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1植物名称火焰兰(Renanthera CoCCinea). 2材料类别种子. 3培养条件种子萌发培养基:(1)VW;(2)VW 100 mL·L-1椰子乳;(3)KC;(4)KC 100 mL·L-1椰子乳(5)1/2MS;(6)MS.生根育苗培养基:(7)3 g·L-1花宝1号(美国Haponex公司产品,N:P:K=7:6:19) 2 g·L-1蛋白胨 2 g·L-1活性炭 0.5 mg·L-1NAA 0.2 mg·L-16-BA;(8)1 g·L-1花宝1号 1 g·L-1花宝2号(N:P:K=20:20:20) 2 g·L-1蛋白胨 2 g·L-1活性炭 0.5 mg·L-1NAA 0.2 mg·L-16-BA.以上培养基均附加1.5%蔗糖、0.6%琼脂,pH 5.2~5.4.培养温度为(25±2)℃,光照度1 500~2000lx,光照时间12 h·d-1.  相似文献   

黄花杓兰种子无菌萌发的培养条件研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
授粉15周后的黄花杓兰(Cypripedium flavum P.F.Hunt et Summerh.)种子经0.5%NaClO溶液处理后,无菌下播于培养基因表面,20周后种子最高萌发率达到90%。KT和BA促进兰花种子萌发的机理是作为一种萌发诱导物质直接起作用。而不仅仅是拮抗ABA的抑制作用而促进种子的萌发,培养基,激素和种子预处理萌发率高低的关键,种皮是阻碍黄花杓兰种子萌发的主要原因之一。  相似文献   

1植物名称异型兰(Chiloschista yunnanensisSchltr.)。2材料类别种子。3培养条件种子萌发培养基:(1)MS;(2)1/2MS(大量、微量元素用量减半);(3)3g·L-1花宝1号(美国Hyponex公司,N:P:K=7:6:19);(4)MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳;(5)1/2MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳;(6)3g·L-1花宝1号+100mL·L-1椰子乳;(7)1/2MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳+1g·L-1蛋白胨;(8)1/2MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳+1g·L-1胰蛋白胨;(9)1/2MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳+1g·L-1酵母提取液。生根育苗培养基:(10)3g·L-1花宝1号+2g·L-1活性炭+100g·L-1香蕉汁;(11)3g·L-1花宝1号+2g·L-1活性炭…  相似文献   

虎颜花的无菌播种和试管育苗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1植物名称虎颜花(TigridiopalmamagnificaC.Chen)。2材料类别种子。3培养条件种子萌发培养基:(1)MS;(2)1/2MS(大量元素用量减半);(3)1/4MS(大量元素用量为1/4);(4)1/8MS(大量元素用量为1/8);(5)1/4MS+NAA0.5mg·L-1(单位下同);(6)1/4MS+100mL·L-1椰子乳。丛生芽增殖培养基:(7)MS+6-BA10.0+NAA1.0;(8)MS+6-BA5.0+NAA0.5。壮苗培养基:(9)MS+6-BA2.0+NAA0.2;(10)MS+6-BA1.0+NAA0.1。生根培养基:(11)MS+NAA0.5;(12)MS+NAA0.5+0.1%活性炭;(13)MS+NAA0.5+0.2%活性炭。以上培养基均附加MS培养基的维生素和肌醇成分、20…  相似文献   

香荚兰种子的无菌萌发试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香荚兰(Vanilla planifolia)是兰科、香荚兰属植物,主产于湿热地区。香荚兰的果实是国际上重要的食用香料的原料。大约在1960年,我国引入香荚兰试栽。生产上,通常用扦插法繁殖;但如用种子繁殖,虽然结实较晚(约7至8年开始结实,较扦插苗晚4—5年),但结实期长,盛产期可维持约15年。而且,在杂交育种过程中,一定要用种子繁殖。  相似文献   

为建立小叶兜兰的繁育技术体系,本研究通过无菌播种的方法,辅以TTc生活力测定等方法,比较了小叶兜兰种子在授粉后不同发育时期和培养条件下的萌发率,对小叶兜兰种胚的发育过程进行了显微观察,探讨种胚发育程度与萌发的关系。结果表明,小叶兜兰种胚的发育阶段对萌发的影响最大,授粉后255d的种子萌发率最高(90.71%),该阶段种子仍呈白色但微干燥,种胚刚发育至球形胚阶段,胚柄尚存。1/4MS和1/2MS为小叶兜兰适宜的基本培养基,添加100mg·L^-1的土豆汁对小叶兜兰的无菌萌发有良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

对兰科新种中华火焰兰(Renanthera sinica)作了描述与绘图。此新种与云南火焰兰(R.imschootiona)有亲缘关系,但本新种叶较狭,宽9-11mm,花浅黄色,具紫红色的疏斑点,侧萼片较狭,宽4.5-5.5mm,以及唇瓣的中裂片上半部呈半球形囊状,甚易区别于云南火焰兰。提供了中国火焰兰属的分种检索表。  相似文献   

对兰科新种中华火焰兰 (Renanthera sinica)作了描述与绘图。此新种与云南火焰兰 (R.imschootiona)有亲缘关系 ,但本新种叶较狭 ,宽 9~ 11mm,花浅黄色 ,具紫红色的疏斑点 ,侧萼片较狭 ,宽 4.5~ 5 .5 mm,以及唇瓣的中裂片上半部呈半球形囊状 ,甚易区别于云南火焰兰。提供了中国火焰兰属的分种检索表。  相似文献   

鹭鸶兰(Diuranthera major Hemsl.)属于百合科吊兰族(Asphodeleae)鹭鸶兰属,是中国的特有植物。鹭鸶兰分布于云南的西部至东南部及四川南部,生长于海拔530—2700米的林下、灌丛及干旱草坡,植物的形态随生境不同而有变化。这是一种分布区狭窄,但适应性较强的植物。由于鹭鸶兰属与吊兰属中Chlorophytum nepalense(Lindl.)Barcer的形态十分接近,特别是果期难于区别,在研究干标本时易于产生混乱。  相似文献   

竹叶兰的无菌播种和试管成苗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
1 植物名称 竹叶兰(Arundina graminifolia Hochr)。  相似文献   

1 植物名称 云南火焰兰(Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe)。  相似文献   

An in vitro method was developed to regenerate large numbers of phenotypically uniform plants from the basal parts of the leaves of flowering plants of Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe. Differentiation of up to 10 shoot buds free of callus and protocorm-like bodies occurred in 10–12 weeks from the base of a single leaf implanted in Mitra et al. (1976) medium supplemented with 2% sucrose, 2 g l-1 peptone, 44.4 M benzyladenine (BA) and 10.7 M naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). Subculture of the tissues in medium enriched with 10% coconut water and 35 g l-1 ripe banana pulp resulted in the production of highest average number of 40 shoots in 12 weeks. No difference in the regeneration potential was observed among the three young leaves while mature leaves did not respond. All the leaves of the regenerated shoots were easily recultured to increase shoot multiplication. Shoots readily formed roots on transfer to a medium containing 4.4 M BA, 10.7 M NAA and 1% activated charcoal. All regenerated plants examined were normal diploids with 2n=38. Foliar meristem culture appears to have great potential for ex situ conservation and propagation of this extremely endangered orchid.Abbreviations BA benzyladenine - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid  相似文献   

Renanthera imschootiana Rolfe is an endangered tropical epiphytic orchid that is threatened with extinction due to over-collection and the loss of suitable habitats. In vitro propagation is a useful way to mass produce plants for re-establishment in the wild and for commercial propagation. Seeds collected 150 days after pollination (DAP) were the optimum stage for in vitro culture. Seed germination reached 93.1% on quarter-strength MS (i.e., MS containing a quarter of macro- and micronutrients) medium containing 0.5 mg l−1 α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), 20% coconut water (CW), 1.0 g l−1 peptone, 10 g l−1 sucrose and 1.0 g l−1 activated charcoal (AC). Quarter-strength MS medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l−1 BA, 0.5 mg l−1 NAA, 1.0 g l−1 peptone, 10 g l−1 sucrose and 20% CW was suitable for the sub-culture of protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) in which the PLB proliferation ratio was 2.88. Quarter-strength MS medium containing 1.0 mg l−1 NAA, 1.0 g l−1 peptone, 100 g l−1 banana homogenate (BH), and 1.0 g l−1 AC was suitable for plantlet formation and 95.67% of plantlets developed from PLBs within 60 days of culture. Hyponex N016 medium supplemented with 0.5 mg l−1 NAA, 1.0 g l−1 peptone, 20 g l−1 sucrose, 150 g l−1 BH, and 1.0 g l−1 AC was suitable for the in vitro growth of plantlets about 2-cm in height. Plantlets 3-cm in height or taller were transplanted to Chilean sphagnum moss, and 95% of plantlets survived after 60 days in a greenhouse. Three hundred transplanted of seedlings 360-days old were reintroduced into three natural habitats. Highest percentage survival (79.67%) was observed in Yuanjiang Nature Reserve two years after reintroduction, followed by Huolu Mountain forest park (71.33%). This protocol is an efficient means for the large-scale propagation and in vitro and in vivo germplasm conservation of R. imschootiana.  相似文献   

The process of in vitro seed germination of Cymbidium ensifoliumcultivar Si-ji-lan could be divided into the following five stages: (1) Proembryos wereswollen, outer layer cells became irregular in shape. The tangential wall of outer layer cells of proembryos was thickened. The terminal cells were much smaller than basiccells. (2) Seeds germinated and differentiated into protocorms with terminal or lateralmeristem. (3) On one flank of the terminal meristem a single cotyledon was differen-tiated. (4) After the first foliage leaf was formed in the opposite side of the cotyledon,the protocorms developed into rhizomes. (5) As the third or forth leaf was formed, young roots were initiated. The results stained by Suden IV shot that the possiblecause for quite slow seed germination rate of Cymbidium ensifolium in vitro is due tothe thickened layers of seed coat, reducing its penetrability on the surface of proem-bryo. During seed germination the lipid and starch in the embryo cells were reduced.The reduction of starches may be closely correlated to the meristem formation.  相似文献   

独蒜兰种子共生萌发研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用从独蒜兰分离的菌根真菌与其种子在燕麦培养基上共生萌发。结果表明GN21、GN23和GN24的作用效果较好, 其中GN21萌发率84.6%, 高于对照7个百分点, 达到显著性。同时也表明, 从同一兰科植物分离到的属于同一属的不同菌根真菌种, 有的能明显促进种子萌发, 有的却不能促进萌发, 甚至产生病斑, 引起原球茎死亡。  相似文献   

独蒜兰种子共生萌发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用从独蒜兰分离的菌根真菌与其种子在燕麦培养基上共生萌发.结果表明GN21、GN23和GN24的作用效果较好,其中GN21萌发率84.6%,高于对照7个百分点,达到显著性.同时也表明,从同一兰科植物分离到的属于同一属的不同菌根真菌种,有的能明显促进种子萌发,有的却不能促进萌发,甚至产生病斑,引起原球茎死亡.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied the asymbiotic seed germination and seedling development of Paphiopedilum spicerianum, a wild plant with extremely small populations (PSESP) in China. By analogizing the influences of different media, seed maturity, pretreatments and lights on the seed germination, the results showed that the best germination condition is using the seeds at 270 days after pollination, pretreating with 1% NaOCl for 40 min, on the 1/4MS+10% coconut water medium under 24 hours darkness for 4 weeks. For seedling formation, 30g·L-1 Hyponex No 1 medium with 10mg·L-1 α naphthlene acetic acid, 05g·L-1 activated charcoal and 10% banana homogenate was the most effective. For seedling development, the same medium used for seedling formation with supplemented 10g·L-1 6 benzyladenine was most suitable.  相似文献   

蝴蝶兰无菌萌发技术的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了蝴蝶兰的种子无菌萌发技术。结果表明120d的蒴果已达生理上的成熟,在KC、1/2MS、花宝1号基本培养基上分别附加香蕉汁、苹果汁、胰蛋白胨能较好地萌发,萌芽率为85%。9g·L-1琼脂、pH5.2~5.4、不添加植物生长调节剂有利于种子萌发。附加1mg·L-1KT+0.1mg·L-12,4-D有利于类原球茎状体PLB的诱导,附加1mg·L-1NAA+1~3mg·L-1KT或3~5mg·L-1BA有利于PLB的增殖。1/2MS、花宝1号基本培养基上附加香蕉汁、苹果酸、胰蛋白胨和活性炭有利于生根和幼苗生长。  相似文献   

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