complex of branches and hiding places, urinary cortisol concentrations and stereotypic pacing decreased, and exploration increased. Concealment locations that camouflage were more often used for lying down when urinary cortisol was elevated. These results suggest that reduced exploratory behavior is an indicator of chronic exposure to aversive environmental conditions. Stereotypic pacing may not necessarily increase when adrenocortical activity increases. The results also suggest that enrichment facilitates coping with aversive stimulation by providing behavioral options to confined felids. To promote the welfare of small felids, appropriate camouflaged hiding places should be provided and enrichment programs developed to stimulate exploratory behavior. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

利用韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和细胞色素b (Cyt b)序列,并将其与GenBank 中的豹猫及西表猫的上述基因进行比较,以此来重新分析韩国豹猫和其它豹猫及西表猫之间的遗传分化情况。首先,我们从18 只韩国豹猫的IRBP、12S rRNA 和Cyt b 序列分析中分别检测到6 个等位基因、1 个单倍型和3 个单倍型,推测曾经发生 在豹猫种群的瓶颈事件可能是本文发现的不同分子标记之间存在基因型丢失差异的原因。基于Cyt b 序列分析,证实东亚的豹猫形成一个单独的进化枝,本文得到的Cyt b 序列和之前发布结果支持一个分类理论,即认为东亚的豹猫就是东北森林猫。我们发现在IRBP、12S rRNA 基因上,韩国豹猫和西表猫存在相同的序列,支持将西表猫和豹猫视为同一物种。  相似文献   

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