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The patterns and sites of integration of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) DNA were determined in three lines of Ad12-transformed hamster cells and in two lines of Ad12-induced hamster tumor cells. The results of a detailed analysis can be summarized as follows. (i) All cell lines investigated contained multiple copies (3 to 22 genome equivalents per cell in different lines) of the entire Ad12 genome. In addition, fragments of Ad12 DNA also persisted separately in non-stoichiometric amounts. (ii) All Ad12 DNA copies were integrated into cellular DNA. Free viral DNA molecules did not occur. The terminal regions of Ad12 DNA were linked to cellular DNA. The internal parts of the integrated viral genomes, and perhaps the entire viral genome, remained colinear with virion DNA. (iii) Except for line HA12/7, there were fewer sites of integration than Ad12 DNA molecules persisting. This finding suggested either that viral DNA was integrated at identical sites in repetitive DNA or, more likely, that one or a few viral DNA molecules were amplified upon integration together with the adjacent cellular DNA sequences, leading to a serial arrangement of viral DNA molecules separated by cellular DNA sequences. Likewise, in the Ad12-induced hamster tumor lines (CLAC1 and CLAC3), viral DNA was linked to repetitive cellular sequences. Serial arrangement of Ad12 DNA molecules in these lines was not likely. (iv) In general, true tandem integration with integrated viral DNA molecules directly abutting each other was not found. Instead, the data suggested that the integrated viral DNA molecules were separated by cellular or rearranged viral DNA sequences. (v) The results of hybridization experiments, in which a highly specific probe (143-base pair DNA fragment) derived from the termini of Ad12 DNA was used, were not consistent with models of integration involving true tandem integration of Ad12 DNA or covalent circularization of Ad12 DNA before insertion into the cellular genome. (vi) Evidence was presented that a small segment at the termini of the integrated Ad12 DNA in cell lines HA12/7, T637, and A2497-3 was repeated several times. The exact structures of these repeat units remained to be determined. The occurrence of these units might reflect the mechanism of amplification of viral and cellular sequences in transformed cell lines.  相似文献   

Induction of T antigen by adenovirus type 12 was studied in growing and growth-inhibited cultures of the Nil-2 line of Syrian hamster cells. At a viral input multiplicity of 10, neoantigen was present in 100% of the cells by 24 hr. T antigen gradually disappeared in descendants of these cells so that 2 weeks after infection only 1% gave specific immunofluorescence. When cellular replication was prevented by addition of fluorodeoxyuridine, T antigen persisted in all cells for the 2-week period. Upon infection of growing cultures with purified (3)H-labeled adenovirus type 12 and autoradiographic analysis of the cells at various times thereafter, a gradual reduction in labeled nuclear loci was noted which paralleled the decrease in T antigen-containing cells. In nongrowing cultures, no change in labeled loci was noted. Correlation of T antigen and labeled loci revealed that fluorescent cells contained, on the average, about 10 times more silver grains than nonfluorescent cells. All of 92 preselected fluorescent cells showed labeled loci, whereas, of 100 nonfluorescent cells, 18 were free of silver grains. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

In a previous report, evidence was presented that the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) is integrated by covalent linkage into the DNA of baby hamster kidney cells (BHK-21 cells). These studies have been extended. The DNA of Ad12 and that of BHK-21 cells grown in medium containing 5-bromodeoxyuridine could be separated by equilibrium centrifugation in alkaline CsCl density gradients. BHK-21 cells were infected with (3)H-labeled Ad12, and the total intracellular DNA was analyzed at various times after infection in alkaline CsCl density gradients. The (3)H label in the position of cellular DNA hybridized predominantly with viral DNA and to a lesser extent also with cellular DNA. Replication of viral DNA could not be detected in BHK-21 cells. The appearance of viral (3)H label in the density stratum of cellular DNA was not significantly affected when DNA synthesis in Ad12-infected BHK-21 cells was inhibited >96% by cytosine arabinoside. These findings provided additional evidence for integration of Ad12 DNA into the DNA of BHK-21 cells. It could be calculated that 5 to 55 Ad12 DNA equivalents per cell are integrated. Replication of viral or cellular DNA was not required for integration. Inhibition of protein or ribonucleic acid synthesis interfered with integration only slightly.  相似文献   

The T antigen induced by type 12 adenovirus was purified from KB cells infected in the presence of 10(-6)m 5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine to inhibit synthesis of viral capsid antigens. The antigen was purified approximately 200-fold, and the purified product contained only negligible amounts of host-cell contaminants, as judged by the residual radioactivity from (14)C-labeled uninfected cells which had been added to infected cells at the initiation of the purification. Immunoelectrophoresis indicated that the purified T-antigen preparation contained a single antigenic species. The T antigen from a hamster cell line (HT-1) derived from a type 12 adenovirus-induced tumor was purified by the same procedure. The T antigens from the two different sources were shown to be immunologically similar by use of a rabbit antiserum prepared against the purified T antigen from infected KB cells and sera from hamsters bearing tumors induced by type 12 adenovirus.  相似文献   

The fate of hamster cells, abortively infected with adenovirus type 12, has been studied by correlation of chromosomal aberrations with induction of T antigens and cloning efficiency. The incidence of chromosomal changes paralleled to some extent the T antigen formation, but was inversely related to the cloning efficiency of the cells. At an input multiplicity of 100, within 24 hr after infection, nearly all of the cells or metaphases revealed the presence of T antigens and chromosomal lesions, respectively, but no clones of cells were obtained. Inhibition of cellular deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis was not noted during this period. Increasing doses of ultraviolet irradiation reduced, successively, the capacity of the virus to induce chromosomal aberrations and correspondingly improved cloning efficiency of the exposed cells. It is concluded that most, if not all, cells revealing chromosomal lesions 24 hr after infection fail to enter further mitoses.  相似文献   

Alternate changes of specific surface antigen(s) (S antigen) were examined in transformed and tumor cells induced by human adenovirus type 12. All of the hamster and mouse cells transformed in vitro showed ring-form membrane fluorescence staining by anti-S antigen rabbit sera, whereas tumor cells, either induced by the virus in vivo or produced by inoculation with the S(+)-transformed cells, did not show any fluorescence. When the S(–) tumor cells were serially subcultured in vitro, all of them converted to S(+) cells, although more than ten subcultures were necessary. For the S(+) cells to form tumors in hamsters about ten times as many cells were necessary as the S(–) cells. This difference became greater when tumor formation was tested in preimmunized hamsters, while little, if any, when tested in X-irradiated hamsters. In addition, immunogenicity of the S(+) cells was suggested to be higher than that of the S(–) cells. These findings indicate that the S(+) cells are more immunosensitive and immunogenic than the S(–) cells, and that in vivo conversion from S(+) to S(–) may be due to selection of S(–)-mutant cells. In vitro conversion from S(–) to S(+) was also suggested to be due to the appearance of S(+)-mutant cells.  相似文献   

Two types of glycoproteins were isolated from the membrane fraction of adenovirus type 12 (Ad12) hamster tumor cells by recovering detergent-solubilized glycoproteins using concanavalin A-affinity chromatography and gel filtration. One of the glycoproteins consisted of a polypeptide of 130,000 daltons (130K) with a pI value of 4.7–5.1, and the other consisted of a polypeptide of 18,500 daltons (18.5K) with a pi value of 6.3–6.6. The glycoproteins were immunologically different. The 18.5K glycoprotein induced in vivo resistance to tumor growth and anti-tumor cytotoxic T cells, while the 130K glycoprotein induced in vivo suppressor T cells which inhibited the activity of anti-tumor cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

Preparations of purified 3H-labeled adenovirus type 12 (3H-Ad. 12) were analyzed for radioactive impurities by Millipore filtration and ultracentrifugation. It was found that only about 1% of the isotope activity was separable from the virions. Exposure of hamster cell lines to 3H-Ad. 12 resulted in nonlytic infections, and autoradiography indicated that viral deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), or parts thereof, became associated with host cell chromosomes. Usually, the label was observed in the form of small clusters of grains, as described previously for lytic adenovirus infections of human embryonic kidney cells. The uptake of labeled virus by the PT-K1 line of ratkangaroo cells was close to background level. These cells did not adsorb the virus to any significant extent. Ultraviolet irradiation of the virus for as long as 8 min did not affect viral adsorption onto susceptible cells, nor did it alter the association of viral DNA with host cell chromosomes. The capacity of the virus to induce chromosomal aberrations decreased linearly with an increase in the dose of irradiation, but the decrease occurred at a rate which was four- to fivefold slower than the rate of inactivation of viral infectivity. These results suggest that the capacity to induce chromosomal aberrations is controlled by viral genes.  相似文献   

The total intracellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from baby hamster kidney cells abortively infected with (3)H-adenovirus type 12 was analyzed in dye-buoyant density gradients. Between 10 and 20% of the cell-associated radioactivity derived from viral DNA bands in a density position which is 0.043 to 0.085 g/cm(3) higher than that of viral DNA extracted from purified virions. The DNA in the high-density region (HP-fraction) is almost completely absent when DNA, ribonucleic acid (RNA) or protein synthesis is chemically inhibited in separate experiments. The HP-fraction is not found when the virus does not adsorb to and enter the cell. The DNA in the HP-fraction appears as early as 2 hr after inoculation. At 2 hr after infection, the HP-fraction is present both in the nucleus and the cytoplasm. This DNA hybridizes exclusively with viral DNA and sediments at approximately the same rate in both neutral and alkaline sucrose density gradients. Electron microscopy has revealed no circular DNA molecules in this fraction. Evidence indicates that the viral DNA in the HP-fraction exists in a complex with protein and possibly RNA. The protein component of the complex is resistant to enzymatic digestion, whereas the complex is susceptible to ribonuclease treatment. Digestion with deoxyribonuclease reduces the amount of DNA found in the HP-fraction. The structure and biological function of this complex are currently being investigated.  相似文献   

Tumors induced in hamsters by highly oncogenic human adenovirus 12 contain multiple copies of 90 to 100% of the viral genome in an integrated form.  相似文献   

The integration pattern of viral DNA was studied in a number of cell lines transformed by wild-type adenovirus type 5 (Ad5 WT) and two mutants of the DNA-binding protein gene, H5ts125 and H5ts107. The effect of chemical carcinogens on the integration of viral DNA was also investigated. Liquid hybridization (C(0)t) analyses showed that rat embryo cells transformed by Ad5 WT usually contained only the left-hand end of the viral genome, whereas cell lines transformed by H5ts125 or H5ts107 at either the semipermissive (36 degrees C) or nonpermissive (39.5 degrees C) temperature often contained one to five copies of all or most of the entire adenovirus genome. The arrangement of the integrated adenovirus DNA sequences was determined by cleavage of transformed cell DNA with restriction endonucleases XbaI, EcoRI, or HindIII followed by transfer of separated fragments to nitrocellulose paper and hybridization according to the technique of E. M. Southern (J. Mol. Biol. 98: 503-517, 1975). It was found that the adenovirus genome is integrated as a linear sequence covalently linked to host cell DNA; that the viral DNA is integrated into different host DNA sequences in each cell line studied; that in cell lines that contain multiple copies of the Ad5 genome the viral DNA sequences can be integrated in a single set of host cell DNA sequences and not as concatemers; and that chemical carcinogens do not alter the extent or pattern of viral DNA integration.  相似文献   

转染E1B55K基因提高Hep2细胞包装肠腺病毒Ad41的能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人F组腺病毒Ad40、Ad41难以在体外培养的细胞中传代,被称为难养腺病毒(Fastidious adenovirus).本研究观察了在Hep2细胞表达Ad41 E1B55K基因对Ad41复制的促进作用.从Ad41阳性粪便标本中用PCR的方法获得E1B55K基因,构建真核表达载体,转染Hep2细胞,筛选单克隆,用RT-PCR检测了E1B55K基因的表达.用引起293细胞完全CPE比较产毒量的方法对所得细胞克隆进行初步筛选,获得一株产毒相对较强的细胞Hep2-E1B#4.与对照细胞Hep2、Hep2-DNA3相比,等量Ad41接种Hep2-E1B#4产生的细胞病变效应(CPE)程度明显加深.用免疫细胞化学的方法测定产毒的感染滴度,等量Ad41接种后,Hep2-E1B#4产生的子代腺病毒滴度大于对照的9倍;半定量PCR测得Hep2-E1B#4子代病毒基因组拷贝数约为对照细胞的4倍.结果说明转染E1B55K基因促进了Ad41在Hep2细胞的复制,获得的Hep2-E1B#4细胞株可用于Ad41的分离、培养和体外扩增.  相似文献   

Cell pH regulation was investigated in the T84 cell line derived from epithelial colon cancer. Cell pH was measured by ratiometric fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescent probe BCECF. Basal pH was 7.17 ± 0.023 (n= 48) in HEPES Ringer. After acidification by an ammonium pulse, cell pH recovered toward normal at a rate of 0.13 ± 0.011 pH units/min in the presence of Na+, but in the absence of this ion or after treatment with 0.1 mm hexamethylene amiloride (HMA) no significant recovery was observed, indicating absence of Na+ independent H+ transport mechanisms in HEPES Ringer. In CO2/HCO 3 Ringer, basal cell pH was 7.21 ± 0.020 (n= 35). Changing to HEPES Ringer, a marked alkalinization was observed due to loss of CO2, followed by return to the initial pH at a rate of −0.14 ± 0.012 (n= 8) pH/min; this return was retarded or abolished in the absence of Cl or after addition of 0.2 mm DIDS, suggesting extrusion of bicarbonate by Cl/HCO 3 exchange. This exchange was not Na+ dependent. When Na+ was added to cells incubated in 0 Na+ Ringer while blocking Na+/H+ exchange by HMA, cell alkalinization by 0.19 ± 0.04 (n= 11) pH units was observed, suggesting the presence of Na+/HCO 3 cotransport carrying HCO 3 into these cells, which was abolished by DIDS. These experiments, thus, show that Na+/H+ and Cl/HCO 3 exchange and Na+/HCO 3 cotransport participate in cell pH regulation in T84 cells. Received: 3 April 2000/Revised: 22 June 2000  相似文献   

Three lots of primary bovine embryonic kidney cell cultures obtained from commercial sources were found to contain type 2 bovine adenovirus. These cell cultures, apparently derived from healthy fetuses, required long incubation periods before the virus could be detected.  相似文献   

The physical state of the JC virus (JCV) genome was studied in two clonal cell lines (clones 2 and 7) derived from a tissue culture cell line (HJC-15) established from a hamster brain tumor induced by JCV. Saturation-hybridization and reassociation kinetic analyses, using in vitro (32)P-labeled JCV DNA, indicated that clone 7 and 2 cells contain 9 to 10 and 4 to 5 copies per cell, respectively, of all or most of the viral genome. Both cell DNAs were analyzed by using the Southern blotting procedure with three restriction endonucleases: XhoI, which does not cleave JCV DNA; EcoRI, which cleaves once; and HindIII, which cleaves three times. With each DNA, a variety of JCV-specific DNA fragments were detected. The following conclusions are possible: (i) JCV DNA is integrated into cell DNA in both clonal lines; (ii) both clonal lines contain multiple copies of the viral genome integrated in a tandem head-to-tail orientation; (iii) neither clonal line contains detectable free-form I, II, or III JCV DNA; (iv) each clonal line contains multiple independent sites of JCV DNA integration; and (v) most or all of the sites of integration on the cellular or the viral genome, or both, are different in clone 7 DNA than in clone 2 DNA. Thus, although both clone 7 and clone 2 cells were established from the HJC-15 tumor cell line, they differ in the copy number and integration pattern of JCV DNA.  相似文献   

Ten temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants of adenovirus type 12 which produce plaques at 31 but not at 38.5 C have been isolated after mutagenesis with nitrosoguanidine or nitrous acid. The mutants have been classified into six separate complementation groups. DNA-DNA hybridizations have shown that at 38.5 C the ts 401 and 406 mutants of groups B and E, respectively, synthesized less than 10% of the normal level of viral DNA. The two mutants were also defective in the production of late proteins at the nonpermissive temperature, as shown by fluorescent-antibody tests and analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Genetic recombination between the ts viruses 401 and 406 has been demonstrated; the recombination frequency for the wild-type virus production was 17.7%. Both mutants induced an increase in thymidine kinase activity at 38.5 C. Moreover, the two viral DNA-defective mutants shut off host DNA synthesis at the restrictive temperature. It is striking that at 38.5 C ts virus 401 transformed two to eight times more hamster cells than the wild-type virus, whereas ts virus 406 transformed at a frequency similar to the wild-type virus.  相似文献   

Bovine adenovirus type 3 (BAV-3), which has been reported to produce tumors in newborn hamsters, induced cellular deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis in a contact-inhibited mouse kidney cell line (C3H2K). In this system, the virus did not multiply, whereas virus-specific tumor antigen (T antigen) was detected in nearly all cells. Replication of viral DNA could not be detected by DNA-DNA hybridization on membrane filters. The cellular DNA synthesis induced by BAV-3 did occur in the absence of added serum. Extent of induction of cellular DNA synthesis was closely correlated with the multiplicity of infection. Cells activated to synthesize DNA in the serum-free medium by the virus infection progressed to cell division without noticeable cell killing.  相似文献   

Advances in cell adhesion research have often been linked to technological advances. The development of monoclonal antibody technology allowed the definition of the molecular components of cell adhesion and pointed to the complexity of the leukocyte cell surface (Knapp & Gilks, 1989); previously only the erythrocyte had been subjected to attempts at detailed analysis of membrane associated molecules (Steck, 1974). It was also possible to use selection strategies to produce antibodies that could perturb functional properties of the antigens they recognise. The interaction between the T cell surface molecule CD2 and its natural ligand LFA-3 was defined by monoclonal antibodies which blocked adhesion and the same antibodies have allowed large scale purification of these proteins for detailed in vitro studies (Dustin & Springer, 1991).  相似文献   

Advances in cell adhesion research have often been linked to technological advances. The development of monoclonal antibody technology allowed the definition of the molecular components of cell adhesion and pointed to the complexity of the leukocyte cell surface (Knapp & Gilks, 1989); previously only the erythrocyte had been subjected to attempts at detailed analysis of membrane associated molecules (Steck, 1974). It was also possible to use selection strategies to produce antibodies that could perturb functional properties of the antigens they recognise. The interaction between the T cell surface molecule CD2 and its natural ligand LFA-3 was defined by monoclonal antibodies which blocked adhesion and the same antibodies have allowed large scale purification of these proteins for detailed in vitro studies (Dustin & Springer, 1991).  相似文献   

Using resistance to the base analog 8-azaguanine as a genetic marker, we showed that adenovirus type 2, but not adenovirus type 12, is mutagenic at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase locus of cloned diploid rat liver epithelial cells. Adenovirus type 2 increased the frequency of 8-azaguanine-resistant colonies by up to ninefold over the spontaneous frequency, depending on expression time and virus dose.  相似文献   

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