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Phosphofructokinase (pfkA) mutants of Escherichia coli are impaired in growth on all carbon sources entering glycolysis at or above the level of fructose 6-phosphate (nonpermissive carbon sources), but growth is particularly slow on sugars, such as glucose, which are normally transported and phosphorylated by the phosphoenolpyruvate, (PEP)-dependent phosphotransferase system (PTS).  相似文献   

The lactose carrier activity of Escherichia coli is inhibited by the binding of dephosphorylated glucose enzyme III. Saier et al. ((1978) J. Bacteriol. 133, 1358-1367) isolated lacY mutants that escaped this inhibition. This communication reports the cloning and sequencing of one of the Saier mutants and the isolation, cloning and sequencing of another similar mutant. Both mutations resulted in amino acid substitutions on the middle cytoplasmic loop of the carrier (alanine-198 to valine and serine-209 to isoleucine). It is concluded that this cytoplasmic loop may be one of the sites of binding of glucose enzyme III.  相似文献   

We here tabulate and describe all currently recognized proteins of the phosphoenolpyruvate:sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) and their homologues encoded within the genomes of sequenced E. coli strains. There are five recognized Enzyme I homologues and six recognized HPr homologues. A nitrogen-metabolic PTS phosphoryl transfer chain encoded within the rpoN and ptsP operons and a tri-domain regulatory PTS protein encoded within the dha (dihydroxyacetone catabolic) operon, probably serve regulatory roles exclusively. In addition to several additional putative regulatory proteins, there are 21 (and possibly 22) recognized Enzyme II complexes. Of the 21 Enzyme II complexes, 7 belong to the fructose (Fru) family, 7 belong to the glucose (Glc) family, and 7 belong to the other PTS permease families. All of these proteins are briefly described, and phylogenetic data for the major families are presented.  相似文献   

Thirteen glucose analogues bearing electrophilic groups were synthesized (five of them for the first time) and screened as inhibitors of the glucose transporter (EIIGlc) of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate-sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS). 2',3'-Epoxypropyl beta-d-glucopyranoside (3a) is an inhibitor and also a pseudosubstrate. Five analogues are inhibitors of nonvectorial Glc phosphorylation by EIIGlc but not pseudosubstrates. They are selective for EIIGlc as demonstrated by comparison with EIIMan, another Glc-specific but structurally different transporter. 3a is the only analogue that inhibits EIIGlc by binding to the high-affinity cytoplasmic binding site and also strongly inhibits sugar uptake mediated by this transporter. The most potent inhibitor in vitro, methyl 6,7-anhydro-d,l-glycero-alpha-d-gluco-heptopyranoside (1d), preferentially interacts with the low-affinity cytoplasmic site but only weakly inhibits Glc uptake. Binding and/or phosphorylation from the cytoplasmic side of EIIGlc is more permissive than sugar binding and/or translocation of substrates via the periplasmic site. EIIGlc is rapidly inactivated by the 6-O-bromoacetyl esters of methyl alpha-d-glucopyranoside (1a) and methyl alpha-d-mannopyranoside (1c), methyl 6-deoxy-6-isothiocyanato-alpha-d-glucopyranoside (1e), beta-d-glucopyranosyl isothiocyanate (3c) and beta-d-glucopyranosyl phenyl isothiocyanate (3d). Phosphorylation of EIIGlc protects, indicating that inactivation occurs by alkylation of Cys421. Glc does not protect, but sensitizes EIIGlc for inactivation by 1e and 3d, which is interpreted as the effect of glucose-induced conformational changes in the dimeric transporter. Glc also sensitizes EIIGlc for inactivation by 1a and 1c of uptake by starved cells. This indicates that Cys421 which is located on the cytoplasmic domain of EIIGlc becomes transiently accessible to substrate analogues on the periplasmic side of the transporter.  相似文献   

McrA is one of three functions that restrict modified foreign DNA in Escherichia coli K-12, affecting both methylated and hydroxymethylated substrates. We present here the first systematic analysis of the functional organization of McrA by using the GPS-LS insertion scanning system. We collected in-frame insertions of five amino acids at 46 independent locations and C-terminal truncations at 20 independent locations in the McrA protein. Each mutant was assayed for in vivo restriction of both methylated and hydroxymethylated bacteriophage (M.HpaII-modified lambda and T4gt, respectively) and for induction of the E. coli SOS response in the presence of M.HpaII methylation, indicative of DNA damage. Our findings suggest the presence of an N-terminal DNA-binding domain and a C-terminal catalytic nuclease domain connected by a linker region largely tolerant of amino acid insertions. DNA damage inflicted by a functional C-terminal domain is required for restriction of phage T4gt. Disruption of the N-terminal domain abolishes restriction of both substrates. Surprisingly, truncation mutations that spare the N-terminal domain do not mediate DNA damage, as measured by SOS induction, but nevertheless partially restrict M.HpaII-modified lambda in vivo. We suggest a common explanation for this "restriction without damage" and a similar observation seen in vivo with McrB, a component of another of the modified-DNA restriction functions. Briefly, we propose that unproductive site-specific binding of the protein to a vulnerable position in the lambda genome disrupts the phage development program at an early stage. We also identified a single mutant, carrying an insertion in the N-terminal domain, which could fully restrict lambda but did not restrict T4gt at all. This mutant may have a selective impairment in substrate recognition, distinguishing methylated from hydroxymethylated substrates. The study shows that the technically easy insertion scanning method can provide a rich source of functional information when coupled with effective phenotype tests.  相似文献   

利用Red重组系统对野生大肠杆菌Escherichia coli磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸-糖磷酸转移酶系统(Phosphoenolpyruvate:carbohydrate phosphotransferase system,PTS)进行修饰改造,敲除PTS系统中关键组分EⅡCBGlc的编码基因(ptsG),磷酸组氨酸搬运蛋白HPr的编码基因(ptsI),同时敲入来源于运动发酵单胞菌Zymomonas mobilis的葡萄糖易化体(Glucose facilitator)编码基因(glf),构建重组大肠杆菌,比较测定并系统评价了基因敲除和敲入对细胞的生长、葡萄糖代谢和乙酸积累的影响。敲除基因ptsG和ptsI造成大肠杆菌PTS系统部分功能缺失,细胞生长受到一定限制,敲入glf基因后,重组大肠杆菌能够利用Glf-Glk(葡萄糖易化体-葡萄糖激酶)途径,消耗ATP将葡萄糖进行磷酸化并转运进入细胞。通过该途径转运葡萄糖能够提高葡萄糖利用效率,降低副产物乙酸生成,同时能够使更多的碳代谢流进入后续相关合成途径,预期能够提高相关产物产量。  相似文献   

The solution structure of the final phosphoryl transfer complex in the glucose-specific arm of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system, between enzyme IIAGlucose (IIAGlc) and the cytoplasmic B domain (IIBGlc) of the glucose transporter IICBGlc, has been solved by NMR. The interface (approximately 1200-A2 buried surface) is formed by the interaction of a concave depression on IIAGlc with a convex protrusion on IIBGlc. The phosphoryl donor and acceptor residues, His-90 of IIAGlc and Cys-35 of IIBGlc (residues of IIBGlc are denoted in italics) are in close proximity and buried at the center of the interface. Cys-35 is primed for nucleophilic attack on the phosphorus atom by stabilization of the thiolate anion (pKa approximately 6.5) through intramolecular hydrogen bonding interactions with several adjacent backbone amide groups. Hydrophobic intermolecular contacts are supplemented by peripheral electrostatic interactions involving an alternating distribution of positively and negatively charged residues on the interaction surfaces of both proteins. Salt bridges between the Asp-38/Asp-94 pair of IIAGlc and the Arg-38/Arg-40 pair of IIBGlc neutralize the accumulation of negative charge in the vicinity of both the Sgamma atom of Cys-35 and the phosphoryl group in the complex. A pentacoordinate phosphoryl transition state is readily accommodated without any change in backbone conformation, and the structure of the complex accounts for the preferred directionality of phosphoryl transfer between IIAGlc and IIBGlc. The structures of IIAGlc.IIBGlc and the two upstream complexes of the glucose phosphotransferase system (EI.HPr and IIAGlc.HPr) reveal a cascade in which highly overlapping binding sites on HPr and IIAGlc recognize structurally diverse proteins.  相似文献   

The quantitative effects of variations in the amount of enzyme IIGlc of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose phosphotransferase system (PTS) on glucose metabolism in Escherichia coli were studied. The level of enzyme IIGlc could be adjusted in vivo to between 20 and 600% of the wild-type chromosomal level by using the expression vector pTSG11. On this plasmid, expression of the structural gene for enzyme IIGlc, ptsG, is controlled by the tac promoter. As expected, the control coefficient (i.e., the relative increase in pathway flux, divided by the relative increase in amount of enzyme) of enzyme IIGlc decreased in magnitude if a more extensive pathway was considered. Thus, at the wild-type level of enzyme IIGlc activity, the control coefficient of this enzyme on the growth rate on glucose and on the rate of glucose oxidation was low, while the control coefficient on uptake and phosphorylation of methyl alpha-glucopyranoside (an enzyme IIGlc-specific, nonmetabolizable glucose analog) was relatively high (0.55 to 0.65). The implications of our findings for PTS-mediated regulation, i.e., inhibition of growth on non-PTS compounds by glucose, are discussed.  相似文献   

A phosphoenolpyruvate: dihydroxyacetone phosphotransferase was induced in Escherichia coli grown on dihydroxyacetone as sole carbon source or in its presence. This is the first example of a triose which can be acted upon by the membrane complex to provide a central intermediate in glycolysis. The presence of this system explains the ability of a mutant, in which the ATP-dependent glycerol kinase is genetically replaced by a glycerol: NAD 2-oxidoreductase, to grow on glycerol.  相似文献   

During translocation across the cytoplasmic membrane of Escherichia coli, glucose is phosphorylated by phospho-IIA(Glc) and Enzyme IICB(Glc), the last two proteins in the phosphotransfer sequence of the phosphoenolpyruvate:glucose phosphotransferase system. Transient state (rapid quench) methods were used to determine the second order rate constants that describe the phosphotransfer reactions (phospho-IIA(Glc) to IICB(Glc) to Glc) and also the second order rate constants for the transfer from phospho-IIA(Glc) to molecularly cloned IIB(Glc), the soluble, cytoplasmic domain of IICB(Glc). The rate constants for the forward and reverse phosphotransfer reactions between IIA(Glc) and IICB(Glc) were 3.9 x 10(6) and 0.31 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1), respectively, and the rate constant for the physiologically irreversible reaction between [P]IICB(Glc) and Glc was 3.2 x 10(6) m(-1) s(-1). From the rate constants, the equilibrium constants for the transfer of the phospho-group from His90 of [P]IIA(Glc) to the phosphorylation site Cys of IIB(Glc) or IICB(Glc) were found to be 3.5 and 12, respectively. These equilibrium constants signify that the thiophospho-group in these proteins has a high phosphotransfer potential, similar to that of the phosphohistidinyl phosphotransferase system proteins. In these studies, preparations of IICB(Glc) were invariably found to contain endogenous, firmly bound Glc (estimated K'(D) approximately 10(-7) m). The bound Glc was kinetically competent and was rapidly phosphorylated, indicating that IICB(Glc) has a random order, Bi Bi, substituted enzyme mechanism. The equilibrium constant for the binding of Glc was deduced from differences in the statistical goodness of fit of the phosphotransfer data to the kinetic model.  相似文献   

Studies on the reversion characteristics of Escherichia coli strains carrying various mutations in the pts region have led to the recognition of a mutation, suc-1, with a previously undescribed phenotype. Strains carrying the suc-1 mutation grow normally on most sources of carbon but are unable to utilize succinate effectively. The suc-1 mutation can be separated genetically from the tightly linked ptsI6 mutation. Reversion of suc-1 mutants for growth on succinate yields interesting classes of suppressor mutations.  相似文献   

The solution structure of the cytoplasmic B domain of the mannitol (Mtl) transporter (II(Mtl)) from the mannitol branch of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system has been solved by multidimensional NMR spectroscopy with extensive use of residual dipolar couplings. The ordered IIB(Mtl) domain (residues 375-471 of II(Mtl)) consists of a four-stranded parallel beta-sheet flanked by two helices (alpha(1) and alpha(3)) on one face and helix alpha(2) on the opposite face with a characteristic Rossmann fold comprising two right-handed beta(1)alpha(1)beta(2) and beta(3)alpha(2)beta(4) motifs. The active site loop is structurally very similar to that of the eukaryotic protein tyrosine phosphatases, with the active site cysteine (Cys-384) primed in the thiolate state (pK(a) < 5.6) for nucleophilic attack at the phosphorylated histidine (His-554) of the IIA(Mtl) domain through stabilization by hydrogen bonding interactions with neighboring backbone amide groups at positions i + 2/3/4 from Cys-384 and with the hydroxyl group of Ser-391 at position i + 7. Modeling of the phosphorylated state of IIB(Mtl) suggests that the phosphoryl group can be readily stabilized by hydrogen bonding interactions with backbone amides in the i + 2/4/5/6/7 positions as well as with the hydroxyl group of Ser390 at position i + 6. Despite the absence of any significant sequence identity, the structure of IIB(Mtl) is remarkably similar to the structures of bovine protein tyrosine phosphatase (which contains two long insertions relative to IIB(Mtl)) and the cytoplasmic B component of enzyme II(Chb), which fulfills an analogous role to IIB(Mtl) in the N,N'-diacetylchitobiose branch of the phosphotransferase system. All three proteins utilize a cysteine residue in the nucleophilic attack of a phosphoryl group covalently bound to another protein.  相似文献   

The effect of inactivation of the glucose phosphotransferase transport system (PTS) on 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate 7-phosphate (DAHP) productivity and yield from glucose in Escherichia coli is reported. Strains used in this study were the PTS(+) PB103 and its PTS(-) glucose(+) derivative NF9. Their aroB(-) derivatives PB103B and NF9B were constructed to allow accurate measurement of total carbon flow into the aromatic pathway. The measured specific rates of DAHP synthesis were 0.55 and 0.94 mmol/g-dcw. h and the DAHP molar yields from glucose were 0.43 and 0.71 mol/mol for the PTS(+) aroB(-)and the PTS(-) glucose(+) aroB(-)strains, respectively. For the latter strain, this value represents 83% of the maximum theoretical yield for DAHP synthesis from glucose.  相似文献   

Deletion and insertion mutants of the multidrug transporter   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The multidrug transporter is a 170,000-dalton membrane glycoprotein which confers multidrug resistance through its activity as an ATP-dependent efflux pump for hydrophobic, cytotoxic drugs. To determine the essential structural components of this complex membrane transporter we have altered an MDR1 cDNA in an expression vector by deletion and insertion mutations. The structure of the transporter deduced from its amino acid sequence suggests that it consists of two homologous, perhaps functionally autonomous, halves each with six transmembrane segments and a cytoplasmic ATP-binding domain. However, several carboxyl-terminal deletions, one involving 53 amino acids, the second removing 253 amino acids, and an internal deletion within the carboxyl-terminal half of the molecule, totally eliminate the ability of the mutant transporter to confer drug resistance. An internal deletion of the amino-terminal half, which removed residues 140-229, is also nonfunctional. Small carboxylterminal deletions of up to 23 amino acids leave a functional transporter, although the removal of 23 COOH-terminal amino acids reduces its ability to confer colchicine resistance. Insertions of 4 amino acids in a transmembrane domain, and in one of the two ATP-binding regions, have no effect on activity. These studies define some of the limits of allowable deletions and insertions in the MDR1 gene, and demonstrate the requirement for two intact halves of the molecule for a functional multidrug transporter.  相似文献   

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