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The evolution of facilitation and mutualism   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Ecology Letters (2011) 14: 841-851 ABSTRACT: Ecological specialisation concerns all species and underlies many major ecological and evolutionary patterns. Yet its status as a unifying concept is not always appreciated because of its similarity to concepts of the niche, the many levels of biological phenomena to which it applies, and the complexity of the mechanisms influencing it. The evolution of specialisation requires the coupling of constraints on adaptive evolution with covariation of genotype and environmental performance. This covariation itself depends upon organismal properties such as dispersal behaviour and life history and complexity in the environment stemming from factors such as species interactions and spatio-temporal heterogeneity in resources. Here, we develop a view on specialisation that integrates across the range of biological phenomena with the goal of developing a more predictive conceptual framework that specifically accounts for the importance of biotic complexity and coevolutionary events.  相似文献   

  • The residues of glyphosate are found to remain in soils longer than previously reported, affecting rhizosphere microbes. This may adversely affect crop and other non-target plants because the plant's resilience and resistance largely rely on plant-associated microbes. Ubiquitous glyphosate residues in soil and how they impact mutualistic microbes inhabiting the aboveground plant parts are largely unexplored.
  • We studied the effects of herbicide residues in soil on Epichloë sp., which are common endophytic symbionts inhabiting aerial parts of cool-season grasses. In this symbiosis, the obligate symbiont subsists entirely on its host plant, and in exchange, it provides alkaloids conferring resistance to herbivores for the host grass that invests little in its own chemical defence.
  • We first show decreased growth of Epichloë endophytes in vitro when directly exposed to two concentrations of glyphosate or glyphosate-based herbicides. Second, we provide evidence for a reduction of Epichloë-derived, insect-toxic loline alkaloids in endophyte-symbiotic meadow fescue (F. pratensis) plants growing in soil with a glyphosate history. Plants were grown for 2 years in an open field site, and natural herbivore infestation was correlated with the glyphosate-mediated reduction of loline alkaloid concentrations.
  • Our findings indicate that herbicides residing in soil not only affect rhizosphere microbiota but also aerial plant endophyte functionality, which emphasizes the destructive effects of glyphosate on plant symbiotic microbes, here with cascading effects on plant–pest insect interactions.

* Theoretical and empirical research has supported the hypothesis that plant-plant interactions change from competition to facilitation with increasing abiotic stress. However, the consistency of such changes has been questioned in arid and semiarid ecosystems. * During a drought in the semiarid south-western USA, we used observations and a field experiment to examine the interactions between juveniles of a foundation tree (Pinyon pine, Pinus edulis) and a common shrub (Apache plume, Fallugia paradoxa) in replicated areas of high and low stress. * The presence of F. paradoxa reduced P. edulis performance at low-stress sites, but had the opposite effect at high-stress sites. However, the intensity of the interactions depended on temporal variation in climate and age of P. edulis. Both above- and below-ground factors contributed to competition, while only above-ground factors contributed to facilitation. * These results support the hypothesis that interactions can change from competition to facilitation as abiotic stress increases in semiarid environments. A shift from competition to facilitation may be important for the recovery of P. edulis and other foundation species that have experienced large-scale mortality during recent droughts.  相似文献   

  1. Increasing rates of invasions in ecosystems worldwide necessitate experiments to determine the role of biotic interactions in the success and impact of multiple alien species. Here, we examined competitive and facilitative interactions among various combinations of three widespread and often co-occurring invaders: the zebra mussel Dreissena polymorpha, and the macrophytes Elodea canadensis and Elodea nuttallii.
  2. Using a mesocosm-based, factorial experimental design, we assessed the effect of interspecific competition on macrophyte growth rates in the absence and presence at varying biomass of D. polymorpha.
  3. Growth rates (wet g/day) of E. canadensis and E. nuttallii were similar when grown in isolation. When grown together, in the absence of D. polymorpha, E. canadensis growth was not significantly reduced in the presence of E. nuttallii and vice versa. In the presence of D. polymorpha (26.0 ± 1 mm), monocultural growth of E. canadensis was largely unaffected, while E. nuttallii growth was strongly enhanced. Low (2.64 g) and medium (3.96 g) mussel biomass led to negative interspecific effects between E. canadensis and E. nuttallii; at high (5.28 g) mussel biomass, the effect of interspecific competition was negated.
  4. Overall, D. polymorpha alleviated competitive interactions between the two invasive macrophytes when all three species co-occurred, and substantially enhanced growth of E. nuttallii with increasing mussel biomass, thereby suggesting a possible influence on the relative dominance of these macrophytes in the field.
  5. Our study demonstrates how facilitations can cause shifts in dominance among closely related invaders. The consequences of such facilitations for the structure and function of communities remain to be explored generally.

Ontogenetic shifts in interactions among annual plants   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  

Interactions between mycorrhizal fungi and other soil organisms   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Mycorrhizal fungi interact with a wide range of other soil organisms, in the root, in the rhizosphere and in the bulk soil. These interactions may be inhibitory or stimulatory; some are clearly competitive, others may be mutualistic. Effects can be seen at all stages of the mycorrhizal fungal life-cycle, from spore population dynamics (predation, dispersal and germination) through root colonization to external hyphal growth. Two areas that seem likely to be of particular importance to the functioning of the symbiosis are the role of bacteria in promoting mycorrhiza formation and of soil animals in grazing the external mycelium. Mycorrhizal fungi also modify the interactions of plants with other soil organisms, both pathogens, such as root-inhabiting nematodes and fungi, and mutualists, notably nitrogen-fixing bacteria. These interactions are probably important both in natural ecosystems, where pathogens are increasingly recognized as playing controlling roles, and in agricultural systems, where mycorrhizas may be valuable in designing integrated systems of pest control and growth stimulation.  相似文献   

The dependency of the anti-herbivore defense on ant–plant protective mutualism often varies depending on abiotic and biotic conditions. Although intraspecific competition is a primary interaction between neighboring plants, its effects on ant–plant mutualisms have yet to be sufficiently elucidated. In order to determine the effects of intraspecific competition and competitor genotype on ant–plant mutualisms, I conducted competition and ant-removal experiments and examined their effects on damage to the leaves of Urena lobata var. tomentosa plants. I found that larger numbers of worker ants visited the plants growing with non-siblings than plants growing alone and that plants growing with non-siblings had a higher shoot to root ratio and secreted greater volumes of extrafloral nectar than plants growing alone and/or with siblings. Under the presence of both sibling and non-sibling competitors, I observed that when ants were removed from plants, those grown with conspecific neighbors were characterized by a higher percentage of damaged leaf area than plants harboring ants. The effect of ant exclusion on leaf damage was more pronounced in plants grown with non-siblings than those grown near siblings. However, when the plants were grown alone, I detected no significant difference in percentage leaf damage between the ant-excluded and ant-harboring plants. The results indicate that neighboring plants can exert strong effects on ant–plant protective mutualisms, thereby highlighting the need to take into consideration plant–plant interactions in studies on these mutualistic associations.  相似文献   

蚂蚁与蜜源昆虫互作是物种间重要的关系之一,发挥着重要的生态功能。红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren是重要的入侵害虫,对生物多样性的影响已被熟知,但它与蜜源昆虫互作的生态学效应却不被充分理解。本研究评价了红火蚁与扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley这两种入侵害虫之间的互作对寄生性天敌和粉蚧竞争性昆虫的影响。研究发现红火蚁的照看显著减少了寄主植物上粉蚧重要寄生蜂松粉蚧抑虱跳小蜂Aenasius bambawalei Hayat的种群数量,提高了寄主上粉蚧的存活率,有利于寄主上粉蚧种群的扩增和繁殖。同时红火蚁的存在也显著降低扶桑寄主上粉蚧竞争性昆虫美棘蓟马Echinothrips americanus Morgan成虫和幼虫的数量,抑制了美棘蓟马种群的竞争力,使得粉蚧可以占有更多的寄主植物,为粉蚧种群的繁殖提供了更好的条件。可见,红火蚁与扶桑绵粉蚧的互惠关系的生态效应可能是通过它们与多物种互作综合形成的结果。  相似文献   

Soil biota and invasive plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Interactions between plants and soil biota resist invasion by some nonnative plants and facilitate others. In this review, we organize research and ideas about the role of soil biota as drivers of invasion by nonnative plants and how soil biota may fit into hypotheses proposed for invasive success. For example, some invasive species benefit from being introduced into regions of the world where they encounter fewer soil-borne enemies than in their native ranges. Other invasives encounter novel but strong soil mutualists which enhance their invasive success. Leaving below-ground natural enemies behind or encountering strong mutualists can enhance invasions, but indigenous enemies in soils or the absence of key soil mutualists can help native communities resist invasions. Furthermore, inhibitory and beneficial effects of soil biota on plants can accelerate or decelerate over time depending on the net effect of accumulating pathogenic and mutualistic soil organisms. These 'feedback' relationships may alter plant-soil biota interactions in ways that may facilitate invasion and inhibit re-establishment by native species. Although soil biota affect nonnative plant invasions in many different ways, research on the topic is broadening our understanding of why invasive plants can be so astoundingly successful and expanding our perspectives on the drivers of natural community organization.  相似文献   

While several studies have established a positive correlation between community diversity and invasion resistance, it is less clear how species interactions within resident communities shape this process. Here, we experimentally tested how antagonistic and facilitative pairwise interactions within resident model microbial communities predict invasion by the plant–pathogenic bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum. We found that facilitative resident community interactions promoted and antagonistic interactions suppressed invasions both in the lab and in the tomato plant rhizosphere. Crucially, pairwise interactions reliably explained observed invasion outcomes also in multispecies communities, and mechanistically, this was linked to direct inhibition of the invader by antagonistic communities (antibiosis), and to a lesser degree by resource competition between members of the resident community and the invader. Together, our findings suggest that the type and strength of pairwise interactions can reliably predict the outcome of invasions in more complex multispecies communities.  相似文献   

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