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Results are presented from light-optical and electron-microscopy studies of the root apices of three-day-old seedlings of table beet (Beta vulgaris) grown under conditions of stationary control and in clinorotation. It is shown that the ultrastructure and topography of the organelles of the root cap statocytes (gravity-perceptive cells) and cells of the distal elongation zone (gravity-receptor cells) of the root proper clearly reflect different directions for their growth and differentiation in space and in time as a function of specialization and function. Growth and genetically determined differentiation of the cells under clinorotation conditions occur as in the control, though certain differences in their ultrastructure attest to changes in metabolism.  相似文献   

Organization of tubulin cytoskeleton in epidermis and cortex cells in different root growth zones in Brassica rapa L. 6-day-old seedlings under clinorotation has been investigated. It was shown that changes in cortical microtubules orientation occur only in the distal elongation zone. In control, cortical microtubule arrays oriented transversely to the root long axis. Whereas under clinorotation an appearance of shorter randomly organized cortical microtubules was observed. Simultaneously, a significant decrease in a cell length in the central elongation zone under clinorotation was revealed. It is suggested that the decline of anisotropic growth, typical for central elongation zone cells, is connected with cortical microtubules disorientation under clinorotation.  相似文献   

In higher plants, calcium redistribution is believed to be crucial for the root to respond to a change in the direction of the gravity vector. To test the effects of clinorotation and microgravity on calcium localization in higher plant roots, sweet clover (Melilotus alba L.) seedlings were germinated and grown for two days on a slow rotating clinostat or in microgravity on the US Space Shuttle flight STS-60. Subsequently, the tissue was treated with a fixative containing antimonate (a calcium precipitating agent) during clinorotation or in microgravity and processed for electron microscopy. In root columella cells of clinorotated plants, antimonate precipitates were localized adjacent to the cell wall in a unilateral manner. Columella cells exposed to microgravity were characterized by precipitates mostly located adjacent to the proximal and lateral cell wall. In all treatments some punctate precipitates were associated with vacuoles, amyloplasts, mitochondria, and euchromatin of the nucleus. A quantitative study revealed a decreased number of precipitates associated with the nucleus and the amyloplasts in columella cells exposed to microgravity as compared to ground controls. These data suggest that roots perceive a change in the gravitational field, as produced by clinorotation or space flights, and respond respectively differently by a redistribution of free calcium.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural investigations of root caps (Zea mays) have shown a correlation between the depletion of extracellular Ca2+ resources by treatment of intact roots with 50 mM EGTA and changes in the activity of peripheral cap cells, involving reductions in the quantity and changes in the appearance of Golgi apparatus-derived material. In EGTA-treated roots the development of the Golgi apparatus of peripheral cap cells was severely altered and there was no evidence of a granular secretory product, which was encountered in the vesicles of dictyosomes of control roots. Vesicles of dictyosomes of EGTA-treated roots were small and the development of dictyosomes was reminiscent of that encountered in central cap cells of control roots. A decrease in amyloplast numbers brought about by EGTA was concomitant with reduced secretory activity. EGTA treatment was also associated with a redistribution of amyloplasts located in central cap cells. Decreased cap volume arising from EGTA treatment was considered indicative of a decline in overall cap activity. Proposals are made with regard to the integration of intercellular activities in the response of plant roots to stimulus-modulated signals. It is suggested that alterations in peripheral cap cell secretory activity arising from the redistribution of Ca2+ may account for the anisotropic growth response of gravireactive roots.  相似文献   

The cytoskeleton of columella cells is believed to be involved in maintaining the developmental polarity of cells observed as a reproducible positioning of cellular organelles. It is also implicated in the transduction of gravitropic signals. Roots of sweet clover ( Melilotus alba L.) seedlings were treated with a microfilament disrupter, cytochalasin D, on a slowly rotating horizontal clinostat (2 rpm). Electron micrographs of treated columella cells revealed several ultrastructural effects including repositioning of the nucleus and the amyloplasts and the formation of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) whorls. However, experiments performed during fast clinorotation (55 rpm) showed an accumulation (but no whorling) of a disorganized ER network at the proximal and distal pole and a random distribution of the amyloplasts. Therefore, formation of whorls depends upon the speed of clinorotation, and the overall impact of cytochalasin D suggests the necessity of microfilaments in organelle positioning. Interestingly, a similar drug treatment performed in microgravity aboard the US Space Shuttle Endeavour (STS-54, January 1993) caused a displacement of ER membranes and amyloplasts away from the distal plasma membrane. In the present study, we discuss the role of microfilaments in maintaining columella cell polarity and the utility of clinostats to simulate microgravity.  相似文献   

Outer rootcap cells of maize produce large numbers of secretory vesicles that ultimately fuse with the plasma membrane to discharge their product from the cell. As a result of the fusion, these vesicles contribute large quantities of membrane to the cell surface. In the present study, this phenomenon has been investigated using sections stained with phosphotungstic acid at low pH (PACP), a procedure in plant cells that specifically stains the plasma membrane. In the maize root tip, the PACP also stains the membranes of the secretory vesicles derived from Golgi apparatus to about the same density that it stains the plasma membrane. Additionally, the membranes of the secretory vesicles acquire the staining characteristic while still attached to the Golgi apparatus. The staining progresses across the dictyosome from the forming to the maturing pole, thus confirming the marked polarity of these dictyosomes. Interestingly, the PACP staining of Golgi apparatus is confined to the membranes of the secretory vesicles. It is largely absent from the central plates or peripheral tubules and provides an unambiguous example of lateral differentiation of membranes orthogonal to the major polarity axis. In the cytoplasm we could find no vesicles other than secretory vesicles bearing polysaccharide that were PACP positive. Even the occasional coated vesicle seen in the vicinity of the Golgi apparatus did not stain. Thus, if exocytotic vesicles are present in the maize root cap cell, they are formed in a manner where the PACP-staining constituent is not retained by the internalized membrane. The findings confirm dictyosome polarity in the maize root cap, provide evidence for membrane differentiation both across and at right angles to the major polarity axis, and suggest that endocytotic vesicles, if present, exclude the PACP-staining component.  相似文献   

The production and growth of roots in two aseptically maintained clonal populations of Haplopappus gracilis (family Compositae), each with a distinctive pattern of root production, were studied after they had been exposed to space for 5 days aboard a NASA Space Shuttle. Total root production of both populations was 67-95% greater when compared with their Earth-grown controls. Roots were generated: (1) laterally from pre-formed roots, the tips of which had been severed at the time of plantlet insertion into a "horticultural foam" substrate supplied with a nutrient solution; (2) adventitiously from the basal or cut-end portion of shoots; (3) de novo, i.e. from primordial which were non-existent at the outset of the experiment. Roots grew in all directions in space but were uniformly positively gravitropic in ground controls. In space and on Earth, both clonal populations maintained their clone-specific root formation and growth characteristics and produced an equivalent amount of tissue when compared to each other. As on Earth, and as expected, there were fewer and shorter roots on plantlets that formed floral buds. The significance of altered moisture distribution in the "horticultural foam" substrate in space for root growth and the significance of our findings for growing plants in altered gravity environments are discussed.  相似文献   

P. E. Pilet 《Planta》1986,169(4):600-602
A large population of primary roots of Zea mays (cv. LG 11) was selected for uniform length at zero time. Their individual growth rates were measured over an 8-h period in the vertical position (in humid air, darkness). Three groups of these roots with significantly different growth rates were then chosen and their cap length was measured. It was found that slowly growing roots had long caps whereas rapidly growing roots had short caps. The production by the cap cells of basipetally transported growth inhibitors was tested (biologically by the curvature of half-decapped roots) and found to be significantly higher for longer root caps than that for shorter ones.  相似文献   

Using confocal microscopy the organization of tubulin cytoskeleton including endoplasmic and cortical microtubules (CMTs) has been studied in epidermal and cortical cells of the different growth zones of main root of Brassica rapa L. 6-days-old seedlings in control conditions and under clinorotation. It was shown that changes in CMTs orientation occured only in the distal elongation zone (DEZ). In the control, CMT arrays oriented transversely to the root long axis. Under clinorotation appearance of the shorter randomly organized CMTs was observed. Simultaneously, a significant decrease in the cell length in the central elongation zone (CEZ) under clinorotation was detected. It is suggested that the decline of anisotropic growth typical for CEZ cells is connected with CMTs disorientation under clinorotation.  相似文献   

Hairy roots obtained by transformation via Agrobacterium rhizogenes provide an artificial plant material devoid of aerial parts with high growth on hormone-free media. Fundamental knowledge of hairy root physiology is essential to develop and control its culture. In contrast to shake-flask cultures, a bioreactor set-up combined with on-line data logging provides an efficient tool to study rapid physiological variations in hairy root cultures. Datura innoxia hairy roots were grown in a bioreactor equipped with on-line data analyses of pH, dissolved oxygen (pO2), conductivity, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. The experiments were done at a constant temperature and in the absence of light cues. The results obtained showed that the carbon dioxide evolution rate (CER) presented regular oscillations during the culture. Similar oscillations were also observed for the oxygen uptake rate (OUR). These signals were treated mathematically to look for the existence of a rhythm. An autocorrelation function was used to detect any periodic components. The results demonstrate that hairy root respiration exhibited peaks of 1 day. These oscillations, having a period of about 24 h, were also observed in pH and conductivity signals, although not for the pO2 signal. The data acquired in the absence of hairy roots showed that the observed periodic behavior was not an artifact. No effect on rhythms was observed by the imposition of an external "day/night" cycle. The fact that oscillations persisted in the absence of external stimuli, with a free-running period of 24 h, suggests that a circadian rhythm exists in hairy roots of D. innoxia.  相似文献   

Abstract. Radial and axial turgor pressure profiles were measured with the pressure probe in untreated and salt-treated intact roots of Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. The microcapillary of the pressure probe was inserted step-wise into the root tissue 5, 25 and 50 mm away from the root cap. For evaluation of the data, only those recordings on a given root were used in which four discontinuous increases in turgor pressure occurred. These four turgor pressure increases could be related to the rhizodermal cells and to the cells in the three cortical layers. The measurements showed that a radial turgor pressure gradient of the same magnitude (directed from the third cortical layer to the external medium) existed along the root axis. The magnitude of this turgor pressure gradient decreased with increasing salinity (up to 400 mol m-3 NaCl) in the growth medium. Addition of 10 mol m-3 CaCl2 to the 400 mol m-3 NaCl medium partly reduced the salt-induced decrease in turgor pressure, but only in cells 25–50 mm away from the root tip. Combined with this effect, a small axial turgor pressure gradient was generated, therefore, in the cortex layers which was directed to the root tip. Measurements of the volumetric elastic modulus, ?, of the wall of the individual cells showed that the presence of salt considerably reduced the magnitude of this parameter and that addition of Ca2+ to the strongly saline medium partially diminished this decrease. This effect was strongest in cells 50 mm away from the root tip. The magnitude of ? of rhizodermal and cortical cells increased along the root axis both in untreated and in salt-treated roots. The ? value was significantly smaller for rhizodermal cells compared to the cortical cells, with the exception of cells 50 mm from the tip. In this tissue, rhizodermal and cortical cells exhibited nearly the same values. The decrease of the ?-values with salt and the increase along the root axis under the various growth conditions could be correlated with corresponding changes in cell volume. Diurnal changes in turgor pressure could not be detected in the individual root cells, with the notable exception of the rhizodermal and cortical cells located in the region 50 mm away from the root tip of the control plants. In these cells, an increase in turgor pressure was observed during the morning hours. Determination of the average osmotic pressure in tissue sections along the roots of control and salt-treated plants revealed that at 400 mol m-3 NaCl the osmotic pressure gradient between the tissue and the medium is exo-directed, provided that the water is not (partly) immobilized.  相似文献   

玉米根冠脱落细胞中微丝分布的荧光显微观察(简报)   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The detached root cap cells from maize seedlings comprised of round-shaped cells, ellipse-shaped cells and longitude-shaped cells. By using fluorescein-iso-thiocyanate-phalloidin(FITC-Ph) as fluorescent probe and treatment with cytochalasin B (CB) or HMC toxin, a host-specific toxin from Bipolaris (Helminthosporium) maydis race C, the distribution and variation of microfilaments (MFs) in detached cells were investigated. The results were as follows (i) the round-shaped cells had intense fluorescence, but the network of MFs was not distinct. There was clear MFs network in the cytoplasm of both ellipse-shaped and longitude-shaped cells. The distribution of MFs in detached cells seemed to be relevant to their shape and vigor. (ii) the fluorescence of detached cells of Charrua cytoplasmic male sterility(cms-C) maize was decreased after treatment with HMC-toxin. The cause of this outcome was unclear. We only obtained the pictures of the distorted protoplast membrane and dead cells owing to treatment with HMC-toxin. The distribution of MFs of detached cells of Normal(N) cytoplasmic maize was not affected by HMC-toxin, and their protoplasts shank slightly. (iii) CB could change the distribution of MFs in detached cells of both cms-C maize and N maize to disordered arrangement.  相似文献   

The localization of Ca2+ in cells of the periblem and dermatogen in the root meristem and the columella and peripheral cells of the root cap of maize was examined by the precipitation method of potassium pyroantimonate and EGTA-treatment. In periblem and dermatogen cells, Ca2+ was found to be localized in the nucleoplasm and granular zone of the nucleolus. Ca2+ was also found in most cell organelles: in the matrix in mitochondria, on the thylakoid membrane in proplastids, in the vacuoles and on the plasma membranes. Ca2+ was also distributed throughout the cytoplasmic ground matrix. Much Ca2+ was present in the cell wall soon after its formation during the cell division. Ca2+ was also conspicuous in the vesicles of Golgi in the dermatogen cells. In columella and peripheral cells, there was less Ca2+ in the organelles and cytoplasmic ground matrix, but Ca2+ was present in Golgi vesicles in the peripheral cells. Electron microscopic and X-ray microanalysis showed that Ca2+ was also present in the mucilaginous layer, the outermost cell wall of the peripheral cells.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the abundance and form of endoplasmic reticulum in the three major cell types of the maize root cap were investigated by stereological and stereometric techniques. Quantification from thin sections was by the modification and application of standard morphometric procedures. This revealed dramatic increases in both the volume fraction and surface densities of endoplasmic reticulum as the meristem cells differentiate into starch and secretory cells. A stereometric technique for analysing thick sections was used to assess changes in the types of endoplasmic reticulum as cells differentiate through the root cap. This procedure showed that the proportions of cisternal endoplasmic reticulum to tubular endoplasmic reticulum was highest in the peripheral secretory cells. Electron opacity of the endomembrane system was enhanced by selective staining with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide (ZIO).  相似文献   

1. Chlorella ellipsoidea was cultured under photo-heterotrophicconditions. Cells showed most favorable growth when 0.2% glucosewas added at the start to the inorganic nutrient medium. 2. Treatment with a mixed solvent, methanol/hexane: 4/3, gavehighly decolorized cells. Molasses alone and pyruvate in combinationwith glucose or with molasses and glucose were effective inobtaining a high yield of chlorophyll and carotenoid pigments. 3. The nitrogen content was lower in bleached cells than innormal cells. Protein yield obtained by the urea soaking methodwas higher with bleached cells than with normal cells. 4. Electron microscopic studies revealed that the outer partof normal cells consists of two layers, an electron-dense innerlayer and an electron-lucent outer layer, whereas, that of bleachedcells consists of only an electron-dense layer. (Received August 28, 1969; )  相似文献   

P. E. Pilet 《Planta》1976,130(3):245-249
Summary Under light, some growth inhibiting substances were produced in the root cap of maize; they moved basipetally from the tip to the extending zone. An asymmetrical uptake by the root stumps of these inhibitors induced a curvature of the root segments. Evidence was given that these growth regulators, formed in the root cap on exposure to light, can cause root curvature in darkness. Assays with two varieties of maize (Anjou which is georeactive both in dark and in light, and Kelvedon georeacting in light only) and with IAA—applied on the basal cut end of the root segments—were discussed in relation to the light effect on the formation of the cap growth factors. Experiments involving use of ABA-which has some growth properties identical to those of these inhibitors—lead to the conclusion that the light was only acting on the formation, in the root, of the growth-inhibiting substances. But light seems not to have an effect on the transport of these inhibitors from the cap to the stump or on their action on the elongating part of the roots.Abbreviations IAA indolyl-3-acetic acid - ABA abscisic acid  相似文献   

Root caps provide a protective layer in front of the meristemthat protects the meristem from abrasion by soil particles.The continuous production and sloughing of the root cap cellsmay be an adaptation to decrease the friction at the soil-rootinterface by acting as a low-friction lining to the channelformed by the root. Experiments were performed which providethe first direct evidence that such cell sloughing decreasesfrictional resistance to root penetration. The penetration resistance (force per unit crosssectional area)to maize roots, which were pushed mechanically into the soil,was compared with the penetration resistance to growing rootsand to 1 mm diameter metal probes (cone semi-angles of 7.5or 30). The pushed roots experienced only about 40% of thepenetration resistance experienced by the 7.5 metal probe thatwas pushed into the soil at the same rate. Thus, the frictionbetween the soil and the pushed root was much smaller than betweenthe soil and the metal probe. The penetration resistance tothe growing root was between 50% and 100% of that to the pushedroot, indicating that the relief of friction and slower rateof soil compression were more efficient around the growing root.SEM examination of the surface of roots pushed or grown intothe soil showed that numerous root cap cells had detached fromthe cap and slid for several millimetres relative to the root.The low friction properties of roots may be due largely to thelow coefficient of friction between sloughing root cap cells,and may be decreased further by intracellular mucilage secretions. Key words: Zea mays, root cap, frictional resistance, root penetration, cell sloughing  相似文献   

In this study we used a newly isolated Yarrowia lipolytica strain with a unique capacity to grow over a wide pH range (3.5-10.5), which makes it an excellent model system for studying phosphate transport systems in cells grown under alkaline conditions. Phosphate uptake by Y. lipolytica yeast cells grown at pH 9.5-10 was shown to be mediated by several kinetically discrete Na+-dependent systems. One of these, a low-affinity transporter, operates at high Pi concentrations and is, to our knowledge, here kinetically characterized for the first time. The other two high-affinity systems are derepressible, come into play under conditions of Pi-starvation, and appear to be controlled by the availability of extracellular Pi. They represent the first examples of high-capacity, Na+-driven Pi transport systems in an organism belonging to neither the animal nor the bacterial kingdoms.  相似文献   

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