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Serological absorption analyses and immunochemical studies of the H-2 antigenic specificities on the AKR (H-2k) spontaneous leukaemia K36 have been performed. The results confirm the absence of the H-2Kk gene product from the cell surface and from detergent solubilised tumour cells. A genetic mechanism is considered for this phenotypic alteration.  相似文献   

H-2-associated immune response gene(s) govern resistance to growth of a spontaneous AKR lymphoma, BW5147. The antigenic specificities recognized by the anti-BW5147 humoral response have been characterized and include: Thy-1, a T -cell differentiation antigen; gp70, a retroviral envelope protein; and several previously uncharacterized proteins, including a 78 000 molecular mass protein, p78, which is restricted to expression on BW5147 cells and five phosphoproteins with molecular masses of 33 000, 29 000, 23 000, 17 000, and 16 000. Only mice which are able to respond to Thy-1, p78, and the phosphoproteins can survive an inoculation of BW5147. Thus, resistance to BW5147 is complex and involves multiple antigens with possible roles in tumor rejection.Abbreviations used in this paper DMEM Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium - FCS fetal calf serum - Ir immune response - MuLV murine leukemia virus - NMS normal mouse serum - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - TCA trichloroacetic acid  相似文献   

We have previously shown that AKR.H-2b congenic mice, though carrying the responder H-2b major histocompatibility complex haplotype, are unable to generate secondary cytolytic T-lymphocyte (CTL) responses specific for AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus (MuLV). Our published work has shown that this nonresponsive state is specific and not due to clonal deletion or irreversible functional inactivation of antiviral CTL precursors. In the present study, an alternative mechanism based on the presence of inhibitory AKR.H-2b cells was examined. Irradiated or mitomycin C-treated AKR.H-2b spleen cells function as in vitro stimulator cells in the generation of C57BL/6 (B6) anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL, consistent with their expression of viral antigens. In contrast, untreated viable AKR.H-2b spleen cells functioned very poorly as stimulators in vitro. Viable AKR.H-2b spleen cells were also able to cause dramatic (up to > or = 25-fold) inhibition of antiviral CTL responses stimulated in vitro by standard AKR/Gross MuLV-induced tumor cells. This inhibition was specific: AKR.H-2b modulator spleen cells did not inhibit allogeneic major histocompatibility complex-specific CTL production, even when a concurrent antiviral CTL response in the same culture well was inhibited by the modulator cells. These results and those of experiments in which either semipermeable membranes were used to separate AKR.H-2b modulator spleen cells from AKR/Gross MuLV-primed responder cells or the direct transfer of supernatants from wells where inhibition was demonstrated to wells where there was antiviral CTL responsiveness argued against a role for soluble factors as the cause of the inhibition. Rather, the inhibition was dependent on direct contact of AKR.H-2b cells in a dose-dependent manner with the responder cell population. Inhibition was shown not to be due to the ability of AKR.H-2b cells to function as unlabeled competitive target cells. Exogenous interleukin-2 added at the onset of the in vitro CTL-generating cultures partially restored the antiviral response that was decreased by AKR.H-2b spleen cells. Positive and negative cell selection studies and the development of inhibitory cell lines indicated that B lymphocytes and both CD4- CD8+ and CD4+ CD8- T lymphocytes from AKR.H-2b mice could inhibit the generation of AKR/Gross virus-specific CTL in vitro. AKR.H-2b macrophages were shown not to be required to demonstrate AKR/Gross MuLV-specific inhibition, however, confirming that the inhibition by T-cell (or B-cell)-depleted spleen populations was dependent on the enriched B-cell (T-cell) population per se.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Treatment of nude mice with thymic factors such as thymosin has been mostly ineffective in generating effector T cells. This study examined the effects of treating nude mice with thymosin fraction 5 on the induction of cells that could participate in and/or regulate cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) generation by normal spleen cells in vitro. Splenic lymphocytes from BALB/c nude mice injected with thymosin fraction 5 every other day for 2 wk were tested for their ability to generate CTL in vitro. Two days after the last subcutaneous injection of thymosin, nude spleens were removed, mixed with normal BALB/c spleen cells, and placed into a mixed lymphocyte tumor culture (MLTC) against allogeneic RBL 5 tumor cells. After a 5-day incubation, cultures were tested for the presence of CTL in a 4-hr 51Cr-release assay. Spleen cells from thymosin-treated nude mice did not generate CTL but suppressed the ability of normal spleen cells to generate CTL in vitro. Characterization of the thymosin-induced nude mouse suppressor cells showed them to be Thy 1 positive, nonadherent, cyclophosphamide-sensitive T cells. These data demonstrate that some T cell maturation occurs in vivo under thymosin influence. However, the activity of these cells is initially limited to a regulatory function. These studies suggest that maturation of functional suppressor T cells occurs before CTL. Further immunologic manipulation appears to be necessary in order to induce CTL effector cells in nude mice.  相似文献   

Spontaneous leucosis was cytogenetically studied in subsequent generations (from 1 to 150) of AKR mice. By means of the differential staining technique of chromosomes, large variations in chromosome numbers were found in the karyotypes of leucotic cells of different generations, and the formation of cell clones containing different marker chromosomes as well as the dominance of a hyperdiploid clone with 41-42 chromosomes was revealed. Chromosome analysis of such hyperdiploid cells of the 150th generation has indicated that the supernumerary chromosomes (in 88.0% of cases examined) belong to the smallest chromosomes of the mouse karyogramm (to the 18-19th chromosome pairs or to chromosomes smaller than those of 19th pair). Similar trisomy was also observed in hypodiploid and pseudodiploid leucosis cells. It is suggested that the cell clone with trisomy for the smallest chromosomes is specific to the spontaneous lympholeucosis in AKR mice as well as to the leucosis transplanted to isogenic mice for a number of subsequent generations. Increased rate of hyperdiploid cells was associated with a generalization of leucosis. It was concluded that the development rate and the severity of transplanted lympholeucosis in AKR mice was determined by the domination of the cell clone with trisomy for the 18-19th chromosome pairs in the population of leucotic cells.  相似文献   

Adoptive transfer of cell-mediated immunity to the facultative intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes is restricted by the H-2 complex of mice. Using C57BL/10 and C57BL/6 congenic strains of mice it was shown that compatibility of the H-2K locus, not the I region, was essential and sufficient for adoptive transfer and that H-2D compatibility was not relevant. Mutation at the H-2K locus prevented adoptive transfer, while mutation at the Ia-1 locus, as in the B6.C-H-2bm12 mutant of C57BL/6, did not affect adoptive transfer. The contrast between these findings and the previously accepted I region restriction of adoptive transfer of Listeria immunity is discussed.  相似文献   

H-2k mice are unable to generate cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). This apparent unresponsiveness is found for both major serotypes of VSV, VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey. CTL unresponsiveness occurs despite the ability of H-2k mice to generate a humoral immune response against VSV that is comparable to that found in responder (H-2b and H-2a) strains. All H-2k mice regardless of background genes, including various Ig allotypes, were found to be nonresponders. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness mapped to both H-2Kk and H-2Dk and occurred despite the presence of responder alleles in (responder x nonresponder)F1 mice. The unresponsiveness cannot be attributed to an inability of VSV-infected H-2k target cells to express viral surface antigens of H-2 molecules. Further, unresponsiveness cannot be overcome by using secondary stimulation in vivo or in vitro. H-2k-linked unresponsiveness does not appear to be due to suppression, and no complementation has been found in various (nonresponder x nonresponder)F1 mice. Thus unresponsiveness to VSV in association with H-2Kk or H-2Dk appears to represent an extensive defect of immune responsiveness that probably occurs because VSV is not a natural mouse pathogen.  相似文献   

AKR leukemia cell lines differing in the amount of H-2K and H-2D antigens expressed on the cell surface were used to assess cell-mediated immune responses in syngeneic mice against Gross/AKR murine leukemia virus (MuLV)-induced tumors. Leukemic cells with reduced expression of H-2Kk antigens were inactive as inducers of Gross-MuLV/H-2k-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and resistant to lysis by CTL raised against H-2Kk positive AKR leukemia cells. H-2Kk positive leukemias induced cytotoxic effectors, which upon restimulation in vitro, lysed the stimulating and other H-2Kk positive leukemia cells. In antibody inhibition experiments, T-cell-mediated cytotoxicity to these leukemias could only be inhibited by antisera and monoclonal antibodies specific for the H-2Kk antigens. Due to this specific role of H-2Kk antigens in T-cell cytotoxicity to Gross/AKR MuLV-induced tumors, reduced expression of H-2Kk antigens on spontaneous AKR leukemic cells could have important implications for surveillance of these neoplastic cells.Abbreviations used in this paper CTL cytotoxic T lymphocytes - MuLV murine leukemia virus  相似文献   

The mechanism of resistance to leukemogenesis by two radiation leukemia virus variants, A-RadLV and D-RadLV, was investigated. Resistance to these viruses is linked toH-2I in both B10.S and C57BL/10 mice. The resistance of virus-infected mice to transplantation of syngeneic, A- or D-RadLV-induced lymphoma cells was similar to their resistance to leukemogenesis by the same viruses. This resistance could be transferred by lymphoid cells from immune donors to normal recipients, and it was specific for RadLV lymphomas. Virus-primed (responder x sensitive)F1 hybrids rejected only resistant-type parental lymphoma cells. Hence, it appears thatH-2I-linked resistance to RadLV leukemogenesis is regulated byIr genes. Resistant mice immunized by A- or D-RadLV rejected syngeneic lymphoma cells, irrespective of whether they were sensitive or resistant to the RadLV variant used for the induction of the lymphoma cells. It follows that resistant and sensitive type lymphomas are antigenically similar for the effector mechanism, and that theIr genes may be expressed in the sensitization phase of the reaction. In virus-infected mice which are resistant to A- or D-RadLV we were able to demonstrate the presence of preleukemic lymphocytes. Normal mice could be immunized by these preleukemic cells against lymphoma challenge. These data are interpreted to suggest that mice havingH-2I-linked resistance to RadLV infection may be sensitized by their preleukemic cells, and that these preleukemic cells are then arrested in their development as a result of the immune response.  相似文献   

Culture of C57BL/6 mouse spleen cells with syngeneic EL4 lymphoma cells resulted in no induction of killer cells reactive against EL4 cells. However, in vitro sensitization of C57BL/6 mouse spleen cells with interleukin 2 (IL-2)-producing EL4 lymphoma cells caused the generation of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells, which lyse a variety of tumor cells. Consistent with an in vitro system, we demonstrate that Thy 1.2+, Ly2+, asialo GM1+ LAK cells were successfully induced by in vivo immunization with syngeneic IL-2-producing EL4 lymphoma cells.  相似文献   

Specific IgG antibodies were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in 7 strains of male and female mice after immunization with ovalbumin. Also, H-2 haplotype and sex-related differences in IgG response to ovalbumin were evaluated using statistical methods, slope ratio assay and parallel line assay. H-2k strain mice (C3H/HeN and CBA/JN) showed higher IgG responsiveness to ovalbumin than H-2d (BALB/cAnN and DBA/2 N) and H-2b (C57BL/6 N) mice. With regard to the sex-related differences in IgG response to ovalbumin, females in some strains showed higher IgG response than males, but some strains showed no sex-related differences, and sex-related differences in IgG response to ovalbumin did not relate to their H-2 haplotypes. These results may be caused by other immune response genes which control the sex-related immune response than H-2 or other unknown factors.  相似文献   

 The mean survival age of female AKR/J mice was significantly prolonged, the enlargement of thymus was markedly suppressed, and the proliferation of ecotropic and recombinant murine leukemia viruses (MuLV) was markedly inhibited when 8-week-old female AKR/J mice were injected intraperitoneally (i. p.) with heat-killed Lactobacillus casei cells twice weekly for 8 weeks. In contrast, such actions of heat-killed L. casei cells were not seen in 20-week-old female AKR/J mice. The leukemogenic activity of the cell-free extract of thymus from adult female AKR/J mice in newborn female AKR/J mice was drastically reduced by i. p. treatment with heat-killed L. casei cells. The difference in adjuvant effectiveness of heat-killed L. casei cells on 8- and 20-week-old animals may be dependent on the difference in the enhancing activity of the cell-mediated immune systems between the groups induced by heat-killed L. casei cells, and, as a result, on the difference in the degree of proliferation of ecotropic and recombinant MuLV in thymus, which consequently causes thymic lymphoma. Received: 13 February 1996 / Accepted: 18 April 1996  相似文献   

The spleens of normal B10,H-2 a H-44b p/Wts (2 a 4 b ) mice; contain cells which, in response to mitogen stimulation, secrete hemolytic antibody specific for a determinant present on both sheep and bromelain-treated mouse erythrocytes. These cells were found to be Ly-1 positive. Approximately 50% of these cells bear surface immunoglobulin (sIg) with the same idiotype as the sIg of a 2a4b-derived B-cell lymphoma, CH12. Backcross analysis revealed H-2 control of the frequency of the idiotype-positive B cell. The regulatory gene did not correlate with the Igh-1 allotype, and analysis of 22 inbred mouse strains mapped the gene to the I-E subregion. Surprisingly, only strains homozygous for E k expressed the idiotype, and expression was a recessive trait. Possible mechanisms for this control of idiotype expression and its relation to lymphomagenesis are discussed.Abbreviations used in this paper 2 a4b B10.H-2 aH-4bp/Wts - Br-MRBC bromelain-treated mouse erythrocytes - C complement - LPS lipopolysaccharide W - pfc plaque-forming cells - sIg surface immunoglobulin - SRBC sheep erythrocytes - Ts T suppressor.  相似文献   

The possibility that apoptosis and/or cell proliferation have a role in tumour progression in a murine T cell lymphoma was tested. The model consisted of the comparison of primary (PT) and metastatic tumour (MT) cells. The PT cells, but not the MT cells displayed a very pronounced tendency for spontaneous apoptosis. Proliferative capacity of MT cells was lower than that of PT cells, suggesting that it does not contribute to the metastatic phenotype in this system. Release from apoptosis does however, probably, play a role in the aggressiveness of the lymphoma.  相似文献   

We previously described a system in which H-2Kb-restricted C57BL/6 (B6) cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) could be raised that were specific for tumors, such as the thymic lymphoma AKR.H-2b SL1, that were induced by endogenous AKR/Gross murine leukemia virus and that expressed the Gross cell surface antigen. In this study, certain normal lymphoid cells from AKR.H-2b mice were also found to express target antigens defined by such anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL. AKR.H-2b spleen, but surprisingly not thymus, cells stimulated the production of anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL when employed at either the in vivo priming phase or the in vitro restimulation phase of anti-viral CTL induction. This selective stimulation by spleen vs thymus cells was not dependent on the age of the mice over the range (3 to 28 wk) tested. Both AKR.H-2b spleen and thymus cells, however, were able to stimulate the generation of H-2-restricted B6 anti-AKR minor histocompatibility (H) antigen-specific CTL. Thus, AKR.H-2b spleen cells appeared to display the same sets (minor H and virus-associated) of cell surface antigens recognized by CTL as the AKR.H-2b SL1 tumor, whereas AKR.H-2b thymocytes were selectively missing the virus-associated target antigens, a situation analogous to that of cl. 18-5, a variant subclone of AKR.H-2b SL1 insusceptible to anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL. Like AKR.H-2b thymocytes, neither AKR spleen cells or thymocytes nor B6.GIX + thymocytes were able to stimulate the generation of anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL from primed B6 responder cell populations. In contrast, both T cell-enriched and B cell-enriched preparations derived from AKR.H-2b spleen cells were able to stimulate at the in vitro phase of induction, although B cell-enriched preparations were considerably more efficient. The discordant results obtained with AKR.H-2b spleen cells vs thymocytes were confirmed and extended in experiments in which these cells were employed as target cells to directly assess the cell surface expression of virus-associated, CTL-defined antigens. Thus, AKR.H-2b spleen cells, but not thymocytes, were recognized by anti-AKR/Gross virus CTL when fresh normal cells were tested as unlabeled competitive inhibitors, or when mitogen blasts were tested as labeled targets. Fresh or lipopolysaccharide-stimulated B cell-enriched spleen cells were as efficiently recognized as unseparated spleen cell preparations. Unexpectedly, fresh or Lens culinaris hemagglutinin-stimulated T cell-enriched spleen cell preparations, although susceptible to anti-minor H CTL, were almost as poor as targets for anti-viral CTL as were thymocytes. Together, these results demonstrate the H-2-restricted expression of CTL-defined, endogenous, AKR/Gross virus-associated target antigens by normal AKR.H-2b splenic B cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Hybrids between an H-2+, TL+ lymphoma and an H-2+, TL lymphoma were studied for their expression of H-2 and TL antigens. The H-2 antigens of both parents were expressed, the TL specificity of the TL+ parent was retained, and the TL specificity characteristic of the mouse strain from which the TL lymphoma was derived was not expressed. There was no evidence that the genome of either parent altered the expression of the TL antigens coded for by the genome of the opposite parent. Hybrids between the H-2+, TL lymphoma and an H-2, TL variant line derived from the H-2+, TL+ cell line expressed both theK- andD-regioncoded H-2 antigens and the TL specificity characteristic of the parental cell line from which the variant cell was derived. This result is consistent with the defect in the variant cell's being the result of a mutation affecting a gene coding for a positive element necessary for expression of both TL and the serologically detectable H-2 antigens on the cell surface.  相似文献   

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