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以5年生‘早大果’甜樱桃为试材,研究了其在萌芽前土施^15N尿素的吸收、分配和利用特性.结果表明:植株器官从肥料中吸收分配到的^15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)均随时间推移逐渐升高,盛花期细根和贮藏器官的Ndff较高;果实硬核期,新生器官中长梢和长梢叶的Ndff增长迅速,分别达0.72%和0.59%;果实硬核期到采收期,果实的Ndff增长迅速,到采收期达到最高,为1.78%;果实采收后到花芽分化期,新生器官Ndff增长减慢而贮藏器官增长迅速.盛花期根系吸收的氮素首先分配到贮藏器官,粗根^15N分配率最高,为54.91%;果实硬核期细根和贮藏器官^15N分配率由盛花期的85.43%下降到55.11%,而地上部新生器官则升高至44.89%;果实采收期^15N分配率变化不大,果实采收后氮素营养迅速向贮藏器官中运转,花芽分化期细根和贮藏器官的^15N分配率升高至72.26%,而地上部新生器官^15N分配率与采收期相比下降了19.31%.从盛花期到花芽分化期,植株对^15N尿素的当季利用率呈升高趋势,于花芽分化期达到最高,为16.86%.  相似文献   

冬枣果实硬核期对15N尿素吸收、分配及再利用特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以盆栽冬枣为试材,研究了冬枣果实硬核期土施15N尿素条件下N的吸收、分配和再利用特性.结果表明,果实膨大期,细根中的肥料氮比率(Ndff%)最高为10.64%,其次为新生营养器官.果实采收后,叶片和枣吊中的15N回撤;翌年萌芽前,粗根中的Ndff%最高(3.69%);盛花期,新生营养器官(当年生枣头枝、枣吊、叶片和花)中的Ndff%最高.果实硬核期施肥后,当年根系吸收的15N尿素主要用于营养生长(叶片、枣吊、根系),回撤15N优先贮藏于根系,休眠季节根系(54.01%)贮藏15N略高于地上部器官(45.99%),主要的15N贮藏器官为粗根(38.61%).地上部枝干中的贮藏15N从采果后到萌芽前含量变化剧烈,可作为贮藏15N营养诊断的“靶器官”,同期粗根中贮藏15N变幅较小,属长期 “库”.贮藏15N具有就近利用的特性,其分配随生长中心的转移而转移.  相似文献   

以6年生库尔勒香梨为试材,在春季香梨萌芽前施用15N尿素,研究香梨施用15N尿素的吸收、分配和利用特性.结果表明:不同生育期香梨吸收的15N在各器官的分配率存在显著差异,盛花期15N优先分配在根中,其Ndff(从肥料中吸收的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率)最高,新稍次之;新梢旺长期和果实膨大期根部吸收的15N优先向新生器官(叶和新稍)运转,根部15N的分配率不断下降;果实成熟期果实成为新的分配中心,其Ndff最高,果实累积的15N量占香梨树体总的15N吸收量的19.8%.香梨树体对土施15N-尿素肥料的当季利用率随生育期的推进而不断提高,到果实成熟期达到最大值(18.5%).  相似文献   

以6年生库尔勒香梨为试材,在春季香梨萌芽前施用15N尿素,研究香梨施用15N尿素的吸收、分配和利用特性.结果表明:不同生育期香梨吸收的15N在各器官的分配率存在显著差异,盛花期15N优先分配在根中,其Ndff(从肥料中吸收的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率)最高,新稍次之;新梢旺长期和果实膨大期根部吸收的15N优先向新生器官(叶和新稍)运转,根部15N的分配率不断下降;果实成熟期果实成为新的分配中心,其Ndff最高,果实累积的15N量占香梨树体总的15N吸收量的19.8%.香梨树体对土施15N-尿素肥料的当季利用率随生育期的推进而不断提高,到果实成熟期达到最大值(18.5%).  相似文献   

以5年生烟富3/M26/平邑甜茶为试材,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究表层(0 cm)、上层(20 cm)和中层(40 cm)3个施肥深度对矮化苹果15N 尿素吸收、分配及利用特性的影响.结果表明: 20 cm施肥处理的叶面积、叶绿素含量和叶片全氮含量显著高于0和40 cm施肥处理.不同施肥处理各器官从肥料中吸收分配到的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)存在显著差异,盛花期均以根的Ndff最高,多年生枝次之;新梢旺长期和花芽分化期根部吸收的15N优先向新生营养器官转运;果实膨大期各器官Ndff均达到较高水平;果实成熟期均以果实中的Ndff最高.果实成熟期不同施肥处理的15N分配率存在显著差异,20 cm施肥处理生殖器官和营养器官的15N分配率显著高于0和40 cm施肥处理,而贮藏器官的15N分配率显著低于0和40 cm施肥处理.在果实成熟期,20 cm施肥处理15N肥料利用率为24.0%,显著高于0 cm(14.1%)和40 cm施肥处理(7.6%),而15N损失率为54.0%,显著低于0 cm(67.8%)和40 cm施肥处理(63.5%).不同施肥深度土壤15N残留量随施肥深度的增加而显著增加.  相似文献   

以一年生盆栽豆梨、川梨、木梨实生苗为试材,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究了不同供磷水平(P2O5分别为0、50、100、150、200 kg·hm-2,分别用P0、P1、P2、P3、P4表示)对3种梨砧木生长和15N-尿素吸收、利用特性的影响.结果表明: 随着供磷水平的提高,砧木的株高、地径、干质量、根系总表面积、总根长、根尖数、根系活力、根系呼吸速率、Ndff值和氮素利用率均先升高后降低,但不同砧木升降幅度不同,且各指标出现峰值的磷水平不同.在同一磷素水平下,木梨的株高、地径、干质量均最高,川梨次之,豆梨最低,根系形态指标和根系呼吸速率呈相同规律,而Ndff值和氮素利用率表现不同.在不同磷素水平下,木梨在P3处理各指标均达到最高水平,而川梨和豆梨分别在P2和P1处理各指标均达到最高水平;砧木各器官的Ndff值在不同磷水平下均以茎最高;木梨的最高氮素利用率(种植季的肥料N回收率)为9.6%、川梨为8.9%、豆梨为8.3%.以上结果表明,不同梨砧木生长和氮素吸收利用特性在不同磷水平下响应不同,生产中应根据砧木需磷特性合理施磷.  相似文献   

陈倩  丁宁  彭玲  葛顺峰  姜远茂 《生态学杂志》2017,28(7):2247-2253
以7年生烟富3/M26/平邑甜茶为试材,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究不同供氮水平[低氮(100 kg N·hm-2,N100)、中氮(200 kg N·hm-2,N200)和高氮(300 kg N·hm-2,N300)]对烟富3/M26/平邑甜茶15N-尿素吸收、利用、损失及产量和品质的影响.结果表明: 不同供氮水平植株的生长状况及氮素吸收、利用和损失特性差异显著.N200处理植株叶绿素含量(SPAD)、光合速率(Pn)、叶片全氮含量和生物量显著高于N100和N300处理,植株根冠比也显著增加.不同供氮水平下植株各器官对氮的吸收能力(Ndff值)存在显著差异,各测定时期果实(花)、叶片、一年生枝、多年生枝和中心干的Ndff值均为N100>N200>N300;而根的Ndff值在盛花期和春梢缓长期为N100 >N200>N300,在秋梢生长期、果实膨大期和果实成熟期为N200 >N100>N300.在果实成熟期,N200处理15N肥料利用率为23.6%,显著高于N100(16.3%)和N300处理(14.4%),而15N损失率为56.4%,显著低于N100(60.6%)和N300处理(66.1%).不同供氮水平植株的平均单果质量、单株产量、可溶性固形物、硬度、可溶性糖、可滴定酸、糖酸比均存在显著差异,且均以N200处理最高,其次是N300处理,N100处理最低.  相似文献   

明确紫云英配施化肥条件下水稻对氮素吸收利用和紫云英氮在水稻-土壤体系的吸收利用、分配及残留规律,能够为豫南稻区合理施肥提供依据.本研究利用原状土柱模拟和15N示踪技术,研究等氮条件下不施肥(CK)、化肥+22500 kg·hm-2紫云英(FM1)、化肥+30000 kg·hm-2紫云英(FM2)、化肥+37500 kg...  相似文献   

以5年生烟富3/M26/平邑甜茶为试材,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究表层(0 cm)、上层(20 cm)和中层(40 cm)3个施肥深度对矮化苹果15N-尿素吸收、分配及利用特性的影响.结果表明:20 cm施肥处理的叶面积、叶绿素含量和叶片全氮含量显著高于0和40 cm施肥处理.不同施肥处理各器官从肥料中吸收分配到的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率(Ndff)存在显著差异,盛花期均以根的Ndff最高,多年生枝次之;新梢旺长期和花芽分化期根部吸收的15N优先向新生营养器官转运;果实膨大期各器官Ndff均达到较高水平;果实成熟期均以果实中的Ndff最高.果实成熟期不同施肥处理的15N分配率存在显著差异,20 cm施肥处理生殖器官和营养器官的15N分配率显著高于0和40 cm施肥处理,而贮藏器官的15N分配率显著低于0和40 cm施肥处理.在果实成熟期,20 cm施肥处理15N肥料利用率为24.0%,显著高于0 cm(14.1%)和40 cm施肥处理(7.6%),而15N损失率为54.0%,显著低于0 cm(67.8%)和40 cm施肥处理(63.5%).不同施肥深度土壤15N残留量随施肥深度的增加而显著增加.  相似文献   

以4年生盆栽冬枣为试材,采用13C、15N双标记示踪技术,在果实发育期研究了等氮量分次追施氮肥对冬枣植株15N和13C吸收、利用、积累和分配的影响.结果表明: 至果实采收期,冬枣各器官Ndff值(植株器官从肥料中吸收分配到的15N量对该器官全氮量的贡献率)随追氮次数的增多而显著增大.生殖器官(果实)和营养器官(叶片、枣吊、新生枣头枝和细根)的15N分配率以4次追氮处理最高,1次追氮处理最低,贮藏器官(主干、多年生枝和粗根)15N分配率的趋势相反;4次追氮处理15N利用率分别比1次和2次追氮处理高27.4%和15.5%.追氮次数越多,植株总氮量和15N吸收量越大;随时间的推移,1次追氮处理土壤15N丰度和总氮含量持续降低,2次追氮处理呈先升高后降低的趋势,4次追氮处理变化相对最为平稳,至处理后期显著高于其他处理;果实白熟至采收期,叶片叶绿素、氮含量和净光合速率均表现为4次追氮>2次追氮>1次追氮.不同处理13C同化物积累与分配不同.4次追氮处理13C固定总量分别是1次和2次追氮处理的1.1和1.2倍.增加追氮次数,促进了13C同化物向果实和贮藏器官的转移,而减少了向当年生营养器官的分配.综上,果实发育期4次追氮通过保证根层稳定、充足的氮素供应,提高了对氮素的吸收和利用,进而维持了较高的净光合速率,促进并优化了光合同化物的积累和分配,最有利于冬枣树体的生长及产量和品质的提高.  相似文献   

向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)对133Cs、88Sr的吸收和分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验研究了向日葵(Helianthus annuus L.)对土壤中不同处理浓度133Cs和88Sr的吸收,以及133Cs和88Sr在向日葵不同部位的分布。结果表明:随着处理浓度的增加,植物中133Cs或88Sr的含量增加。同一处理浓度下,88Sr含量约比133Cs含量高一个数量级。133Cs和88Sr在植物不同部位分布不同。根部中133Cs含量高于植物的其他部位(茎、叶、花)。不同于133Cs在植物中的分布,88Sr除在根中的分布外,主要转运到了叶片。133Cs和88Sr在向日葵体内的分布与目前对放射性137Cs和90Sr的研究结果相似,所以133Cs和88Sr可分别预测137Cs和90Sr的运转。向日葵是治理大面积低放核素污染土壤的较佳植物种类。  相似文献   

Troyanos  Y.E.  Hipps  N.A.  Moorby  J.  Ridout  M.S. 《Plant and Soil》1997,197(1):25-33
The cherry rootstock 'F.12/1' is more susceptible to Mg deficiency than the cherry rootstock 'Colt'. The effects of different external concentrations (3000, 500, 50 and 10 µM) of Mg on the growth of micropropagated plants of 'F.12/1' and 'Colt' were investigated in a flowing solution culture system. The relative growth rates (RGR) and total dry weight of both cultivars decreased similarly with the reduction in the external concentrations of Mg. The decreases were caused by a lower net assimilation rate (unit leaf rate). 'F.12/1' had a greater RGR than 'Colt' at all external concentrations of Mg and this is ascribed to its greater leaf weight ratio (leafiness). 'Colt' partitions more dry matter to roots than 'F.12/1', resulting in a smaller shoot: root dry weight ratio. 'F.12/1' required a greater inflow rate of Mg than 'Colt' to maintain its maximum growth rate. When the external concentration of Mg fell below 500 µM the concentration of Mg in the leaves of 'F.12/1' fell well below the critical concentration whereas for 'Colt' this did not occur until the concentration fell below 50 µM.  相似文献   

Increasing costs and decreasing labor availability for sweet cherry harvest in Washington State, USA, has reinvigorated commercial and research interest of mechanized harvest. Ethephon (2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid) can be used to improve fruit abscission for mechanical harvest. Our previous work shows that 3.5 l ha−1 ethephon enhances red color and reduces firmness of the cultivar ‘Bing’. In the current study, we used metabolic profiling of cultivars ‘Bing’, Chelan’, and ‘Skeena’ fruit meso and exocarp tissue to better understand underlying quality-related metabolism associated with ethephon application. Trees were treated using air-blast sprayer 13–14 days prior to harvest and fruit samples were harvested every 7–10 days starting at least 17 days prior to commercial harvest. Nearly 200 identified and partially characterized metabolites from mesocarp and exocarp tissue were characterized and evaluated. Principal component analysis models revealed changes in the metabolome associated with both natural ripening and ethephon-induced changes, including associations to key color, acid, and sugar components, such as cyanidin 3-glucoside, malic acid and sugar metabolism.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic isozyme loci, 6PGD, G6PD, MDH, PGM, SKDH, FDP, GOT and IDH, in sweet cherry where found to be in one linkage group, with a ninth isozyme locus, GPI, being in another linkage group on a different chromosome. Isozymes were also linked to the incompatibility S locus and this explained the disturbed segregation ratios observed in the first generation from controlled hybridisations between different sweet cherry cultivars. Analysis revealed close linkage between the isozyme and S loci. The results supported a pre-existing theory that the S gene in cherry consists of three linked segments each coding for a different function. Progeny derived from selfing of Stella, the self-fertile cherry cultivar, also showed disturbed segregation ratios and an absence of homozygotes for the isozyme loci assayed. This demonstrated that codominant inheritance of the S alleles had not been effected by the self-fertile mutation.  相似文献   

One-year-old Prunus avium L. were grown under greenhouse conditions in a Countesswells soil in all combinations of 2 pH and 2 P levels. The soil, obtained from a long-term liming and fertilizer experiment, provided pH values throughout the experiment of 3.75–3.99 (pH 1) and 4.81–5.41 (pH 2). The P treatments had 0.43% acetic acid extractable P of 31–44 g g-1 (P1) and 145–173 g g-1 (P2). The trees were harvested 92 (H1), 134 (H2), and 168 (H3) days after initiation of growth.Top (leaf+new stem) dry weight was significantly increased for pH 2 and P2 at H2 and H3. P2 also increased leaf weight (H1), the weight of the original stem-root (H2 and H3), and root length but decreased root diameter at both soil pHs (H2 and H3). Total tree uptake of N, P, K, Ca, and Mg was also increased by pH-P combinations which had significantly greater dry matter production and root length. Total Mn uptake decreased at pH2. Root nutrient inflows (uM m-1 day-1) were increased for Ca at pH2 and for P at P2. Mn inflow decreased at pH2 and at pH1 P2 although the increased root length associated with the latter treatmen resulted in increased total tree Mn uptake. In general, high nutrient inflows occurred in all trees at H1 and in severely stunted trees at pH1 P1; both had larger than average root diameters.  相似文献   

Dawson  L.A.  Duff  E.I.  Campbell  C.D.  Hirst  D.J. 《Plant and Soil》2001,231(1):11-19
We investigated the effect of competition from grass roots (as controlled by herbicide application) on the depth distribution of white roots in cherry trees, grown with varying rates and frequency of application of N in an agroforestry system. Statistical summaries of distribution, namely mean and skewness, produced a concise and interpretable analysis of the data.There was a large increase in tree root numbers in the surface horizons after the herbicide had reduced grass root competition. Where the surrounding grass had not been reduced by herbicide, the average depth of tree roots increased with time, contrasting with a marked shift in the mode of distribution of root numbers to shallow depths when grass competition was removed. These findings are important in the understanding of plant root competition and for prescribing best practise for tree establishment in agroforestry systems.  相似文献   

In this study some aspects of organic and amino acid metabolism in cherry endocarp and seed were investigated during their development. The abundance and location of a number of enzymes involved in these processes were investigated. These enzymes were aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT; EC:, glutamine synthetase (GS; EC:, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; EC:, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK; EC:, and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC: There was a transient and massive accumulation of vegetative storage proteins in the endocarp. These proteins were remobilised as the endocarp lignified and at the same time that proteins were accumulated in the seed. This raised the possibility that a proportion of imported amino acids were temporarily stored in the endocarp as protein, and that these were later utilised by the seed when it started to accumulate storage proteins. Rubisco was present in the embryo and integuments of the seed although no chlorophyll was present. This is the first time that Rubisco has been detected in non-green seeds. The maximum abundance of Rubisco in the seed coincided with the deposition of seed storage proteins. A possible function for Rubisco in cherry seed is discussed. PEPCK was located in the integuments and appeared when seed storage proteins were being accumulated. In the integuments and embryo AspAT, GS, PEPC and Rubisco also appeared, or greatly increased in abundance, when seed storage proteins were being deposited.  相似文献   

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