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Lemons D  Paré A  McGinnis W 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31365
The discovery of microRNAs has resulted in a major expansion of the number of molecules known to be involved in gene regulation. Elucidating the functions of animal microRNAs has posed a significant challenge as their target interactions with messenger RNAs do not adhere to simple rules. Of the thousands of known animal microRNAs, relatively few microRNA:messenger RNA regulatory interactions have been biologically validated in an normal organismal context. Here we present evidence that three microRNAs from the Hox complex in Drosophila (miR-10-5p, miR-10-3p, miR-iab-4-5p) do not have significant effects during embryogenesis on the expression of Hox genes that contain high confidence microRNAs target sites in the 3' untranslated regions of their messenger RNAs. This is significant, in that it suggests that many predicted microRNA-target interactions may not be biologically relevant, or that the outcomes of these interactions may be so subtle that mutants may only show phenotypes in specific contexts, such as in environmental stress conditions, or in combinations with other microRNA mutations.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent studies on the expression of the homeobox gene, Hox 2.1, during mouse embryogenesis, using the technique of in situ hybridization. Differential hybridization of radiolabelled antisense versus sense strand RNA is first clearly detected in sections of 8.5 day post coitum (p.c.) early somite embryos. At 12.5 days p.c., higher levels of Hox 2.1 expression are seen in the spinal cord, extending into the base of the hind brain. Hybridization of antisense Hox 2.1 RNA is also seen in the spinal ganglia, in the nodose ganglia of the Xth cranial nerve (which contains derivatives of the neural crest arising from the posterior hind brain), and in the myenteric plexus. Mesodermal cells of certain visceral organs also express Hox 2.1 RNA, in particular the mesoderm of the lung, stomach and meso- and meta-nephric kidney. Comparison of the spatial domains of expression of mouse homeobox genes reveals a pattern consistent with the idea that they play a role in anteroposterior positional specification during embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Eye specification in Drosophila is thought be controlled by a set of seven nuclear factors that includes the Pax6 homolog, Eyeless. This group of genes is conserved throughout evolution and has been repeatedly recruited for eye specification. Several of these genes are expressed within the developing eyes of vertebrates and mutations in several mouse and human orthologs are the underlying causes of retinal disease syndromes. Ectopic expression in Drosophila of any one of these genes is capable of inducing retinal development, while loss-of-function mutations delete the developing eye. These nuclear factors comprise a complex regulatory network and it is thought that their combined activities are required for the formation of the eye. We examined the expression patterns of four eye specification genes, eyeless (ey), sine oculis (so), eyes absent (eya), and dachshund (dac) throughout all time points of embryogenesis and show that only eyeless is expressed within the embryonic eye anlagen. This is consistent with a recently proposed model in which the eye primordium acquires its competence to become retinal tissue over several time points of development. We also compare the expression of Ey with that of a putative antennal specifying gene Distal-less (Dll). The expression patterns described here are quite intriguing and raise the possibility that these genes have even earlier and wide ranging roles in establishing the head and visual field.  相似文献   

The mouse Hox 2.1 gene contains a homeobox sequence and is therefore a candidate for a vertebrate gene involved in the control of embryonic patterning or positional specification. To investigate this possibility, we have used in situ hybridization to determine the pattern of Hox 2.1 expression during mouse embryogenesis. At 8.5 days post coitum, Hox 2.1 is expressed at a low level in the posterior neuroectoderm and mesoderm, and in the neuroectoderm of the presumptive hindbrain. At 12.5 days p.c., Hox 2.1 is expressed in an anteroposterior restricted domain extending from the hindbrain throughout the length of the spinal cord, predominantly in the dorsal region. Between 12.5 and 13.5 days p.c. the domain becomes localized to the occipital and cervical regions. We also detect Hox 2.1 RNA in the embryonic lung, stomach, mesonephros and metanephros, as well as in myenteric plexus, dorsal root ganglia and the nodose ganglion, and in mature granulocytes. The embryonic expression of Hox 2.1 in neural tissue is compared with that of Hox 3.1, which also shows anteroposterior restricted domains of gene expression. These patterns of expression are not clearly consistent with Hox 2.1 or Hox 3.1 having roles in segmental patterning. However, the data are consistent with these genes having regulatory roles in anteroposterior positional specification in the neuroectoderm and mesoderm, and suggest that Hox 2.1 may also have functions during organogenesis.  相似文献   

Energy homeostasis, a fundamental property of all organisms, depends on the ability to control the storage and mobilization of fat, mainly triacylglycerols (TAG), in special organs such as mammalian adipose tissue or the fat body of flies. Malregulation of energy homeostasis underlies the pathogenesis of obesity in mammals including human. We performed a screen to identify nutritionally regulated genes that control energy storage in the model organism Drosophila. The brummer (bmm) gene encodes the lipid storage droplet-associated TAG lipase Brummer, a homolog of human adipocyte triglyceride lipase (ATGL). Food deprivation or chronic bmm overexpression depletes organismal fat stores in vivo, whereas loss of bmm activity causes obesity in flies. Our study identifies a key factor of insect energy homeostasis control. Their evolutionary conservation suggests Brummer/ATGL family members to be implicated in human obesity and establishes a basis for modeling mechanistic and therapeutic aspects of this disease in the fly.  相似文献   

The conserved homeobox (Hox) gene cluster is neither conserved nor clustered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Instead, C. elegans has a reduced and dispersed gene complement that is the result the loss of Hox genes in stages throughout its evolutionary history. The roles of Hox genes in patterning the nematode body axis are also divergent, although there are tantalising remnants of ancient regulatory systems. Hox patterning also differs greatly between C. elegans and a second 'model' nematode, Pristionchus pacificus. The pattern of Hox gene evolution may be indicative of the move to deterministic developmental modes in nematodes.  相似文献   

The concentration of proteins, sugars, lipids and DNA has been determined during the embryogenesis of Drosophila. The protein content decreases after fertilization, being in the late embryo only 60% the value of the oocyte. The total sugar increases about 2.5-fold, from 3.5 h on until the end of embryogenesis. The lipids increase with a sharp peak at about 4 h and decrease during the rest of embryogenesis. DNA increases exponentially from the beginning of embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The constitutive criterion for the evolutionary successful clade of ecdysozoans is a protective exoskeleton. In insects the exoskeleton, the so-called cuticle consists of three functional layers, the waterproof envelope, the proteinaceous epicuticle and the chitinous procuticle that are produced as an extracellular matrix by the underlying epidermal cells. Here, we present our electron-microscopic study of cuticle differentiation during embryogenesis in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We conclude that cuticle differentiation in the Drosophila embryo occurs in three phases. In the first phase, the layers are established. Interestingly, we find that establishment of the layers occurs partially simultaneously rather than in a strict sequential manner as previously proposed. In the second phase the cuticle thickens. Finally, in the third phase, when secretion of cuticle material has ceased, the chitin laminae acquire their typical orientation, and the epicuticle of the denticles and the head skeleton darken. Our work will help to understand the phenotypes of embryos mutant for genes encoding essential cuticle factors, in turn revealing mechanisms of cuticle differentiation.  相似文献   

Three homeobox genes, one from Drosophila melanogaster (Drosophila Hmx gene) and two from mouse (murine Hmx2 and Hmx3) were isolated and the full-length cDNAs and corresponding genomic structures were characterized. The striking homeodomain similarity encoded by these three genes to previously identified genes in sea urchin, chick and human, as well as the recently cloned murine Hmx1 gene, and the low homology to other homeobox genes indicate that the Hmx genes comprise a novel gene family. The widespread existence of Hmx genes in the animal kingdom suggests that this gene family is of ancient origin. Drosophila Hmx was mapped to the 90B5 region of Chromosome 3 and at early embryonic stages is primarily expressed in distinct areas of the neuroectoderm and subsets of neuroblasts in the developing fly brain. Later its expression continues in rostral areas of the brain in a segmented pattern, suggesting a putative role in the development of the Drosophila central nervous system. During evolution, mouse Hmx2 and Hmx3 may have retained a primary function in central nervous system development as suggested by their expression in the postmitotic cells of the neural tube, as well as in the hypothalamus, the mesencephalon, metencephalon and discrete regions in the myelencephalon during embryogenesis. Hmx1 has diverged from other Hmx members by its expression in the dorsal root, sympathetic and vagal nerve (X) ganglia. Aside from their expression in the developing nervous system, all three Hmx genes display expression in sensory organ development, and in the adult uterus. Hmx2 and Hmx3 show identical expression in the otic vesicle, whereas Hmx1 is strongly expressed in the developing eye. Transgenic mouse lines were generated to examine the DNA regulatory elements controlling Hmx2 and Hmx3. Transgenic constructs spanning more than 31 kb of genomic DNA gave reproducible expression patterns in the developing central and peripheral nervous systems, eye, ear and other tissues, yet failed to fully recapitulate the endogenous expression pattern of either Hmx2 or Hmx3, suggesting both the presence and absence of certain critical enhancers in the transgenes, or the requirement of proximal enhancers to work synergistically.  相似文献   

E Wieschaus  R Riggleman 《Cell》1987,49(2):177-184
Embryos hemizygous for armadillo produce a "segment polarity" phenotype in which the naked posterior two-thirds of each segment is replaced by denticles with reversed polarity. Small patches of homozygous arm cells induced by mitotic recombination also form such denticles, indicating that the changes in cellular fate observed in homozygous arm embryos are autonomous at the level of single cells. Clonally derived arm patches do not, however, show the characteristic arm polarity reversals, arguing that this feature of the phenotype depends on cell interactions in fully mutant embryos. Few, if any, clones were found in the posterior-most regions of the naked cuticle, and none were found in the posterior compartments of the thorax.  相似文献   

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