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The present distribution of the carob-tree ( Ceratonia siliqua L.) throughout the coastal regions of the Mediterranean, the route followed from its possible place of origin in southern Arabia and the Horn of Africa, and the possible circumstances of the tree's domestication are discussed in the light of botanical, archaeological, historical and philological evidence. It is shown that the genus Ceratonia formed part of the wild flora of western Europe in preglacial times, that C. siliqua was present in ancient times in the Middle East and that its spread to the western Mediterranean area took place progressively, possibly beginning in the second millennium bc . From the fact that, except in the case of Greece and southern Italy, most of the names applied to the tree today in European languages are linked to Arabic, it is inferred that today's cultivars were probably selected by Muslims in the Middle Ages.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 144 , 431–436.  相似文献   

N. I. Vavilov first published his concept of centres of origin of cultivated plants in 1926. For over fifty years it profoundly influenced thinking about the origins and spread of agriculture by bitanists, geograhers, anthropologists and archaeologists. The genesis of the concept and its exposition by Vavilov is examined, and its influence on the ideas of such scholars as C. O. Sauer, I. H. Burkill, C. D. Darlington, A. I. Kuptsov, R. Porteres, J. R. Harlan and J. G. Hawkes is traced. It is concluded that Vavilov's concept, which for so long conditioned ideas about the origins of agriculature, has now outlived its usefulness in thet field sof study.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to provide a first approach to the evolution of Iberia's vegetation during the Cenozoic (with the exclusion of the Quaternary). The Palaeogene was floristically defined by Palaeotropical elements forming tropical/subtropical rainforests, mangrove swamps, edaphically-mediated laurophyllous forests and leguminous-sclerophyllous communities. During the Miocene, Iberian landscapes were drastically modified due to geographic and climatic changes (mainly cooling and aridification) changes. Open, steppe-like environments developed towards the interior of the peninsula and Arctotertiary elements invaded mountainous and riparian ecosystems, coexisting with or becoming part of evergreen, broadleaved forests of Palaeotropical species. From the Late Miocene onwards these forests suffered changes due to the extinction of taxa, the impact of environmental change on the survivors, and the perturbations caused by the arrival of further Arctotertiary elements. However, several Palaeotropical taxa overcame the environmental and climatic changes of the Miocene and Pliocene to form a part of the modern flora of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(6):731-744
Despite the postulation of the “herpetofaunal stability hypothesis”, which suggests that the herpetofauna underwent relatively few changes during the Pleistocene, the amphibian and squamate faunas of western Europe are known to have progressively diminished during the Pliocene and the beginning of the Pleistocene. Iberian Early Pleistocene sites continue to document the presence of “exotic” herpetofaunal elements that are supposed to have disappeared from the mainland, such as Oriental vipers, agamid lizards, the anguids Pseudopus and Dopasia, and a representative of the green toad group (Bufo viridis sensu lato), as well as possibly gekkonids, a scincid lizard (Lygosominae), the anguid Ragesaurus and blind snake (Scolecophidia). The geographical and temporal pattern of these progressive southward withdrawals and extirpations on the Iberian Peninsula shows that extirpation events occurred in northern Spain at roughly the Olduvai paleomagnetic event and in southern Spain just before the Jaramillo paleomagnetic reversal, thus permitting us to establish a framework that can be used to complement the biochronological zonation of the Iberian Early Pleistocene.  相似文献   

In a heterogenous world, invasive plants often differ in noxiousness and nature of impacts, and there is a difference between strong and weak invaders. That knowing which invaders are most noxious and their nature of impacts is of great value to invasive ecology and management. Here we show that in China the most notorious invasive plants are with a perennial life cycle, clonal growth ability and from the American continent. They often form monocultural populations in land and water, replacing almost all other plants, and are mainly distributed in Central and South China. Following are some accidentally introduced annuals. Annuals from the American continent are often common, dominant or in monocultural populations in ruderal and agricultural habitats whereas those from Eurasia are highly noxious only in agricultural habitats. Annuals are not restricted in distribution and could spread fast to all of the country. There are also two perennial grasses from Europe and Mediterranean area and four intentionally introduced annuals from South America that were identified in this study. Factors that may account for these patterns include relatedness between invasives and natives, vegetative propagation, and plant strategies. The invasive plants identified in this study have caused significant negative impacts to native biodiversity, environment, economics and agriculture, with different groups being different in their extent and nature of impacts.  相似文献   

种质资源作为生物资源的重要组成部分,是培育作物优质、高产、抗病(虫)、抗逆新品种的物质基础。近年来,为满足我国种业飞速发展的需要,我国不断从国外引入大量的种质资源,种质资源相比其他植物产品携带有害生物的风险更高。种质资源引进过程中不可避免地携带有害生物,可能会带来严重危害。目前,美国、澳大利亚等国家已制定了关于种质资源的风险分析方法,但我国缺少针对种质资源有害生物统一的风险分析方法。本文分析了国际植物检疫措施标准、主要的贸易国家及我国有害生物风险分析标准方法的主要内容,针对引进种质资源过程中亟需解决的有害生物风险分析问题开展讨论,并对种质资源有害生物风险分析系统其未来展开工作提出以下建议:设置符合种质资源风险分析特性的指标;采用半定量风险评估方法对种质资源进行风险分析;根据不断的学习和实际工作的需要,对风险评估指标体系进行验证和适当修改。  相似文献   

Evidence for domestication of Lens nigricans (M.Bieb.) Godron in S Europe. Small disjunct populations of the wild lentil Lens nigricans were found in secondary and man-made habitats throughout S Europe. Much larger populations of this species were found in primary habitats in SE Spain, S Italy and along the Adriatic coast of Yugoslavia. The majority of the L. nigricans populations were cytogenetically alike. One population differed from them by one reciprocal translocation, and another two by four chromosomal rearrangements. The L. nigricans accessions from S Europe were invariably cross-incompatible with L. nigricans of the Middle-East and with the cultivated lentil L. culinaris. The latter two were cross-compatible and their hybrids partially fertile. The existence of small L. nigricans populations in man-made habitats was interpreted as escapes from cultivation. Being cross-incompatible with L. culinaris these L. nigricans populations apparently were derived from a domesticated form of L. nigricans.  相似文献   

药用植物引种驯化原理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
药用植物作为一种重要的资源,其价值主要体现在具有防治疾病的功能,这种功能的物质基础在于植物内部合成的有效成分。药用植物引种驯化的主要目的是为了扩大其资源量,能更好地开发药用植物和可持续利用。因此,药用植物引种驯化不仅要保证药用植物在引种地的生长发育和繁殖,还需保证药效成分的维持与提高,其引种驯化成功的标志是从"药效"到"药效"。为此,该研究在对近年来药用植物药效成分的形成与稳定、药用植物的发源以及药用植物引种与驯化等方面进行综述整理的基础上,提出了药用植物引种驯化的原理,对于目前大量药效成分复杂不清的药用植物,不提倡复杂引种驯化。针对这类药用植物提出了药用植物发源中心假设,即先确定其发源中心,在此中心内收集引种群体和生态各因子的信息,以此为基础,在引种地上保证与药效形成和稳定相关因子不变,确保引种驯化后药用植物的药用功效不减弱或丧失,并通过多种方法综合评价药用植物的药效,从而达到药用植物引种驯化的目的。  相似文献   

According to fossil data, the wood mouse arrived in North Africa 7500 ya, while it was present in Europe since Early Pleistocene. Previous molecular studies suggested that its introduction in North Africa probably occurred via the Strait of Gibraltar more than 0.4 Mya ago. In this study, we widely sampled wood mice to get a better understanding of the geographic and demographic history of this species in North Africa and possibly to help resolving the discrepancy between genetic and palaeontological data. Specifically, we wanted to answer the following questions: (1) When and how did the wood mouse arrive in North Africa? and (2) What is its demographic and geographic history in North Africa since its colonization? We collected in the field 438 new individuals and used both mtDNA and six microsatellite markers to answer these questions. Our results confirm that North African wood mice have a south‐western European origin and colonized the Maghreb through the Strait of Gibraltar probably during the Mesolithic or slightly after. They first colonized the Tingitana Peninsula and then expanded throughout North Africa. Our genetic data suggest that the ancestral population size comprised numerous individuals reinforcing the idea that wood mice did not colonize Morocco accidentally through rafting of a few individuals, but via recurrent/multiple anthropogenic translocations. No spatial structuring of the genetic variability was recorded in North Africa, from Morocco to Tunisia.  相似文献   

Aim To analyse the diversity dynamics of Miocene mammalian faunas in the Iberian Peninsula in order to determine whether the patterns are related to the dispersal of taxa from other areas into this region. Location Mainly the Iberian Peninsula, but two close geographical areas (Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean) are also considered in some of our calculations. Methods Genus‐level faunal lists for a total of 299 localities from the Iberian Peninsula, covering 10 successive biochronological units [Mammal Neogene (MN) zones] that span from the latest Early Miocene to the early Pliocene (about 17–4 Ma), were compiled. The dataset was expanded with a further 331 localities in Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean for the same time span. Next, a taxonomically standardized database was used to create composite faunal lists of micro‐ and macromammalian genera present during each MN zone. Separate genera‐by‐MN‐zone matrices for both micro‐ and macromammals were built for each region. Mean standing diversity as well as origination and extinction rates were calculated for the Iberian Peninsula, and their correlation with preservation rates is discussed. Simpson’s coefficient of faunal similarity with Central Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean was calculated in order to evaluate whether diversity patterns were related to changes in the affinity of the Iberian mammalian faunas with those of other regions. Results Diversity changes in the Iberian macromammalian faunas coincide with periods of increased faunal similarity with other regions, suggesting a relationship to the expansions and contractions of the geographical ranges of the constituent taxa. This pattern is not recognized for micromammals; that is, their diversity trends are not related to changes in geographical ranges. Main conclusions Climatic shifts result in expansions or contractions in the geographical ranges of macromammals, owing to changes in the distribution of their preferred habitats. The lower dispersal ability of micromammals results in a higher extinction risk when habitat fragmentation confines their populations to relatively small environmental patches. Hence, they are more severely affected by climatic changes. Our results thus emphasize the role of climatic forcing in mammalian biogeography and diversity.  相似文献   

Native plants are increasingly used for revegetation and restoration. These plants are cultivated for several generations at plant nurseries and often they are of unknown provenance. Therefore, cultivated plants often differ from their wild progenitors in life‐history traits. Using germination behavior as example, we tested the assumption that cultivated plants have different life‐history traits than their uncultivated progenitors. Cultivated as well as wild individuals of Plantago lanceolata and Lotus corniculatus, two species frequently used in revegetation, were tested in a common garden experiment as well as in incubators for their germination behavior. We observed significantly faster and more abundant germination in cultivated varieties. Using artificial crossings, we found that also hybrids of cultivated varieties and wild relatives germinate faster and more abundant than the wilds. As wild plants acquire their life‐history traits by natural selection, we have to assume that they represent the optimal adaptation to the environmental conditions. If these traits are changed by cultivation or by hybridization between cultivated varieties and local populations, the long‐term survival probabilities of local populations may be altered. Therefore, the use of cultivated varieties of native plants should be avoided in revegetation.  相似文献   

The European fossil record of eagle owls, genus Bubo Duméril 1806 Duméril AMC. 1806. Zoologie Analytique, ou Méthode Naturelle de Classification des Animaux, rendue plus Facile à l’Aide de Tableaux Synoptiques. Paris: H. L. Perronneau. [Google Scholar], is thought to extend back into the Miocene, but records of Bubo before the Middle Pleistocene are scarce and mainly constituted by non-diagnostic or fragmentary specimens. Apart from a number of fossil species of Bubo of uncertain validity, i.e. Bubo? florianae Kretzoi 1957 Kretzoi M. 1957. Bird remains from the Hipparion-fauna of Csákvár. Aquila. 63:239248. [Google Scholar], Bubo lignitum Giebel 1860 Giebel CG. 1860. Zur Fauna der Braunkohlen Formation von Rippersroda in Thüringen. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften. 16:147153. [Google Scholar], and Bubo perpastus (Ballman 1976 Ballmann P. 1976. Fossile Vögel aus dem Neogen der Halbinsel Gargano (Italien). Zweiter Teil Scripta Geol. 38:159. [Google Scholar]), most fossil Bubo material is unassigned to species or assigned to the extant Bubo bubo (Linnaeus 1758) on the basis of size, especially for Early Pleistocene records. Given the ambiguity about the validity of the earliest records, here we revise the pre-Middle Pleistocene fossil record of Bubo in Europe. Our results indicate that, in Europe, Bubo is first recorded in the Late Pliocene/Early Pleistocene of Italy. By the Early Pleistocene, three taxa can be distinguished: Bubo ibericus sp. nov. from Cal Guardiola (Spain), Bubo sp. nov. indet. from Soave Cava Sud (Italy) and Bubo sp. from various sites across Europe. By the Middle Pleistocene, Eurasian environments experienced a substantial increase in severity and duration of glacial periods which might have led to the replacement of extinct species of Bubo by the recent B. bubo and Bubo scandiacus.  相似文献   

Understanding the ecological and evolutionary processes driving biodiversity patterns and allowing their persistence is of utmost importance. Many hypotheses have been proposed to explain spatial diversity patterns, including water-energy availability, habitat heterogeneity, and historical climatic refugia. The main goal of this study is to identify if general spatial drivers of species diversity patterns of phylogenetic diversity (PD) and phylogenetic endemism (PE) at the global scale are also predictive of PD and PE at regional scales, using Iberian amphibians as a case study. Our main hypothesis assumes that topography along with contemporary and historical climate are drivers of phylogenetic diversity and endemism, but that the strength of these predictors may be weaker at the regional scale than it tends to be at the global scale. We mapped spatial patterns of Iberian amphibians' phylogenetic diversity and endemism, using previously published phylogenetic and distribution data. Furthermore, we compiled spatial data on topographic and climatic variables related to the water-energy availability, topography, and historical climatic instability hypotheses. To test our hypotheses, we used Spatial Autoregressive Models and selected the best model to explain diversity patterns based on Akaike Information Criterion. Our results show that, out of the variables tested in our study, water-energy availability and historical climate instability are the most important drivers of amphibian diversity in Iberia. However, as predicted, the strength of these predictors in our case study is weaker than it tends to be at global scales. Thus, additional drivers should also be investigated and we suggest caution when interpreting these predictors as surrogates for different components of diversity.  相似文献   

Long term (from the Mesolithic to the Bronze Age) habitation of the Akali settlement on a clearly defined bog-island in East Estonia is used as an example of transitional development from a prosperous foragers’ habitation centre to a hinterland of established farming cultures, taking place through availability, substitution and consolidation phases of crop farming in the boreal forest zone. The pre-Neolithic finds of Triticum and Cannabis t. pollen at c. 5600 b.c. are interpreted as possible indications of the acquaintance of foragers with farming products, through contacts with central European agrarian tribes during the availability phase. The substitution phase is marked by more or less scattered pollen finds of various cereals and hemp and, at Akali, is connected with Neolithic period 4900–1800 b.c. An increasing importance of crop farming in the economy is characteristic of the consolidation phase, but because natural conditions are unfavourable for arable land-use, a regression of human presence is recorded during the second part of the Neolithic. The settlement was abandoned during the Bronze Age at the time when crop farming become the basis of the economy in Estonia. The re-colonisation of the area, traced to ca. a.d. 1200, took place for political reasons rather than through increasing suitability of the landscape.Editorial responsibility: Felix Bittmann  相似文献   

Admixture between differentiated populations is considered to be a powerful mechanism stimulating the invasive success of some introduced species. It is generally facilitated through multiple introductions; however, the importance of admixture prior to introduction has rarely been considered. We assess the likelihood that the invasive Ambrosia artemisiifolia populations of Europe and Australia developed through multiple introductions or were sourced from a historical admixture zone within native North America. To do this, we combine large genomic and sampling data sets analysed with approximate Bayesian computation and random forest scenario evaluation to compare single and multiple invasion scenarios with pre‐ and postintroduction admixture simultaneously. We show the historical admixture zone within native North America originated before global invasion of this weed and could act as a potential source of introduced populations. We provide evidence supporting the hypothesis that the invasive populations established through multiple introductions from the native range into Europe and subsequent bridgehead invasion into Australia. We discuss the evolutionary mechanisms that could promote invasiveness and evolutionary potential of alien species from bridgehead invasions and admixed source populations.  相似文献   

研究了柑橘园中具瘤神蕊螨(Agistemus exsertus)与其主要猎物柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨(Phyllocoptruta oleivora)、柑橘全爪螨(Panonychus citri)、柑橘粉虱(D ialeurodes citri)、黑刺粉虱(Aleurocanthus spiniferus)的生态位宽度、重叠和比例相似性。具瘤神蕊螨与其主要猎物相比,其时间和空间生态位宽度均最大,而其猎物中则以柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨的时间和空间生态位宽度最大,这表明具瘤神蕊螨和柑橘皱叶刺瘿螨的发生期较长,空间分布较广。具瘤神蕊螨与其猎物的生态位重叠在空间上与柑橘全爪螨的重叠值最大,在时间上与柑橘粉虱的重叠值最大。与其猎物相比,具瘤神蕊螨的时—空二维生态位宽度最大,在时空上占有明显的优势。  相似文献   

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